山西省运城市康杰中学高考英语 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality复习课件 外研版必修5

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山西省运城市康杰中学高考英语 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality复习课件 外研版必修5_第1页
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《山西省运城市康杰中学高考英语 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality复习课件 外研版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山西省运城市康杰中学高考英语 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality复习课件 外研版必修5(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一部分第一部分 基础考点聚焦基础考点聚焦 必修必修5话题:个人情感话题:个人情感【词汇积累词汇积累】1.situation处境处境2.mood 情绪情绪3.influence 影响影响4.determination 决心决心5.encouragement 鼓励鼓励6.respect 尊敬尊敬7.control 控制控制8.admire 钦佩;欣赏钦佩;欣赏9.hearttoheart 贴心的贴心的10.aggressive 有进取心的有进取心的11.outstanding 杰出的杰出的12.ambitious 有雄心壮志的有雄心壮志的13.catch up with 赶上赶上14.adapt

2、 oneself to 适应适应15.be engaged in 从事于从事于16.play a role in 在在当中起作用当中起作用17.set an example to 给给树立榜样树立榜样18.owe . to . 把把归功于归功于【佳句背诵佳句背诵】1.The problem you are facing is common among us teenagers.你面临的问题在我们青少年中是常见的。你面临的问题在我们青少年中是常见的。2.It should be wise not to do anything that may hurt your moms feelings.你应

3、该足够明智你应该足够明智,不做伤害你母亲感情的事情。不做伤害你母亲感情的事情。3.Its advisable to have hearttoheart talks with your mom.和你母亲进行贴心的谈话是可取的。和你母亲进行贴心的谈话是可取的。【写作模板写作模板】感恩父母感恩父母How I love you! Thank you very much for giving me my life and bringing me up!In order to provide me with a better life, I know how many hardships youve ex

4、perienced, getting up early and staying up late, to earn every coin to cover my schooling and my life expenses. You hope I can enter a good college and get a good job in the future. However, I was always doing something wrong that made you upset, so I must say sorry to you. Mum and Dad, dont worry a

5、bout me now because Ive grown up! I will learn as much as I can to get higher exam results and realize my dreams. Im sure youll be proud of me soon!1_n跑道跑道2_n. 背景背景3_vt. 保证保证4_vt. 购买购买5_adj. 具体的;特定的具体的;特定的6_n. 符号符号7_vi.& vt. 得分得分8_n. 冠军冠军9_n. 特性;品德;品性特性;品德;品性trackbackgroundguaranteepurchasespecifics

6、ymbolscorechampionquality10_n. 胜利胜利11_vt. 宣布宣布12_adj. 费力的;棘手的;困难的费力的;棘手的;困难的13_vi. 退休;退役退休;退役retirement n. 退休;退役退休;退役14_vi. 表现表现performer n. 执行者;表演者执行者;表演者performance n. 表现;表演表现;表演15. _n. 优势;长处优势;长处disadvantage n. 劣势;不利劣势;不利victorydeclaretoughretireperformadvantage1._ 正在增加正在增加2_ 比比有优势有优势3_ 由由决定决定4._

7、 站起身站起身on the increasehave an advantage over.be up to sb.rise to ones feet1. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。解读解读强调句型:强调句型:It is/was 被强调部分被强调部分that/who.仿写仿写我是在他工作的工厂里碰到的他。我是在他工作的工厂里碰到的他。_I met him.It w

8、as in the factory where he is working that2. A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.比比如如,一一双双耐耐克克运运动动鞋鞋的的价价格格可可能能是是一一双双李李宁宁牌牌的的同同类类产产品品价格的五倍之多。价格的五倍之多。解读解读 倍数句型倍数句型:A动词倍数动词倍数as形容词形容词/副词副词as B仿仿写写 2013年年中中国国人人花花费费在在教教育育上上的的人人均均费费用用是是1960

9、年年的的两倍多。两倍多。Chinese people_on education per person in 2013_ they did in 1960.spend more than twice as much moneyas3. If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. 如如果果你你走走进进任任何何一一个个地地方方的的中中学学或或大大学学校校园园,都都有有可可能能看看到到

10、身身穿穿印印有有那那个个熟熟悉悉标标志志的的李李宁宁运运动动服服的的学生们。学生们。解读解读the chances are (that).很可能很可能仿写仿写很有可能他已经到了。很有可能他已经到了。_ he has already arrived.The chances are that4. And if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as Li Nings advertising slogan says.如如果果你你是是一一个个伟伟大大的的运运动动员员,任任何何事事都都是是可可能能的的,像像李李宁宁的的广广告告语语所所

