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1、Unit 11 Letter to a B studentDebateShallweattachmoreimportancetoextra-curricularactivitiesthantoacademicachievements?2021/8/22Someusefulwordsandphrases:ldegree学位lbasiccourse基础课lspecializedcourse专业课ldiploma毕业证lcreditsystem学分制lmark/score/grade学分lindividualstudy自习lschooldiscipline校纪ldropout辍学lcutaclass




5、24?2021/8/25 An American professor, writer, columnist(专栏作家专栏作家) and even executive director(常务董事常务董事).2021/8/26 In 1938, he graduated from Washington and Jefferson College.2021/8/27Later, he became an English professor at CaliforniaState University at Northridge, its one of the nationslargestpublicu

6、niversities.2021/8/28Moreover,hewasalsoavisitingprofessor(客座教授) of English and Linguistics(语言学) at StanfordUniversitywherehehadstudiedmedievallexicography(中世纪词典学)andgotaPh.D.(博士学位).2021/8/29APianoforMrs.Cimino“OscarWildesEarnest:AChamberOperaforEightVoicesandChorus.”“KeynesianPedagogy:AnorthodoxyinS

7、earchofaDustbin(1986)”;“StalkingtheSoftOption:SomeNotesonOverinflatedGradingStandards(1980)”;“TowardaTheoryofReadingSequence(1973)”andsoon.2021/8/2102021/8/211Vocabulary quizn_levelofachievementmoststudentsareexpectedtoreach;whatisconsideredasstandards_tomoveorchangefromonepositionordirectiontoanoth


9、_tokeep;tocontinuetohavea_whatisthoughttobetrueorwillhappen,withoutanyrealproofVocabulary quiz2021/8/213f_notclearh_disposition,temperamentr_fixedwaysofdoingthingsf_tovisitfrequentlyr_tofeelbitterorindignantatg_themachineryinavehiclethatturnspowerfromtheengineintomovementc_usingforcetopersuadepeople

10、todowhattheyareunwillingtodoVocabulary quiz2021/8/214h_toshapeorcarvefromsomematerialk_tomakethingssuchasclothesbyusingtwolongneedlesstoconnectwoolorotherkindsofthreadintojoinedrowsc_oneofapairofnumbersand/orlettersthatshowtheexactpositionofapointonamaporgraphVocabulary quiz2021/8/2152-1The text is

11、a letter to a B student. In the letter the author analyzes what the grade means and doesnt mean, and tells the student the way we should regard grades. In the end the author illustrates the importance of learning and gives encouragement to the student.Text analysis2021/8/2162-2-1Structural analysis

12、Paragraphs 2 5purpose of writing: to put your disappointment in perspective by considering exactly what your grade means and doesnt meanParagraph 1introduction Paragraphs 6 8distinction between the student as a performer in the classroom and the student as a human being Paragraphs 9 10perspective: t

13、he way we should regard grades2021/8/217QuestionsforParagraph1Whatchangeaboutgradeshasthewritermentionedbriefly?Andwhat,accordingtothewriter,hascausedthechange?Thewriterhasmentionedbrieflythechangeinthewaygradesareregarded,i.e.thenormhasshiftedupward.Thechangehastodowiththegeneralsocialclimatewhereg





18、feachiever.QuestionsforParagraph9-102021/8/222Now,timeforlanguagepoints,hiahiahia2021/8/223farsuperiortobetter in quality thane.g.The visiting team turned out to be far superior to the host team in teamwork.Paragraph 12021/8/224Adecent(得体的,正派的)grade(inthepast).Itsconsideredthat“GentlemansC”asanavera

19、gegrade(平均等级)isseriouslybehindthetimes(过时,落伍),todays“average”gradeisa“B”.Afewyearsago, the “Gentlemans C” prevailed(流行,盛行) inuniversities.Gentlemansagreementn.君子协定Gentlemanshipn.绅士的身份、品格Paragraph 1GentlemansC2021/8/225GradeDescription4-point Equivalent100-pointASuperior4.096-100A-Superior3.790-95B+G

20、ood3.387-89BGood3.083-86B-Good2.780-822021/8/226GradeDescription4-point Equivalent100-pointC+Satisfactory2.377-79CSatisfactory2.073-76C-Satisfactory1.770-72DPoor1.065-69FFailure0.00-642021/8/2273.text1-W-norm1norm n. 标准,规范1)level of achievement most students are expected to reach; what is considered

