2014高考英语二轮课件 完形填空 专题2 词语复现(45张)(2013高考)

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1、第一篇专题复习完形填空第二节完形填空解题技巧之词语复现.每日经典谚语和句型背诵与仿写1The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟有虫吃。/捷足先登/笨鸟先飞。2not only.but also.倒装句 (前半局部not only要求局部倒装)活学活用仿照上述句型,翻译以下句子。(1)不仅那城市被污染了,街道也很拥挤。_(2)他不仅教书,也写小说。_Not only was the city polluted but the streets were crowded.Not simply did he teach school, but he wrote nove

2、ls.完形填空解题技巧之词语复现词语复现又可分为原词复现、同源词复现(又叫同根词复现)、同义或近义词复现(包括与近义词的同根词复现, 如ill与sickness)、上下义词复现(即总括与分述, 如animal 是sheep, tiger, wolf等的上义词; rose 是flower 的下义词)等。了解词语复现这种衔接手段, 有助于快速准确地解答完形填空题。词语复现包括原词复现、同义词、近义词复现、反义词复现、同源(同根)词复现和上下义词复现。典型例析(1)原词复现。为了表达的需要,在具体的上下文中同一个单词重复出现。 (2021年高考)One man left and the other

3、stayed, but they did not _the bird.It was not until five men went into the tower and only four left that they were finally able to fool the crow. Afool Bhurt Ccatch Dkill解析:由but可知,他们并没能“欺骗那只乌鸦。与下文fool the crow中的fool是原词复现,从此可以得到启示。答案:A (2)同义词、近义词复现。同义词、近义词复现是借助意思相同或相近的表达方式,或解释性的语言使上下文的语义得以连接起来。 (2021

4、年高考)We all know that some things are obviously right. For example, it is right to be kind to other people. It is also right to look after the environment. Some things are wrong, too. For instance, we should not hurt or bully (欺负) others, nor should we litter. Rules often tell us what is right or wro

5、ng.Aequally BslightlyCclearly Dincreasingly解析:与第一句“some things are obviously right相对应,与obviously(同)近义复现的是clearly。答案:C (2021年高考)For example, babies about fourteen months old almost always notice if something is taken away from a small group. But when the number goes beyond three or four, the children

6、 are _fooled. Aseldom Btemporarily Cmerely Doften解析:由but可知,后文是表示与always notice相对的意思,当数字超过三四个以后,就“常常能欺骗这些婴儿了。应选D. often,与always同义词复现。答案:D (3)反义词复现。语意的连贯有时是通过比照结构而采用反义复现的手段,或者是以反义的方式对前文加以解释,考生可以从反义的角度判断正确的选项。 (2021年高考)A man trying to take a photo of a crow(乌鸦)that had a nest in a tower, but the crow a

7、lways left when she saw him coming. The bird did not_ until the man left the tower. Arelax Brecover Creact Dreturn解析:与上句中left相对,“离开“返回这两者是反义词复现。答案:D Many are concerned that gifted children become bored and lose interest in learning. However, this is more often from parents and teachers than from stu

8、dents.Aconcern BconclusionCreflection Dinterest (4)同源(同根)词复现。对于上下文语义复现的表达,还可借助复现信息的同源词或同根词。解析:因concern (n.担忧)与上文的concerned (adj.担忧的)是同源词复现或同根词复现。答案:A (5)上义词复现。上义词具有概括的作用。在篇章中,有时为了表达的需要,作者会先概述,再分述。概述时用的为上义词,分述那么用比较具体的下义词,两者为总分关系。 However, this concern is more often from parents and teachers than from

9、 students, and some of these simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are talented.Astudents BadultsCscholars Dteachers解析:因adults是上文parents and teachers的上义词, 即这是上下义词复现, 应选B。 答案:B (2021年高考)Car drivers have to obey traffic regulations that tell them the right things to do on

10、 the road to avoid crashes. Cyclists who give signals before turning or stopping help prevent .Aaccidents BmistakesCfalls Ddeaths解析:由常识和上面中的avoid crashes可知,选A。accidents与crash是上下义词复现。答案:A1Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a b

11、elief in fairies(仙女)Not all of these _are the friendly, people loving characters that appear in Disney films, and.Ababies BbelieversCfairies Dsupermen解析:前句说是人们“相信有仙女,后句“并非所有这些_都是友好的,承前逻辑,空格处应填“仙女,应选C。答案:C2There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the babys head while

12、he slept or covering him with some of his fathers clothes were just two of the recommended _.Acases BtoolsCsteps Dmethods解析:前句说“防止这类事发生有许多方法(ways),冒号后的解释,“在小孩睡觉时在其头上悬挂一把刀,或者用其父亲的衣服盖着他,就是其中值得推荐的两种_,承前逻辑,自然是其中的两种“方法,与ways同义的是methods,应选D。答案:D3Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mi