11、说说的那样。的那样。解读解读as引导的非限制性定语从句引导的非限制性定语从句仿写仿写正像我们预料的一样,他又失败了。正像我们预料的一样,他又失败了。He failed again, _.as we had expected复习状语从句复习状语从句(时间状语从句时间状语从句,条件状语从句条件状语从句,让步状语从句让步状语从句)1(2014贵贵州州六六校校高高三三第第一一次次联联考考)How long do you think it will be_the market returns to normal?At least one year, I guess.Awhen BbeforeCuntil

12、Dafter解解析析:句句意意:你你认认为为要要过过多多长长时时间间市市场场才才能能够够恢恢复复正正常常?我我猜猜,至至少少一一年年。这这里里使使用用了了固固定定句句型型“It will be 一一段段时时间间 before.”,该该句句型型的的意意思思是是“要要过过多多长长时时间间才才”。B2. The coat is very beautiful and suitable to me,_a little expensive.Athough Bwhere Cas Dsince解析:句意解析:句意:这件大衣很漂亮而且适合我,虽然它有点儿贵。这件大衣很漂亮而且适合我,虽然它有点儿贵。though

13、在此处引导让步状语从句。此处是省略结构,完整形在此处引导让步状语从句。此处是省略结构,完整形式为式为 though it is a little expensive。故答案为。故答案为A。A3. Its a long time_I last saw you.Yes,and it will be another month_we can meet again.Abefore;since Bwhen;beforeCsince;when Dsince;before解析:考查状语从句。解析:考查状语从句。“Its a long time since.”意为意为“自从自从以来多久了以来多久了”,而,而b

14、efore we can meet again意为意为“在我们再次见面之前在我们再次见面之前”。因此答案为。因此答案为D。D4(2014湖南五市十校高三联合检测湖南五市十校高三联合检测)Our coach says we wont keep winning games_we keep playing well.Abecause Bunless Cwhen Dwhile解解析析:句句意意:我我们们的的教教练练说说,除除非非我我们们一一直直打打得得好好,否否则则我我们们不不可可能能总总会会赢赢得得比比赛赛。根根据据句句意意可可知知应应选选unless“除除非非”,引导条件状语从句。引导条件状语从句

15、。B5. In my opinion,_were home for the holidays,it doesnt mean we have to spend all our time watching TV or playing video games.Aas though Beven if Cnow that Din case解析:考查状语从句。解析:考查状语从句。as though好像;好像;now that既然;既然;in case以防,与句意不符;以防,与句意不符;even if意为意为“即使即使”,符合句意。,符合句意。句意:我认为,即使我们在家度假,也并不意味着我们必须句意:我认为

16、,即使我们在家度假,也并不意味着我们必须把所有的时间都花在看电视和玩电子游戏上。故选把所有的时间都花在看电视和玩电子游戏上。故选B。B1.perform v. . 履行;执行;做;演出,表演履行;执行;做;演出,表演,演奏;演奏;(机器机器)运转;运转;(人人)行动,表现行动,表现(教教材材P42) He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.因为他对自己在因为他对自己在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不好而感到失望。年汉城奥运会上表现不好而感到失望。(1)perform a tas

17、k/ones duty/a miracle /an operation执执行行任务任务/ 履行义务履行义务/ 做出奇迹做出奇迹 /实施手术实施手术perform well/ badly表现得好表现得好/差差(2)performance n. 演出;履行;表现演出;履行;表现 put on/ give a performance 演出演出(3) performer n. 演出者;表演者演出者;表演者(2013高高 考考 山山 东东 卷卷 阅阅 读读 理理 解解 )Many of Gershwins songs were first written for musical plays perfor

18、med in theatres in New York City. 乔乔治治格格士士温温的的许许多多歌歌曲曲最最初初都都是为在纽约的剧院里演出的音乐剧而作。是为在纽约的剧院里演出的音乐剧而作。Youd better perform your promise that you have to finish your task on time.你最好履行按时完成任务的承诺。你最好履行按时完成任务的承诺。The new computer is _. 这台新电脑运行良好。这台新电脑运行良好。performing well2.advantage n优势;长处;利益;便利;方便 (教材P42)Li Nin

