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1、L/O/G/O无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布EnglishgrammarEnglishgrammar表语从句表语从句& &宾语从句宾语从句1;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Henry was an American businessman.主语主语系动词系动词表语表语主语主语及物动词及物动词宾语宾语Henry met an Americanbusinessman.一、观察思考一、观察思考2;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布二、表语从句的定义:表语从句放在连系动词之后,充当复合句中的表语。表语从句放在连系动词

2、之后,充当复合句中的表语。The question is who will do it. 系动词系动词表语从句表语从句3;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布三、表语从句的构成:(系动词)(系动词)+ + 引导词引导词+ +简单句简单句 What I want to say is that I am tired.引导词引导词表语从句表语从句4;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布四.接表语从句的系动词可接表语从句的连系动词有可接表语从句的连系动词有be(is,am,are,was,were),look,seem,sound,appear等。等。C


4、erthathewantstoteachusallhehas.6;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布五、引导表语从句的关联词五、引导表语从句的关联词1. 1. 从属连词从属连词as, as if / thoughas, as if / though引导的表语从句引导的表语从句Helookedjustashehadlookedtenyearsbefore.Itsoundsasifsomeoneisknockingatthedoor.Thingsarenotalwaysastheyseemtobe.Helooksasifhestired.7;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整


6、oniswholeft.WhatIwonderiswhenheleft.Thatswhathewants.Thisiswheretheyoncelived.Thatiswhyhedidntcomehere.9;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布4从属连词that whether, ThetroubleisthatIhavelosthisaddress.Thefactisthatheleft.Myquestioniswhetherheleft(ornot)注意:注意:1.除除that外的所有引导词都外的所有引导词都有自己的意义有自己的意义。2.除除that,whethe





11、rtoftools.A.whatB.thatC.howD.whythat3.Americawas_wasfirstcalled“India”byColumbus.A.whatB.whereC.theplaceD.therewhere15;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布4. China is becoming stronger and stronger. It is no longer_ . A. what it used to be B. what it was used to being C. what it used to being D. what it w

12、as used to be 5. _he really means is _he disagrees with us.A. What that B. That whatC. What what D. That what6. The energy is _ makes the cells able to do their work.A. that B. which C. what D. such16;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布1 I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week .Is that_ you had a fe

13、w days off?A. why B .what C. when D. where 2 .I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella _ I got wet through. A. Its the reason B. Thats why C. Theres why D. Its how3. See the flags on top of the building? That was _ we did this morning. A. when B. which C. where D. what17;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理

14、发布4. - Are you still thinking about yesterdays game?-Oh, thats _.A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited aboutC. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited5. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it.A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which18;.L/O/G

15、/O无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布休息一下休息一下!19;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布宾语从句20;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布如何区分宾语从句?如何区分宾语从句?Theyknowtheteacher.主语谓语宾语Theyknowtheteacherisaman.主语谓语宾语从句句子做宾语就是宾语从句。21;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布宾语从句的注意事项(一)引导词引导词 句子类型句子类型 that陈述句陈述句一般疑问句一般疑问句If/weather特殊疑问词特殊疑问词

16、特殊疑问句特殊疑问句22;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布让我们假设,有一天这事发生在你身上。让我们假设,有一天这事发生在你身上。2)Lets suppose (that) one day this happens to you.信信上说,他们将在上说,他们将在 星期天到达。星期天到达。1) The letter says (that) they are arriving on Sunday.Say , think , believe , wish , hope , agreeSee , hear , feel , wonder , afraid ,know 1、t

17、hat引导的从句(在非正式场合引导的从句(在非正式场合that可可以省略)以省略)可跟可跟that从句做宾语的动词很多,常用的有:从句做宾语的动词很多,常用的有:Say , think , believe , wish , hope , agreeSee , hear , feel , wonder , afraid ,know 可跟可跟that从句做宾语的动词很多,常用的有:从句做宾语的动词很多,常用的有:23;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布I dont think you are right. 我认为你是不对的我认为你是不对的*在动词在动词 think ,be

18、lieve, suppose 等后面,等后面, 宾语从句的否定形式前移宾语从句的否定形式前移 * *He told me that she was wrong*经常在及物动词和宾语从句之间插入一个经常在及物动词和宾语从句之间插入一个 间接宾语(人)间接宾语(人)*他对我说他对我说, ,她犯了个错误她犯了个错误24;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布He thought it a pity that I missed the chance他认为,我失去这次机会很可惜。2)We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone我们

