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1、英英 语语 新课标(新课标(WYWY)八年级下册八年级下册单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九语法点击语法点击whether/ifwhether/if及疑问词引导的宾语从句及疑问词引导的宾语从句本模块主要学习另外两类宾语从句本模块主要学习另外两类宾语从句whetherwhether或或ifif引导的引导的宾语从句和疑问词引导的宾语从句。宾语从句和疑问词引导的宾语从句。一、一、whetherwhether或或ifif引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句1. whether/if 1. whether/if 引导宾语从句时,意为引导宾语从句时,意为“是否是否”,表达不确,表达不确定的概念,常位于动词定的概念,常位

2、于动词ask, see, say, know, find outask, see, say, know, find out等后面。等后面。一般情况下,两者可互换,在口语中多用一般情况下,两者可互换,在口语中多用ifif。Nobody knows whether/if it will rain tomorrow. Nobody knows whether/if it will rain tomorrow. 没有没有人知道明天是否会下雨。人知道明天是否会下雨。Lucy asked whether/if they had a cotton sweater.Lucy asked whether/if

3、they had a cotton sweater.露西问他们是否有棉制的毛衣。露西问他们是否有棉制的毛衣。2. whether/if 2. whether/if 引导宾语从句时,要注意三方面,即连引导宾语从句时,要注意三方面,即连词、语序和时态。词、语序和时态。(1)whether/if(1)whether/if在句中不能省略。在句中不能省略。I dont know if/whether he will come here today. I dont know if/whether he will come here today. 我不知道他今天是否会来这儿。我不知道他今天是否会来这儿。(2

4、)whether/if(2)whether/if引导的宾语从句,其从句语序应用陈述语引导的宾语从句,其从句语序应用陈述语序。序。Did you know the way to the hospital? The old Did you know the way to the hospital? The old woman asked me.woman asked me.The old woman asked me if/whether I knew the The old woman asked me if/whether I knew the way to the hospital.way

5、to the hospital.老妇人问我是否知道去医院的路。老妇人问我是否知道去医院的路。(3)whether/if(3)whether/if引导的宾语从句,其时态应和主句的时态引导的宾语从句,其时态应和主句的时态单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九保持一致。即当主句为一般现在时态时,从句可根据实保持一致。即当主句为一般现在时态时,从句可根据实际情况选择不同时态;当主句为一般过去时态时,从句一般际情况选择不同时态;当主句为一般过去时态时,从句一般使用相应的过去时态。使用相应的过去时态。I dont know if/whether he has come here. I dont know if/wh

6、ether he has come here. 我不知道他是否已经来这儿了。我不知道他是否已经来这儿了。Tom asked if/whether I had read the book.Tom asked if/whether I had read the book. 汤姆问我是否读过这本书。汤姆问我是否读过这本书。3. whether/if3. whether/if的区别:的区别:(1)(1)在动词不定式之前只能用在动词不定式之前只能用whetherwhether。例如:。例如:I cant decide whether to stay.I cant decide whether to st

7、ay.我不能决定是否留下。我不能决定是否留下。单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九(2)(2)在固定结构在固定结构“whetherwhetheror notor not”中,只能用中,只能用whetherwhether。I want to know whether its good news or not.I want to know whether its good news or not. 我想知道它是否是好消息。我想知道它是否是好消息。(3)(3)在介词后,只能用在介词后,只能用whetherwhether。His father is worried about whether he may l

8、ose His father is worried about whether he may lose his job. his job. 他的父亲担心他是否会失去工作。他的父亲担心他是否会失去工作。二、疑问词引导的宾语从句二、疑问词引导的宾语从句1 1在引导词上,要将疑问代词或疑问副词变为连接代词在引导词上,要将疑问代词或疑问副词变为连接代词或连接副词,引导宾语从句。或连接副词,引导宾语从句。Whose bike is thisWhose bike is this?Does anybody know?Does anybody know?Does anybody know whose bike

9、 this is?Does anybody know whose bike this is? 单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九2 2在时态上,宾语从句的时态应与主句的时态保持一致。在时态上,宾语从句的时态应与主句的时态保持一致。When will the train arriveWhen will the train arrive?He asked me.He asked me.He asked me when the train would arrive. He asked me when the train would arrive. 3 3在语序上,要将疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。在语序上,要

10、将疑问句语序改为陈述句语序。Which one do you like bestWhich one do you like best?She asked me.She asked me.She asked me which one I liked best. She asked me which one I liked best. 注意:疑问句中主语之前的助动词若是注意:疑问句中主语之前的助动词若是do/does/diddo/does/did,变,变为宾语从句时,要先将其去掉,谓语动词再根据时态作相应为宾语从句时,要先将其去掉,谓语动词再根据时态作相应的变化。的变化。 4 4特殊疑问词在句中作