19、gs designs were attractive , and they had a major advantage over their betterknown rivalsthey were cheaper. 李宁的服装设计很吸引人,它们有个比竞争对手更显著的主要优势它们更便宜。(1) take advantage of利用to ones advantage to the advantage of sb. 对某人有利have/gain/win an advantage over sb. 胜过;胜过; 优于优于have an advantage of (doing) sth. 有有(做做)

20、的有利条件的有利条件(2) disadvantage n. 劣势;不利之处劣势;不利之处(2013高高 考考 湖湖 北北 卷卷 听听 力力 )What is the greatest advantage of the womans flat? 这个女子公寓最大的优势是什么?这个女子公寓最大的优势是什么?He _ a good education.他具备受过良好教育的优势。他具备受过良好教育的优势。Itll be to your advantage to study abroad.出国留学会对你有利。出国留学会对你有利。(牛津词典牛津词典)They decided to _ the fine w

21、eather to go to the country.他们决定趁着天好到乡下去。他们决定趁着天好到乡下去。had the advantage oftake advantage of3.guarantee vt.保证担保保证担保n保证;保修;担保;抵押品保证;保修;担保;抵押品(教教材材P42)Success for Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came quickly. 李宁的成功是注定的,而且来的还很快。李宁的成功是注定的,而且来的还很快。(1) guarantee sb.sth./guarantee sth. to sb.向某人保证某事向某人保证某事gu

22、arantee to do. 保证去做保证去做guarantee sb.against/from. 保证某人免于保证某人免于(损害、危险等损害、危险等)guarantee that从句从句 保证保证(2)under guarantee 在保修期内在保修期内give/ offer/ provide a guarantee 提供担保提供担保(朗朗文文辞辞典典)Take this opportunity, and I guarantee(that) you wont regret it.抓住这个机会吧,我保证你不会后悔的。抓住这个机会吧,我保证你不会后悔的。(朗朗文文辞辞典典)Even if you

23、 complete your training I cant guarantee you a job.即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。We _ his debt within a week. 我保证在一周内还清他的债务。我保证在一周内还清他的债务。My iPhone 5S doesnt work; its still _. 我的苹果我的苹果5S手机坏了,它仍在保修期内。手机坏了,它仍在保修期内。guarantee to pay offunder guarantee4.declare vt. 公告;宣告;声明;声称公告;宣告;声明;声称(教教材

24、材P49)The Americans protested and in the end the American runner was declared the winner. 美国人提出抗议,最终那位美国选手被宣布获胜。美国人提出抗议,最终那位美国选手被宣布获胜。(1) declare sth./ sb.to be宣布宣布为,断言为,断言 为为 declare thatclause 宣布;宣称宣布;宣称(2) declare war (on/against.)(向向)宣战宣战declare the meeting open/ closed 宣布大会开幕宣布大会开幕/闭幕闭幕(朗朗文文辞辞典典

25、)The doctor finally declared that the man was dead.医生最终宣告了该男子的死亡。医生最终宣告了该男子的死亡。(牛津词典牛津词典)They _. 他们宣布他为得胜者。他们宣布他为得胜者。The country had no other choice but to declare war on their enemy.这个国家没有其他选择,不得不向他们的敌人宣战。这个国家没有其他选择,不得不向他们的敌人宣战。declared him (to be) the winner.品句填词品句填词1The _(符符号号)on the packet is a

26、guarantee that the food has been produced organically.2Tickets may be _(购购买买)in advance from the box office.3If you send the application form in straight away,I can _(保证保证)you an interview.4Younger workers tend to be at an_(优优势势)when applying for jobs.symbolpurchasedguaranteeadvantage5Peter is one o

27、f the famous software_(设设计计师师)in the company.6 To our great disappointment, the team _(表表现现)poorly on Saturday.7They told me everything there was to know about the childs family_(背景背景)8The population_(增增加加)dramatically in the first half of the 20th century.designersperformedbackgroundincreased.单项填空单

28、项填空1.(2012高考浙江卷高考浙江卷)Your_as a student will beexcellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.Aoperation BgrowthCperformance Dcharacter解析:考查名词辨析。句意:作为学生,如果你养成对自己解析:考查名词辨析。句意:作为学生,如果你养成对自己的学习方法进行反思的习惯,你的表现将会非常出色。的学习方法进行反思的习惯,你的表现将会非常出色。performance“表现表现”;operation“手术,操作手术,操作”;growth“成长

