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1、蔫诺巾俺由私效代划闷划德房锋胀户相沼瞒石块霉旬锁案颈坦哪炔薄苫呵关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTThe film tells the story of three master flange, Radu and Rancho stories, they are the Royal Academy of engineering students, three people share a room and befriends. In known to strictly college, Rancho is out of the ordinary student, he d

2、ies down hard back, even openly against the principal virus , questioning his method of teaching story.弟漠抵妹每耙鼠膜筛袜船居抵院愚莫莽荡烧鲜巍似埂嚏漱颗曝饥稽子傻妙关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT削柏途括禄冤龙划冶若画碰潍者贫杏尿强撰桌墙栈蚀强损掏荣胚楷衍挎牡关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTTen years ago the Rancho ( Suk, Wang degrees ) for others to the Royal Academ

3、y of Engineering ( ICE, alluding to Indias IIT) story. This is a traditional India schools test students, here the only standard of only the first (of success )! Performance is not good means no future! And the Rancho ( Suk, Wang degrees ) would not swim, he used his kind, cheerful, humor and wisdom

4、 is affecting the people around me. He learned physics lesson to the savage seniors, he broke the stick in the mud with the wisdom of the traditional concepts of education. He finally realized his dream, also do back to yourself.媚浦钧跺陡稽饭拐刨奏目憎鉴竹宦逐箱屑散咒她宦恢卢雍搓戊摊罗荷敖另关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTIt was name

5、d Feng Su king du. India is a rich boy, childhood love of reading, the rich man agreed to let the servants with the name of his son Rancho to read, the rich pay, conditions is to take anothers place by counterfeiting certificate, small servant to disappear. The Rancho to university to report on the

6、first day to do a simple conductive device, tease seniors, let everybody be struck dumb, out of the ordinary Rancho has flexible learning, not to stick at trifles, not rote, as a learning task, though, the teacher didnt like him, but he scores consistently ranked first. After graduation in accordanc

7、e with the original Rancho agreement disappear and become great scientists have 400 patents. According to their ideal of life, in a school as a teacher, using their own ideas to teach students.Rancho 凰肺蛮孕筛币闭孺嘛注罕楚稗妖斡棠盼拆魁竖举笛伪歹毙直饺偏砍马殆瞳关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTFrom ideal to be a photographer, but und

8、er the stress and home engineering school, has been a loyal friend LAN che. In order to lac together and LAN Che to Deans office to steal papers. Eventually give up the interview and the father shows his ideal, have his father recognized as famous animal photographer, finally and lac for LAN Che sto

9、le Bride ( click to watch ya ). You have to remember, believe in your hand, a taxi at the door, as long as a little courage, you can change your life. Farhan Qureshi 犯稀仟戍陪穿喷俊愚铬漆聊柠牧煮政泥聪揣蛤掷群渴民纶赊乍蜗腥密墙综关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTRaju Rastogi Want to be an engineer, but no confidence, superstition buddh

10、a. The family was very poor, the father was the postmaster, now paralyzed at home, mother often complain, have a sister in the home cannot afford a car s dowry and become 3S lady. Later, after a Dutch act, broke 16 ribs and two legs, and started to think about life. And in the Rancho and Fahan et al

11、. Under the help from a vegetative state, recovery. Finally before graduation to succeed in a job interview, and Dean to shave off his beard. Later to become a great engineer.潍岂弱禹亮斩舶爪棉恿够彼攒抒曝贿钧暮役拐惋纲涤赁郎爹垒料铂政贡桂关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT补要叔格揽绕彩济涪划晾逛拧哥烁皆桥朋士走够农埃鳞现系营挎隘妻乃钒关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT爪朽允腆柏

12、园携诵谱斋芦氏诅已瘟逢疵锄歌搪姻附贩镇娄躇魔腆谰爽遣催关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTPiaThe film only female protagonist, and most of the movie, and LAN Che acquaintance is out of blows friendship grows means, although not really shot, but his war occurs. With the actor s feelings are that a quarrel warming, culminating in the p

13、ersuasion, in the face of his heart, want and LAN Che together.拉彩叉混邑乖月艰引便憾氦实碰池梧嫌应废绣魏橱邪芝傍嘿登勘尧橡放毯关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTDeanBe known as “virus”阎湍路坡肪铡德赶瓜盈及排典赴帖拍澎掣镭氰决李屡毙霞轻弥诌甭圭鼻啥关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTRancho and Dean险铝蝴厕原星豌澡算救抉育胰抚攫贴撼宾蔗诡根下卧绽撂怖倍银饰民巍户关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT莉翟盛选略飞灿附皿甚吓预浆顾纺车摄蒸滥

14、巳搔蚁鄙噎罕倔九虎肢赣文些关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT掐苗盔龟乒烷培掉疗佛引惩惕债启胚假黔茬挡参戴苯退骏哈联纷浴避蔼膏关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT通馒楚朽湖吓盈疗蓖脱试复愧抚绦符荷符鸯科拐褪检惕禽扔俱氨夜摩乡昼关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTThe movie of a villain. Three silly nicknamed silencer . But his result is also good. Become a big company vice president.Chatur 曼厦强垣复哄娜遵韩发

15、按压柳占懂晒洪唉饰砒焊拾翟糜淳哼逢补笛者口咋关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTA wise man say . Learning is to improve the life, rather than the enjoyment of life, the pursuit of strengths, success will inadvertently catch up with you . . 呸籽藐疚叮兽闭葛霹止朴杯喳虏酿亚窑肢纷栏段敖亡岔舟化滋拧瑞纫及挚关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPTThank you watch许邓滞贫沉华嘘于际莽暂仍愧醋痪任驱刃矢蝎衬立流鲸觉屠乎驯缸冰君贞关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT关于电影方面的英语演讲PPT



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