11、主语,变为宾语从句时,语序不特殊疑问词在句中作主语,变为宾语从句时,语序不变变( (时态应作相应变化时态应作相应变化) )。例如:。例如: Who can answer the questionWho can answer the question?The teacher asked.The teacher asked.单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九The teacher asked who could answer the The teacher asked who could answer the question. question. 5 5特殊疑问句变为宾语从句后,用问号还是用句点完全特

12、殊疑问句变为宾语从句后,用问号还是用句点完全取决于主句的句式:如果主句为陈述句或祈使句,句末就用取决于主句的句式:如果主句为陈述句或祈使句,句末就用句点;如果主句是疑问句,句末就用问号。句点;如果主句是疑问句,句末就用问号。I dont know when we shall start tomorrow. I dont know when we shall start tomorrow. Do you know when we shall start tomorrow?Do you know when we shall start tomorrow?单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九实战演练实战演练

13、.单项填空单项填空( ()1.)1.20132013乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐 Could you tell Could you tell me_me_?By searching the Internet.By searching the Internet.A. how did Mona get the informationA. how did Mona get the informationB. why Mona got the informationB. why Mona got the informationC. how Mona got the informationC. how Mona g

14、ot the informationD. why did Mona get the informationD. why did Mona get the information单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九( ()2.)2.20132013包头包头 Please tell Please tell me_theme_the scarf?scarf?She bought it online, I guess.She bought it online, I guess.A. if Alice likedA. if Alice likedB. when Alice bought B. when Alic

15、e bought C. where Alice boughtC. where Alice boughtD. how much did Alice pay forD. how much did Alice pay for( ()3.I dont know _ or not they will come )3.I dont know _ or not they will come to help us.to help us.A Awhether Bwhether BififC Cthat Dthat Dwhenwhen单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九( ()4. )4. 20132013三亚三亚 Be

16、tty, do you know if Betty, do you know if Tony_ the photo competition?Tony_ the photo competition?He will, if he_ this project on Australia.He will, if he_ this project on Australia.A Aenters; finishesenters; finishesB Benters; will finishenters; will finishC Cwill enter; finisheswill enter; finishe

17、sD Dwill enter; will finishwill enter; will finish( ()5. )5. 20132013黔东南黔东南 Our physics teacher told us Our physics teacher told us light_ faster than sound.light_ faster than sound.A. travels BA. travels BtravelledtravelledC Ctravellingtravelling D. to travel D. to travel单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九 ( ()6. )6. 2

18、0142014滨州滨州 Excuse me, can you tell Excuse me, can you tell me_me_?A. when does the plane leave A. when does the plane leave B. how long the plane has leftB. how long the plane has leftC. when the plane leaves C. when the plane leaves D. when did the plane leaveD. when did the plane leave( ()7. )7.

19、20132013梅州梅州 Could you tell me_ Could you tell me_ a meeting in Guangzhou next week? a meeting in Guangzhou next week? A. if there was going to beA. if there was going to beB. if there is going to be B. if there is going to be C. whether is there going to beC. whether is there going to beD. whether

20、there is going to haveD. whether there is going to have 单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九( ()8. )8. 20132013绥化绥化 The teacher asked the The teacher asked the students_students_A Awhy the earth went around the sunwhy the earth went around the sunB. why does the earth go around the sunB. why does the earth go around the

21、sunC. why the earth goes around the sunC. why the earth goes around the sunD Dwhy did the earth go around the sunwhy did the earth go around the sun 答案答案 1 15 5CCACACCACA6 68 8CBCCBC单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九.按要求完成下列各题按要求完成下列各题1 1Would she finish her homework in two Would she finish her homework in two hours? S

22、he wasnt sure.(hours? She wasnt sure.(合并为一句合并为一句) )She wasnt sure _ she would She wasnt sure _ she would finish her homework in two hours.finish her homework in two hours.2 2The children asked their mother. Can we The children asked their mother. Can we eat those appleseat those apples?( (合并为一句合并为一句

23、) )The children asked their The children asked their mother_ eat those apples.mother_ eat those apples.if/whetherif/whetherif/whether they couldif/whether they could单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九3 320142014兰州兰州 Tom said, Tom said, “We will go back We will go back tomorrow morning.tomorrow morning.” ( (改为间接引语改为间接引语)

24、 )Tom said Tom said they_comethey_come back the next morning. back the next morning.4 420142014黔西南黔西南 “Who is responsible for the Who is responsible for the food safety problem? food safety problem? ”asked the reporter. (asked the reporter. (改为间接引改为间接引语语) ) The reporter asked_ responsible for the The reporter asked_ responsible for the food safety problem.food safety problem. wouldwouldwho waswho was单元语法聚焦九单元语法聚焦九



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