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1、Lesson 6 What make is it ?make /meIk/meIk/Swedish /5swi:dIF/5swi:dIF/English/5INglIF/5INglIF/American /E5merIkEn/E5merIkEn/Italian/I5tAliEn/I5tAliEn/Volvo/5vClvEJ/5vClvEJ/Peugeot/5pE:VEJ/5pE:VEJ/Mercedes/mE5seIdi:z/mE5seIdi:z/Toyota/5tEJjEJtE/5tEJjEJtE/Daewoo/5dB:wu:/5dB:wu:/Mini/5mInI/5mInI/Ford/fC

2、:d/fC:d/Fiat/5fi:At/5fi:At/5swi:dIF/Swedishadj.& n. 瑞典的,瑞典人/5INglIF/ English adj.& n.英国的,英国人/E5merIkEn/ Americanadj.& n.美国的,美国人/I5tAliEn/Italianadj.& n.意大利的, 意大利人New words /meIk/maken. (产品的)牌号/5pE:VEJ/ Peugeotn.标致/mE5seIdi:z/ Mercedesn.梅赛德斯/5tEJjEJtE/ Toyotan.丰田/5dB:wu:/ Daewoon.大宇/5vClvEJ/Volvon.沃尔

3、沃 New words /5mInI/ Minin.迷你/fC:d/ Fordn.福特/5fi:At/ Fiatn.菲亚特New words Numbers /WE:5ti:n/thirteen13/fC:5ti:n/fourteen14/fIf5ti:n/ fifteen 151314151215101311 6121514Numbers Talk about these pictures in pairs.A: Look at Number 1. What make is it ?B: Its a Volvo .A: Look at Number 2. What make is it?B:

4、 Its a Peugeot .12A: Look at Number 1. What make is your car ?B: Its a Volvo .A: Look at Number 2. What make is your car?B: Its a Peugeot .Talk about these pictures in pairs.12Write these with short forms .1.Here is your pen .2.It is not American .3. It is English .4.He is Italian .5. She is not Swe

5、dish.6. That is my teacher.7. He is not French.8. She is German .1. Heres your pen .2. Its not American. It isnt American.3. Its English.4. Hes Italian.5. Shes not Swedish. She isnt Swedish .6. Thats my teacher.7. Hes not French. He isnt French.8. Shes German.Translate the following into English.早上好

6、。早上好,布莱克先生。这位是索菲娅杜邦小姐。索菲娅是个新学生。她是法国人。索菲娅,这位是汉斯。他是德国人。很高兴认识你。这位是鲁明。他是中国人。这位是晓惠。她也是中国人。Good morning.Good morning. Mr. Blake. This is Miss Sophie Dupont.Sophie is a new student.She is French.Sophie, this is Hans.He is German.Nice to meet you.And this is Luming.He is Chinese.And this is Xiaohui.Shes Chi

7、nese,too. Write sentences. 1. It German car/ not Japanese car. 2. Marie French student /not Italian student . 3. She English teacher / not Chinese teacher. 4. He Chinese student/ not Korean student. Its a German car. It isnt a Japanese car. Maries a French student. She isnt an Italian student .Shes

8、an English teacher.She isnt a Chinese teacher .He is a Chinese student .He isnt a Korean student .Write correct questions for the answers. - Shes Japanese. - His cars French.What make is her car ?What nationality is he ?What nationality is she ?What make is his car ?What nationality is she ?What mak

9、e is his car ? - Her cars Swedish. - Hes French. - Shes Chinese. - His cars Japanese.一、根据汉语提示填空1. Mr. Blake is a _ (教师).2. Sophie is a _ (新的) student.3. Sophie Dupont is _(法国人).4. Hans is _ (德国人).5. Nice to _ (遇见) you.6. Naoko is _ (日本人).7. Chang Woo is _ (韩国人).8. Lu Ming is _ (中国人).9. It is an _ (意

10、大利的) car.10. Ford is an _ (美国的) car.teachernewFrenchGermanmeetJapaneseKoreanChineseItalianAmericanExercise二、选择填空 ( ) 1. This is Alice Dupont. Alice is a _ student. A.new B.old C.newer D.older ( ) 2. Nice _ you. A.meet B.meeting C.to meet D.meets ( ) 3. Stella is _. A.student B.a student C.an student

11、 D.the student ( ) 4. Is she a French student _ a Swedish student? A. and B. or C. so D. butACBBExercise二、选择填空 ( ) 6. This is Naoko. Naoko is a girl. _ is Japanese. A. He B. She C. It D. I ( ) 7. This is a coat. It _ a dress. A. is B. isnt C. not is D. arent ( ) 8. A: Nice to meet you! B: _. A.How a

12、re you B.Nice to meet you,too C.How do you do D.Excuse meBBBExercise三、句型转换1. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. (变一般疑问句) _ this _ Sophie Dupont?2. Sophie is a new student. (变否定句) Sophie is _ a new student.3. This is my watch. (变一般疑问句) _ this _ watch?4. It is a Toyota. (就划线部分提问) _ _ is it?5. This is my daug

13、hter. (变否定句) This_ _ my daughter.6. This is a coat. (就划线部分提问) _ is _?IsMissnotIsyourWhat makeis notWhatthisExercise四、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. 汉斯是德国人。 Hans _ _.2. 遇见你很高兴。 _ to _ you.3. 那辆菲亚特是一辆意大利汽车。 The Fiat is an _ _.4. 它是什么牌子? _ _ is it?5. 那辆标致是一辆法国车。 That Peugeot is a _ _.6. 他是五号。 He is _ _. is German Nic

14、emeetItaliancar What makeFrenchcar5NumberExercise 每天一刻钟每天一刻钟 英语很轻松英语很轻松周一:利用课本,读本课课文周一:利用课本,读本课课文5 5遍和上一课课文遍和上一课课文2 2遍;遍; 做本课快乐大本营做本课快乐大本营“英汉互译三营英汉互译三营”一遍,或用教练机听写课文一遍,课文默写一遍,或用教练机听写课文一遍,课文默写检测。检测。周二:利用快乐大本营周二:利用快乐大本营“自我检测四营自我检测四营”,做本课前三大题,自我检测,应对考试;,做本课前三大题,自我检测,应对考试;周三:利用快乐大本营周三:利用快乐大本营“自我检测四营自我检测四

15、营”,做本课后面大题,自我检测,应对考试;,做本课后面大题,自我检测,应对考试;周四:利用快乐大本营周四:利用快乐大本营“情景速记一营情景速记一营”或教练机,跟读新课文或教练机,跟读新课文5 5遍;遍; 利用快乐大本营利用快乐大本营 “ “自学导读二营自学导读二营”,加深理解,预知新课重点难点。,加深理解,预知新课重点难点。周五:利用快乐大本营周五:利用快乐大本营“英汉互译三营英汉互译三营”,检测新课学习效果,英汉互译提前练,做到充,检测新课学习效果,英汉互译提前练,做到充 分预习。分预习。 轻松学英语轻松学英语 快乐好成绩!快乐好成绩! Easy English, good happy result! Goodbye!



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