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1、 Welcome to my class! 陕西省渭南市临渭区陕西省渭南市临渭区 前进路中学前进路中学 屈文丽屈文丽Lesson 32: At the SupermarketUnit 6: Lets Go! Learning Aims 1. To master(掌握) 10 words and 5 key phrases(重点短语) of this lesson. 2. Try to understand(理解) the text and master 5 key sentences . 3.Know about how to buy the things at the supermarket

2、.New wordsWork out and tell the results20+10= _28+12= _35+15= _47+13= _50+20= _86+14= _thirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyone hundredListening What do Li Ming and his mother want to buy? Listen and match the pictures.Reading Read the dialogue and answer the following questions 1.Where are Li Ming and his m

3、other? At the supermarket.2.Where are the potatoes? They are next to the carrots.3.How much is the red T-shirt? 65 yuan.Find and recite the phrases/sentence1.在超市2.寻找3.紧挨着 4.跟我来5.我就买它。 at the supermarket look fornext tofollow me Ill take it.Practice in class(当堂检测)1.请跟我来。 Please _ _.2.我正在找土豆。 I _ _ _

4、the potatoes.3.它们挨着胡萝卜。 They are _ _ the carrots.4.我就买它吧。 I will_ it. am looking fornext totakefollowmePair Work ( choose one picture and make a dialogue like this)A: May I help you?B: Yes, please. I am looking for a/some _. A: Follow me, they are next to _ B:How much is it/are they?A:Its /theyre_ y

5、uan .B: I will take it/them. Thank you.A: Youre welcome.15¥ 50¥ 70¥ 3¥Before(在之前) we go shopping,what do we need?moneya shopping list a shopping basket/bagComplete the shopping list A _(双)(双) of shoes A_ (玻璃杯)(玻璃杯)of juice Four _(杯)(杯) of tea Five _ (瓶)(瓶) of water Some _ (土豆土豆) Two _ (钢笔钢笔) A red _

6、 (短裙短裙)pairglasscupsbottles potatoespens skirt Make a shopping list of three things that you want, then make a dialogue at the supermaket( (编编一一超超市市对对话话) ) . In the dialogue you are a customer( (顾顾客客) ), your partner(同同伴伴) is a clerk. Act it out (把它表演出来)(把它表演出来)in front of our class.Homework 1.Make a poster about shopping politely.(做一张有关(做一张有关文明购物的海报)文明购物的海报)2.Make a shopping list of ten things your familymight need at the supermarket then go shopping with them.(做一张你家人在超市可能需要的购物单和他们一起(做一张你家人在超市可能需要的购物单和他们一起去购物)去购物)2024/9/1116



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