高考英语总复习 Book 6 板块十一 Modules 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship课件 外研版

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1、.词汇认知1 v信赖,信任2 n数量3 adj.体贴的,考虑周到的4 v撕裂,撕破5 adj.完美的Module 3Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship trustamountconsideratetearperfect6 adj.亲密的,亲近的 adv.紧紧地,仔细地7 adv.财政上地 adj.财政上的,金融的 n财政8 adj.活泼的,有生气的 adj.活的,直播的;燃烧的9 v成熟 adj.成熟的10 v预言,预测 n预言 adj.可预测的11 偶尔,有时12 转过身来13 和好,和解14 对感到惭愧/羞耻15 属于closecloselyfina

2、nciallyfinancialfinancelivelyliveripenripepredictpredictionpredictablefrom time to timeturn roundmake up(be)ashamed ofbelong to.语境助记I bitterly having with Tom and it tore me apart to think I might have hurt his feelings.He to me that he me among his friends and me completely.Finally he didnt me and

3、my rudeness. regrettedquarrelledmentionedcountedclosesttrustedscoldforgave1raise vt.筹措,提高,饲养,提出 Nothing is so easy as for parents to raise their expectations of their children too high.对家长来说,没有什么比提高对孩子的期望值更容易的事情了。The teacher raised his finger to his lips for silence.老师把手指举到唇边,示意安静。It includes helpin

4、g kids with their lessons,raising_money_for families in need and collecting data for environmental research.它包括帮孩子们学习功课,为有困难的家庭筹措资金和为环境研究收集数据。2.count v数;计数;认为,看作;有价值;算得上n计数 Ive read another book this week.Well,maybe it is not how much you read but what you read that counts.这周我又读了一本书。噢,或许重要的不是你读了多少本而

5、是你读的什么书。Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.不要蛋尚未孵出先数小鸡(不要打如意算盘)。That was the first time Dad had counted_on me in a moment of emergency.那是父亲第一次在紧急时刻依靠我。3regret v. & n后悔,悔恨;遗憾;抱歉 Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt that he could have expressed it differently.Jerry并不后悔提出自己的意见

6、,但是他感觉他本来可以换种方式表达的。I regret to inform you that your contract will not be renewed.我很遗憾地通知你,你的合同不能续签。Much to_my_regret,I wont be able to enjoy Christmas with you.很遗憾,我不能跟你们共度圣诞节了。regret后面所接非谓语形式不一样,表达意思也不一样。类似词语还有:remember,forget,stop,try,mean,cant help,go on等。4forgive (forgave;forgiven) v原谅,饶恕,宽恕If a

7、nything happened to the kids,Id never forgive myself.如果孩子们出了什么事,我永远也不能原谅自己。My nephew Tony had never forgiven me for the dictionary I had bought him as a birthday present last year.我的侄子Tony从来不会因去年我买的作为生日礼物的字典而原谅我。He asked_for_forgiveness for what he had done to me.他请求我原谅他对我的所作所为。类似forgive sb. for sth

8、.用法的还有下列短语:blame sb. for sth.因某事而责备某人scold sb. for sth.因某事而责骂某人punish sb. for sth.因某事而惩罚某人praise sb. for sth.因某事而表扬某人5. mention v提及;说起;谈到n.论及,提及 Its nice of you to come here to pick me up,Mr.Smith.Dont mention it.How was the flight?史密斯先生,谢谢你来接我。别客气,旅途怎样?Its worth mentioning that the new regulations

9、dont actually come into force until next year.值得一提的是新的规章制度要到明年才真正生效。I mentioned the idea to Joan,and she seemed to like it.我向琼说起过这个想法,她似乎很喜欢。动词mention不接双宾语,即不能说mention sb.sth.;后跟动词时,用动词的ing形式。6burst out 突然起来,突然发生 His anger would burst out when things didnt go as hed expected.当事情并非如他所愿时他就会勃然大怒。Sudden

