高中英语 Module 5 Cultural Corner & Task 第3课时课件 外研版必修5

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修5 The Great Sports PersonalityModule 5第三课时第三课时Cultural Corner & Task 1.1.1集合的概念Module 5课内要点探究课内要点探究 2巩巩 固固 提提 升升3课课 时时 作作 业业 4课前新知预习课前新知预习1写写 作作 指指 导导 5课前新知预习课前新知预习.重点单词1最后的(adj.)_最终(adv.)_2胜利(n.)_3抗议(vi.)_4宣布(vt.)_宣布;声明(n.)_5竞争者;对手(n.)_ 竞争(vi.)_6

2、费力的;棘手的;困难的(adj.)_ ultimate ultimatelyvictoryprotestdeclaredeclaration competitor compete tough .重点短语1rise _ ones feet 站起身2according _ 按照;据所说3_ up 捡起;拿起;接(某人);学会;接收(信号)4_ the end 最后,结果to to pick in 课内要点探究课内要点探究1.event n.1)事件;重大事情The art show is an important event this year.这次艺术展是今年的一件大事。2)(一个比赛的)项目W

3、hich events have you entered for?你参加了哪些比赛项目?知识拓展at all events 无论如何in any event 不论发生什么事in that event 如果那样in the event of 如果发生了(某事)quite an event 一件大事即学即用完成句子接下来的比赛是100米赛跑。_ _ _ will be the 100 meters race.答案:The next event2ultimate adj. 最后的,最终的;基本的After many defeats, the war ended for us in ultimate

4、victory.经过多次失败,战争以我们的最终胜利而结束。Hard work is the ultimate source of success.努力工作是成功之本。知识拓展ultimately adv.最后,最终即学即用语法填空Our_(ultimately) objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons.答案:ultimate3protest v/ /n. n. U U,C C抗议Thousands blocked the streets,protesting against the ruling.数千人堵在街头反对该判决。She acce

5、pted the charge without protest.她一声未吭地接受了指控。助记pro(在前)test(作证);原义:在面前作证坚决表示赞成或反对抗议知识拓展protest against/about 抗议protest that.申言,声明in protest 作为抗议without protest 毫无怨言地,心甘情愿地Greenpeace activists painted a car pink during a protest against air pollution.绿色和平组织人员在反对空气污染的抗议中把一辆汽车涂成粉红色。即学即用完成句子那个城市的人们一直在抗议那个

6、新法律。People in that city kept on _ _ the new law.答案:protesting against4declare vt.宣布;声明They declared the results of the election.他们宣布了选举结果。I declared at the meeting that I did not support him.我在会上声明我不支持他。She declared that she didnt want to see him again.她宣称她再也不愿见到他。知识拓展declaration n. 宣布;宣言;声明declared

7、 adj. 公开宣布的词语辨析announce,declare1)announce指正式“公布”;“宣布”;侧重告知人们关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻。Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.当他宣布竞赛的获胜者时,大家都静了下来。The government announced its new economic policies to the public on TV.政府通过电视向公众宣布了新的经济政策。2)declare指正式向公众宣布,侧重“当众发表”,多用于宣战、议和或宣判等。Our gover

8、nment declared war on Japan.我国政府对日宣战了。The chairman declared the meeting closed.主席宣布会议结束。即学即用用declare, announce填空Our country has _ against any war between the two countries, which will be _ to the nation.答案:declared; announced5tough adj.1)费力的;棘手的;艰难的Dragging the load uphill was tough work for the hor

9、se.拖货物上坡对马来说是很困难的工作。2)坚韧的;牢固的;折不断的This material is as tough as leather.这种材料像皮革般坚韧。3)健壮的;结实的A mountain climber must be tough.登山者必须身体健壮。4)顽固的;固执的;不屈不挠的;刚强的He is a tough guy.他是一个顽固的家伙。5)强硬的;严厉的The law is tough on offenders.该法律对违法者处罚很严厉。即学即用完成句子他有一些很棘手的问题要处理。He had _ _ _ to solve.答案:some tough problemsr

10、ise to ones feet 站起身The headmaster rose to his feet to welcome me.校长站起身来欢迎我。He glanced quickly round, and rose to his feet.他往四周迅速地瞧了瞧,然后站起身来。He rose unsteadily to his feet to reply to the speech of welcome.他摇摇晃晃地站起身来回应这欢迎辞。词语辨析rise,raise1)rise vi. 升起;上升;增长;升高;说明主语自身移向较高位置。2)raise vt.举起;提起;抬高;说明主语发出的

11、动作是要作用于其他事物的。即学即用完成句子众所周知,太阳从东方升起。As we all know, _ _ _ in the east.答案:the sun risesThe marathon is the final Olympic event because it is thought to be the hardest.马拉松是奥运会的最后一场赛事,因为它被认为是最难的项目。“It is过去分词”是英语中很常用的一个句型结构,它的后面可以接to do形式,也可以接从句,常见的有: It is said. 据说。It must be pointed out that. 必须指出。It is

