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1、服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语扣考纲扣考纲话题诵读话题诵读固考基固考基教材梳理教材梳理课时限时自测课时限时自测提考能提考能技能速升技能速升析考点析考点重难突破重难突破服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语Module 3Body Language and Nonverbal Communication服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语话题21科普知识与现代技术话题词汇【常见单词】1development n进步,发展2advantag

2、e n优势3network n网络4contact n& v联系5cellphone n手机服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语6design v& n设计7aspect n方面8means n方法,手段,方式9unwilling adj.不愿意的10magic adj.有魔力的,神奇的11comfortable adj.舒适的12electronic adj.电子的13predict v预测14replace v代替服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【常见短语】1have a great

3、 effect on对产生很大影响 2have access to/be accessible to能使用3take the place of代替4keep/catch up with 赶上5be different from/differ from与不同6be addicted to对上瘾7make full use of充分利用8distract ones attention分散某人的注意力服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语经典语篇【写作要求】(2015辽宁省沈阳铁路实验中学高三上学期第一次月考)请根据下列提示,用英语为某品牌一款智能手

4、机写一篇促销说明。必要性:手机是人们通讯工具之一颜色:各种颜色可供选择功能:收发短信、照相、上网、下载音乐、浏览网页其他:具有MP4和游戏机功能参考词汇:浏览 browse服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语注意:1.词数100左右,已给开头不计入总词数;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Thanks for choosing our smart phones._服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【参考范文】Thanks for choosing our smart phones.It i

5、s known that mobile phones have become the most important popular means of communication and if we get one, we can get in touch with each other wherever and whenever we are.This product for us has many different functions to meet different needs, such as sending or receiving short messages.Besides,

6、you wont take pains to carry your camera many more, for the mobile phone itself has one. 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语Thus, you can take pictures whenever you like.Whats more, with the function of surfing the Internet, it allows you to browse web pages and download what you want.It ca

7、n even bring you a flood of music and movies.Most importantly, we can use it as an MP4 as well as a computer game player.As for colors, we offer you a variety of colors to choose from.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语一试身手句型转换1将句改为含有as和which所引导的定语从句的句子_,mobile phones have become the most i

8、mportant popular means of communication, _ _wherever and whenever we are.As it is knownwith which we can getin touch with each other服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2将句改为包含被动语态的句子Most importantly, _an MP4 as well as a computer game player.it can be used as服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一

9、轮总复习 WY英语英语完成句子1一方面,使用手机会分散注意力,因此增加发生交通事故的可能性。On the one hand, using mobile phones _ _ thus increasing the chance of terrible accidents.2现代科技对我们的生活有着多方面的影响。Modern technology_.3曾经有一段时间他玩电脑游戏上瘾。There was a time _ _. will distract usersattentionhas an effect on our life in many aspectswhen he was addic

10、ted to playing computergames服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语一、单词速览 1._adj.攻击的;挑衅的2_ n. 协议;交易3_ vt. 包括4_ n. 前额5_ vi. 张开6_ v. 恐慌;惊慌7_ n. 请求;要求aggressivedealinvolveforeheadspreadpanicrequest服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语8_ n. 恩惠;善意的行为9_ vi. (用语言、信号)传递信息;交流_ n. 交流;沟通10_ vi. 变化_

11、 adj. 各种各样的_ n. 种类11_ adj. 正式的_ adj. 非正式的favourcommunicatecommunicationvaryvariousvarietyformalinformal服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语12_ adv. 传统地_ adj. 传统的_ n. 传统13_ adj. 恐吓的;具有威胁的_ vt. 威胁_ n. 威胁14_ adj. 意识到的;自觉的_ adj. 无意的;不知不觉的15_ n. 判断;意见_ vi. & vt. 判断traditionallytraditionaltraditio

12、nthreateningthreatenthreatconscious unconsciousjudgmentjudge服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【看单词,学构词】在4. forehead 一词中,fore为表示“前;先;预先”的前缀。课标中常见的还有forearm n. 前臂;forecast n. & v. 预报,预测;foreground n. 前景;foresee vt. 预知,预见;foretell v. 预言等。 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语二、短语快译1_与握

13、手2_(保持)警惕3_达成协议;做成交易4_举起5_暴露(自己的情况)shake hands withon guardmake a dealhold upgive away服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语6_举起7_一上一下地8_ 偶然地9_ 向问好10_ 打开(灯、无线电等)lift upup and downby accidentsay hello toswitch on服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语三、句式构建1more than意为“不仅仅”。Although these

14、are very important, we communicate withmore than just spoken and written words.尽管这些很重要,但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语言交流。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2what引导介词后的宾语从句。Indeed, body positions are part of what we call “body language”实际上,身体姿势是我们所称“身势语”的一部分。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语3. “

15、主语 系动词 形容词 不定式”结构,不定式用主动表示被动。Body language is fascinating for anyone to study.对于每一个人来说,学习肢体语言都是一件美妙的事情。4every time引导时间状语从句。In Russia you should make a toast every time you take a sip from your glass.在俄国,你每一次从杯子里抿一小口时,都要祝酒干杯。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语5however引导让步状语从句,意为“无论多么”。But we