10、ly, the group burst out laughing/burst into laughter.突然,这群人轰然大笑起来。The door was thrust open and Tom burst_in.门被猛地推开,汤姆冲了进来。7. keep in touch with sb.和某人保持联系 No longer has she kept in touch with us since she went abroad for further study.自从她出国进修以来,她再也没有与我们保持联系。Who should you get in touch with if you ho

11、pe to work in a radio station?如果你希望在一家电台工作,你该与谁取得联系?During the war people might lose_touch_with/be out of touch with their relatives and friends.战乱中,人们可能会与亲友失去联系。touch除用作名词,意为“联系”外,还可用作动词,意为“触摸,碰;触动,感动”。如:Dont touch it;it breaks easily.不要动它,它容易碎。I was touched by what he said.我被他的话感动了。 8in return作为回报

12、;作为交换;作为回应 In return,they get paid for unused energy fed back into the National Grid.因为把没用的能量返回国家电网,作为回报,他们得到了报酬。I invited him to dinner in_return_for his kindness.为了报答他的好心,我宴请了他。return不能和back连用。1Hearing the old mans reports, the officer_from his seat and said that something must be done to _peoples

13、 living standards.Araised;riseBrose;raiseCraised;raise Drose;rise解析:rose为rise的过去式,意为“站起”,是不及物动词。raise意为“提高”。 答案:B2David is on good _ with his colleagues for the sake of his work,which is obvious for us.Afriendship BrelationsCintentions Dterms解析:句意:David为了他的工作和同事们相处得很好,显然这是为了我们。be on good terms with

14、sb.是固定短语,意为“与某人关系很好”。答案:D3Are you free after school?Sorry,Ive planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner _ for help.Ain order Bin returnCin turn Din honor解析:考查固定短语。in return for作为对的回报,以答谢。答案:B4As is known,mobile phones make it possible for people to _each other conveniently.Akeep in touch with Bget

15、 in touch Close touch with Dbe connected 解析:keep in touch with sb.和某人保持联系。根据题意可排除C、D项;B项缺少with。 答案:A5Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _ to the welleducated.Abelongs Bis belongedCis belonging Dwill be belonged解析:belong to是固定词组,意为“属于”,没有进行时态和被动语态,故A项正确。答案:A6Thank you very

16、much for helping me out of trouble, Bob._.AWith pleasure BDont mention itCThats right DI hope so解析:dont mention it“不用谢,没关系”,表示感谢的答语,符合对话语境。with pleasure非常乐意;thats right好的;I hope so我希望如此。 答案:B7Lydia really regrets _ out of high school.She has really had to struggle to make a living because of the dec

17、ision.Adrop Bto dropCdropping Ddropped解析:考查regret的用法。句意:莉迪亚后悔从高中退学。regret doing sth.后悔做了某事;regret to do sth.对要谈到的事情感到遗憾。答案:C8Although the couple didnt choose to sleep in the wild instead of in the hotel,it _ unexpectedly beautiful.Aturned up Bturned outCturned down Dturned around解析:句意:尽管这对夫妻没有选择在野外睡

18、而是在旅馆住,但结果是意外地美丽。turn out意为“结果是,证明是”,后可接形容词作表语,而其他三项不可以。答案:B9Mary did do some bad things about me,but I have _ her for that.Aregretted BfreedCrelaxed Dforgiven解析:句意:玛丽对我做了些不好的事,但是我原谅了她。答案:D10Do you have the receipt,madam?No,Im afraid Ive _.Atorn it off Btorn it downCtorn it up Dtorn it away解析:句意:女士,

19、你有收据吗?没有,恐怕我已把它撕碎了。tear off扯掉;tear down拆除;tear up撕碎;tear away忍痛离去。答案:C11Believe it or not, Lilys sister _ crying when we were eating.Aburst on Bburst inCburst out Dburst into解析:考查动词短语。burst into名词burst out doing sth.突然起来。burst into tearsburst out crying突然大哭起来。答案:C12Are you sure Nick will help us if

