九年级英语全册 Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B课件 鲁教版

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《九年级英语全册 Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B课件 鲁教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B课件 鲁教版(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section BWith your group, and show how to get to the right place.REVISIONdrugstorebankCaf houselibrarypost officeDailys departmentstoreMain centerinterestinginexpensiveuncrowdedbeautifulsafe有趣的有趣的不贵的不贵的不太拥挤的不太拥挤的漂亮的漂亮的安全的安全的REVISIONfascinating

2、deliciousbigconvenientclean精彩的精彩的美味的美味的,可口的可口的大的大的方便的方便的干净的干净的REVISIONrestroomscleanuncrowdedinexpensive 1a What qualities are important for each place?museumsinterestinginexpensivefascinatingrestaurantscleaninexpensivedeliciousparksbeautifulbiginexpensivecleaninterestingfascinatingmallssafecleanbea

3、utifulconvenientinexpensivesafeconvenientuncrowdedinexpensivesubwayA: The Fine Arts Museum is really interesting.B: Yes, and its beautiful, too.1b PAIR WORKTalk about places in your city using the words in the box above.The tourists ask aboutConversation 1 RestaurantsConversation 2Conversation 3rest

4、roomsmuseums2a Listen and write what the tourists ask about in each box above.The tourists should go toConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3Green LandThe corner of market and Middle StreetsThe computer museum2b Listen again. Write where the man says the tourists should go.A: Can you tell me whe

5、re theres a good place to eat?B: Of course. What kind of food do you like?2c PAIR WORKRole play the conversations between the man and the tourists.A: 3a Reading Have you found any information about Watertown?Where is it?What is it famous for?3a Read the passage quickly then answer these questions.ki

6、dsteenagersParentsEatHave funWater slideslearnUncle BobsFarms marketClown City CafeOrganized games clownsDance lessonsScience museumSports museumHistory museum3a Read the passage carefully and fill in the chart.Say something about the Watertown according to these questions.Will kids have fun in wate

7、rtown?What can kids do there? What about teenagers?What can parents do?If you are in watertown, what can you do there?What do you think of Watertown?ExplanationWatertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation. 对一个家庭来说,水乡(城)是一个度假的好地方。对一个家庭来说,水乡(城)是一个度假的好地方。(1)someplace + is +for sb. to do

8、 sth.是大家常用的一个固是大家常用的一个固定句型。定句型。例如:例如: Library is a quiet place for students to read books.(2)vacation是假期是假期,休假之意休假之意, 有短语有短语on vacation。例如:例如:They are in Florida on vacation.他们正在佛罗里达度假。他们正在佛罗里达度假。2. They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns.他们组织了游戏,并且员工化装成小丑。他们组织了游戏,并且员工化装成小丑。staff为

9、一个机构的全体工作人员。为一个机构的全体工作人员。例如:例如:The schools staff is / are excellent.这个学校的教职员是很优秀的。这个学校的教职员是很优秀的。3. While the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons on the beach.当孩子们嬉闹的时候,父母可以在海滩上进行舞蹈课。当孩子们嬉闹的时候,父母可以在海滩上进行舞蹈课。(1)while连词,当连词,当的时候,和的时候,和同时。同时。例如:例如: They arrived while we were having dinner.

10、他们来的时候我们正在吃晚饭。他们来的时候我们正在吃晚饭。(2)while后面所引导的动词,往往是可持续的。后面所引导的动词,往往是可持续的。 When 当当时,持续或非持续性动词都可跟在时,持续或非持续性动词都可跟在when后面。后面。I jumped up when she called.她打电话来时,我吓得跳了一下。她打电话来时,我吓得跳了一下。as正当正当的时候,随着,强调同时发生。的时候,随着,强调同时发生。He saw her as he was getting off the bus.正当他下公共汽车时,他看见了她。正当他下公共汽车时,他看见了她。(3)take从事,进行。从事,进

11、行。例如:例如:Im going to take a walk / a bath / a break.我要去散散步我要去散散步/洗个澡洗个澡/歇一会儿。歇一会儿。3b Complete the guide to Sunville. Use the information from activities 2a and 2b.Sunville has something for everyone. If youre looking for museums, _3c Write a guide to your city or town. My town is a small town, but a

12、great place for relaxation. _You will have a quite relaxing holiday here. Welcome to my town.4 GROUP WORKRole play. One student is an information booth worker, and the other students are tourists. The tourists ask questions about your city.A: Could you please tell us if there are any good museums in

13、 Newtown?B: Yes. There is a fascinating science museum. Theres also a very interesting art museum next to 假如你是假如你是Han Meimei。你和几个朋友约定星期天去人民。你和几个朋友约定星期天去人民公园游玩。你去公园游玩。你去Rose住处邀请她参加。不巧她不在。请你根住处邀请她参加。不巧她不在。请你根据下面的示意图,用英语给她留个便条告诉她人民公园的游据下面的示意图,用英语给她留个便条告诉她人民公园的游览路线图,以及进公园后如何找到你们。览路线图,以及进公园后如何找到你们。HomeworkExperience is the father of wisdom and memory is the mother.经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。



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