21、 as standard.2) the usual or normal situation, way of doing something etc.e.g. Joyces style of writing was a striking departure from the literary norm. Explanation:e.g. Short-term contracts are now the norm with some big companies.Paragraph 12021/8/2283.text1-W-norm2Practice:Translate the following

22、sentences into English:1)犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。2)在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。Criminal behavior seems to be the norm in this neighborhood.You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.Paragraph 12021/8/2293.text1-W-shift1shift v. 移动,转移;转变1)to move or change from one position or direction to another 2) transf

23、er somethinge.g. The teacher shifted the chairs around in the classroom.Explanation:e.g. The wind shifted from east to north.e.g. The president is shifting the focus of the debate to foreign policy issues.Paragraph 12021/8/2303.text1-W-eligibility1eligibility n.合格, 有资格the qualifications or abilities

24、 required for doing somethingExplanation:eligibility for sth.Collocation:e.g. eligible to join a clubeligible adj. Derivation: e.g. eligible for promotionParagraph 12021/8/2313.text1-W-eligihility2Practice:Translate the following sentences into English:1) 她的资历和经验决定她适合做这项工作。 2) 任何年满十八岁的公民都有选举权。 Her q

25、ualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.Paragraph 12021/8/2323.text2-W-inadequacy1inadequacy n.不适当不适当, 不十分不十分, 不完全不完全 1) being too low in quality or too small in amount 2) fault or failing; weaknesse.g. the inadequacy of local he

26、alth caree.g. the inadequacies of the present voting system Explanation:e.g. realize ones personal inadequacye.g. An inadequate supply of vitamin A can lead to blindness.inadequate adj. Derivation: e.g. The parking facilities are inadequate for such a busy shopping center.e.g. The teacher made us fe

27、el inadequate and stupid if we made mistakes.Paragraph 22021/8/2333.text2-W-inadequacy2Practice:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) Unemployment can often cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.2) I always feel inadequate when faced with a difficult problem.失业常使人感到自信不足、自尊心受挫。

28、面对难题我总是觉得力不从心。Paragraph 22021/8/2343.text2-W-repute1repute n.名望名望, 名气名气, 声望声望 reputatione.g. a man of good reputee.g. a hotel of some repute Explanation:e.g. She is reputed to be extremely wealthy.reputed adj.reputedly adv. Derivation: e.g. The committee had reputedly spent over $3000 on “business e

29、ntertainment”.Paragraph 22021/8/2353.text2-W-repute2e.g. Since the scandal, the school has rather fallen into disrepute.e.g. The use of drugs is bringing the sport into disrepute.disrepute n.声誉不好, 声明狼藉Practice:Translate the following sentences into English:1) 他是个名不见经传的大学教师。 2) 安迪在他的家乡臭名昭著。He has lit

30、tle repute as an academic.Andy is a man of bad repute in his hometown.Paragraph 22021/8/236TheessenceofsuccessisthatInnernature;indispensablequality;themostimportantpartParagraph 22021/8/237Zero-sumgameZero-sum game(零和游戏/博弈):A situation inwhichifonepersongainsanadvantageformit,someone else involved

31、in it must suffer anequivalentdisadvantage.博弈论的英文名为gametheory,直译就是“游戏理论”。游戏者有输有赢,一方所赢正是另一方所输,游戏的总成绩永远是零。“零和游戏”之所以广受关注,主要是因为人们发现,在社会的方方面面都有与“零和游戏”类似的局面,胜利者的光荣后面往往隐藏着失败者的辛酸和苦涩。Positivesumgame正和游戏(“双赢”或“多赢”)Negativesumgame负和游戏(没有赢家)Paragraph 22021/8/2383.text2-W-offset1offset v. 抵消,抵消,补偿 to counterbala

32、nce or compensate forExplanation:Paragraph 22021/8/2393.text2-W-offset2Practice:Translate the following sentences into English:1) 他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。2) 抵押贷款利率的提高,其中一部分可因免税额增加而相抵消。He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.Higher mortgage rates are partly offset by increased tax all

33、owances.Paragraph 22021/8/2403.text2-S_.wining1. winning is not the most important thing its the only thing Paraphrase:Winning is of primary importance; nothing could be more important than winning.胜利不是最重要的,而是唯一重要的。Explanation:This is a special type of negation. The author is not negating the import