29、成长”;character“个性个性”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选C项。项。C2. We cannot _the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.Abe sureBguardCguarantee Dmake sure解解析析:句句意意:在在大大雾雾天天我我们们不不能能确确保保火火车车能能准准时时到到达达。be sure 与与 make sure 虽虽有有“保保证证”之之意意,但但若若其其后后跟跟名名词词或或代词时需加代词时需加“of”,故应选,故应选C。C3. (2014广广西西桂桂林林中中学学模模拟拟)At the 2013 pre

30、ss conference the Chinese foreign minister_that China was strongly against the terrorism.Adeclared Bannounced Ctold Dshowed解析:考查动词辨析。句意:在解析:考查动词辨析。句意:在2013年新闻发布会上中国外年新闻发布会上中国外交部长宣布中国强烈反对恐怖主义。交部长宣布中国强烈反对恐怖主义。declare的意思是正式宣的意思是正式宣布,一般指官方的正式宣布;布,一般指官方的正式宣布;announce也有也有“宣布宣布”的意思的意思,它一般指宣布或预告大家关心的问题;它一般指

31、宣布或预告大家关心的问题;tell告诉;告诉;show表现。表现。根据句意故选根据句意故选A。A4. I think full advantage is _of this technology to improve the quality of our products.Ataken Bmade Cplaced Dpicked解解析析:句句意意:我我想想应应该该充充分分利利用用这这项项技技术术来来提提高高我我们们的的产产品品质量。质量。take advantage of为固定词组,意为为固定词组,意为“利用利用”。A1.on the increase正在增加正在增加(教教材材P42)The n

32、umber of young people with money to spend was on the increaseand sport had never been so popular.有有钱钱消消费费的的年年轻轻人人数数量量正正在在增增加加而而且且体体育育运运动动也也得得到到前前所未有的普及。所未有的普及。(1)on the decrease 在减少在减少(2)increase by. 增加了增加了increase to. 增加到增加到(牛牛津津词词典典)Traffic accidents are on the increase as a result of the increase

33、 of private cars.由于私家车的增加,交通事故也不断增加。由于私家车的增加,交通事故也不断增加。The rate of inflation in China will _ 3.5%4% in 2015 according to the latest statistics. 据据最最新新统统计计,通货膨胀率在通货膨胀率在2015年会增长年会增长3.5%4%。The number of the students in our school will _ 8,000 in 2015. 2015年我们学校的学生的数量将会增加到年我们学校的学生的数量将会增加到8 000人。人。increa

34、se byincrease to2.rise to ones feet站起身站起身(教教材材P49) As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42kilometre race, the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer.每每当当领领先先的的运运动动员员进进入入体体育育馆馆来来跑跑那那全全程程42公公里里的的最最后后几几米米时,全场观众都会站起身来向他们欢呼喝彩。时,全场观众都会站起身来向他们欢呼喝彩。struggle to ones feet

35、 挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来jump/leap to ones feet 跳起跳起 set foot on/in 进入;踏入;涉足于进入;踏入;涉足于stand on ones own feet 自立;独立自主自立;独立自主on foot 徒步,步行徒步,步行(牛牛津津词词典典)He _and tapped on the table as if he was going to speak.他站起身轻轻敲打桌子,好像要发言似的。他站起身轻轻敲打桌子,好像要发言似的。He jumped to his feet and ran out of the office.他一下子跳了起来,跑出了办公室。他一下

36、子跳了起来,跑出了办公室。After the accident, Tom _ and dialed 119.出事后,汤姆挣扎着站起来并拨打了出事后,汤姆挣扎着站起来并拨打了119。Now that you have grown up, you must learn to stand on your own feet.你既然已经长大成人,就得学会独立生活。你既然已经长大成人,就得学会独立生活。rose to his feetstruggled to his feet.选词填空选词填空1. Traffic accidents in China are _these years.2. Suddenl

37、y he_ and ran out.3He _ the good weather to go for a walk.4Its _to decide where to go for a holiday.5. Rich _you in China since he can speak Chinese.on the increase;have an advantage over.;be up to sb.;take advantage of;rise to ones feeton the increase rose to his feettook advantage ofup to you has

38、an advantage over.单项填空单项填空1. (2013高高考考浙浙江江卷卷)During the last three decades,the number of people participating in physical fitness programs _ sharply.Awas increasingBhas increasedChad increased Dwill be increasing解析:句意:在过去的三十年里,参加健身计划的人数急剧解析:句意:在过去的三十年里,参加健身计划的人数急剧增加。由时间状语增加。由时间状语during the last thre

