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1、Teaching aims (教学目标):1.revise Noun Clauses (复习名词性从句)2. explore the application of the Noun Clauses in the writing and improve students writing skills 探讨名词性从句在写作的运用并提高学生的写作技能Although loneliness has always been a friend of mineIm leaving my life in your handsPeople say Im crazy and that I am blindRisk

2、ing it all in a glance_ you got me blind is still a mysteryI cant get you out of my headDont care _ is written in you historyAs long as youre here with meI dont care _ you are,_ youre from,_ you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere youre fromDont care _ you didAs long as you love meEvery little

3、 thing that you have said and doneFeels like its deep within me(It)Doesnt really matter if youre on the runIt seems as if were meant to beHowwhatwhowherewhatwhatooooPssThe man from the star这部电视剧已经成为最近的热点是一个事实这部电视剧已经成为最近的热点是一个事实_a recent hot topic is a truth. (become)That the TV play has become Subje

4、ct Clause 主语从句很多人想知道为什么都教授吸引了那么多的粉很多人想知道为什么都教授吸引了那么多的粉丝。丝。Many people wondered_ .(attract)why Prefessor Du Object Clause 宾语从句attracted so many fans.理由可能是他拥有帅气的外表和强大的超能力。理由可能是他拥有帅气的外表和强大的超能力。Maybe the reason is _ _.(have)that he has handsome appearanceand strong superpowerPredicative Clause 表语从句尽管我也被

5、这部剧吸引,但尽管我也被这部剧吸引,但炸鸡和啤酒炸鸡和啤酒因为这部剧因为这部剧成为了成为了很受欢迎的食物的很受欢迎的食物的事实还是让我很吃惊。事实还是让我很吃惊。 Although I was attracted by this drama, the fact _ because of it still surprised me. that the fried chicken and beer became popular foodAppositive Clause 同位语从句(become)Activity 1guessing gameGuess who he/ she isHe is a

6、modest and kind man who loves you very much.What impresses us most is that he always stares at us outside the small window of the back door.We want to tell him that he needs more restThere is no doubt that he is a responsible teacher in our heart.He is a handsome and clever boy in our class.His drea

7、m is that he will become a computer programmer one day. I hold the belief that his dream will come true as long as he works hard.Guess who he is The reason why they take part in the voluntary work is that they have their social responsibilities.They often do whatever they can (do) to devote themselv

8、es to our society.They believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others. Guess who they areTry to describe the one who is familiar to us, and remember to use Noun Clauses as many as you can.What impresses me is that.I think/believeI hold the belie

9、f that There is no doubt that The reason whyis thatThe fact/truth is that What she/he likes isActivity 2Free Talk Mothers love is the greatest love. Mothers love is the safest love. No matter you are happy or depressed ,rich or poor ,mothers love will always stay with you. Do you remember your mothe

10、rs age? Do you remember your mothers birthday? Do you understand your mother? What she likes is_.What she dislikes is_.What she needs is _.What annoys me is that_The reason why we cant understand each other is that_.I wish_.Activity 3Group competitionWho will be the winner?choose a picture for your

11、groupround 1 The survey _ while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. (choose)1.调查表明一半的女孩选择电影或者电视明星调查表明一半的女孩选择电影或者电视明星作为他们的偶像作为他们的偶像(idols),而,而48%的男孩支持的男孩支持喜欢体育明星。(喜欢体育明星。(07基础写作)基础写作)Object Clauseshows that half of the girls choose film or TV stars as their idols,10 points 2.他也指出他也指出近视近视( short-sight

12、edness)的原因是如此的复杂的原因是如此的复杂,到目前为止没有哪一到目前为止没有哪一种药物能治愈近视种药物能治愈近视 。(。(09基础写作)基础写作) What he also pointed out is _ and that up till now no medicine can cure short-sightedness. that the causes of short-sightedness are so complicatedPredicative Clause10 pointsThe question _between Korean aliens and Chinese a