16、 dont clap at the end of a television programme or a book,however good they are.但是我们看完一个电视节目或读完一本书时并不鼓掌,无论它们多么精彩。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语解析4个考纲单词1vary vi. 变化vt. 改变;使多样化(教材P22)We see examples of unconscious body language very often, yet there is also “learned” body language, which

17、 varies from culture to culture.我们经常看到无意识的身势语,但也有“习得”的身势语,“习得”的身势语在不同的文化中各不相同。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1)vary with 随而变化vary in 在方面不同,有差异vary from . to . 由到情况不等(2) various adj. 各种各样的(3)variety n. 变化;多样性;种类a variety/varieties of 各种各样的服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (20

18、14广东高考信息匹配) Class sizes vary from one to one hundred and resources can be basic, but your students will welcome you with open arms.班额从1到100不等,而且资源是基本的,但是你的学生会张开双臂欢迎你。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 The hotel rooms vary in size, but all have televisions and telephones.旅馆的房间大小各不相同,但是都有电视和

19、电话。 The store provides the customers with a wide variety(vary) of goods every day.这家商店每天为顾客提供各种各样的商品。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2deal n. 协议;交易v. 相处;交往(教材P22)We shake hands when we make a deal.我们在做交易时与人握手。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1)make a deal 达成协议;做成买卖a great/goo

20、d deal of 大量;许多(修饰不可数名词)Its a deal. (口语)成交;就这么办吧。(2)deal with 处理;涉及;相处,交往deal in 经营;从事于服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (2014大纲全国卷阅读理解B)Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with, the world is a safer and healthier place. 尽管一些严重的问题仍然有待于需要处理,但这个世界仍然是更安全和健康的地方。服服/务务/教

21、教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 After several years self study he acquired a great deal of knowledge. 经过几年的自学,他获得了不少知识。 This amount which I cant go above is my last offer.这是我最后出价,不会比这再高了。 OK,it is a deal.好吧,成交。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语3request n. & vt. 请求;要求(2013湖南高考阅读理解B) M

22、rs. Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets. 托坦老师通常沿着课桌一排一排地走,按照问题在我们的作业表出现的顺序一个一个地要求学生回答。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1)make a request of 要求得到at sb.s request (at

23、the request of sb.) 应某人的要求(2) request sb.to do sth. 请求某人做某事request that . 请求;要求(从句中谓语动词用should 动词原形,should可省略)服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (朗文P1674) The staff immediately requested that he reconsider his decision.员工立即要求他重新考虑他的决定。 The public are requested not to throw(not,throw) waste

24、 paper in the park. 公众被要求不得在公园里乱扔废纸。 She bought the new computer at the request of her three children.她应三个孩子的要求购买了新电脑。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语4favour n. 恩惠;善意的行为;赞成;偏袒vt. 支持;偏袒(教材P28)Can I ask you a favour?我可以请你帮个忙吗?服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1) ask a favour of

25、sb. 请某人帮忙do sb.a favour do a favour for sb. 帮某人忙in favour of 支持in ones favour 对某人有利(2)favourable adj. 赞成的;有利的favourite adj. 特别喜爱的服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (2014天津高考阅读理解B) The response to the invention has not been all favourable(favour)对于这项发明的反应并非都是赞成的。 Most of the teachers are in

26、 favour of the new teaching method.大部分老师都赞同这种新的教学法。 Even though we have some trouble right now, I think the final result will be in our favour.即使现在还有些问题,我想最后结果还是对我们有利的。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语分析2个高考短语1give away 暴露(自己的情况);泄露(秘密);赠送;颁发(教材P22)People give away much more by their gest

27、ures than by their words.人们通过身势表达的意思要比通过话语表达的多。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语give back 归还;恢复give in (to) (向)屈服;让步give out 分发;发出;用完;耗尽give off 放出;散发出give up 放弃;让出服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语Dont forget to give back your key when you leave the hotel.当你离开饭店时,不要忘记归还钥匙At no

28、time should you give up studying.在任何时候都不应放弃学习。 His strength gave out after he ran that long distance.跑完这么一段长距离,他已精疲力尽。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2by accident 偶然地(教材P25)In Thailand you mustnt touch someone on the head, even by accident.在泰国你千万不要碰别人的头,就算是出于偶然也不可以。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠

29、赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(2014陕西高考阅读理解B) So it was possible that the famous author had gone to the beach and stayed in the Gainestown boardinghouse, and had written the story there and left the manuscript behind by accident.因此有可能这位著名的作家去过海滩、在Gainestown旅馆待过、在那里写下了这个故事,并且偶然把书稿留在了那个地方。 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈

30、馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1)by no accident 并非偶然without accident 安然无恙地(2) by design/on purpose 偶然地服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 No one can deny that accident happened by no accident. 没有人能够否认这起事故并非偶然发生。Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages. 库克船长驾驶的船安全出航

