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1、A Lesson in livingby Maya AngelouA Lesson in livingby Maya AngeSop: 将放在液体中蘸或浸泡-sop bread in soup-I was sopped through in the rain this morning.I spent most of my time Sop: 将放在液体中蘸或浸泡-sop bread inOr rather: 更确切的说更确切的说-I arrived home late last night, or rather early this morning.Or rather: 更确切的说-I arr

2、ived hoThe grace of control a fine control of her movementThe grace of control a fine cPeel: vi 脱皮脱皮,-These oranges peel easily.Peel: vt. 除去(水果等)的皮-peel a banana, an appleIf snagged: if it had been snaggedIf it had been town open by somethingPeel: vi 脱皮,-These oranges peLet alone: 更不必说更不必说-She never

3、 gets up early on weekdays, let alone on weekends.-He cant even read the alphabet, let alone speak the language.Let alone: 更不必说-She never getShe didnt encourage familiarity(亲密而不拘礼仪).She did not give people the courage to become intimate with her.-You should not address your teacher with such familia

4、rity.你不该这么冒失地称呼你的老师.familiarity 熟悉,通晓-His familiarity with the local languages surprised me.She didnt encourage familiariFamiliar, intimatefamiliar 熟悉的,通晓的-Every pupil is familiar with such facts.-Such facts are familiar to every pupil.Familiar: too informal, more friendly and informal than is accep

5、table 过分亲密的,冒失的-The children are too familiar with their teacher.这帮小孩对老师过于随便.Intimate: close-He is my intimate friend.Familiar, intimatefamiliar 熟悉的Measure: (估计,评判事务的)标准,尺度-Examinations are only one measure of students abilities.-She is the measure of what a college student should accomplish.Measure

6、: (估计,评判事务的)标准,尺度-ExamAppeal to sb.: 引起(某人)兴趣,吸引(某人)-Her sense of humor appealed to him.Appeal: attraction吸引力-This kind of music hasnt much appeal for me.Appeal 恳请,请求(n.,v.) -She made an appeal to her father for permission of her marriage. Appeal to sb.: 引起(某人)兴趣,吸引(某人)Personally: 亲身,亲自-The plan was

7、 personally inspected by the minister.Personally: as a person 作为个人,就个人而论-I dont know him personally, but I have read his book.Personally: as far as I am concerned 就我而言,就自己而言-Personally (speaking), I dont like him at all.Personally: 亲身,亲自-The plan waRespectful, respectable, respective Respectful (to,

8、 toward sb., of sth.): feeling or showing respect恭敬的,表示尊敬或尊重的-stand at a respectful distance -respectful of other peoples opinions -The boy was well-mannered and respectful toward the aged.Respectful, respectable, respeRespectful, respectable, respective Respectable: 体面的,值得尊敬的-The professor is also

9、a respectable old man.-a respectable middle-class backgroundRespective: 分别的,各自的 -After class, we went off to our respective rooms. Respectful, respectable, respeBy being herself: By being a black woman with such noble personality.By being herself: By being a bProvision (pl) 食物和饮料,饮料的供应 -She had a pl

10、entiful store of provisions.提供,供应-The government is responsible for the provision of medical services.-under the provisions of the agreementProvision (pl) 食物和饮料,饮料的供应 -SThey gave each other agegroup looks They gave each other meaningful looks that were exchanged among and understood by people of the

11、 same age group.They gave each other agegroup Hang back: 犹豫, 踊跃不前, 畏缩 -I saw him step forward and then hang back, nervously rubbing his hands.-Even the closest adviser believes he should hang back no longer.Hang back: 犹豫, 踊跃不前, 畏缩 Separate from 将分开,离开,隔离-The two groups of fans must be separated in t

12、he stadium.(2) Separate 分开,分离;分手;分居; -The branch has separated from the trunk of the tree.分开,分离;-We talked until midnight and then separated分手.-After ten years marriage, they decided to separate.分居(3) Separate: 从中隔开(两国,两地)-The Atlantic separates Europe from America.-A river separated the two halves

13、of the city.Separate from 将分开,离开,隔离-The Separate from : distinguish from -I can not separate Tom from Jack, as they are twins.-That unusual talent separates her from other students in her classWould divide the lesson into five parts. Divide the money equally.Separate from : distinguishInfuse: 将(某特性)

