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1、Chapter ElevenSolid and Hazardous Waste中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteOutlinen nIntroductionIntroductionn nDefinitionsDefinitionsn nSourcesSourcesn nDistributionDistributionn nSolutionsSolutionsuuRegulationRegulationuuDisposalDisposaluuTreatmentTreatmentuuReduce, RecycleReduce, RecycleSanta Clar

2、a: Hazardous Waste Sites中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwaste中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteWhat was learned?n nWe cant We cant throw awaythrow away( (丢弃丢弃) ) wastewasten nWaste does not Waste does not stay stay put(put(原位不动原位不动) )n nPrevention(Prevention(预防预防) ) is is cheaper than clean upcheaper

3、 than clean up中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteDefinition: Solid WasteuuUnwanted or Unwanted or discarded material discarded material that is not a liquid that is not a liquid or gasor gasuuMunicipal solid Municipal solid waste is 506 billion waste is 506 billion pounds per year pounds per year (T

4、yler 2003) (Tyler 2003) twice as much as twice as much as 19701970Approx. 12 billion tons of solid waste中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteSources of Municipal solid waste (MSW)n nSecondary substancesSecondary substancesn nLeachate breakdown Leachate breakdown of primary and of primary and secondary

5、 substancessecondary substancesLeachate沥出物沥出物(液液)中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteDefinition: Hazardous Wasten nDiscarded solid or liquid Discarded solid or liquid materialmaterialuuContaining at least one Containing at least one of 39 compoundsof 39 compoundsuuCatches fire easilyCatches fire easi

6、lyuuReactive; can explode; Reactive; can explode; release toxic fumes(release toxic fumes(烟烟) )uuCorrosive(Corrosive(腐蚀腐蚀) ) metal containersmetal containers中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteDefinition: Hazardous wasten nWhats officially Whats officially excluded?excluded?uuAbout 95% of About 95% o

7、f hazardous wastehazardous wastet tRadioactive wasteRadioactive wastet tMining wasteMining wastet tSmall companies Small companies 220 pounds 220 poundst tHousehold Household hazardous wastehazardous waste中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteHazardous Waste Sources75% of Hazardous waste:Chemical manuf

8、acturingPrimary metal manufacturingPetroleum refining中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteSix main categoriesn nHeavy metalsn nSynthetic organic compounds PCBs, DDT, Dioxinn nPetroleum products n nAcidsn nBiological n nRadioactive nuclear fuel rods, nuclear medical material中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHaza

9、rdwastePCBsn nPolychlorinated Biphenyls (Aroclor)n nManufacture stopped in US in 1977n nEntered ecosystems n nDo not break down easilyn nBioaccumulation中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwaste中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwastePCBs and Salmon中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwastePCBs: Healthn nA severe form

10、 of acne called chloracne A severe form of acne called chloracne n nSwelling of the upper eyelids Swelling of the upper eyelids n nNumbness in the arms and/or legs Numbness in the arms and/or legs n nWeakness Weakness n nDiscoloring of the nails and skin Discoloring of the nails and skin n nMuscle s

11、pasms Muscle spasms n nChronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis n nProblems with the nervous system Problems with the nervous system n n? Cancer liver and kidney? Cancer liver and kidney中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteSource:中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteRecom

12、mendationsn nCongress pass a funding increase for Food and Drug Administration Congress pass a funding increase for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to support testing of farmed salmon and other protein sources (FDA) to support testing of farmed salmon and other protein sources for PCBs. for PCBs.

13、 n nThe Food and Drug Administration move quickly to conduct a The Food and Drug Administration move quickly to conduct a definitive study of PCB contamination in farmed salmon, and make all definitive study of PCB contamination in farmed salmon, and make all results public. This testing is critical

14、, because FDA will be unable to results public. This testing is critical, because FDA will be unable to update its regulation on PCBs in farmed salmon until the agency update its regulation on PCBs in farmed salmon until the agency conducts its own laboratory studies. conducts its own laboratory stu

15、dies. n nThe FDA issue a PCB health advisory for seafood consumption in line The FDA issue a PCB health advisory for seafood consumption in line with current PCB health guidance issued by the EPA. with current PCB health guidance issued by the EPA. n nPolicy-makers do more to preserve salmon habitat

16、 in Alaska, where, Policy-makers do more to preserve salmon habitat in Alaska, where, preliminary indications are, fish are naturally low in PCB preliminary indications are, fish are naturally low in PCB contamination. contamination. n nThe salmon farming industry monitor salmon feed for PCB The sal

17、mon farming industry monitor salmon feed for PCB contamination and shift or refine feed sources to produce fish lower in contamination and shift or refine feed sources to produce fish lower in PCBs and other pollutants. PCBs and other pollutants. 中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteDistributionn nSol

18、id waste pointSolid waste pointn nHazardous waste - Hazardous waste - disperseddispersed中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteDisposal Methods: Solid wasten nOpen dumps low Open dumps low value landvalue landn nSanitary landfillsSanitary landfillsLeachate from open dump(露天垃圾场)卫生填埋卫生填埋中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11So

19、lidandHazardwasteDisposal Methods: Hazardous waste n nMidnight dumping water Midnight dumping water bodies, abandoned farms; bodies, abandoned farms; private depotsprivate depotsn nOpen lagoons liquid Open lagoons liquid waste dumped into waste dumped into uncovered, unlined pits; uncovered, unlined

20、 pits; until 1970 in USuntil 1970 in USn nSurface storage in drumsSurface storage in drumsn nBurial in containersBurial in containers中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteGeography of hazardous wasten nEastern seaboardn nGreat lakesn nSouthern CAn nGulf coast中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteSome cons

