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1、第6讲 连词一、用适当的连词填空1_my son comes back, I will tell him tocall you.2I amnot sure _I made any mistakes in the test ornot.3Nobody knew the good news_our monitor told us.4 Remember to turn off the lights_ you leave theclassroom.5 She often goes to parties_she can make morefriends.If/When/As soon as whethe

2、r until before/when so that 二、完成句子,每空一词1那个婴儿是男孩还是女孩?Is the baby a boy_ a girl?2外面很冷,所以穿上外套吧。Its cold outside, _youd better put on your coat.3他今天受罚是因为他没有完成作业。He was punished today _ he didnt finish hishomework.4车停了才能下车。Dont get off the bus_ _ _.5珠海如此美丽以至于很多游客来这里度假。Zhuhai is_ a beautiful city_ many vi

3、sitorscome here for holidays.or so because until it stops such that 年份考点题型2014从属连词(unless)并列连词(but)单项填空 30短文填空 752013并列连词(and)并列连词(but)单项填空 30完形填空 532012并列连词(so)从属连词(because)从属连词(though/although)单项填空 33完形填空 55短文填空 75再现中考并列连词题1(2013 年广东)Think it over, _ youll work outthe math problem.A.orBsoCforDand点

4、拨选D。or 表示选择或转折,意为“或者,否则,不然”; so 表示因果,意为“因此,所以”;for 表示原因,意为“因为”;and 表示并列,意为“并且”。根据句意“仔细考虑,你就会解决这个问题的。”可知选 D。题 2(2012 年 广东 )Ben was busy taking a training class,_ we had to wait for him for half an hour.AsoCorBifDbut点拨选A。本题句意为“因为本正在上培训课,所以我们必须得等他半个小时。”故答案选A。题3(2013 年广东)Tom didnt understand the coachsi

5、ntention, _53_ he still followed his advice.53.A.ifBbutCsinceDthough点拨选B。根据Tom didnt understand the coachs intention可知表示转折,应用but。题4(2014 年广东)I wanted to go to a language school tolearn English, _75_ I couldnt afford it.点拨填but。分析语境可知表示转折,应用but。从属连词题1(2014年广东)Shall we go for a picnic in the forestpark

6、 tomorrow?Yes,AifCuntil_ it rains heavily.BunlessDwhen点拨选B。句意是“除非下大雨”,unless 引导条件状语从句。题2(2012 年广东)Bill and the old man learned in surprisethat he food was free _55_ it was the birthday of the boss, andthey were the first customer (顾客) that day.55A.whenBuntilCunlessDbecause点拨选D。根据前后句间的逻辑关系可知,后句“是老板的生

7、日,他们是第一批顾客”是前句食物免费的原因,故用连词 because。故选 D。题3(2012 年广东)_75_ I understand that it is importantto do my homework and.sometimes I still dont want to do somuch homework.点拨填Though/Although。句意是“尽管我知道做作业很重要但是有时我还是不愿意有如此多的作业。”故填 Though或 Although。连词是一种虚词,用于连接单词、短语、从句或句子,不单独用作句子成分。连词主要分为两大类:并列连词和从属连词。并列连词用来连接平行的

8、词、短语或句子;从属连词是用来引导从句的词。并列连词按照其在句中的作用可分为表示并列关系、转折关系、选择关系和因果关系的连词。表示并列关系的并列连词表示并列关系的常见连词有:and (和;又;而且), as well as(也; 和), both.and.(既又), not only.but also.( 不仅而且), neither.nor.(既不也不)。如:Tom and Lily like drawing.汤姆和莉莉都喜欢画画。Lin Ping as well as his classmates likes watching TV. 林平和他的同班同学都喜欢看电视。Neither my

9、parents nor my sister has been to Guangzhou.我父母和我妹妹都没去过广州。注意:(1)在并列结构中表示“和”的意思时,and 用于肯定句,or 用于否定句。如:There is no air or water on the moon.月球上没有空气和水。(2)当含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构时,要用 and。如:There is no air and no water on the moon.月球上没有空气和水。典题分析题(2014 年重庆A卷 )Practice more, _ youll dobetter in playing chess