14、灌输给或注入, 使获得(某特性)-He argued that a union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the companys employee relations.You should infuse new knowledge into yourself all the time.-infuse the workers with new life, energyInfuse: 将(某特性)灌输给或注入, 使获得(某Shade of sth.: slight difference in sth 细微的差别-a word with many

15、 shades of meaning有许多相近意思的一个词-people with all shades of opinionShade of sth.: slight differenMemorize (learn and remember on purpose), remember -She spent ten minutes memorizing the lists of prices. Its amazing.-Please memorize the alphabet.-I remembered telling the case.-He remembered every word he

16、 had learned.-Remember to bring me the book.-Remember what I said.Memorize (learn and remember oCommon, ordinary Ordinary: Ordinary people or things are normal and not special or different in any way.(无特别之处)-It was just an ordinary weekend for us.Common: 1. ordinary2.If something is common, it is fo

17、und in large numbers or it happens often.普通的,常见的,普遍的-Earthquakes are not common in this part of the world.-Gambling was common in China before liberation.Common, ordinary Ordinary: OrdCommon, ordinary Common: 3. If something is common to two or more people or groups, it is done, possessed, or used b

18、y them all.共有的,共同做的,共同受到的-We share a common purpose.-She is German, and he is French, but they have English as a common language.Common, ordinary Common: 3. Ifbut my mind never recorded it but my mind never formed a picture of it.but I did not have such impression.but my mind never recorded itIt fol

19、lowed that Follow: happen as a necessary or logic consequence必然发生-She is not in the office, but it does not follow that she is ill.It followed that Follow: haTry ones hand at something 初试身手-Id like to try my hand at computing(计算机运算技术).Try ones hand at something 初Intolerant, intolerable Sb. Be intole

20、rant of :不能容忍的-The leader is intolerant of different opinions.Intolerable: too bad to be endured不能忍受的-The pain of headache was intolerable. -intolerable heat, noiseIntolerant, intolerable Sb. Becascade -Her golden hair cascaded down the back. n. 小瀑布v. 瀑布似地落下vi. 像瀑布般冲下或倾泻cascade -Her golden hair casc

21、Occur, happen, take place, -Their wedding ceremony took place at 6 p.m. last night.-These events happened/occurred that year.-What happened after I left.-This is possible in theory, but actually, never seemed to occur. -Such a thing hardly occur.Occur, happen, take place, -TOccur, happen-What happen

22、ed to your leg?-A good idea occurred to me.-It happened that I was not in Hangzhou when you got married.-It occurred to her that she adopt an orphan.orphanage :fnid n. 孤儿院孤儿院Occur, happen-What happened tBehind the sophistication of yearsAfter years of complicated adult life experienceSophisticated:

23、1.世故的,老练的A sophisticated person2.复杂的,精良的,尖端的sophisticated device in spaceshipsophisticated modern weaponsBehind the sophistication of ySense: 常识,见识,识别力Have the sense to come in out of the rain懂得进来避雨Sense: 常识,见识,识别力Have the senseChildhoods logic never asks to be proved.A childs thinking or reasoning

24、never needs to be proved whether it is right or wrong.Childhoods logic never asks tSingle out, pick outSingle out: choose for a special purpose, esp. for praise or criticism.-We have done wrong. Why the teacher single me out for criticism.-Pick out the toy you like best from the basket.Single out, p

25、ick outSingle outThat do my heart good to see Do good: benefit 有益于Eat more fruit; it will do you good.Do good to Eat more fruit; it will do good to you.That do my heart good to see Take to sb./sth. Develop a liking to sb./sth. 对产生好感-I took to her the moment I met her.-I didnt take to her husband at

26、all.Take to: 逐渐习惯于-take to smoking, sleeping late Take to sb./sth. Develop a likTrail off:声音逐渐减弱到不出声-He went away, with his voice trailing off.trail treil n. 踪迹踪迹,小径小径,尾尾v. 拖拖,尾随尾随,追踪追踪Trail off:声音逐渐减弱到不出声-He went 历年试题分析 (2003,10) Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human vo

27、ice to infuse them with the shade of deeper meaning.(2004,10, 填空7-12) She appealed to me because she was like people I had never met personally. Like women in English novels who walked the moors(荒野) with their loyal dogs racing at a respectful distance. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fir

