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1、英语应用文写作一、课程简介及要求简介:大学英语后续教学大学毕业生求学(国外)大学毕业生求职大学毕业后工作中日常应用要求:每种文体均练习一次二、教学提纲第一讲英文日记第二讲卡片英语第三讲各种书信的写作方法第四讲各种证书、证明材料的译写第五讲英文自传与简历第六讲求职、应征、申请信函第七讲英文讲话稿第八讲怎样拟写协议书第九讲怎样拟写会议纪要第十讲 科技论文写作常识第四讲 各种证书、证明材料第一节 毕业证、学位证成绩报告单 毕业证、学位证是用来证明个人学历、学业、学位情况的一种证明材料。它一般应包含如下几方面的内容:(1)出生年月、籍贯(2)学习时间(3)所学专业(4)学业完成情况最基本的三个开头句型

2、This is to certify that Let it be known that We hereby certify that 这三个句型均可翻译为汉语的“兹证明”、“特此证明”、“此证”。范例1Diploma Let it be known that Mr Li Ming, born in Hubei, China in August 1985, having completed university course of study and satisfied all requirements, is hereby given this Certificate of Graduati

3、on. (signature) President of Yangtze University June 30, 2007范例2Certificate of Graduation Let it be known that Mr Tang Hui, a native of Hubei Province, born on August 9, 1964, having specialized in English Language and Literature in the Foreign Languages Department of Wuhan University from September

4、, 1982 to June, 1986 and having completed the four-year undergraduate program with qualified standing, is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation. (signature)President of Wuhan UniversityJune 30, 1986研究生毕业证书Certificate of Graduation Miss Li Mei was born in Honghu, Hubei Province in April, 1982

5、. From 2004 to 2007, she was a postgraduate student in our institute, majoring in the English Language and Literature. She fulfilled her study plan, and passed the oral examination on her thesis in July 1989. She was allowed to graduate. (signature) President of JPI July 2007University of ExeterDipl

6、oma in Education(English Language Teaching)We hereby certify thatCHENG SHENGhaving pursued the prescribed course of study at the COLLEGE of St MARK and St JHONand satisfied the Examiners was awarded theDiploma In Education (English Language Teaching)by the Senate of the University on 6 July 1987 Vic

7、e Chancellor (signature) Academic Register and Secretary学位证书Certificate of Bachelors Degree This is to certify that Mr Tang Hui, a native of Hubei Province, born on August 9, 1964, having specialized in English Language and Literature in the Foreign Languages Department of Wuhan University for four

8、years, has qualified for graduation. Upon the examination in conformity with the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the Peoples Republic of China, he has been awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Art . (signature) President of Wuhan University June 30, 1986Certificate of Master DegreeJianghan Pe

9、troleum University We the undersigned hereby certify that Mr Li Bin, having fulfilled the requirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of University, was by the University authority awarded the Degree of Master of Science in Oil Exploration at a congregation held in the University on July 1, 2006.

10、 (signature) President of JPU July 2, 2006 CERTIFICATE Name: Guo Ming Date of Birth: December 10, 1970 Permanent Address: JPU This is to certify that Mr Guo Ming was granted the Degree of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science, Wuhan University on December 10, 2006, having fulfilled all requirements neces

11、sary for the Doctors degree in the Research of Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Course of the Postgraduate School, Wuhan University. Thesis: The Finding of Chemicals with Proteins and Their Effective Membrane Permeability. Signature: Director-General Administration Bureau大学成绩报告单 大学成绩

12、报告单是由大学或学院出具的关于一个大学生在该校学习期间学业成绩优劣的证明材料;是学生应聘外企和出国求学所必备的材料;应由大学教务部门确认、盖章后才有效;成绩单多用表格制成,应包括课程名称、考试或考查成绩。204-2005 Academic YearCourse NameFirst TermSecond TermH/WExamTest H/WExamTestEnglish4Pass498General Chemistry698Higher Mathematics6A6100Surveying2PassPhysical Education2B2BPaleontology and History4P

13、assGeneral Geology492Field Trip on General Geology2WPass2005-2006 Academic YearCourse NameFirst TermSecond TermH/WExamTest H/WExamTestSeismology596 Seismological Geology 4passEarth Deformation3 Pass Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology3PassGeotectology4 Pass Field Work7Pass Thesis6 ATectonic Stress

14、Field4PassNotes H/W=Hours/Week A=Excellent =优秀=85100 B=Good =良好=7585 C= 及格=6075 F=Failure =不及格=60以下第二节 其它各类证书CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR This is to certify that ZHANG QING SHENG has been awarded the title of excellent student cadre because of his outstanding achievement during the school year 19931994. Ji

15、anghan Petroleum University 10/14/1994CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR This is to certify that ZHANG QING SHENG has been awarded the title of Excellent Graduate because of his outstanding achievement during the four years study in the university. Jianghan Petroleum University 7/14/2006CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR Thi

16、s is to certify that ZHANG QING SHENG has been awarded the title of Excellent Student(morally, intellectually, physically excellent) because of his outstanding achievement during the school year 19931994. Jianghan Petroleum University 10/14/2007Higher Education Department of State Education Commissi

17、on This is to certify that ZHANG QINGSHENG, student of the Foreign Languages Department, Jianghan Petroleum University, has been awarded the certificate (PASS) in the national examination for the College English Test Band 4. Date of Examination: Jan. 6. 1995 Certificate Number: 9514325129010073Unive

