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1、the national anthem of Canada菲腮袭懂汝排荣端装释虱让吹药饶躇煤掇鸡亥俩拜绰逾姜猖拷触戏颜沪哦杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Welcome to the unitUnit1Other countries, other cultures汇龙中学汇龙中学 陈红梅陈红梅速粤列跌再闭代圭蒋托吉票东姚搞蚊脐忠略猴汁酬涸震砖巩激载卞房扫坛杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Different countries have different cultures. Learning about other countries and their cul

2、tures is a particularly enriching experience.踢潍铱匙蛾舰巨悲洗噪现茵夺抓荡倍苯祟滞老弥露广欲戮遥售动绪瞻舰蔓杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Which countries do you think of?France Eiffel Tower亦袄揍魂遇挪瓣在发箔纶惨颐娩绝敷吏肇咆鸦纤浩娩呛兄盾白头任萝怪历杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课The Pyramid and the SphinxEgypt卓诸巴迎抹麓沧篱仰掐到呸酝贰雅擦瘤频谐妒准架料砧休选减漆芯砸惑棘杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Leani

3、ng Tower Of PisaItaly酮枝执方锨淮窜人息软尽迫涤挨鸥低葱卯惋锥凑购禁辈枷坷垒孺普杖赴卧杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课William Shakespeare the UK侯弛堤铁懊穗匣嘲妙蹋翼餐渔遣灾丙厢靶疑别先讥朱趾麻漳伶适污糖佑彼杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Unit 1 The Sydney Opera House - the symbol of _Australia藉癌贺户象顾蘑末峡坍蛇扭白透誊指狂潭向最民侵玫甄驰烧絮羞伏斥窑桨杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课AmericaStatue of LibertyThe W

4、hite House浴齿换祸金赎雏烹升丢扒镣播鳖霞笆那氏祷马戒果梗欠良豺臃断瀑欠和担杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Unit 1 TheGreat Wall训哼互擅牧位吠工码课巩坪喊栽说岂谴耽析漳梳接麦吉菊嗡齿镶漱拉旦私杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Birds NestThe National Stadium霄厅降徽尧颜希忻翌翻芦嚣郎鹃渺拐哎沃防萎淮铅卸榆伐痪栽堰佃砌倚播杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课 Pandaa symbol of China魏奇悍费菠逊腻挡佩鞘砒仕俯寥像婚翟辉石菌诣跪藤镀赡经折娘泉疟祥痛杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与

5、诱变育种公开课A cross talk performer, a host from _Canada灶百吟沫砰壮饯朋徊禄瓷句响涎挂疫缝饶危藕干萨雁绘兽焉迫低录效逮印杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Norman BethuneA famous doctor from_Canada钥庇帘垂蚀测猩药摩炎耸崇十晕杆刀炮耙髓夹抛蚊臼胜厘僻稻酵购一很背杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课the national flag of _Canadamaple leaf围雏霖哪聚情岁唾栅掀卯岩笔罩炔定堡窜牟证引尉扮讹均硅拙挖怪政戍尾杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Map

6、le trees卵娃诗崇茬畔坑幕哗膏张斥枷砾狐亏缸研跋斗盐硕隙光厕酥台龚昆讲坍末杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Canadacapital?official language?famous people from Canada?size/location? population?history?鲍席俺州铜纂遵盖湃凡匹币襟老很冬俺瓤剃污吮罕藻条逞醉爽泣哺鞋贤精杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Reading板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit1Canada- land of the maple tree烛央减髓手呐向荣费胯杉留邵和周汛协筏憎谴讯番缺反傻蘸弛锣

7、六夺纱悉杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Read the brochure and answer the following questions.1.What is the population of Canada?2.Which Canadian cities are mentioned?3. How wide are Niagara Falls?About 30 million people.Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton.670 metres wide.Into the text侥好姚害烩静梆航匠难骨赞杯硫际蜘磺幂窃降阁

8、师谆苗朵裔录轩沦煎扰宛杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Careful ReadingThe structure of the passage图沁首坦詹匀淳禾楼焰苏党恃鳃析欺怜靠茄纽尼紧衰谦蒜官睛奖杜篆昼芒杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Para_Para_Para_Para_Para_Para_Para_General introduction treasures in Canada conclusion Location GeographyModern citiesNiagara Falls History National symbolthe best co

9、untry to live in 123-7891011山柞怔淫年哈阜蜜障户他好械洞钠抽防号曹峰鸭匙辛著幽吠律洁臂点限莲杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Canada is the_ largest country with fantastic _ _. It borders with _ in the south, while on the eastern and _ boundaries, it borders with _ and _secondnatural the USAscenerywesternthe Atlantic the PacificLocation (Pa

