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1、宾语补足语、主谓一致宾语补足语、主谓一致一、宾语补足语一、宾语补足语.1.概念概念: 英语中有些动词接了宾语后意义仍不完整英语中有些动词接了宾语后意义仍不完整,需要在宾语后用一个补足语需要在宾语后用一个补足语,以说明宾语以说明宾语“是什么是什么” “怎么样怎么样”或或“做什么做什么”.2. 用法用法: . 能做宾语补足语的主要是能做宾语补足语的主要是: 名词、形容词、介词短语、副词、动词名词、形容词、介词短语、副词、动词 不定式及分词不定式及分词. He is so nice to everyone that we all consider him a true friend. What he

2、 said made us happy.I found him at work every time I go into his room.He rushed out, leaving the light on.The teacher had me sweep the floor after school.I got the bike repaired by a friend of mine.I heard him singing the song. 能接宾语补足语的动词主要有能接宾语补足语的动词主要有: A. “使使成为成为/变成变成,使使做做” have, make ,let / forc

3、e, get, push, ask, tell, require / choose, elect, paint, turn, etc. The boss made him work day and night. You must get somebody to do the job. He painted the wall green. B. 表表“称为、认为、以为称为、认为、以为”的动词的动词 believe, call, consider, find, name, suppose, think, etc. We all think Tom a clever boy.C. 表表“保持保持,使

4、使处于处于(状态状态)” keep, leave, find, etc. You must keep the classroom clean and tidy.D. “听见、看见听见、看见”等感官动词等感官动词: hear, notice, see, watch, observe, feel, find, etc. I saw him go into the house.练习练习1.The school is trying to _ the students in touch with society. A. make B. keep C. have D. get2. I will have

5、my bike _ this afternoon. A. repair B. to be repaired C. repairing D. repaired3. Mr. Green was made _ of the club when he was only 28. A. chairmen B. chairman C. as a chairman D. as chairman4. I immediately pushed all the doors and windows _ to let in some fresh air. A. to open B. open C. opening D.

6、 opened二、主谓一致二、主谓一致: 主语与谓语在人称和数上保持主语与谓语在人称和数上保持 一致一致. 三个原则三个原则: 1.语法一致语法一致 . 以以kind ( pair/ piece) of 短语为主语短语为主语, 动动 词与词与kind /pair/ piece 的单复数一致的单复数一致. This pair of glasses is broken. . as well as/ but /except/ other than(非非) /rather than/ (together) with, besides,等等 连接两个主语时连接两个主语时, 动词与前面的主语一致动词与前面

7、的主语一致. You ,rather than him, are to blame. . 以动词不定式以动词不定式, v-ing或从句作主语时或从句作主语时,谓谓 语动词一般用单数语动词一般用单数.what 从句依后面的从句依后面的 表语名词而定表语名词而定. Skating in winter is great fun. To say something is easier than to do something. what I saw in his room was a chair./were two chairs.2. 意义一致意义一致 .以以all (half/ most/ part

8、/ percent/ some /the rest) of 短语作主语时短语作主语时,谓语与后面谓语与后面 名词的单复数一致名词的单复数一致. The rest of students are at home. The rest of work is to be done tomorrow. . 表度量表度量,时间时间,金额的复数名词作主语常被金额的复数名词作主语常被 当作整体当作整体,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数. 1,000 kilometers is not a long distance today. Ten days is a long time to me. army/ class

9、/ crowd/ family/ government/ public/ team, etc.作主语时作主语时, 作为整体看待作为整体看待, 动词用单数形式动词用单数形式;若强调个体时若强调个体时, 动词用复数动词用复数. Our class is a big one. The class are all listening to the teacher now.cattle, people, police等作主语时等作主语时,谓语动词谓语动词 用复数用复数. The police are searching for the stolen car. . “the + adj.”作主语时作主语时

10、,动词用复数动词用复数. The old are taken good care of in China.3. 就近的原则就近的原则 . or, eitheror, neithernor, notbut, not onlybut also连接连接 两个主语时两个主语时, 动词与近的名词一致动词与近的名词一致. Not only you but also he has made a mistake. .在在there be 句型中句型中, 谓语谓语be与近的名词一致与近的名词一致. There is a book and two pens on the desk. There are two p

11、ens and a book on the desk. 练习练习:1. Inside her bag _ some exercise books she has forgotten to hand in. A. has B. have C. is D. are2. Where we will go picnicking with the new comers _ not been decided yet. A. are B. is C. have D. has 3. Henrys parents _ Henry himself is going to show the guests aroun

12、d the city. A. together with B. as well as C. or D. and4. Nobody but Tom and Jane _ told about the coming test. A. was B. were C. has D. have been5. What caused the car accident _ on the road. Three people including a child died. A. were stone B. were a stone C. was stone D. was a stone6. All _ here

13、 except Tom, and everything _ ready except the flowers. A. are, are B. is, is C. is, are D. are, is 7. Whos taken my sisters pen? _ he or you taken it? A. Is B. Are C. Has D. Have8. In that country, the rich _ richer and the poor poorer. A. become B. has become C. becomes D. is becoming9. _ wood _ p

14、lastic will do, so weve got to find another material to make the model plane. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Both; and D. Not only; but also- I have got one ticket for Liu Xiangs 110m hurdle race to be held in Nanjing. _ you _ your desk-mate can have it. - Is it on Saturday or on Sunday?- It is on

15、 next Monday.- Oh, what a pity. I am afraid _ I _ my desk-mate can enjoy it. Situation Eitherneither either or / neither norornor- Which one can I take, Sir?- I am afraid, you can take _.neither the gun nor the cigar- Where can I stay on Saturday night, Sir?- You can stay _ in the classroom _ in the dormitory.either or 用用“neithernor/ either or”改写下列改写下列句子句子1. His father may be a bus driver. His father may be a taxi driver. His father may be either a bus driver or a taxi driver.2. The boy has never been to Tibet and nor has the girl. Neither the boy nor the girl has been to Tibet and



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