12、 supposed that. 据推测。It is believed that. 人们相信。It is reported that. 据报道。It has been proved that. 已证明。It is well known that. 众所周知。It is generally considered that. 人们普遍认为。 It is known that thousands of Chinese worked in the gold mine in the late 19th century.据了解,成千上万的中国人在19世纪后期曾经在这个金矿里劳动过。It was report

13、ed that he had won the game.(He was reported to have won the game.)据报道他赢了比赛。It is well known that anyone who wins a prize should treat us to a good dinner.中奖的人要请我们美餐一顿是众所周知的。高考链接(2014江西)He is thought _ (act) foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job.答案:to have acted本句考查的是固定

14、句式:Sb. be thought to.“某人被认为”;如果表示的是一个已经完成的动作,就使用不定式的完成式,如果是正在进行的动作,就使用不定式的进行式。句意:他被认为表现很糟糕,现在他只能责怪自己丢了那份工作。根据句意可知他表现很糟糕是在丢掉工作之前,所以使用不定式的完成式。即学即用语法填空The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Mike, who was reported _(break) the world record in the 110meter hurdle race.答案:to have broken 巩巩 固固 提提 升升.选词填空

15、score;champion;quality;ultimate;rise to ones feet;dramatically;tough;competitor1She _ and extended her hands to greet me.2One of the _ hurt her leg during the race.3The story ended _,which is far beyond my expectation.4Great cheers went up when he _ in the final minute of the game.5It is agreed by a

16、ll that Marathon is a most _ event in the Olympic Games.6The _ of service in this restaurant has improved a lot.7He is determined to win the _ of weightlifting in 2016 Olympics.8The _ outcome of the experiment cannot be predicted.答案:1.rose to her petitors3.dramatically4scored5.tough6.quality7.champi

17、on8.ultimate.改正下列各句中的错误,每句只有一处1The teacher raised to her feet and went out._2He asked me if I had anything declare._3We protested strongly to aggression._4According these figures,our company is doing well._5Jordan is thought to be one of the best basketball player in the USA_答案:1.raisedrose2.declare

18、前加to3.toagainst4.According后加to5.playerplayers课课 时时 作作 业业(点此链接)(点此链接)写写 作作 指指 导导写一则通知写作技巧通知一般可分为口头通知和书面通知两种。书面通知的格式:通知的内容一般可分为五个部分:一、标题通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用Announcement,书面通知多用Notice或NOTICE。二、日期口头通知因是现场发布,不需要日期,但书面通知要写日期。布告式通知的日期一般写在最后一行,即左下角,要低于落款;书信式通知的日期可写在右上角。三、称呼语口头通知往往要有称呼语,如Boys and girls,Ladie

19、s and gentlemen,Dear friends,Comrades等。四、正文通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。口头通知开始往往要用上“Attention,please”,或“May I have your attention,please?”或“Be quiet,please.”,其后可以加上“I have an announcement to make.”,结束时可加上“Thats all.”,“Thank you!”之类的客套话。注意事项:1)书面通知语言比较规范,切忌使用模糊语言和俚语、俗语。通知中一般无称呼语,常用第三人称,且被动语态使用较多。2)通告的正文就是通告的内容,

20、这是主体部分,包括通知的对象、事由、时间、地点等,语言应简洁明了,条理清晰,要求明确,特别是时间概念很重要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。典题示例假设你是某中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛,并邀请附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请参照以下内容写一则通知。英语演讲比赛主题:人与体育时间:11月15日下午200500地点:501教室参赛选手:10名学生评委:学校英语老师和外籍教师Ms.Smith报名时间:本周末联系人:学生会主席李华(电话:44876655)注意:词数100左右。【审题谋篇】写本文应注意以下方面:一 、演讲主题二、比赛时间三、参赛选手四、联系方式五、邀请

21、外教时态:一般将来时【写作关键】1我校将举行英语演讲比赛。举行英语演讲比赛_210个学生将就“人与体育”的主题进行演讲。发表演讲_人与体育_3希望英语爱好者踊跃参加。英语爱好者_踊跃参加_【连句成篇】_参考答案:写作关键1hold an English Speech Contest/an English Speech Contest will be held2deliver their speeches/speak in publicMan and Sport3students who are good at/do well in Englishtake an active part in连句

22、成篇NOTICEAn English Speech Contest will be held in our school on November 15th.It will start at 200 pm and last for about three hours in Room 501.Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic“Man and Sport”We will invite some English teachers in our school and the foreign teacher,Ms.Smi

23、th,who is teaching in the university close to our school as judges. We hope all of you who are good at English will take an active part in this activity.Please sign up at this weekend.You can call Li Hua at 44876655 if you have any questions,and he is Chairman of the Students Union.the Students UnionNovember 3rd.



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