六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school Section B(1a-2c)课件 鲁教版五四制

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六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school Section B(1a-2c)课件 鲁教版五四制_第1页
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1、Unit 4 What time do you go to school?Section B (1a-2c) . 选词选词配配图图do homework, run, clean the room, take a walk, a quarter to twelve, half past eight答案:答案:1. a quarter to twelve 2. half past eight3. do homework 4. run 5. take a walk 6. clean the room . 句型展示句型展示1. 他他们们通常在晚上七点差一刻吃晚餐。通常在晚上七点差一刻吃晚餐。They

2、usually eat dinner at _ _ _ _ in the evening. 2. 他通常六点半起床。他通常六点半起床。He usually gets up at _ _ _. 答案:答案:1. a quarter to seven 2. half past six3. 晚上我要么看晚上我要么看电视电视要么玩要么玩电脑电脑游游戏戏。In the evening, I _ watch TV _ play computer games. 4. 在十二点,她午餐吃很多水果和蔬菜。在十二点,她午餐吃很多水果和蔬菜。At twelve, she eats _ _ fruit and veg

3、etables for lunch. 5. 她知道冰淇淋她知道冰淇淋对对她不好,但是冰淇淋味道很美。她不好,但是冰淇淋味道很美。She knows ice-cream is not good for her, but it _ _. 答案:答案: 3. either; or 4. lots of 5. tastes good 1. past prep. 晚于;晚于;过过(时间时间) adj. 过过去的去的He usually gets up at half past six. 他通常六点半起床。他通常六点半起床。They usually eat dinner at a quarter to s

4、even in the evening. 他他们们通常在晚上七点差一刻吃晚餐。通常在晚上七点差一刻吃晚餐。【探究探究总结总结】 past/to的用法辨析的用法辨析(1)当分当分钟钟数小于等于数小于等于30时时用用past,即,即“分分钟钟数数+past+小小时时数数”;(2)当分当分钟钟数大于数大于30时时用用to,即,即“(60-分分钟钟数数)+to+(小小时时数数+1)”。【学以致用学以致用】她六点五十吃早餐。她六点五十吃早餐。She eats breakfast at _ _ _. 答案:答案:ten to seven2. either adv. 或者;也或者;也In the eveni

5、ng, I either watch TV or play computer games. 晚晚上我要么看上我要么看电视电视要么玩要么玩电脑电脑游游戏戏。She cant speak Chinese, either. 她也不会她也不会说汉语说汉语。【探究探究总结总结】 either的用法的用法(1)用用于于构构成成短短语语either. . . or. . . 表表示示在在两两个个可可能能性性中中任任选选其其一一,意意为为“要么要么要么要么”;(2)用于否定句句尾,意用于否定句句尾,意为为“也不也不”。【学以致用学以致用】 I cant swim, and she cant swim, _.

6、A. too B. also C. either D. neither3. lot pron. 大量;大量;许许多多At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch. 在在十十二点,她午餐吃很多水果和蔬菜。二点,她午餐吃很多水果和蔬菜。I dont have much time for breakfast. 我没有很多我没有很多时间时间来吃早来吃早饭饭。She has many good friends. 她有很多好朋友。她有很多好朋友。【探究探究总结总结】 lots of/much/many的用法辨析的用法辨析词词 语语用用

7、 法法lots oflots of与与a lot of 通通用用,后后既既可可以以接接复复数数名名词词,也也可可以接不可数名以接不可数名词词_用作限定用作限定词时词时,后只能接不可数名,后只能接不可数名词词_用作限定用作限定词时词时,后只能接复数名,后只能接复数名词词muchmany【学以致用学以致用】 We have much homework every day. (改改为为同同义义句句)We have _ _ homework every day. 答案:答案:lots of. 根据根据图图片片补补全全对话对话1. A: When do they take _ _? B: At _ _

8、_. 2. A: When do you eat lunch? B: I eat lunch at _ _ _. 答案:答案:1. a walk; half past six 2. ten past twelve3. A: When does he go to bed? B: He goes to bed at _ _ _ . 4. A: What do you usually do on weekends? B: I _ do homework _ watch TV. 答案:答案:3. a quarter to twelve 4. either; or. 同同义义句句转换转换1. My mu

9、m gets up at five twenty. My mum gets up at _ _ _ . 2. Our school begins at seven fifty. Our school begins at _ _ _ . 答案:答案:1. twenty past five 2. ten to eight3. The old man walks after dinner. The old man _ _ _ after dinner. 4. Can you make your room clean? Can you _ your room? 5. She always eats much ice-cream after dinner. She always eats _ _ _ ice-cream after dinner. 答案:答案:3. takes a walk 4. clean 5. a lot of



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