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1、八年八年级上册上册Unit-8写写作作 Delicious food (美食美食)First peelSecond, cut upNext, put inThen, pour intoAfter that, turn onFinally, drinkHow can we make a banana milk shake? a banana milk shakeYunnan rice noodles How can we make Yunnan rice noodles?(怎样制作云南米线?从文中找出原材料吧)怎样制作云南米线?从文中找出原材料吧)chickenLettucechicken so

2、uprice noodleseggrelish(佐料)(佐料)Ingredients(原料原料):Steps(阅读短文找出米线制作过程阅读短文找出米线制作过程) Put the rice noodles into the soup.Cook the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one. Wash the lettuce and cut it up.Cut the chicken into pieces.Make the chicken soup very hot, over 100.FirstNextThenThe

3、nFinallyYunnan Rice NoodlesIn Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fish and different vegetables.) First, w

4、ash the lettuce and cut it up. Next, cut the chicken into pieces. Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100. Then, cook the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one. Finally, put the rice noodles into the soup. Now, its time to enjoy the rice noodles!Beginning 开头开头Ending 结尾结尾 3

5、 aOutline提纲提纲Steps步骤步骤Topic 话题话题Yunnan Rice NoodlesMain part 正文正文In Yunnan, many people eat Now, its time to enjoyIngredients原料原料First,washcutupNext,cutintoThen, makeThen, cookFinally, putinto rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuceBeginning开头开头 Ending结尾结尾目标:目标:根据写作技巧根据写作技巧完成写作任务。完成写作任务。Do you

6、know how to make other food ?Can you write the recipe (食谱)写作第一步How can we make our writing perfect? (怎样才能使我们的写作更完美?)?第一步第一步 列列 列举出文中涉及的具体信息列举出文中涉及的具体信息1 What food do you want to make? I want to make_.2 Why do you like the food ?Because _3 What ingredients do you need ? I need _.4 How can you make it

7、? First ,_ . Next ,_. Then,_ After that,_. Finally,_List 第二步第二步 变变 变换句式变换句式Now, its time to enjoy the rice noodles!Its time to enjoy Lets enjoy /We can enjoychange 1 添首尾句添首尾句/段段首句首句In,we usually have 尾句尾句Its time to enjoy /Lets enjoy第三步 添add 2添过渡句添过渡句To make this special delicious food ,we need to 3

8、添过渡词添过渡词First,next ,then ,after that ,finallyYunnan Rice NoodlesIn Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fis

9、h and different vegetables.) First, wash the lettuce and cut it up. Next, cut the chicken into pieces. Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100. Then, cook the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one. Finally, put the rice noodles into the soup. Now, its time to enjoy the ric

10、e noodles!Topic话题话题过渡句过渡句过渡词过渡词检查人称检查人称 检查时态检查时态 检查内容检查内容 检查句法检查句法 第四步第四步 查查 自查和互查自查和互查check列列1变变2添添3查查4书面表达写作技巧书面表达写作技巧同义句式同义句式亮点句式亮点句式添过渡添过渡词词添首尾句添首尾句/段段查人称查人称查时态查时态查句法查句法查词数查词数What HowWhyWriting(话题作文)作文)我我们常吃面条作常吃面条作为早餐,早餐,营养又健康。养又健康。结合云南米合云南米线的的制作制作过程,写一篇西程,写一篇西红柿柿鸡蛋面制作蛋面制作过程的文章。要求程的文章。要求书写工整,内容

11、全面,写工整,内容全面,80词左右。左右。小提示(列出提纲)小提示(列出提纲)Your writing will be easier if you write an outline(提纲)(提纲) first.先列出提纲会让你的写作更容易。先列出提纲会让你的写作更容易。Beginning 开头开头Main part正文正文Ending:结尾结尾Ingredients 原料原料Steps 步骤步骤FirstNextThenAfter thatFinally For breakfast, we usually eat .One tomato, two eggs ,some noodles, sal

12、t ,water and coriander(香菜)香菜)Now, its time to taste /Lets enjoy.Key words(关键词关键词): wash, cut up, put . in, add cook, Topic : Tomato and Egg NoodlesOutline 提纲提纲 Tomato and Egg Noodles Tomato and Egg Noodles_小提示:(查)完成写作后要记得检查哟!检查人称、时态、 内容、句法结构作文评分标准作文评分标准 一档一档 12-15分分书写工整,要点齐全,语书写工整,要点齐全,语篇结构完整,语言基本无篇

13、结构完整,语言基本无误,词数符合要求误,词数符合要求 二档二档 9-11分分书写较工整,要点基本齐书写较工整,要点基本齐全,语篇结构较完整,语全,语篇结构较完整,语言错误不影响意义表达,言错误不影响意义表达,词数基本符合要求词数基本符合要求 三档三档 5-8分分书写不够工整,要点不齐书写不够工整,要点不齐全,语篇结构不完整,语全,语篇结构不完整,语言结构单一,错误较多,言结构单一,错误较多,词数不足词数不足50 四档四档 0-4分分只能写出与所要求内容有只能写出与所要求内容有关的一些词汇,词数不足关的一些词汇,词数不足20Good method will let us study better

14、.(好方法会让我们学习事半功倍)Your writing will be better and better . Come on!Summary(总结总结)Four-step Writing Strategy is helpful.StepsTopicBeginningMain part EndingIngredientsFirst, Next, Then, Finally, 1 perfect(完善完善) your writing after class.2 Make some food for your family and write down the recipe 谢谢大家!结结 语语



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