20、we are in trouble?_.He is a reliable friend.AIt doesnt matter BDont take it to heartCYou can count on it DNo problem解析:考查交际用语。从后面的“He is a reliable friend.”可知,此题选C项(你完全可以相信)。 答案:C1. I remember the first time I met Roy.我记得第一次遇到罗伊的情景。知识提炼time表示“次数”,后面的定语从句用that引导,that可省略。句式仿写我记不起第一次参观长城的情景了。I_dont_rem

21、ember_the_first_time_I_visited_the_Great_Wall.2. It looked as if there was about500 there.这沓钱看起来约有五百英镑。知识提炼it looks as if “看起来好像”。句式仿写看起来要下雨了。It_looks_as_if_it_is_going_to_rain.3The first time I lost my best friend, I thought it was the end of the world.第一次我失去最好的朋友时,我认为世界末日到了。知识提炼the first time作从属连词

22、使用,引导时间状语从句。句式仿写第一次见面,他们就彼此相爱了。The_first_time_they_met,they_fell_in_love_with_each_other.4. It was the worst loss I have ever experienced.那是我所经历过的最大的损失。知识提炼I have ever experienced为定语从句,表示范围。句式仿写这是我所看过的最有趣的书。This_is_the_most_interesting_book_(that)_I_have_ever_read.1Having left something in the cloak

23、room, I went inside to get it, and found Roy going through the pockets of peoples coats.因为我把东西落在衣帽间了,我就进去取,这时我发现罗伊正在翻别人的衣袋。Having left something in the cloakroom是现在分词的完成时作原因状语。因为这个现在分词的动作发生在主句谓语动词went之前,所以用了完成时。另外,句中的found Roy going.属于“find宾语宾补”结构,意为“发现处于某种状态”。Not having received the reply,we wrote

24、again.因为没有收到答复,我们又写了一封信。Having been scolded many times,he determined to study hard to catch up with others.多次被批评之后,他决定努力学习赶上其他人。She found herself wondering why there couldnt be a builtindevice for cleaning the window.她发现自己弄不明白为什么不能有个内置的装置来清洁窗子。2It would have been impossible to find my daughter witho

25、ut the help of Friends Reunited.要是没有老友重聚网站的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。would have been是虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的假设。without(相当于but for)引导的介词短语表示虚拟条件,相当于一个if引导的虚拟条件句。既可以表示与现在的事实相反的假设,又可以表示与过去的事实相反的假设。I couldnt have gone through that bitter period without your generous help.假如当时没有你慷慨相助,我很难熬过那段艰难的时期。Man couldnt live without wa

26、ter or air(if there were no water or air)没有空气和水人类就不能生存。Without your help, I couldnt have got rid of the trouble.如果没有你的帮助,我就不能摆脱麻烦。1A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen.Asmoke BsmokingCto smoke Dsmoked解析:句意:如果厨师当场被发现在厨房吸烟会立即被开除。find sb.doing sth.sb.be found doing sth.发现某人在

27、做某事。答案:B2Susan is walking slowly.It looked _she were very tired.Athat Bso thatCas if Deven if解析:由she were very tired可知,此处应用as if(好像,仿佛)。it seems/looks as if.似乎/看起来好像。 答案:C3What would have happened if you _ her out of trouble?Acouldnt help Bwouldnt helpChadnt helped Ddidnt help解析:表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,从句用过去

28、完成时。答案:C4Do you still remember the first time _we went to see that film?A/ BwhenCwhich Dwhile解析:句意:你还记得我们第一次看那部电影时的情形吗?time表示“次数”时,后面的定语从句用that引导,that可省略。故选A。 答案:A5I could hardly recognize your son._I met him,he was only a little child.AFrom the moment BFor the first timeCThe first time DThe moment解析:句意:我几乎没认出你儿子。我第一次见他时,他还只是个小孩子。the first time“第一次”,用作连词,引导时间状语从句;for the first time多作状语,不能引导从句;the moment可引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”,用于此处,意思不符;from the moment“从那一刻起”。 答案:C



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