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1、The Constitution of the BritishvMindy1Where ? 2The constitution of Britain vThe history and developments.vThe structure vThe characteritics3Part one:development1 112151215年年: :大宪章(大宪章(Magna ChartaMagna Charta) 2 2 1628 1628年:权利请愿书年:权利请愿书(The Petition of right)(The Petition of right)3 316791679年:人身保护

2、法年:人身保护法(The Habeas Corpus act ) (The Habeas Corpus act ) 4 416891689年:权利法案年:权利法案(The Bill of right )(The Bill of right ) 5 517011701年:王位继承法年:王位继承法 (The(The Act of Settlement ) Act of Settlement )4大宪章大宪章(Magna Charta)(Magna Charta) vIt also called Free magna carta , shows two aspects of political re

3、quirements: first, to limit the kings power, established the king must legally binding principle; Second, admit that citizens personal and property rights.q 又称又称自由大宪章自由大宪章共共6363条,表现了两个方面的条,表现了两个方面的政治要求:第一,限制国王的权力,确立了国王必须政治要求:第一,限制国王的权力,确立了国王必须受法律约束的原则;第二,承认城市市民的人身与财受法律约束的原则;第二,承认城市市民的人身与财产权利。产权利。 5

4、1689年权利法案年权利法案确立了议会至上原则,确立了议会至上原则,宣告了专制王权的终结宣告了专制王权的终结 。 In 1689 the bill of rights established the principle of the highest authority of parliament, declared the end of the autocratic monarchy权利法案的颁布权利法案的颁布617011701年王位继承法年王位继承法 共共4条。条。第第1、2条规定了条规定了王位继承的顺序和条件王位继承的顺序和条件,排除,排除了天主教徒继承王位的可能。了天主教徒继承王位的可能

5、。第第3条确立了条确立了法官的独立地位法官的独立地位。第第4条规定条规定国王国王应依据英国法律的规定管理政务。应依据英国法律的规定管理政务。实际上是把王权置于法律和议会之下,肯定了议实际上是把王权置于法律和议会之下,肯定了议会至上的宪法原则,使英国的君主立宪制进一步会至上的宪法原则,使英国的君主立宪制进一步发展和完善。发展和完善。 7Second part:structurevCharter(宪章)vStatute law(成文法成文法)。 which is passed by parliament vThe common laws(普通法)又叫判例法。Which have been comm

6、on practized in the courts.8vConventions(习惯法)又叫宪法惯例。which do not exist legally ,but regarded as vital to the workings of government. Such as the kings “king system and not to”, “the king can do is a”; About the prime minister to organize the cabinet and the constitution of the practice.vsome authori

7、tative works of the constitution(权威性的宪法著作) 9The last part:characteristics1. It is an unwritten constitution 2.The British constitution is the fundamental law of the significance in essence, not form the fundamental law of the meaning.3. The British constitution is flexible constitution. (柔性宪法)This i

8、s because the British constitution conservative10summaryThe British constitution to the national system of the state, mainly based on the three basic principles:1. the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, that means the parliament has one of the highest legislative power, parliamentary legislatio

9、n not restricted; 英国宪法对国家制度英国宪法对国家制度的规定,的规定,主要根据主要根据3个基本原则:个基本原则:1.议会主权原则,即一议会主权原则,即一会拥有最高立法权,会拥有最高立法权,议会立法不受限制议会立法不受限制112.the principle of the rule of law, namely, everyone is equal before the law, government and citizen by the same law;3. Practice principle, namely constitutional convention and the constitution act have the same constitution effect.v法治原则,即法律面前人人平等,政府和公民受同样的法律制约v惯例原则,即宪法惯例与宪法法案具有同等的宪法效力12This is the UK I know13END & THANKS14



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