19、认为,他对于每个人都说了谎是错的。.*许多带复合宾语的句子,许多带复合宾语的句子,that引导的宾语从句经常移到句子后部,而用引导的宾语从句经常移到句子后部,而用it作形式宾语。作形式宾语。*1)25;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布由从属连词由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句e.g. 1. I want to know _. (他是否跟我们一起去公园)2. Ask him _. (他是否能来)3. I dont know _.(是否要下雨) if (whether) he will go to the park with us whet

20、her (if) he can come whether it is going to rain or not26;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布 *If ,whetherIf ,whether引导宾语从句时,意思相同引导宾语从句时,意思相同“是否是否”, ,一般情况下可以互换。一般情况下可以互换。 但是以下几种情况,须用但是以下几种情况,须用whetherwhether,不能用,不能用if.if.a)a)在带在带toto的不定式前的不定式前They are discussing whether to take part in the meeting.2)他们正在

21、谈论是否要参加这个会议。We decided whether to walk there. 1)我们决定是否要步行去那儿。27;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布His mother isnt angry about whether he cant pass the exam 2)他是否能通过考试,他的母亲并不生气。Im thinking of whether we should go to see the film.b)b)在介词的后面在介词的后面1)我正在考虑是否应该去看电影。28;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布c)c)直接与直接与o

22、r notor not连用时连用时We must leave whether it will be fine or not.They cant decide whether to go or stay.I cant say whether or not thet can come on time.1)无论天气晴否,我们必须离开。2)我说不准他们是否按时赶到。3)他们不能决定是去还是留。29;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布3)Please tell me what youve done.请告诉我你都做了什么。2)She asked whose jacket it w

23、as他问这是谁的上衣。.1)Can you tell me whom you are waiting for? 你能告诉我在等谁吗? 英语中的连接副副词有when,where,why,how,在句中担任状语的成分。3)3)连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句 英语中的连接代代词有who,whom,whose,which,what,在句中担任主语、宾语、定语或者表语。30;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布4)Do you know when theyll be back?你知道他们何时回来吗?7)Please tell me how you

24、 did it.请告诉我你是怎么做的。6)Mr Hu asked him why he was late for school again胡老师问他为什么上学又迟到了。.5)I want to know where she lives我想知道她住在哪里。31;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布注意事项(二)注意事项(二)从句时态 主句时态现在时/将来时相应任何时态过去时相应过去任何时态32;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布1.The headmaster hopes everything _ well. (go)2.Tom says tha

25、t they _ (play) basketball at six oclock yesterday evening. 3.I hear they _ (return) it already. 4.He asked what they _ at eight last night. (do)5.He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948. (be) has returnedgoeswere playingwere doinghad been 33;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布1.Pleasetellmey

26、ouwillgotothelecturetomorrow.2.Italldependsontheskywillclearup.3.Thequestionisthefilmiswellworthseeing.4.HewillbewelltomorrowIamnotsure.5.itistrueremainsaproblem.whether/if的比较whether/ifwhetherwhetherwhetherwhether34;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布1. He asked _. (谁能回答这个问题)2. Do you know_. (他们在等谁)3. He

27、 asked _. (谁的书法是班上最好的)4. Please tell me _. (我们什么时候开会)5. Can you tell me _. (他在哪儿)6. Could you tell me _. (我该怎么去车站)7. Would you tell me _(为什么火车迟到了) who could answer the question whom they are waiting for whose handwriting was the best in the class when well have a meeting where he is how I can get to

28、 the station why the train is late35;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布单项选择 1.I dont know_ we can live on the island without any food.A.where B what C how D that2.Could you tell me _?A Where is the part ? B Whos on duty ?C Whose book is this ? D What are they doing ?3 The teacher told us that the earth

29、_around the sun.A moved B moves C move D moving4.Could you tell me _?A if he would come tomorrowB will he come tomorrowC whether he will come tomorrowD If he comes tomorrow4.I did nt know that Mr. Smith _yet.A.Has returned B has returned C had returned D returned BBCCC36;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理

30、发布 改错1.Could you tell me where are they having a picnic?2. We believe that they have finished their task, dont we ?3.Mr li seems that he is very expert at repairing at computers.havent theythey areas if 37;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布1.Ithinkitisunnecessaryformetospeaklouder.2.Hismotherissatisfiedwithhehasdone.3.hewasabletocomemadeushappy.4.Thisismakesusinterested.5.ThereasonwasTodhadneverseenthemillionpoundnotebefore.what/that(that)what(that)what(that)38;无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布39;.



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