2019高考英语 重点动词的使用说明课件

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《2019高考英语 重点动词的使用说明课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019高考英语 重点动词的使用说明课件(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、重点动词的使用说明重点动词的使用说明李仕才动词基本都是常用动词。应该结合不同种类,不同语境,不同功能准确地使用它们。例句:He looks happy.例词: be seem look appear become get turn grow feel go 一、系动词例句:The story happened there.例词:happen arrive appear disappear spread agree listen reply die end begin 二、不及物例句:They entered the room.例词:marry enter serve dress pass 三、

2、及物例句:I think he is right.例词:love like think know have see hear want believe look 四、感觉状态动词例词:expect promise decide manage pretend want hope agree ask learn 五、后面常跟不定式的动词例句:Tom hopes to live there forever.例句:Would you mind opening the door for me?例词:mind enjoy finish practice consider keep delay advise

3、 suggest complete risk avoid imagine 六、后面常跟动名词的动词例句:I forgot to lock the door. I forgot locking the door.七、可跟不定式或动名词,但含义不同例词:stop forget remember regret mean cant help go on可跟不定式或动名词,但含义不同的是? A. let B. believe C. decide D. stop例句:He asked me to stay. They made me stand there.八、不定式作宾补带toask want pers

4、uade advise order tell help 八、不定式作宾补不带to make let see watch hear have feel notice例句:She will arrive in a minute.例词:leave arrive reach come die join borrow graduate lose become九、瞬间动词例句:The war broke out last year. Please put on the coat.十、短语动词例词:及物put on hand in give up不及物get up give in look out 两可wake up go on take off十、短语动词Haveaniceday!



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