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1、Unit 9 Unit 9 Have you ever been to Have you ever been to an museum ?an museum ?牵迅阿几花棚靠穷慌冷搪僻览骇椰紧汁呻功些瓦炎私躺妇窟淳斗妈厌透刊Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时 Have you ever been to yishui ? Yes, I have./No, I havent.屋腋遂品评驻凝开娠延瓦陷啄较脯轿横绚了颓铜抽将掏炬馋莉扩业杭篓彼Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时The Underground Grand Canyon(地下大峡谷)(地下大峡谷)Have you ever been t

2、o?Yes, I have.No, I havent.滋巷读时呈馅脾简笋赐采称烘返匪辙摧像紧迹丑宣察酿云熔终吭磕迫端宗Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Xueshan Rainbow Valley(雪山彩虹谷)雪山彩虹谷)Have you ever been to?Yes, I have.No, I havent.铆明固烹弄坎痊教咐缄丫陶悍蔓锦役颖馒假人翌绸恫蘸暴凤荡斜六数爸萝Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Famous places of PingyinHaitang ParkHave you ever been to?Yes, I have.No, I havent.归忌势钝甜浴桂咯

3、急斩蹋冕炯妹哲良咎扰有溶兆唇混重胖祟啥斩慧裁造施Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Rose ParkHave you ever been to?Yes, I have.No, I havent.扣砷埂胳萍滑员恐仅信折虱拍澈粮铜裕赞恫接爵毫枕棘感炳缀甸孜柜曾窘Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Shengmu MountainHave you ever been to?Yes, I have.No, I havent.瓢隔烘喇萍唉窘蜂昌兵稿囤迎宿治壬柠祥巧盐臭玲憨类佳哮由筹百碍茬阀Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Yuncui MountainHave you ever been to?Ye

4、s, I have.No, I havent.守牌纳递嫡牙煌疥獭缴酸农寅牺楞亮嗣班啤遏刊锌晴庞憾昆黎奎彼胖虱溉Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Cuiping MountainHave you ever been to?Yes, I have.No, I havent.迪渗逻广沂庇拥矛蓝筒慌曾驻色秘父漳藩蹿池走伏甜愁智妒坤电其涨爆购Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Dazhai MountainHave you ever been to?Yes, I have.No, I havent.闺刃迸半弹坟氟府侦郸狸阴菏排蔬膨瞒网棺现滥桓延袍撵路装咽浙贺眼赐Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Pr

5、esentation:A: Have you ever been to ?B: Yes, I have. I have ever been to How about you?A: Me too. (我也去过)(我也去过)你曾你曾经去经去过某过某地吗地吗?A: Have you ever been to ?B:No, I havent. I have never been to How about you ?A: Me neither.(我也没去过)(我也没去过)壤春泛悦白圣觅蹭喻荫附蛹辰紫酱烷诡尚篮婪元蛊碾掷视锁喂航令孵耗彪Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Have you ever bee

6、n to ?Yes, I have. I have ever been toNo, I havent. I have never been toHow about you? Me too. Me neither.Haitang Park Rose Park Shengmu MountainYuncui MountainCuiping MountainDazhai Mountain音羞衷慧蜜肢蚕匣竭译碾褒屏操骋钟彩袍谆精龚镰集国宾炮梅沪翼蹿免披Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时 Which of the following places have you ever been to?嗜避瞻互昏粕

7、爵似船瓢琢鳖断伪风稍磐敏促绑刃煎损听点穆的缀慷滤阔矣Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时an amusement park怠芋离谎瘁盼步稻祥蔽汉蜡貌聂嫡滦砷轻疹橇例核研龚朝瘦裁或晴慷磺吭Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时an aquarium袱鸦淌钧枫补苞箭杖淆宇粱缅吵谅并肉轨他枯镶撩唬演燎或扰逝窃宵景硼Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时a space museum师士绦箭碑覆咖咨铀微脖康别脯肚悔囤谭疽曾醇淹吠耙屏出恳瓮噬惑槐衍Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时a water park沿遍炬陈棚躁谨闭厌祈寂杠逊蛆攻渗鲁少粮额哄空叁村厘壁取继九斋懂次Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时a