21、equencesn nLove canal, Niagara Falls,NYn nElizabeth, New Jersey Hudson Rivern nBhopal, India - 1984n nChernobyl - 1986Hudson River中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteHealth effectsn nAcute toxicity (剧毒)n nChronic toxicity (慢毒)n nCarcinogens (致癌)n nMutagens (致突变)n nTeratogens (致畸)n nInfected substance

22、s (致感染)中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteRisk Assessmentn nPublic information - labelingPublic information - labelingn nLab tests, case studies, statistical approximationsLab tests, case studies, statistical approximationsn nProblems with risk assessmentProblems with risk assessmentuuUncertainty in

23、 low dosage(Uncertainty in low dosage(剂量剂量) ) conditionsconditionsuuEmergence of new chemicals faster than Emergence of new chemicals faster than evaluation can be performedevaluation can be performedn nHealth and environmental costs vs economic Health and environmental costs vs economic benefitsben

24、efits中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteHazardous Waste Regulation1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)n nProvides the legal definitionn nEstablishes guidelines for managing, storing and disposing中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwaste1980 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response Comprehen

25、sive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act - Compensation and Liability Act - SuperfundSuperfundn nCleaning up hazardous waste sites Cleaning up hazardous waste sites n nEmpowers federal government to provide funding Empowers federal government to provide funding severe contamination

26、 severe contaminationn nAbout 2300 superfund sites (about one-third have About 2300 superfund sites (about one-third have been cleaned)been cleaned)n n10,000 sites awaiting evaluation10,000 sites awaiting evaluationn n$13.5 billion until 2001 10% actually used for $13.5 billion until 2001 10% actual

27、ly used for clean-upclean-up中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwaste中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteEPA Region 9City: San FranciscoCounty: San FranciscoOther Names: Treasure Island Hunters Point AnnexTriple A Shipyard-Hunters PointDivisionHunters Point Naval Shipyard Groundwater, sediments, soil, and

28、surface water are contaminated with fuels, pesticides, heavy metals, PCBs, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Soil also contains asbestos. National Priorities Lists (NPL)中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwastePolluter Pays Lawsn nState level lawsn nPeople under whose ownership waste was disposed中国地质

29、大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteManaging Hazardous Waste: Disposal(处置) Secure landfill(Secure landfill(安全填埋安全填埋) )n nConfine(Confine(限制限制) ) the wastethe wasten nAppropriate siteAppropriate siten nLandfill designLandfill designuuClay liner underlain by plastic linerClay liner underlain by plastic lin

30、eruuClay capClay capuuLeachate collection and drainage systemLeachate collection and drainage systemuuMonitoring wellsMonitoring wells中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteSecure Landfill中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteManaging Hazardous Waste: DisposalDeep well injection(Deep well injection(深井灌注深井灌

31、注) )n n11% of hazardous waste in US 11% of hazardous waste in US n nWaste pumped beneath aquiferWaste pumped beneath aquifern nPlanning, construction, operationsPlanning, construction, operationsn nMalfunctions(Malfunctions(故障故障/ /出现的问题出现的问题) ) uuBlow-outs(Blow-outs(流出来流出来) )uuRock slippage(Rock sli

32、ppage(岩层滑动岩层滑动) )uuGroundwater contamination(Groundwater contamination(地下水污染地下水污染) )中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteManaging Hazardous Waste: Disposaln nOcean dumping(海洋倾倒)uuRadioactive waste - until 1993uuSewage sludgeuuSpoils from harbor/river dredginguuHazardous waste用于港口和航道清淤的工程用于港口和航道清淤的工程中国

33、地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteManaging Hazardous Waste: Disposaln nRadioactive waste disposalRadioactive waste disposaln nLow-level radioactive waste not considered a Low-level radioactive waste not considered a serious threat; buried at 15 sites; monitoringserious threat; buried at 15 sites; mon

34、itoringn nHigh level radioactive waste shipped to a site; High level radioactive waste shipped to a site; sealed as waste undergoes radioactive decay sealed as waste undergoes radioactive decay (250,000 years for plutonium 239)(250,000 years for plutonium 239)n nNuclear waste policy act select first

35、 permanent Nuclear waste policy act select first permanent safe disposal site: Yucca Mts, Nevadasafe disposal site: Yucca Mts, Nevada中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteLocation of low level radioactive waste disposal sites中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteManaging Waste Disposal: TreatmentLand appl

36、ication n nBiodegradable wasten nHalf of US oily wastes中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteManaging Hazardous Waste: TreatmentProcessingn nPhysical and chemical processingn nLess hazardousn nLess waste中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteManaging Hazardous Waste: TreatmentIncinerationIncinerationn nBur

37、ning at high Burning at high temperature 900temperature 900 C or C or moremoren nBreaks down waste to safe Breaks down waste to safe residues and smaller residues and smaller volumesvolumesn nGood for medical Good for medical byproducts, not heavy byproducts, not heavy metalsmetals中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11So

38、lidandHazardwasteWaste Reduction and Recyclingn nSource reduction or minimizationn nRecyclinguuEnergy savingsuuLandfillsuuLess air pollution中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwasteZero Wasten nCanberra, Australia 300,000; 2010Canberra, Australia 300,000; 2010n n40% of New Zealand 201540% of New Zealand 2015n nSeattle 534,700; adopted in 1999Seattle 534,700; adopted in 1999n nSanta Cruz 230,000; adopted in 1999Santa Cruz 230,000; adopted in 1999n nDel Norte County 32,000; adopted in 2000Del Norte County 32,000; adopted in 2000n nChina, ?China, ?中国地质大学(武汉)环境化学11SolidandHazardwaste



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