18、rsity of CambridgeLocal Examinations SyndicateBUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE 1 This is to certify that ZHANG QING SHENG has been awarded the following grades Stage 1 Reading, writing and Listening Grade C(c) Stage 2 Speaking No Grade(-) in the examination for the Business English Certificate 1 Date of

19、 Examination October 1995 Place of Entry Hubei, China Identification Number 220621730406091 Vice Chancellor Chief Executive and Secretary General University of Cambridge University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 第三节 各种证明材料内容丰富、出具主题复杂、具有法律效力语言较书面化、格式固定 惯用称呼: To whom it may concern格式套语:This

20、 is to certify thatBirth certificate(95) HB. Zi, No.2 This is to certify that Wang Ming(male) was born on May 2, 1980, at Honghu County, Hubei Province. His father is Wang Dengchang and his mother is Li Hong. Hubei Notary Public Office Hubei Provionce The Peoples Republic of China Notary: Zhang Mei

21、July 5, 2005Schooling Certificate(02)HB, Zi, No. 12 This is to certify that Guo Hua(female, born in 1984) was enrolled in the Foreign Languages Department of Yangze University (four-year-program) in September 2002 and graduated in July 2006. Hubei Notary Public Office Hubei Provionce The Peoples Rep

22、ublic of China Notary: Zhang Mei July 5, 2006LECTURESs LICENCEDate: Feb. 1999File No. 190405 This is to certify that Mr Li Bao, a native of Shashi City, China, born on March 26, 1970 has been qualified for lectureship pursuant to Teachers Qualification Regulations of Colleges and University. Ministe

23、r of EducationTo whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr Zhang Wenxun is physically and mentally healthy. This statement is based on his health record and a physical checkup. Our conclusion is that he is capable of doing hard work, both manually and intelectually. Best regards Jingzhou Hospi

24、talMarriage Certificate(98) EJ. Zi, No.10 This is to certify that Wang Hai (male, born on April 2, 1970) and Li Mei(female, born on July 3, 1972) were married on July 15, 2000 in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province. Hubei Notary Public Office Hubei Provionce The Peoples Republic of China Notary: Zhang Mei

25、 July 5, 2002CERTIFICATE OF RESETTLEMENT(02)EJ. Zi. No. 20 This is to certify that Mr Zhang Chao, formerly a citizen of the United States of America, returned to China in May, 1995 for permanent settlement, and is now residing in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province Hubei Notary Public Office Hubei Provion

26、ce The Peoples Republic of China Notary: Zhang Mei July 5, 2002Death Certificate(02)EJ. Zi, No.40 This is to certify that Wu Li (female, born in 1945and formerly residing in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province) died on May 10, 1999 in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province. Hubei Notary Public Office Hubei Provion

27、ce The Peoples Republic of China Notary: Zhang Mei July 5, 2002Certificate of Relationship(02)ZJ,Zi, No. 15 Applicant: Zhang Ming, male, born in 1955, now residing in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province. Relevant Person: Li Hong, Female , born in 1940, now residing in USA. This is to certify that the appl

28、icant Mr Zhang Ming is the son of Ms Li Hong. Hubei Notary Public Office Hubei Provionce The Peoples Republic of China Notary: Zhang Mei July 5, 2002CERTIFICATE OF INHERITANCE(02) EJ,Zi, No. 20 This is to Certify that: Heir: Zhang Ming, male, born in 1960, is now Residing in Jingzhou City, Hubei Pro

29、vince. Deceased: Zhang Chao, male, born in 1930, was an employee of Taiwan Insurance Co. Ltd., and resided in Taiwan. He died on May 12, 1999 in Taiwan. Zhang Chao died on May 12, 1999 in Taiwan, and left his estate in Taiwan. He died intestate. According to the Law of the PRC, Mr Zhangs estate is t

30、o be inherited by his son Zhang Ming. Hubei Notary Public Office Hubei Provionce The Peoples Republic of China Notary: Zhang Mei July 5, 2002财力证明PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Mr Zhu Hui, a citizen of the Peoples of China, born on June 17, 1965, and a gradu

31、ate of Wuhan University, has been awarded a government scholarship by this commission for studying abroad. The scholarship is for a duration of two years, covering his living costs, full tuition required by the host university, round trip traveling expenses, as well as other miscellaneous expenses.

32、The money will be sent directly to the person responsible for the payment of all fees to the university. Any assistance and advice you may render to him during his studying tour will be highly appreciated. Director Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations.To Whom It May Concern, Th

33、is is to certify that Mr Zhang Qiang, Specialist of Council for Economic Planning and Development, is under the sponsorship of this Committee to participate in the “Industry Development Policy” program in the United States for ten months. Founds allocated for subject amount to US$32,820 which will b

34、e disbursed for his training in the U.S. by the Economic Division, Coordination Council for North American Affairs in Washington, D.C. Mr Zhang is approved for leave of absence from the Council for Economic Planning and Development to which he will return upon completion of his training abroad. Lin

35、Nengjie Executive SecretaryJOINT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEEBANK OF CHINADate: Aug. 21, 2007CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE This is to certify that the balance standing to the credit of ZHANG MING No. 2502312351 as of Aug. 20, 2007 Was RMB Yuan 88,200.00 SAY RMB EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED ONLY.

36、 (This certificate for checking only) Statement of Financial SupportDear Sir, With reference to my niece Miss Lius application for admission to your university, I wish to advice you that during the entire period of her stay in the United States, in my capacity as her financial sponsor, I shall pay her tuition, fees, living costs, travel expenses, and any other expenses which may be incurred by her. Very truly yours, Peter Chen



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