九年级英语全册 Unit 9 The world’s highest mountain is 8,844 meters high Reading课件 鲁教版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 9 The world’s highest mountain is 8,844 meters high Reading课件 鲁教版_第1页
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《九年级英语全册 Unit 9 The world’s highest mountain is 8,844 meters high Reading课件 鲁教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 Unit 9 The world’s highest mountain is 8,844 meters high Reading课件 鲁教版(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 The worlds highest mountain is 8,844 meters high. Readinglearning strategy Identifying key information确认重要信息确认重要信息In order to understand the reading and remember information,look for key words and phrases as you read, and underline them.为为理理解解阅阅读读文文,记记住住信信息息,在在读读的的时时候候找找到到重重要要的的单单词词和和短短语,并把它们

2、划下来。语,并把它们划下来。PARAGRAPH 1WordsendangeredsymbolinternationalorganizationprotectPhrasesgiant pandain factbe known as/for/toall over the WWF=World Wildlife FundPARAGRAPH 2Succeed (v.)Successful (adj.)Science (n.)Scientific (adj)WordsnewsincreaselatestshowsuccessscientistsupportPhrasesthe/a number ofbec

3、ause ofenvironmental organizationpattern:there be + sb./ sth +doingThere are 3 boys playing basketball outside.外面有三个男孩在打篮球。外面有三个男孩在打篮球。Practice:Make sentences like this.PARAGRAPH 3pattern: the passive voiceWordsbreedresearchbasespecialcenteredgeobjectPhrasesbamboo foreston the edge ofgrow upon ones

4、ownset sb. freelive a (adj.) lifePARAGRAPH 4WordsspendprogramhabitatchoosecontinuereservetreasurePhrasesbe suitable forsquare kilometersnature reservenational treasureSentence:Still, everyone must continue to work hard to protect one of Chinas most important national treasures the giant panda.Notes:

5、continue to do sth.3b Answer the following questions:1. Which environmental organization gives support to the protection of giant pandas? The WWF does. 2. Whats the object of the Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base? Its object is to increase the number of giant pandas.3. What is taught to the gia

6、nt pandas when they grow up?Theyre taught the necessary skills to live in the wild on their own.4. How many square kilometers of forest was chosen for giant pandas in the year 2000?23,000 square kilometers.GRAMMAR FOCUS:1.形形容容词词比比较较级级和和最最高高级级的的用用法法:让让我我们们记记住住这这首首口口诀吧:诀吧:没有比较用原级,两者相比比较级,三者以上最高级。没有比较用

7、原级,两者相比比较级,三者以上最高级。 动动词词后后加加原原级级, than句句子子比比较较级级, the字字在在前前最最高高级级, 碰碰上上of 和和in短语短语,千万别忘最高级。千万别忘最高级。 2.名称名称 范围范围 标志词标志词原级原级 =1 very, so比较级比较级 =2 than 最高级最高级 =3 in, of 短语短语 HOMEWORK1.Write and master the phrases and the sentences. 2. Write the phrases twice and master ten phrases. The first wealth is health.健康是人生第一财富。



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