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1、Present Perfect Present Perfect TenseTense现在完成时现在完成时 Presentperfecttense现在完成时现在完成时构成:have/has+过去分词过去分词过过去去分分词词的的变变化化分分规规那那么么与与不不规规那么两种。那么两种。规规那那么么变变化化与与过过去去式式相相同同,不不规规那那么变化需要另记么变化需要另记过去分词的构成(1)规那么动词的过去分词和它的过去式相同规那么动词的过去分词和它的过去式相同,即在原形后加即在原形后加ed以以e结尾的加结尾的加dwork-workedarrive-arrived(2).以以y结尾的结尾的改改y为为i


3、肯定答复:肯定答复:否认答复:否认答复:Yes,主语主语+have/hasNo,主语主语+have/hasnothavent/hasnt二、句式二、句式D.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+have/has+主语主语+动词过去分词动词过去分词+用法一:1.1.表示过去的发生的动作对现在造成的的影响表示过去的发生的动作对现在造成的的影响或结果。即它的或结果。即它的“完成用法常与完成用法常与 already“already“已经,已经,just“just“刚刚,刚刚,ever“ever“曾经,曾经,yet“yet“尚,还,尚,还,never“never“从来没有从来没有,before“

4、,before“在在以前等连用以前等连用. .例如:例如:Ihavejustcleanedmyclothes我刚洗过我刚洗过衣服。衣服。“洗衣服是发生在过去的动作,对现在造洗衣服是发生在过去的动作,对现在造成的结果是成的结果是“衣服干净了。衣服干净了。比照:比照:Icleanedmyclothesyesterday.我我昨天洗了衣服,昨天洗了衣服,强调的是我昨天洗了衣服这件强调的是我昨天洗了衣服这件事。事。它的时间状语通常为它的时间状语通常为already“已经,已经,just“刚刚刚,刚,ever“曾经,曾经,yet“尚,还,尚,还,never“从来没有从来没有,before“在在以前等。以


6、basketball.3.Hehas_left,whenyoucomeback.4.Haveyouwateredtheplants_?5.Ihave_seensuchaninterestingfilmbefore.everalreadyjustyetneverExercises1.I_(have)lunchalready.2.Hasthetrain_(arrive),yet?3.Tom_never_(beto)China.4.Thetwin_just_(see)myfather.have hadarrivedhasbeen tohasseen用法二用法二:for+一一段时间段时间since+一

7、个一个时间点时间点since+一一段时间段时间agosince+一般过去时句子一般过去时句子E.g.Katehaslivedherefor3years.Katehaslivedheresince2000.Katehaslivedheresince3yearsago.KatehaslivedheresinceshecametoChina.表示过去已经开始,一直持续到现在的动表示过去已经开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态作或状态, ,并且有可能再持续下去。动词并且有可能再持续下去。动词使用使用延续性动词延续性动词。常与常与forfor或或sincesince引导的时间连用引导的时间连用用since或

8、者for填空1.Mybrotherhasworkedinthisshool_2006.2.TheGermanshavelivedinthecity_tenyeas.3.Ihavehadthisbook_twodaysago.sinceforsinceIV.分清分清 for和和since的用法的用法1.We havent seen each other _ a long time.2.His father has been in the Party _ 10 years ago.3.The film has been on _ 20 minutes.4.Mr Green has worked h

9、ere _ he came to China.5.His grandparents have been dead _ several years.6. Its five years _ we met last time.forsinceforsinceforsinceFill in the blanks英语动词英语动词延续性动词延续性动词终止性动词终止性动词begin,start,die,buy,leave,come不能与表示一段时间的状语:不能与表示一段时间的状语:for+时间段时间段,since+时间点时间点/从句从句连用连用,也不能用在也不能用在howlong引导的特殊疑问句中引导的特殊


11、begin,start,die,buy,leave,come常见常见短暂性动词短暂性动词转化为转化为延续性动词延续性动词的有的有come/go-beleave-beaway(from)come/arrive-bein/at+地点地点begin/start-beondie-bedeadbuy-haveborrow-keepcatchacold-haveacoldclose-beclosedjoin- beamemberofbein+组织名称组织名称fallill-beillcome/go-leave-come/arrive-begin/start-die-buy-borrow-catchacol

12、d-close-join-fallill-bebeaway(from)bein/at+地点地点beondeadhavekeephaveacoldbeclosedbeamemberofbein+组织名称组织名称beillExercises Hisfatherhasdied.(for2years)Thefootballmatchhasbegun.(since9:00a.m)Thetwinshavejoinedthearmy.(sincetheywere18yearsold)MyteacherhasleftNanjing.(for3days)Hisfatherhas been deadfor2yea