13、liens has puzzled her for a long time.(difference) 为什么为什么中国的外星人和韩国的外星人中国的外星人和韩国的外星人有那么多的差别有那么多的差别这个这个问题困扰了她很久。问题困扰了她很久。why there are so many differences10 pointsAppositive Clause在我看来,这些父母所做的已经对他们的发在我看来,这些父母所做的已经对他们的发展造成了坏的影响。展造成了坏的影响。 (2010读写任务)读写任务) In my opinion, _ has a bad influence on their chi

14、ldrens development. (do)Subject Clausewhat these parents have done10 points长高点,就不用长高点,就不用踮着脚跳舞了踮着脚跳舞了如果我的如果我的舞蹈演员们能长高点舞蹈演员们能长高点的愿望有天实现的话,他们就的愿望有天实现的话,他们就不用一直踮着脚尖跳舞了。不用一直踮着脚尖跳舞了。If my wish_ comes true one day, they will not have to stand on their toes all the time.(grow)that the dancers can grow tall

15、er10 pointsAppositive ClauseThe news _(MH370失失踪踪)shocked the whole world. The mystery _(飞机去哪儿了飞机去哪儿了)also confused all people in the world. _(是否是是否是)an act of terrorism was another doubt. We all wished_(部分乘客幸存部分乘客幸存)But unfortunately, on March 24 Malaysian authorities message broke our last hope.tha

16、t MH370 disappearedwhere the plane has goneWhether it wasthat some of the passengers survived30 pointsTry to introduce yourself using Noun Clauses.Activity 4 My name is , I am happy to introduce myself to you. . 我最喜欢的是运动和英语我最喜欢的是运动和英语 ( (主语主语从句),从句),我也喜欢交朋友和乐于助人。我也喜欢交朋友和乐于助人。在我看来,在我看来,生活中的成功主要取决于是否能

17、与他人融洽相处生活中的成功主要取决于是否能与他人融洽相处(宾语从句(宾语从句 ) ),我确信我能成为你们的好朋友我确信我能成为你们的好朋友( 宾语从句宾语从句 ) 。 众所周知,有明确目标众所周知,有明确目标 (a a settled purpose)的人一定会成功的人一定会成功( (主语从句),主语从句),我的愿望是被我梦想中的重点大学录取,我的愿望是被我梦想中的重点大学录取,(表语(表语从句)从句)可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(同位语同位语从句或表语从句从句或表语从句)。总之,我必须加倍努力)。总之,我必须加倍努力 来实现我的梦想。来实现我的梦想。参考信息:参

18、考信息:50 points My name iswhat I like best are sports and English. And I like making friends and I am ready to help others. In my opinion, success in life depends mainly on whether one can get along well with others. Im sure that I can be your good friend. It is known that a man who has a settled purp

19、ose will surely succeed. My hope is that I can be admitted to a key university Im dreaming of. However, it is a fact that I dont do well in study. All in all, I will double my efforts to make my dream come true.感悟高考感悟高考1)The news _(房价将要下跌房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower pr

20、ices. (fall) (2010湖北,湖北,74 )2) _(任何计划好了的事任何计划好了的事)is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever)3)With the rapid development of science and technology, I cant imagine _ _(我的家乡会是什么样子我的家乡会是什么样子)in ten years. (what) 4)I havent the slightest idea _ 5)(他正在说什么他正在说什么). (talk) 6) that house pric

21、es will fall Whatever has been plannedwhat my hometownwill be/look like(of) what hes talking about (2009湖北,湖北,747)(2008湖北,湖北,37 )(2007湖北,湖北,32)Homework:5_(他是否出过国他是否出过国)doesnt make much difference. (he, abroad)Whether he has been abroad or not(2007湖北,湖北,32)Although loneliness has always been a friend

22、 of mineIm leaving my life in your handsPeople say Im crazy and that I am blindRisking it all in a glance_ you got me blind is still a mysteryI cant get you out of my headDont care _ is written in you historyAs long as youre here with meI dont care _ you are,_ youre from,_ you didAs long as you love meWho you areWhere youre fromDont care _ you didAs long as you love meEvery little thing that you have said and doneFeels like its deep within me(It)Doesnt really matter if youre on the runIt seems as if were meant to beHowwhatwhowherewhatwhatooooPssThank you!



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