39、e decades可知,本可知,本句要用现在完成时态,所以正确答案为句要用现在完成时态,所以正确答案为B项。注意对现在完成项。注意对现在完成时态的时间状语时态的时间状语in/during/over the last/past ten years,so far,since.等的积累。等的积累。B2. It is good manners for students to_to their feet when their teacher enters the classroom.AriseBsetCstand Dstruggle解析:句意解析:句意:老师进教室的时候学生站起来是有礼貌的行为。老师进教

40、室的时候学生站起来是有礼貌的行为。rise to ones feet意为意为“站起身站起身”,符合句意。,符合句意。struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来;挣扎着站起来;stand on ones feet站起来。站起来。A3 Nowadays, _ number of people doing fitness training is on_increase. Aa;the Ba;an Cthe;the Dthe;an解析:句意:现今,进行体能训练的人数正在增加。解析:句意:现今,进行体能训练的人数正在增加。the number of意为意为“的数量的数量”;on the in

41、crease意为意为“正在增加正在增加”。C(教教材材P42)If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如如果果你你走走进进某某地地的的中中学学或或大大学学校校园园,都都有有可可能能看看到到身身穿穿印印有有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。句句中中The chances are (that).There is a chance that.为为固

42、固定定句句型型,意意为为“很很可可能能”,句句型型中中的的the 和和that都都可可省略省略,that引导表语从句。引导表语从句。(1)There is a /no chance (2)chance 意意为为“可可能能”时时,其其后后可可接接不不定定式式或或of doing sth.作定语。常见短语:作定语。常见短语:have a /no chance of doing /to do (没没)有做有做的机会的机会by chance(accident) 偶然,意外偶然,意外take a chance/ take chances 冒险;碰运气冒险;碰运气The chances are that

43、I will be looking for a new job soon.我可能很快就能找到一份新的工作。我可能很快就能找到一份新的工作。There is no chance that he will change his mind.他不可能改变主意。他不可能改变主意。You should never _ when driving a car. 开车时绝不应冒险。开车时绝不应冒险。_ I will see him these days.这些天有可能见到他。这些天有可能见到他。take chancesThe chances are that/There is a chance that.句型转换

44、句型转换1. Its likely that they will lose the election._ win the election.2. There is a chance that they will be back next Friday._ they will be back next Friday.3. He is unlikely to win the game this year._he will win the game this year.They have no chance toThe chances are thatThere is no chance that.

45、单项填空单项填空1. (2013高高考考北北京京卷卷)Volunteering gives you a chance _lives, including your own.Achange BchangingCchangedDto change解析:句意:志愿者工作给了你改变生活的机会,包括你自解析:句意:志愿者工作给了你改变生活的机会,包括你自己的。己的。a chance to do sth.“做某事的机会做某事的机会”。如果用动词的。如果用动词的ing形式作定语,需借助于介词形式作定语,需借助于介词of,a chance of doing sth.“做某事的机会做某事的机会”,所以正确答案为

46、,所以正确答案为D项。要注意常见的接动词项。要注意常见的接动词不定式作定语的名词,如不定式作定语的名词,如chance,ability,way等。等。D2. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, the_ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day. Asituations Bfacts Cchances Dstates 解析:句意:如果你住在农村或者你曾经去过那儿,你很可解析:句意:如果你住在农村或者你曾经去过那儿,你很可能听到过鸟儿在歌唱着欢

47、迎新的一天的到来。能听到过鸟儿在歌唱着欢迎新的一天的到来。the chances are that. . . 很可能很可能,为固定句式。,为固定句式。C写作素材写作素材1报名参加比赛的人数这些天一直在增加。报名参加比赛的人数这些天一直在增加。2每每个个人人都都有有自自己己的的优优点点,都都希希望望自自己己是是最最后后的的冠冠军军,但但没没有人能保证会赢。有人能保证会赢。3两天后比赛开始了,并且竞争很激烈。两天后比赛开始了,并且竞争很激烈。4当比赛结束的时候,主持人宣布了比赛结果。当比赛结束的时候,主持人宣布了比赛结果。5观众都站起来为获胜者欢呼。观众都站起来为获胜者欢呼。提示:提示:黑体部分用

48、本单元词汇表达。黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文词左右的英语短文)_The number of the people signing up for the contest was on the increase those days. Everyone had his/her own advantage and wished the ultimate champion could be himself/herself but no one could guarantee it. Two days later, the contest began and was very competitive. When it was over, the host declared the result of the contest. And all the audiences rose to their feet to cheer for the winner.



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