13、rs.Thefootballmatchhas been onsince9:00a.m.Thetwinshave been in the armysincetheyare18yearsold.Myteacherhas been away from Nanjingfor3daysT or F1.我买了这块手表五年了。我买了这块手表五年了。2.这位老人已经死了十年了。这位老人已经死了十年了。 I have bought this watch for five years. I have had this watch for five years/since 5 years ago. I bought

14、 this watch five years ago. The old man has died for ten years. The old man has been dead for ten years/since 10 years ago. The old man died 10 years ago.FFTTTTIII.分清终止性动词和延续性动词分清终止性动词和延续性动词have/has gone tohave/has been to have/has been inhave/hasgoneto:去了某地已经去了或在途中,还没有返回;have/hasbeento:去过某地曾经去过某地,现

15、在已经回来了,后面可接表示“次数的状语;have/hasbeenin/at:呆在某地表示某人“已在某地停留一段时间,现仍在那里,其后常带表示一段时间的状语。 BAABBAstayExercisesTom在哪儿?在哪儿?他去书店买书了。他去书店买书了。我在北京待了我在北京待了5年了。年了。Jack去过上海两次了去过上海两次了-WhereisTom?-Hethebookshoptobuysomebooks.IBeijingfor5years.JackShanghaitwice.hasgonetohavebeeninhasbeentoCorrecting1.Ihaveborrowedthebookf





20、分清与分清与一般过去时一般过去时的用法的用法2.分清分清终止性动词和延续性动词。终止性动词和延续性动词。3.分清分清has been to ,has gone to4. 分清分清for, since, ago 的用法的用法1.-Yourbrotherisntathome.Whereishe?He_toBeijing.He_forover2months.Ahasbeen,hasleftBhasgone,hasgoneChasgone,hasbeenaway2、HaveyoumetMrLi_?A.justB.agoC.beforeD.amomentago3、HarryPotterisaveryni


22、nishedB.Have;finished;didC.Have;done;havefinishedD.will;do;finishB( 1 -Lets go to see the show . -I _ it . Its very interesting . A have seen B see C am seeing( ) 2 They _all their money , so they have to walk home. A spend B had spent C have spent D will spend( ) 3 We _ our breakfast . We _ it at s

23、chool at 6:30. A have had ; have had B have had ; had C had ; have had D had ; hadACB( ) 4 -Have you ever _ my stamps ? - Yes , I _them on your desk yesterday .A saw ; saw B saw ; seen C seen ; saw D seen ; was seeing( ) 5 -You have never been to the West Lake , _ you ? -No , never . A do B did C ha

24、vent D have ( ) 6 He has gone to Qingdao for summer holidays , _he? A isnt B wasnt C hasnt D doesnt CDC( ) 7 -_ you_ to the hospital yet ? -Yes , I have . A Have ; been B Have ; gone C Has ; been D Has ; gone ( ) 8 - Have you improved your spoken English _ ? - Yes , I have . Ive _ improved it . A al

25、ready ; yet B already ; already C yet ; already D yet ; yet AC( ) 9 - Have you seen the film _ ? -Yes , I saw it three years _.A ago ; before B before ; ago C ago ; ago D before ; before ( ) 10 Tom _ the CD player for two weeks _. A has seen , yet B havent seen ; yet C hasnt seen ; already D hasnt s

26、een ; yet BD( ) 11 I _ the story book for a week . A have bought B have borrowed C have had D have sent ( ) 12 Hurry up ! The film _ for ten minutes . A has been on B began C has begun D had begun( ) 13 The train _ for ten minutes A arrived B went C has left D has been away CAD( ) 15 In Beijing many

27、 people _ the Great Wall many times already . A have gone to B have been to C went to D go to( )16 Its five years since _. A he left B he has been away C he has left D he leaves BAExercisesIamanAmericanboyIcametoChinatwoyearsago.I_(study)herefortwoyears.Myfatheroften(take)me_(play)footballontheplayground.LastweekI_(take)totheparkbyhim.Wesawalotofmonkeys(jump)inthetree.IheardavoicefrombehindWhenI(walk)alongtheriver.Ithoughtmyself.“Itmust_(be)Mr.Brown.He_(take)photos.We_(enjoy)thatday.We_(go)backtoAmericanextweek.have studied takesto playwas taken walked jumpbeis takingenjoyedwill go



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