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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating Using languageFast readingRead the text fast, then answer the following questions:1. Why did Yong Hui come to Wangs restaurant a week later?Because she was angry with what Wang did, and wanted to ask him to make an apology to her. 2. How did Yong Hui feel when she had the meal

2、in Wangs restaurant?3. What did they find after their chat?She felt sick with all that fat and heavy food, and she missed her vegetables and fruit.They found they didnt offer balanced diets. Because Wang didnt offer enough fibre and Yong Hui didnt offer enough body-building or energy-giving foods.4.

3、 How did they combine their menus and provide a balanced menu?They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather than fried them, and served fresh fruit with ice cream.Careful reading What can we learn from the passage? We can learn that it is never too late to change bad

4、eating habits and begin a fresh.Group workRead the passage carefully and try to answer the question in groups.Careful readingLearn some language points.1. earn ones living 1) earn means to get (money) by working 赚,挣(钱);赚,挣(钱);to get sth because of ones qualities or actions 博得,赢得博得,赢得eg: I earn 2000

5、yuan a month by selling newspapers. She earned her place in the team by training hard.2) earn ones living 谋生谋生earn ones / a living = make ones/a living谋生谋生eg: A teacher earns his living by teaching.2. be in debt the state of owing 欠债,负债欠债,负债eg:现在我欠债很多,但希望发工资后能付清。现在我欠债很多,但希望发工资后能付清。 Im heavily in deb

6、t at the moment, but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.get/run into debt 负债负债in debt to sb = in ones debt欠某人的债,受某人的恩惠欠某人的债,受某人的恩惠out of debt 3. glare vt. to look in an angry way; to shine with a strong light.glare at 表示表示“怒目而视怒目而视”glance at 表示表示“粗略地看一下粗略地看一下”look at “看看看看”为一般用语为一般用语stare at 表示表

7、示“盯着盯着 看,凝视看,凝视”1)用用lets或或shall I/we来表示对第一人称的建议来表示对第一人称的建议lets +动词原形:动词原形: Lets paint it ourselves我们自己来刷漆。我们自己来刷漆。有时可加上有时可加上shall we? Lets get the paint today,shall we?我们今天把油我们今天把油漆弄来,好吗?漆弄来,好吗? shall I/we+动词原形:动词原形:我们邀请比尔好吗?我们邀请比尔好吗?Shall we invite Bill?4 4、有关建议或劝告的句型归纳:、有关建议或劝告的句型归纳:对对Lets或或 shall

8、 we表示的建议的肯定答语中可以表示的建议的肯定答语中可以用用yes或或Lets。Lets not可用做带玩笑口气的否定回答:可用做带玩笑口气的否定回答:我们把帐篷带上吧。我们把帐篷带上吧。可别!可别!Lets take the tentLets not!或引导一个否定的建议:或引导一个否定的建议:我们别出发得太早。我们别出发得太早。Lets not start too early这里也可以用这里也可以用dont, lets: Dont lets start too early(译文同上。)(译文同上。)2) what/how about +动名词动名词/名词:名词:我们睡在哪儿?我们睡在哪儿

9、?Where shall we sleep?租一辆旅行拖车怎么样?租一辆旅行拖车怎么样? What about renting a caravan?那么住在那么住在“供应住宿和早餐供应住宿和早餐”服务的小客店怎么服务的小客店怎么样?样?What about a bed and breakfast place?3) must,ought to和和should可用来表示劝告:可用来表示劝告:你该读一读这本书。这本书非常好。你该读一读这本书。这本书非常好。 You must read this bookIts very good你应该自己种菜吃。你应该自己种菜吃。You should grow yo

10、ur own vegetables你应当种几棵树。你应当种几棵树。You ought to plant some trees4) you had better +不带不带to的不定式:的不定式:你最好把湿鞋子脱掉。你最好把湿鞋子脱掉。 Youd better take off your wet shoes你最好不要再等了。你最好不要再等了。Youd better not wait any longerhad better可用于第三人称:可用于第三人称:他最好别再服用那些药片。他最好别再服用那些药片。 Hed better stop taking those pills5) if I were

11、you I should/would:如果我是你,我就买一辆汽车了。如果我是你,我就买一辆汽车了。 If I were you Id buy a car这种形式常常被缩略为这种形式常常被缩略为I should/would,I稍加重稍加重音:音:Id buy a car(译文同上。)(译文同上。)在间接引语中在间接引语中 If I were you I should/would由由advise+宾语结构来转述:宾语结构来转述:他劝我买辆汽车。他劝我买辆汽车。 He advised me to buy a car6) I advise/would advise you+不定式:不定式:(你要是问我

12、的意见的话)我劝你马上去申请。(你要是问我的意见的话)我劝你马上去申请。I(would) advise you to apply at onceI advise/would advise+动名词:动名词:I(d) advise applying at once(译文同上。)(译文同上。)7) why dont you / Why not do ?可表示劝告或建议:可表示劝告或建议:你为什么不学弹吉它?你为什么不学弹吉它? Why dont you / Why not learn to play your guitar?你为什么不休假?你为什么不休假?Why dont you / Why not

13、 take a holiday?8) it is time you + 过去时态:过去时态:你该买一件新外衣了。你该买一件新外衣了。 It is time you bought a new coat5 5、有关看病的句型归纳:、有关看病的句型归纳:病人:病人:Theres something wrong with 有些不对劲。有些不对劲。Ive got a cough 我咳嗽。我咳嗽。I feel terrible(bad). 我感觉很糟糕。我感觉很糟糕。I dont feel well. 我感觉不舒服。我感觉不舒服。Ive got a pain here. 我这儿痛。我这儿痛。This pl

14、ace hurts. 这个地方伤了这个地方伤了。医生:医生:Whats wrong with you? / Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了你怎么了?Its nothing serious. 没什么大问题。没什么大问题。Youll be all right/well soon. 你很快就会你很快就会好的。好的。Take this medicine three times a day. 每天吃三次药。每天吃三次药。Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 喝多点水,并好好休息。喝多点水,并好好休息。 The way to

15、 express “say”How did they speakWhy did they speakshouted, thought, calledexplained, added, admittedwhispered, smiled, laughed, criedagreed, wondered, advised, repliedGroup workFill in the blanks with “tell,say,sprak,discuss,ask”1._a lie2._a question 3.dont_a word 4._a language 5._a story 6._Busines

16、s 7._a topic 8._a joke 9._hello tellasksayspeaktelltalkdiscusstellsaySpeaking and writing Discuss in groups what food you must eat to have a balanced diet. How much should you eat each day?Group workImagine you are planning to open a restaurant which will provide the best local dishes in your area a

17、nd a balanced diet. In groups discuss how to run the business. Give each other suggestions and advice. The following expressions may help you.What should we do?You must / mustntYoud better I would strongly advise you to My advice is / would be Shall we?I think you ought to You need /needntYou nightI

18、t might be a good idea to How about ?Perhaps you shouldYou have to / dont have toI suggest that youWriting Write a short passage to advertise your restaurant and its service. Your writing should:explain what kind of food will be offered in your restaurantdescribe their ingredients, flavour, smell and appearanceexplain how they will provide a balanced dietexplain why your restaurant will provide the best food in the areaexplain how customers will be served1. Review the words and expressions of this unit.2. Make sure you know what are balanced diets.



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