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1、问题的提出在外语教学中一本书,一支粉笔的教在外语教学中一本书,一支粉笔的教学手段已远远不能满足教学的需要,我们学手段已远远不能满足教学的需要,我们可以采用哪些方法来辅助教学,使之达到可以采用哪些方法来辅助教学,使之达到较好的教学效果呢?较好的教学效果呢?“Head”一词的教学方法v实物v图片v模型v简笔画v英语解释v汉语解释v游戏法v多媒体v歌曲简笔画在外语教学中的简笔画在外语教学中的作用及运用作用及运用 主讲:罗世瑛主讲:罗世瑛主讲:罗世瑛主讲:罗世瑛 什么是简笔画?v 简笔画是图画的一种,是用简单的线条勾画出的能表达明确概念的画。简笔画的特点:v 简单v 易学v 省时v 实用v 效果好简笔

2、画在外语教学中的意义和作用:v 形象、生动、有趣,有利于培养学习兴趣v 有利于创造外语环境,增加语言实践的量v 有助于发展学生的智力v 能培养学生用英语思维的能力综合语言综合语言运用能力运用能力课课程程目目标标结结构构返回简笔画在外语教学中的运用:v一、 广泛运用于词汇、语法、语音的教学v(一)、词汇教学 1、名词 2、 动词 3、形容词 4、介词 5、同义词、反义词的比较(二)、语法的教学v 1、教句型 Im here. You re there Can you do it ? Im drawing his left ear, Im going to draw his right ear.2

3、、 教形容词比较级和最高级 Mike is tall. Jim is taller than Mike. Tom is taller than Jim. Tom is the tallest. Tom is rich. Mike is richer. Jim is the richest of three.3、教各种时态v 尤其在不同时态用法的比较方面,效果显著v 过去时,现在时,将来时的比较v 进行时态的教学4、教语态 Our teacher put the book on the desk. The book was put on the desk by our teacher. Mr.

4、Green tells us the news. The news is told us by Mr. Green.5、同一幅画达到不同目的v 教词汇v ship, plane, birds, seav 教情景v There is a ship in the sea.v We can see a plane in the sky.v There are some birds in the sky ,too.v 教时态v The ship is leaving for Shanghai.v These are birds.(三)、语音教学v 在语音教学中,简笔画也能发挥作用。 我们可以通过口形的

5、变化、舌位的不 同等来揭示各种不同音素的发音特 点,也可通过一些符号来说明句子的 重音、节奏及;语调等。二、 适用于各种教学步骤的教学 1、 复习 2、介绍新材料 3、操练 4、布置家庭作业 三、运用于各种课型v课型: v 对话课v 阅读课v 综合性课文v 巩固性课文v 使用简笔画都可以使教学重点更加突出,教学步骤更加清楚。v 如:v人教版教科书初中第二册 86页v v- Li Ping is a schoolboy. He often gets up at six oclock.v- Li Ping does morning exercises every morning.v- He has

6、 breakfast at home. When does he have his breakfast? At half past six.v- Li Ping goes to school at ten past seven.v- Classes begin at eight oclock.v- School is over at half past five in the afternoon. After supper,he does his homework.v- Li Ping likes to watch TV. But he only watches it on Saturday

7、and Sunday evenings.v- He goes to bed at about half past nine.Practice 1:初中英语第三册L18vUnit 18 Planting treesv 我们就可以通过以下几幅简笔画,使学生更容易掌握种树的几个环节v Dig a hole large enough for the tree. But the hole should not be too deep.v Put the tree in the hole. Put the earth back in hole again. Push it down hard with y

8、our foot several times.v Knock a long, strong stick into the earth next to the hole . Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight.v Water it well, as often as possible.Practice 2: The blind men and the elephantv- The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephants side.v- Th

9、e second grasped one of the elephants tusks.v- The third happened to take hold of the elephants trunk.v- The fourth closed round one of the elephants legs.v- The fifth caught hold of one of the elephants ears.v- The sixth got hold of the beasts tail.四、 使用简笔画应注意的问题v 不宜过多过滥地使用,要教学方法多样化v 不要过分注意细节。v 不要画得过低、过小,以防影响效果。v 一般不要事先画在黑板,要边教边画,否则也容易分散学生的注意力。小结:v 简笔画具有简单、易学、形象、生动、直观、实用等特点,它使用广泛,效果好,不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣,还有助于培养和发展学生运用语言的能力,是教师实现教学目的的重要手段之一。因此,每个外语教师都必须具备绘制简笔画的基本功。充分发挥简笔画在外语教学中的作用,可以帮助我们达到更理想的教学效果。Thank You Very Much !Have a nice day!



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