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1、作者:RheaLesson 39Am I All Right 1概念英语第二册He is having an X-ray exam.Whats the boy doing?Why ?When?How often?He takes an X-ray when he is ill. When he doesnt feel well. He is badly ill.He has pains in his chest.What a pity!2概念英语第二册1.While John was back home, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his

2、operation had been successful.2. The doctor refused to tell him the truth.3. When John was alone, he went to find the doctor himself.4. The doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for two more weeks.5. One of John Gilberts relatives had telephoned the doctor to ask some questions abou

3、t his operation.3概念英语第二册operationn. 1. 外科手术 2. 操作,作业 3. 经营,管理;营业;企业in operation 生效;运转着normal operation 正常运行,常规操作 operation principle 经营理念 safe operation 安全操作 4概念英语第二册successful n. 成功的,一帆风顺的successful in 在成功的be successful in doing sth .成功做某事success n. 成功成功 成功的人succeed v. 成功成功succession n. 连续;继位;位;继承承

4、权successor n. 继承者承者5概念英语第二册following adj. 下面的;其次的,接着的n. 下列事物;一批追随者v. 跟随;沿行(follow的ing形式)prep. 在之后,接着in the following 在下面;在下文中 immediately following 紧跟着 following system 跟踪系统 following in order 循序 6概念英语第二册patientadj.1. 忍耐的;容忍的 2. 坚忍的;耐心的 3. 沉着的;不急躁的 4. 耐心等待的;显出有耐心的 5. 勤快的;孜孜不倦的n. 1.病人;患者 2. 受动着;承受者7概

5、念英语第二册 patient of 能忍受 patient with 对有耐心 patient care 病患照顾 patient safety 病人安全 mental patient 精神病人 作为一名护士,你应该对病人十分耐心。As a nurse, you ought to be very patient with your patients.8概念英语第二册aloneadj. 1. 孤零的,孤单的 2. 单独的;孤独的adv. 1. 孤零地,孤单地,孤独地 2. 单独地 3. 独自地;孤立无援地 4. 只,只有;仅仅let alone 更不必说;听任;不打扰 stand alone 孤

6、立;独一无二 alone with 与一起 9概念英语第二册exchangeuvt.1. 换,更,更换,调换,掉,掉换:大多数商店将允许顾客更换商品。Most store will allow the customers to exchange their goods.2. 换回,回,换来,来,换取取3. 把把换成;用成;用交交换;兑换(for)我想把这件衣服换一件小点尺寸的。Id like to exchange this dress for one in a smaller size.4. 交交换,互,互换,轮换 (with):10概念英语第二册inquirevt. 问,打听,打听,询问v

7、i.1. 问,打听,打听,询问 2. 调查,查问(常与常与into连用用)inquire into 调查,探究 inquire about 询问,查问;打听 inquire of 询问;打听 inquire for 求见;要找 inquire after 问候;询问起11概念英语第二册inquire我想询问一下销售经理这个职位的情况。Id like to inquire about the job for sales manager.为经理查询有关航班的 情况是秘书的职责。Its the secretarys job to inquire about the flights for the m

8、anager.12概念英语第二册certainadj.1. 确凿的,毫无疑问的 2. 确定的;固定的 3. 必定的,必然的 4. 可靠的,可信赖 的pron. 某些;某几个a certain extent 一定程度上 a certain degree 到某种程度 for certain 肯定地;确凿地 certain level 某一水平 13概念英语第二册relative adj.1. 相互有关的;休戚与共的2. 与有关的;相关的3. 比较而言的4. 相对的即使成功也只是相对的。Even its successes are only relative.这是我送给家乡一位亲戚的礼物。It is a gift for my relative in my hometown.14概念英语第二册概念英语第二册



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