13、ning, construction, and warfare as the inventor of dynamite (炸药).“Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became _by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday. Afamous BsickCrich Dpopular解析:引导定语从句的who指代的就是Alfred Nobel,两句是相似的,且两句的后局部的内容各为“创造了炸药与“找到了更快的杀人方式,可以想象,两者的意义何等接近!可见,与“变成百万富翁对应的应当

14、是“变得富裕,应选C。答案:C4After doing a little research, I found this type of technology already available in English to consumers via a relatively inexpensive application called Face Code. he_ equires the use of a webcam to recognize and log PC users into their systems.Aaccount BconsumerCdesigner Dsoftware解析

15、:与application(应用软件)同义的是software,应选D。答案:D5Wouldnt it be great if we didnt have to remember passwords(密码)ever again? If we could just sit in front of our computers and be automatically logged in(登录)? Crave mentions how NEC Soft Biode Logon system uses face recognition(识别)technology to log you on to Wi

16、ndows, rather than using a_.Aface BpasswordCsoftware Dsystem解析:前面说了“如果不必再记密码对此问的答复是“系统是如何用脸部识别技术来帮你登陆,而不是用_。承前逻辑,此处应当是“而不是用密码,应选B。答案:B6Grasslands need time to recover when cattle and other animals feed on them. Moving animals from one field to another can provide the _needed for new growth.Acattle B

17、timeCspace Dhelp解析:前句“当牛或其他动物吃了牧草地上的草后,牧草地需要时间才可恢复,本句“动物的迁徙就可以提供草生长所需要的_,承前句逻辑,可知空格处填“时间,应选B。答案:B7On 27 February 2021, something unusual happened in Britain; there was a rather large earthquake. It was the _UK earthquake in 25 years.Abiggest BloudestCdeadliest Dscariest解析:前句“2021年2月27日,英国发生了一件不寻常的事,

18、一场非常大的地震,本句“是25年来英国最_的地震。承前逻辑,应当是“最大的地震,应选A。答案:A8(原创题)Most people believe they dont have much imagination. They are wrong. Everyone has _ but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to make use of it.Acreativity BmemoryCimagination Dlimitation解析:前句说:“多数人认为他们自己没有想象力。他们的这种观点是错误的。承前逻辑,“(事实上)每个人都有

19、想象力,只是,应选C。答案:C9When he arrived at his fathers house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. He was about to leave for (去;前往) the _when he saw.Acity BhospitalCfactory Duniversity解析:前面说“当他回到父亲家时,被告知他父亲已住院一周了,承前逻辑,他应是“去医院,应选B。答案:B10Once adults understand what children are communi

20、cating through their behavior, they can respond better.When children feel respected and have their needs met, there is no longer a reason to use challenging_to communicate.Aaction BlanguageCgesture Dbehavior解析:前句说,“成年人一旦懂得小孩通过行为要表达的意思,就会作出更好的应对。承前逻辑,本句应为“当孩子感觉得到尊重和满足需求时,他们就不再用挑战性的行为来交流了。应选D。答案:D11We

21、 went into a big shop, but Tony was very particular about _.Although I tried to show him toy after toy, he was not to be pleased.Asweets BtoysCclothes Dbooks解析:与后面的toy属于原词重现。答案:B12Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesnt _your money; it only tightens it.Aloosen BweakenCdecreas

22、e Dreduce解析:前后两局部互为解释,一为肯定,一为否认,为反义词复现。从下文的tighten可以判断,上文应该是选loosen。答案:A13Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students. If a long reading assignment is given, the instructors expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading.When research is_, t

23、he professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with minimum guidance.Acollected BassignedCdistributed Dfinished解析:该局部作者通过两个例子说明,应该由学生负责自己的学习,都是从“布置作业方面解释。说明布置阅读作业时要求学生如何;布置研究作业时又该要求学生如何。两个例子概念类似,借助于give reading assignment的表达方式,可以确定选B,构成assign research的结构。答案:B14Other times, h

24、e would join student groups to discuss a variety of _: agriculture, diving and mathematics.Aquestions BsubjectsCmatters Dcontents解析:根据上义复现原那么,冒号后自然是对上文的解释,从解释的内容来看,三者统一于一个概念之下,即都属subjects。故答案为B。答案:B15The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors,_who were getting off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on later.Aparents BstudentsCteachers Ddrivers解析:根据原词复现,下文的and students who were getting on should get on.可得出答案。答案:B感谢您的使用,退出请按ESC键



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