31、100次无事故。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语剖析1个高考句型(教 材 P22) Although these are very important, we communicate with more than just spoken and written words.尽管这些很重要,但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语言交流。句法分析:此句中more than后跟名词,意为“不仅仅” 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语more than 数词,表示“超过;多于”,相当于over。mor

32、e than 形容词,表示“很;非常”。more . than . 与其倒不如no more than 名词或基数词,表示“仅仅;只有”,相当于only。not more than 基数词,表示“至多;不超过”。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (2014湖南高考Section B) So the boy went door to door and gathered more than two hundred signatures (签名)to stop the development.因此这个孩子挨门挨户收集了200多个签名来阻止这项开

33、发工程。 Im more than happy to take you there in my car.我非常愿意用我的汽车把你送去。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 He is more sad than angry when his son lied again.当他的儿子再次说谎时,他的悲伤甚于愤怒。 Its a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach.那是一座漂亮的小屋,离最近的海滩至多5分钟的路程。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/

34、馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语专项对点集训.语境填词1For most _Pdinners, you should wear comfortable and casual clothes.2 Two victims of the car accident, who have gone_from their loss of blood, have been sent to hospital.3He _(panic) and ran as fast as he could to safety.4The company has_(request) a financial sup

35、port to go through the present bad situation.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语5You will find a wide_(vary) of choices available in school cafeterias.6Many workers left for another company because they could be offered more_(favor) conditions there.7They were so deeply_(involve) in the mat

36、ter that they found it hard to pull out.8Nowadays its common to _(communication) with each other by using mobile phones.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语9I cant make that decision for you, you will have to use your_(judge)10 Scientists have_(tradition) considered talking and listening to

37、be two independent processes.【答案】1.informal2.unconscious3.panicked4 municate9.judgment10.traditionally服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语.完成句子1他不仅是个作家,还是个画家。He is _ a writer; he is also a painter.2当购物的时候, 我们应该提防扒手。When we go shopping, we should be _ against pickpockets.3新路的修建工作因天气恶劣而停顿。The

38、building of the new road has been _ by bad weather. 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语4如果一个人没有得到充足的睡眠,那么他白天的行为就会暴露出来。If a person hasnt got enough sleep, his actions will _ him _ during the day.5我不知道他是偶然地还是故意地。I dont know whether he did it _or by design.【答案】1.more than2.on guard3.held up4.g

39、ive;away5.by accident服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语教材对接高考语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。We communicate with more than just spoken and _1_(write) words. We also need to learn body language, which _2_(vary) from culture to culture. _3_(tradition), Europeans and Americans shake h

40、ands with their right hand, _4_ means “I trust you. Look, I am not carrying a _5_(threat) weapon.” 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语They also shake hands when they make a deal. In China, we put the right hand over the left and bow _6_(slight) when we greet someone _7_ Muslims give a “sala

41、am”. Hindus join their hands and bow their heads in respect. The expression “Give me five!” is also a gesture for American youths _8_(greet) one another. Body language is fascinating for anyone to study. You can give _9_ much more by gestures than by words. So look at your friends and family _10_(se

42、e) if you are a mind reader.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语1. 【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处应用过去分词作定语意为“书面的”,故填written。 【答案】written2. 【解析】考查动词时态。此处应用一般现在时表示一种事实,应用单数第三人称形式varies。 【答案】varies3. 【解析】考查词形转换。此处应用副词形式表示“从传统上说”,故用traditionally。 【答案】Traditionally服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语4. 【

43、解析】考查关联词。空格内的词引导非限制性定语从句且在从句中作主语,故用which。 【答案】which5. 【解析】考查词形转换。此处应用形容词表示“有威胁的”,故用threatening。 【答案】threatening6. 【解析】考查词形转换。此处应用副词形式作状语,故用slightly。 【答案】slightly服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语7. 【解析】考查连接词。此处连接词表示一种对比关系,故用while。 【答案】while8. 【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处应为不定式的复合结构作定语,故用to greet。 【答案】to

44、greet服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语9. 【解析】考查固定短语。此处give away表示“暴露”。 【答案】away10. 【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处应为不定式作结果状语,故用to see。 【答案】to see服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语高考24话题微写作话题(二十一)人际关系身势语【写作素材】提示:黑体部分用本模块词汇、句式表达1交流包括各种各样的互动,有助于改善人类的关系。_2我们在与别人打交道的时候,经常会使用身势语。_服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/

45、赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语3身势语因文化而异,因此并非所有身势语我们都能意识到。_4当你置身国外时,要求你了解更多的身势语以便更好地交流。_服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【连句成篇】可选用which,when,so等将以上句子连成一篇英语短文_服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【参考范文】Communication involves various interactions, which can improve peoples relationship. When

46、 dealing with others, we often use body language. Body language varies from culture to culture, so we cant be conscious of all of it. When traveling in a foreign country, you are requested to learn more about body language in order to communicate better. 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语课时限时自课时限时自测测( (二十一二十一) )点击图标进入点击图标进入



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