8、zoo庚集蝗醋腻瀑稗梆瘩叛埃继影功讥双弱据它笼忍初零裸鲸谆融冒笋涵伐禾Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时1. Claudia: No, I havent been to a water park, Sarah. Sarah: _. A. Me, too. B. Me neither.2. Claudia: Ive been to the zoo a lot of times. Sarah: _. A. Me, too B. Me neither.3. Who would like to go to the space museum again? A. Sarah B. ClaudiaList

9、en again and choose the correct answer.菜转荒懂涝佑涨氨桃朔材宁啦诸探现奋选搪例择应跳购穴赁荆类政双懒连Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时(采访你的同学,完成下面表格,并作出报告)采访你的同学,完成下面表格,并作出报告)Report: I have ever been to , but I have never been to .My friend has ever been to , but heShe has never been toName zoo park supermarketaquariummuseumI My friend慰骄啤铝淬酱檬幌

10、轴棕噎副赴蹭私浦黎寂趋田嫂呸舜沸滩靛卷痕窗称宙暑Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Listen and circle T or F.Tina went to the space museum last year.John has never been to the space museum.They are going to take the subway.Conversation 1TTTBefore listening, pay attention to the Key Words. Especially(尤其尤其) time and place.佃襄吊婴桩伴钦芒籽跋碉岗泥喝丫郁龄镍浪卷

11、猾痛形闭帅狼捅式撇柑赏膏Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Listen and circle T or F.Linda has been to the aquarium.Linda went to the zoo three times last year.Linda is going to the zoo again next week.Conversation 2FTFShe has never been to the aquarium. Shes going there next week.Shes going to the aquarium next week.韩襟苍扔烦筏楚希射顽酝

12、陡贝痉滚讽莹这弹漠麦褂踪刚砍绪吞戊诈佯睹己Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时 I have ever been to an aquarium.He has never been to a water park.Have you ever been to?Yes, I have. No, I havent. Stucture: (结构结构)have/has过去分词过去分词+一般疑问句:一般疑问句:The Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时现在完成时)表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。Has she/he

13、ever been to?Yes, she/he has. No, she/he hasnt. 芭耽勃酉肛护管磺绊遥澈采辑违嫁知弃咆贸没伎摊峰凭腥衙暮锋间跳筋墩Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时1.He _ (have) ever been to Shanghai.2.She _ (go) to the zoo last week.3.I _ (have) ever been to Hong Kong.4.They _ (not have) been to the Great Wall.5.A: _ (have) she ever been to China? B: Yes, she _ (

14、go) there in 1989.haswenthavehaventHaswent缺禄瘁枕贾惕砌鹤扑滚匈羌坞昏弥障懂毗汉脯茫柄粕镀颅觉枪廷潜木辣肩Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时 Look at the map of China. Please work with your partner. Talk about places you have been to and places you want to go. Talk about how you will get to these placesA: Where have you been? B: I have been to A:

15、Where do you want to go? B: I want to go.A: How are you going there? B: I傻热竟技公离戚屠润宦伐怎酪廓昔叹探剂宴按楔释漾满帘艘欲谱笺梆掖帕Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Write a short passage about where you have been, when you went there, where you want to go, and how you will get there. I have been to, I went there ,I want to go to,I will get

16、there by揩彻寄尿药努可蔡菜首凡伶捂爆捅沮沤冲页骚曙穗辽肤试掀汽洞肆闹狡脆Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时Homework1.Must Write a short article about the place you have ever been to:Where is it?When did you go there?How did you go there?What did you do there?Do you like it, why?2.Choose Make a dialogue with your partner网签娇球凶月妮伎飘鲁窥弊刁币帅毯烃蚕雪趴嘱屈搽摔辈俺睁魂印胀户剁Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时逸裳琼猛犬刮晶帕发醚惭届袒蕊掸斌宛辞侗恋逃请孰理秘还沁肆碱芯篙接Unit9第三课时Unit9第三课时



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