10、.AbutCwhenBandDafter点拨选B。根据“祈使句, and /or.”句型可知选 B。连词用法例句but意为“但是”,表示意义的转折或前后两个事实相反He tried his best but failed.他尽力了,但还是失败了。while意为“但是,然而”,强调对比性的转折I like English while he likesmath. 我喜欢英语而他喜欢数学。yet意为“可是,然而”,表示转折时,前面可与 and 连用,且这两个部分的主语是一致的I failed again, and yet I nevergive up.我又失败了,然而我绝不放弃。表示转折关系的并列连

11、词注意:(1)however 意为“然而,不过”,可放在句首、句中或句末,不能像 but 那样直接连接两个句子,常用逗号与句子其他部分隔开。如:()We all tried our best, however we lost the game.()We all tried our best.However, we lost the game.()We all tried our best, but we lost the game.我们都已尽了最大的努力,不过我们还是输了。(2)not.but.意为“不是而是”,not 和 but 后面的词性要一致。如:They were not the bo

12、nes of an animal, but (the bones) of ahuman being.它们不是动物的遗骸,而是人类的遗骸。典题分析(2014 年北京)Id like to go with you, _ Im too题busy.A.orBandCsoDbut点拨选D。or 否则;and 和、与,表并列关系;so 所以;but 但是,表转折关系。由句意“我想和你一起去,但是我很忙。”可知表示转折应用 but。表示选择关系的并列连词表示选择关系的常见连词有:or (或者;否则),otherwise(要不然,否则),either.or.(或者或者;不是就是)等。如:Either he o

13、r I am to blame.不是他就是我该受责备。Would you like tea or coffee?你要茶还是咖啡?When you are learning English, use it, or youll lose it.学英语的时候要应用,否则你就会忘记。典题分析题1(2014 年长沙 )Its going to rain.Youd better take anumbrella_ you may get wet.AorBandCbut点拨选A。or 否则,或者;and 表顺承关系;but 表转折。根据句意“你最好带伞否则你会淋湿。”可知选 A。题2(2012 年淮 )We

14、just need one of you for thegame._ youABoth; andCEither; or_ your brother can join us.BNeither; norDNot only; but also点拨选 C。neither.nor.表示“两者都不”,连接两个并列主语时谓语动词的形式要按照就近原则。either.or.表示“要么要么(指两者中一个)”,连接两个并列主语时谓语动词的形式要按照就近原则。both .and.表示“两者都”,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数。Not only.but also.意思是“不但,而且”,也遵循就近原则。根据语境可知是

15、两者选一,所以选 C。连词用法例句for表示“因为”时,用来补充说明或表示推测性的理由,不能置于两个并列分句的句首,只能放在两个分句的中间It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。so表示“因此,所以”时,不能与 because 连用He worked hard, so he passedthe exam.Because he workedhard, he passed the exam. 他努力学习,所以通过了考试。表示因果关系的并列连词典题分析题(2014 年河北 )Diana isnt her

16、e, _ leave amessage on her desk.A.orBsoCandD.but点拨选B。句意:戴安娜不在,所以给她留个信息。根据句意可知前后是因果关系,故选 B。连词用法例句that ( 引 导 从句时无意义)可用于引导宾语从句,常省略He says (that) Jim will miss a lot oflessons.他说吉姆会错过很多课程。if, whether(.or not)意为“是否”,可用于引导宾语从句,不可省略The foreigner asked me if I could speakEnglish.Im not sure whether he will

17、help me ornot.我不敢肯定他是否会帮助我。wh-疑问词引导特殊疑问句作宾语从句,从句要用陈述句语序He didnt tell me when we should meetagain.他没有告诉我什么时候我们应该再见面。从属连词1从属连词用来引导状语从句、宾语从句、主语从句或表语从句那个外国人问我是否会讲英语。连词用法例句because ( 因 为 ), as(鉴于,由于), since(由于,既然)用于引导原因状语从句Since you have a bad cold, youneednt go to school today.既然你得了重感冒,你今天不必去上学了。though/a