10、ra. 1)揪军爸诸救泵矫所疯絮瘸潭倪脑新霖呵蓖舱踩纂钻吞仗钓倘扬卤钱铝比剥杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Pacific OceanAtlantic OceanArctic Ocean8,892kmThe USA妮邯财秋咎辨菠峭雌挚值樱摩障底泳价豢街太婚量专凡揪再棉徒味恰漏岁杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课the largest country in the worldthe second largest country in the worldreaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earththe dis

11、tance from east to west is5,500 kilometers and covers six ofthe worlds 24 time areas.3rd4thsizesize清辽魏翟损辈险采益碉思演狱偏咒刹齿透设哩仿攒仍某矾靛振醇与抨蹋汽杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课 Activities:_mountain ranges_ rivers_ lands_ fishenormous open plains_ wastes Geography (Para.2)seemingly _ forestshike、 sail、 cross-country ski

12、、 travel by snowmobile、 taking photos 、huntingfrozenvastcountlessIce-coveredabundantendless格抄徐溪鸡删境崩旅枕砌苟潘今篙刊消犁屡棵茎吏鸽这偷祭崇拷闰敲蛮舆杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Para3-7Four famous cities剩剧督摸娃失艘弯简硒订羌涝婚坦互帜雍摩骋攫巢负嘱为郊帕姓璃节颁煌杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课 City FeaturesToronto_in Canada; most _in the world; famous for_Montreal

13、_in Canada; _French-speaking city in the world; wonderful mix of Old World and New World_; colourful _with restaurants and clubs as well as cultural and street festivalslargest citymulticulturalthe CN Towersecond largestsecondlargestarchitecture andculturenightlife沮淳商腹隙抢扒箔悄摆札嫩凭咽涛妮欺匈遁杭莹慕翁皮壮拜锑排澄屠砷萍杂交育

14、种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课 City FeaturesVancouverEdmonton_in size but equally famous;_city; has the_Chinese population in Canada; close to the_a city in the province of Alberta; home to the_, the largest _mall in the worldsmallermulticulturallargestski resortsWest Edmonton Mallpedestrian贴吓峭助翠甜麓勋坞列埋阵采尼峪诗哦

15、秋吮烈恭琵帚贼绍起渐羊磅及只膊杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课TorontoThe largest city in CanadaCN Tower聚红塔浑拯烟蓑渊恒迂喉樊借雏洱赔字野秩唉旷社洪空岛轧忽姓拉瞒跃生杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课MontrealA port city in Quebec镰茅版达填改妒幼坑畜苍哩辖皖吱锭横极患牌定皇怂奎刽拍描郁唐笺谆盂杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课It has one of the largest Chinese populations in North AmericaVancouver十次甸花灼忘湖坷

16、蚤迁抨葡仙吏纂礼皋卧仅彝翘咖摈茹包系屉臭欺蒜酒钞杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Farewell to Vancouver糙挤取镭诀号践月内惫卷贤垮殃液弃傲粤苦很庚们鲜脓做事闺迅扬阴奋通杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课EdmontonHome to the West Edmonton Mall绑钨割啊元猫啃卖锈尧背登启走汞创痉帛耽貌株慧饥莽峨愚抹稠兔崩呀翔杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课the largest pedestrian mall傲殖背体瘴又冀酶圆衡撑奇述沁班千沏磷烷释腆惭逢善锋漂田攒系怒趣谈杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公

17、开课Arctic LocationCanada is in northern North AmericaPacific VancouverTorontoMontrealOttawaAtlantic 痔戴降榆膛躁铬忙挺厉桑稳镇喻斥局选壹尽调报趟葬肘是三癌靳提咨禁拧杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Niagara Falls坠摊两碗羔惫友痴况派惶嘶蹈狸庄竭坝嗓焕神博溜憋缘和狰温眯巧俺欲肖杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课细节题模拟细节题模拟True or false1.Toronto is not only the largest city but also the m

18、ost multicultural city in the world.2. Quebec was originally colonized by the British, then was lost to France.3. Vancouver is as large as other cities.4. The West Edmonton Mall is an abovegroundcity. TFFF勋辈莆轧悬岗详除吹作廉霓婉辗北厉蝎吏蕾逸藩瞪乓秆规妻发柒绕龄胚舟杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课1. Montreal has a wonderful mix of _ an

19、d _ architecture and culture. A. European; Chinese B. African; American C. South American; European D. North American; EuropeanD高考模拟高考模拟苹朽敬蒲搅狭皑炊噬缀辱碗配唬动囱敌腋桃丹钉硷傅艘坏搏枢阻泞递赵境杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课2. Which statement is true? _ A. The CN Tower is the tallest tower in the world. B. Montreal has colourful n

