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1、英语:Unit4 复习课件(译林牛津版七年级下)【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件Unit4Unit4复习纲要复习纲要一、正确朗读及背诵单词。一、正确朗读及背诵单词。二、二、Read the passage on P58 skillfully.Read the passage on P58 skillfully.三、教育学生正确认识一些自然现象和生活现象。三、教育学生正确认识一些自然现象和生活现象。四、记忆四、记忆P59P59的词汇解释。的词汇解释。五、掌握代词的用法以及名词的所有格。五、掌握代词的用法以及名词的所有格。六、搜集有关鱼和大象等动物的信息。六、搜集有关

2、鱼和大象等动物的信息。P66-70P66-70七、一般过去时七、一般过去时八、语法八、语法 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 nightingale crowpiegonwoodpeckerred crowned crane【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 Cuckoo杜鹃parrotowleagle/hawkparrot【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 antwormgrasshopperbutterfly【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 swallow sparrow s

3、eagull swan【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 mothmosquitodragonflyfly【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 deersheepgoatsnail【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 zebrahorsegiraffeelephant【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 dragonlobstercrabdinosaur【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 toadfrogtortoise/turtlecrocodile【最新】七

4、年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 The White Sharkwhaledolphinpenguin【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 duckgooserabbithare【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 ape/gorillapandamonkeybearkangaroo【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 cameldonkeyfoxsquirrelmouse【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 tigerlionwolfsnake【最新】七年级英语下册 U

5、nit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件1. Fish sleep_. 1. Fish sleep_. 2. Elephants walk _.2. Elephants walk _.3. One frog _3. One frog _4. 4. The most dangerousThe most dangerous animal is_. animal is_.5. The camel is called_.5. The camel is called_.6. _ is called the king of animals.6. _ is called the king of animals.

6、 with their eyes with their eyes openopenon tiptoeon tiptoe. (on foot). (on foot) like this has like this has enough poisonenough poison to killto kill about about 2200 people.2200 people.the mosquitothe mosquito“the boat in the desert”“the boat in the desert”The tiger or the lionThe tiger or the li

7、on【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件 感叹句掌握判别使用掌握判别使用 how/whathow/what的方法:的方法:先谓后主再瘦身,明星先谓后主再瘦身,明星( (名词名词) )模特(模特(whatwhat)形象(形容)形象(形容词副词)好(词副词)好(howhow)。)。可数名词分单复,记忆能力可培养。可数名词分单复,记忆能力可培养。天气消息不准确,大雨时刻要小心。天气消息不准确,大雨时刻要小心。兄弟五个不齐心,乌鸦兄弟五个不齐心,乌鸦(u)(u)发出元辅音。发出元辅音。句子结构多思量,受益无穷快乐多。句子结构多思量,受益无穷快乐多。 【最新】七年级英语下册 U

8、nit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件1. _clever girl she is!1. _clever girl she is!A. What a B. What C. How a D. howA. What a B. What C. How a D. how2. _interesting story it is!2. _interesting story it is!A. What an B. What a C. How an D. HowA. What an B. What a C. How an D. How3. _ wonderful time we have had. 3. _ wo

9、nderful time we have had. A.How B.How a C.What D.What aA.How B.How a C.What D.What a4. _memories they have!4. _memories they have!A.What good B. What a good A.What good B. What a good C. How good D. How a goodC. How good D. How a good5. which is true?5. which is true?A How tall the buildings are! B

10、What tall the buildings are!A How tall the buildings are! B What tall the buildings are!C How tall buildings they are!C How tall buildings they are!D what a tall buildings they are!D what a tall buildings they are!AADAA【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件6. _bad the weather is!6. _bad the weather is!A. H

11、ow B. What C. What a D. How aA. How B. What C. What a D. How a7. _good news it is !7. _good news it is !A.How B. What a C. How a D. WhatA.How B. What a C. How a D. What8. _ he writes.8. _ he writes.A. How good B. How well A. How good B. How well C. What good D. What well C. What good D. What well A

12、AD DB B【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件将下列句子改为感叹句将下列句子改为感叹句1.The fried fish tastes very deliciousThe fried fish tastes very delicious _ the fried fish tastes_ the fried fish tastes!2. New York is very beautiful2. New York is very beautiful _ New York is_ New York is!3. The book is very useful3. The b

13、ook is very useful _ book it is_ book it is!4. The information is very important4. The information is very important _ important information_ important information!5. The babies are playing happily5. The babies are playing happily _ the babies are playing_ the babies are playing! How deliciousHow be

14、autifulWhat a usefulWhat How happily【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件1 1、几千年前,妇女穿丝和棉做的衣服。(、几千年前,妇女穿丝和棉做的衣服。(7575页)页)2 2、人们以黄继光命名这个村庄。、人们以黄继光命名这个村庄。(以(以命名命名_)3 3、乌龟能活到、乌龟能活到150150年。年。( (达到达到_)_)4 4、去年那个女孩是一个工人。、去年那个女孩是一个工人。 Thousands of years ago, women wore clothes made of silk and cotton.name afterPe

15、ople name the village after Huang Jiguang.up toTortoises can live up to 150 years old.Last year the girl was a worker.【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件5 5、你不可能同时睁着眼和打喷嚏、你不可能同时睁着眼和打喷嚏. .(同时(同时_)6 6、昨天,他和平常一样步行上学、昨天,他和平常一样步行上学. (. (和平常一样和平常一样_)_)7 7、那个贼一看到警察,就立刻逃跑了。、那个贼一看到警察,就立刻逃跑了。 ( (一一就就_)_)8 8、那个、那个

16、7070岁的老人每天都自言自语。岁的老人每天都自言自语。 ( (自言自语自言自语_) _) You cant keep your eyes open and sneeze at the same time.at the same timeas usualYesterday he went to school on foot as usual.as soon asThe thief ran away at once as soon as he saw the policeman.say to oneselfThe 70-year-old man says to himself every day

17、.【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 1、- When _ you _ (see) the cat?- When _ you _ (see) the cat? - I _(see) it just now. - I _(see) it just now.2 2、They _ (stop) crying when they _(meet) their They _ (stop) crying when they _(meet) their mother.mother.3 3、We _ (send) our penf

18、riends some photos of the We _ (send) our penfriends some photos of the Great Wall tomorrow morning.Great Wall tomorrow morning.4 4、Every day, he _ ( go) to work without _(have) Every day, he _ ( go) to work without _(have) breakfast last term. breakfast last term. did seesawstoppedmetwill sendwenthaving【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件at birth take turns ran into On the wayin history 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit4 复习课件 译林牛津版 课件



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