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1、 Unit 2 Refugee2021/8/21Teaching purposes:To get the students acquainted with the present situation of refugees and real problems of refugees across the world.2021/8/22Cultural Knowledge1. What is refugee?1. What is refugee? Under the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees from

2、 1951, a refugee is a person who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of their nationality, and is unable to or unwilling to avail himself/herself of the protect

3、ion of that country.2021/8/232.Expanded sense of refugee2.Expanded sense of refugee The concept of a refugee was expanded by the Conventions 1967 Protocol and by regional conventions in Africa and Latin America to include persons who had fled war or other violence in their home country.3.Solutions t

4、o refugee population3.Solutions to refugee population The durable solutions to refugee populations, as defined by UNHCR and governments, are: a. voluntary repatriation to the country of origin; b. local integration into the country of asylum; C. resettlement to a third country.2021/8/24吉尔吉斯难民返家吉尔吉斯难

5、民返家2021/8/252021/8/262021/8/272021/8/282021/8/292021/8/2102021/8/2112015年年9月叙利亚三岁难民月叙利亚三岁难民艾兰在土耳其海滩溺亡艾兰在土耳其海滩溺亡2021/8/212UNCHR Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR联合国难民事务高级专员办事处) (established December 14, 1950) protects and supp

6、orts refugees at the request of a government or the United Nations and assists in their return or resettlement. It provides protection and assistance not only to refugees, but also to other categories of displaced or needy people. These include asylum seekers, refugees who have returned home but sti

7、ll need help in rebuilding their lives, stateless people and so-called internally displaced people (IDP).2021/8/213Many celebrities are associated with the agency as UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors, including Angelina Jolie, Giorgio Armani and others. The individual who has raised the most money in benef

8、it performances and volunteer work on behalf of UNHCR was Luciano Pavarotti. 2021/8/214 2021/8/2152021/8/216Text Analysis Skim over the material and determine how the material is developed?Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions: 1 What is UNHCR ? 2 What is another word for refug

9、ee? 3 What is the effort taken by UNHCR to address this issue?2021/8/217This paragraph is about the introduction to the refugee crisis in the world.2021/8/218Read the second paragraph1.What are the refugee related problems mentioned?2. According the second paragraph what are the solutions to the ref

10、ugee problem?2021/8/2191. security concern 2. environmental degradation3. ethnic imbalance 4. the problem of repatriation and integration1. voluntary repatriation2. local integration3. resettlement in the third state2021/8/220This paragraph is mainly about the deterioration of the humanitarian crisi

11、s in Africa.2021/8/221The make-up of refugees1. refugees displaced-person across border2. internally-displaced persons: those who have a refuge status but dont cross an international border3. asylum-seekers asking protection from the government of host country2021/8/222Read the third paragraph:This

12、paragraph is mainly talking about the refugee situation in West Europe.2021/8/223Read the fourth paragraph:This paragraph illustrated the refugee situation in West Asia.2021/8/224Read the fifth paragraph:This paragraph is mainly about the refugee situation in south Asia.2021/8/225Read the sixth para

13、graph:This paragraph is mainly about the refugee situation in America.2021/8/226 idioms put on airs/give yourself airs A way of behaving that shows someone thinks they are more important than they really are. e.g. Trudy is always putting on airs.l show off someone who always tries to show how clever

14、 or skilled they are so that other people will admire them - often used to show disapproval .2021/8/227 down to earthpractical and direct in a sensible honest way e.g. Frans a very friendly, down-to-earth person. blow your own horn/ trumpetTo talk a lot about your own achievements - used to show disapproval . e.g. Dave spent the whole evening blowing his own trumpet.2021/8/228 Gods gift to somebody/something Someone who thinks they are perfect or extremely attractive - used to show disapproval. e.g. Paul thinks hes Gods gift to women.2021/8/229部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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