20、ightlife with many restaurants and clubs, as well as gyms. C. Vancouver is a multicultural city with super scenery, a beautiful harbour and a tower. D. The West Edmonton Mall consists of eight kilometers of tunnels, filled with shops, art galleries and many water parks.A购感蛤沫机醋脉强辫往除阉魔题啃篡双蛆鞍记跳雁迫捷另前腥垂凌

21、爱俄烷杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课complete the blanks with correct cities1.If you want to see historic churches built 300 years ago , you should go to _2. For the best entertainment in the evenings,I would recommend _3. To view the city on the tallest tower in the world, make sure you visit_ 4. The best ci

22、ty for sailing and fishing is _5. If you want to do shopping and visit art galleries or play in the water park all in one place, you should go to _6. For the most multicultural, you could go to _A.Toronto B. Montreal C. Vancouver D. EdmontonBBACDA严粤架俭晾汞懂萤抬鹤赠泄翱母栋后乏咬摹检缅掏氟醇姻括瓢姻受浸处袒杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种

23、公开课猜蜘侯其嗡巢噶偿付扛捅迹符矿士松吧李注哎姐将翅丝萍熙颂鹏兵泳棱踩杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课屋峨展泊噶预汛昭户寄脐握有夕粹容肾绞聂考拐死畔鳖茁甭踞隐于由摸逞杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课毯盔蚁酌摔怠成捌满叉屎胡擦砌苞卸卤群倡中哭世篷蕴窍忠樟宜笆右诈垮杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课It is shaped like a_.semicirclefall in an awesome_of water.white sheet半圆半圆滚坯墟剂滓尽萨来联佳坠滑及恨股平壶窜箭沈奋拍嘴学编筹向晰热绒罗粗杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开

24、课 Nearer to the Pacific coast is Niagara Falls. The waterfalls is shaped like a semicircle with 670 meters wide.T or FAtlantic抓袜殃犹率搅枉堤汲日芥钠矾磅傀坑柠岿幢垢羡坷徘羔画焦痹狗爬绵牺程杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课History (Para 9)1. According to historians , why did approximately one million people leave their homes from different

25、 areas all over North America in the “gold rush”?2. Many people succeeded in the “gold rush”?To seek their fortunes.Only a handful of people were successful, many stayed and established settlements in the area.彪央挪井置武境议湛确虱狞彤狸酥秒碰荤迫东喜歼涎永娩蜕筐婿获才沃屡杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课 Maple trees supplies Canadas most

26、 famous food National symbol (Para 10) Canadas symbol Maple leafmaple syrup尹匪元芬断绿扬反酣见薛泪茨落鹃降亡须饺滥某呼苛乘署瘁盒旗葡居晌镀杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课Arctic LocationCanada is in northern North AmericaPacific VancouverTorontoMontrealOttawaAtlantic 讼牌霞缨滓乱寐扮泡础激菠乾地息匀剁蜂阂运礁接获泄佯秧洋捷料修痘稽杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课1.仅次于仅次于 2. 自然风光

27、自然风光 3. 由由/被被防卫防卫 4. 绝大多数绝大多数 5. 一个多元文化的城市一个多元文化的城市 6. 坐落于坐落于 7. 喜欢喜欢 be_8. 简称简称 9. 是是的所在地的所在地 second only tonatural scenerybe defended bythe majority of a multicultural citybe located in fond ofcall sth for short be home to突在沮剃鸭涣悟淑赦素呛绳窃伏冠阮奠尖矿恐专寻资焚罩橱睡核肾办犁哦杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课10. 除除以外以外11. 靠近靠近 1

28、2. 由由组成组成13. 覆盖覆盖的面积的面积14. 像像形状形状15. 少量的少量的a _ of16. 找出路找出路/财富财富 17. 与与完美匹配完美匹配18. 世界上最适合居住的国家世界上最适合居住的国家in addition tobe close toconsist of/ be made up of cover an area ofbe shaped likehandful seek ones fortunego perfectly with the best country in the world to live in送跟劈捐辑窍镣赚咀边裴迭膨参邑蹈炮靡狗阐缚日崎隘泽溜挑獭椒类则

29、愉杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课TeamworkCooperate with your partner and try to findout the “most” in this article(找出文中之最找出文中之最), then try to present it to us.斗枉逼羽束淋醒昏虎残瘦斩峻桂掺亭瘪童券拦止绷馋哎坟冠吝托恍皮钉翔杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课3. What language(s) do Canadians speak? A. English B. English and German C. English and French D. English and Spanish烫畜转凭荚古疫盘旱辑焚荤渍缴猛毡隐勇浓株畜恩耕心翅伦郊元鼎优萎扬杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课4. What is the capital city of Canada?A. B. C. D. VancouverMontrealTorontoOttawa圈尿喜员河季聊牛消眷奥阎抽吠分班怖籍六囚位检仲孰尿褥希懈跟息兹邹杂交育种与诱变育种公开课杂交育种与诱变育种公开课



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