28、eplace, drinking tea incessantly from silver trays. incessantly, appealed, respectful, -fireplaces, loyal, personally历年试题分析 (2003,10) Words mean mo20051045. A spy should be able to what he has found as quickly as possible.Memorizeremember20051045. A spy should be abl200710She 1 to me because she was

29、 like people I had never met 2 . Like women in English novels who 3 the moors (whatever they were) with their loyal dogs racing at a respectful 4 . Like the women who sat in front of roaring 5 , drinking tea incessantly from silver trays full of scones and crumpets. Women who walked over the heath a

30、nd read morocco-bound books and had two last names 6 by a hyphen. It would be safe to say that she made me proud to be Negro, just by being herself.200710She 1 to me because sh30. I have tried often to search _ the sophistication of years for the enchantment I so easily found in those gifts. (200701

31、)behind30. I have tried often to searB. Translate the following into Chinese 1.她深黑色的皮肤就像李子皮一样一扯就会脱落.2.要是换了一个跟她一样健康的同龄黑人妇女,就会用一只手把那些纸带拿回家.3.弗老尔斯太太走在前面,边甩着胳膊边在石头上挑着走.4.单词/文字比写在纸上的意义要丰富.B. Translate the following intB. Translate the following into Chinese 5.需要口头语言/表达展示文字各种深层含义的细微差别.6.她建议我用尽可能多的方式说同一句话.

32、7.我突然想到她在等我的答复.8.在那些朴实的谚语中包含着几代人的集体智慧.B. Translate the following intF. Translate the following into English The human being created language and made it a tool of communicating with his fellow man.One of the differences between the oral language and written language is that the oral language can inf

33、use words with shades of meaning through human voice.F. Translate the following intF. Translate the following into English Flowers was nearly singing when she read A Tale of Two Cities. It was wonderfulHer reading made me see the magic of language.Mrs. Flowers sent me novels and books of poems.I lea

34、rned these books the value of life, and realized how beautiful the language of literary works/ literature was.F. Translate the following intLesson Eight: A lesson in living1the lady who threw me my first lifeline.2the grace of control3a private breeze which swirled around4ruffle her dress5encourage

35、familiarity.6the measure of what a human being can be.7 She appealed to me because she was like people I had never met personally. Like women in English novels who walked the moors whatever they were with their loyal dogs racing at a respectful distance. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fi

36、replaces, drinking tea incessantly form silver trays. (respectful, respectable)8 I hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions.6the measure of what a human 9 Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning.10

37、My imagination bogged at the punishment11 tried her hand at baking sweets9 Words mean more than what is12 She said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and even more intelligent than college profes

38、sors. She encouraged me to listen carefully to what country people called mother wit. That in those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations. (intolerant, intolerable)13 When I finished the cookies she brushed off the table and brought a thick, small book from the bookcase.14f

39、ound it up to my standards as a romantic novel.15 Her voice slid in and curved down through and over the words.12 She said that I must always16 Her sounds began cascading gently.17 She was nearing the end of her reading18 I have tried often to search behind the sophistication of years for the enchan

40、tment I so easily found in those gifts. The essence escapes but its aura remains. To be allowed, no, invited, into the private lives of strangers, and to share their joys and fears, was a chance to exchange the southern bitter wormwood for a cup of mead with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with

41、 Oliver Twisttears of love filled my eyes at my selflessness.16 Her sounds began cascading 19had the good sense to stop running20had single me out for attention21with his cookies in my arms shielded by the poems.22 That do my good heart to see settled people take to you all.23 Her voice trailed off.

42、19had the good sense to stop 1. 人使用语言相互交流,这是人和低级动物最重要的不同之处。但要记住,人不仅通过书面语言而且也通过话语来相互交流。只阅读是不够的,你必须学会口头表达你的想法。正是人的声音才赋予文字更深刻的含义。But bear in mind, language is mans way of communicating with his fellow man and it is language alone which separates him from the lower animals. Words mean more than what is

43、set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning.2. 我很难想象如果我真的没看好她的书就还给她,我应得到什么样的惩罚。My imagination boggles at the punishment I would deserve if in fact I did abuse a book of hers.3. 她告诉我一定不要宽容无知,但应理解未受过教育的人。She told me that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy.1. 人使用语言相互交流,这是人和低级动物最重要的不同之处。



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