18、lthough ( 虽然 , 尽 管 ), evenif/though (即使)用于引导让步状 语从句,though/although不能与 but 连用Though he is very tired, he is stillpracticing the piano. He is verytired, but he is still practicing thepiano.尽管他非常累了,但他还在练习弹钢琴。if (如果), unless (除非,如果不), as longas (只要)用于引导条件状语从句If you dont get up quickly, you wontcatch th

19、e early bus. Unless you getup quickly, you wont catch the earlybus.如果你不快点起床,你就赶不上早班车。2.从属连词用来引导状语从句连词用法例句when (当时), while(当时), as (当时;一边一边),before (在之前), after(在之后), until/till (直到), since (自从),ever since (从以来), assoon as (一就),whenever (无论什么时候)用于引导时间状语从句When the UFO landed, I waswalking in the stree

20、t.TheUFO landed while I was walking in the street.当飞碟着陆的时候,我正在街上散步。She didnt go to sleep until shefinished her homework.她直到做完了作业才去睡觉。(续表)连词用法例句so.that, such.that (如此以至于)用于引导结果状语从句The mountain was so steep that fewpeople reached the top.这座山如此陡峭以至于很少有人能爬到顶峰。Your brother is such a lovely boythat we all

21、 like him. 你的弟弟是一个如此可爱的男孩以至于我们都喜欢他。as if, as though (仿佛,似乎,好像)用于引导方式状语从句He looked so calm as if he didntknow it.他看起来很镇定,好像他不知道那件事一样。(续表)连词用法例句so that ( 以便), inorder that (为了)表示目的,用于 引 导 目 的状语从句She sat in front so that she couldhear the teacher clearly. 她坐在前面以便能听清楚老师的话。than ( 比 ), as.as.( 和 一 样 ),not

22、 so/as.as.(和不一样)用 于 引 导 比较状语从句He moves more slowly than hissister does.Do you think art is as interesting asmusic?你认为美术和音乐一样有趣吗?(续表)他行动起来比他妹妹慢。注意:(1)when, until, as soon as 引导的时间状语从句的复合句遵循“主将从现”原则。(2)if/unless 引导的条件状语从句的复合句遵循 “主将从现”原则。because表示原因和理由,强调直接原因和因果关系,它所引导的从句通常放在主句之后。常用来回答 why 引导的疑问句Why di

23、dnt you go to thecinema ?你为什么没有去看电影?Because my mother was ill, andI had to stay at home and lookafter her.因为我妈妈病了,我得在家照顾她。for表示间接的原因和理由,或对主句中事实的解释,for引导的从句不放在句首Miss Gao cant be in the office, forthe door is locked. 高老师不可能在办公室,因为门是锁着的。3.because, for, since 和 as 的区别since表示原因时语气比 because弱,但比 as 强。它一般不表

24、示根本原因或直接原因,而是一种已知的、显然的理由。作“既然”讲时,常放在句首Since everybody is here, letsbegin our meeting. 既 然 大 家 都在,我们开始开会吧。as表示原因时意义最弱,它所阐述的原因只是附带说明。多置于句首,只说明一般的因果关系,可译为“鉴于”As you were out, I left a message.你不在,所以我留了口信。(续表)典题分析题1(2014 年长沙)I wont go to tomorrows party _I am invited.AifBunlessCwhen点拨选B。if 如果;unless 除非;

25、when 当时候。结合语境可知选 B。题2(2014 年滨州 )The teacher asked me to read aloud_ all the students could hear me.Aso thatCbecauseBforDin order to点拨选A。句意:老师叫我读大声一点,这样的话,所有的学生都可以听得到。这是一个结果状语从句,所以排除 B、C 两项,D 项 in order to 后面接短语。故选 A。题3(2013 年吉林)What subject do you prefer?I prefer science_ its difficult.AorBthoughCso点拨选B。or 意为“或者”,表示选择关系;though 意为“尽管”,表示让步关系;so 意为“所有”,表示因果关系。根据句意“你更喜欢哪门课?”“我更喜欢科学尽管它有点难。”可知表示让步关系,故选 B。



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