34、ance of winning; rather, with the sentence that follows the negative one, the author gives the utmost emphasis to the importance of winning. Paragraph 22021/8/2413.text2-W-go under1go under失败,破产;沉没to fail; to be overwhelmedExplanation:e.g. His business went under because of competition from the larg

35、e corporations.e.g. Poor Donaldson had no head for business, and it was not long before he went under.Paragraph 22021/8/2423.text2-W-go/be brokego/be broke 破产to become penniless; to go bankrupte.g. It is no use asking me for a loan of $5; Im broke myself.Explanation:e.g. The business kept losing mon

36、ey and finally went broke.Practice:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) A lot of small businesses went broke in the recession.2) The inventor went broke because nobody would buy his machine.经济不景气,很多小公司都倒闭了。由于没有人愿意买那个发明者的机器,他最终破产了。Paragraph 22021/8/2433.text2-S_. To loseTo lose, to fail,

37、 to go under, to go broke these are deadly sins in a world where prosperity in the present is seen as a sure sign of salvation in the future.Paraphrase:Being unsuccessful in ones life and career and financially disadvantaged is regarded as shameful or even sinful because in this world people tend to

38、 think that only those who are successful now can be saved from evil in the future.失利失败,倾家荡产是很可怕的过错,因为在当今世界,人们认为眼下的兴隆发达预示着将来必能从困境中脱身。DeadlysinsThephrasespecificallyrefersto“thesevendeadlysins”:pride,covetousness(贪婪),lust(色欲),anger,gluttony(暴食),envyandsloth(懒惰).Paragraph 22021/8/2443.text2-W-shrug aw

39、ay/offshrug away/off对对满不在乎,对满不在乎,对不屑一顾不屑一顾to treat something as unimportantExplanation:e.g. She can shrug away her troubles and keep smiling.Practice:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1)I asked her where Sam was, but she just shrugged her shoulders, i.e. to show she didnt know or didnt

40、care.2) We cant just shrug these objections off.我问她萨姆在哪儿,她只是耸了耸肩(表示不知道或与自己无关)。我们不能轻视这些反对意见。Paragraph 22021/8/2453.text2-W-put/see/view in perspectiveput/see/view in perspective 正确看待to judge the real importance of something by considering it in relation to other thingse.g. You must put the story in i

41、ts right perspective.e.g. to see problems in their true perspectiveExplanation:Practice:Translate the following sentences into English:1) 他观察事物很正确。2) 你应该用历史的观点看待这些事件。He sees things in their right perspective.You should see the events in their historical perspective.Paragraph 32021/8/2463.text2-W-tak

42、e at face valuetake at face value根据外表判断to accept something for what it appears to bee.g. If you take his remarks only at their face value you will not have understood his full meaning.e.g. She took his stories at face value and did not know he was joking.Explanation:Practice:Translate the following

43、sentences into English:1) 她好像够亲切的,可是我不应该信以为真。 2) 你不应该总是对他的话信以为真。 She seems friendly enough but I shouldnt take her at her face value.You shouldnt always take his remarks at their face value.Paragraph 32021/8/2473.text2-W-apt tobe apt to易于,倾向于to have the tendency toe.g. apt to be forgetfule.g. apt to

44、 be quick-temperedExplanation:e.g. Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays.e.g. A Frenchman talked very rapidly, and was apt to become excited.e.g. Days in summer are apt to linger.Practice:Translate the following sentences into English:1) 我的钢笔易漏墨水 。2) 粗心的人容易犯错误。My pen is rather apt to l

45、eak.A careless person is apt to make mistakes.Paragraph 32021/8/248isapttodangerouslymisleadingMakingyouthinkoractwronglyParagraph 32021/8/2493.text3-W-transcript 1transcript n.抄本,副本,文字记录;成绩报告单1)an official record of a students school progress and achievements2)2) written or recorded copy of what ha

46、s been said or writtene.g. Jane was in tears, holding her college transcript in hand.e.g. A transcript of the tapes was presented in court as evidence.Explanation:transcribe v.抄写,转录e.g. She jotted down a few notes, and later transcribed them into an exercise book.e.g. A secretary transcribed the wit

47、nesses statements.Derivation:Paragraph 42021/8/2503.text3-W-transcript 2transcription n.抄(誊)写;抄(誊)本e.g. errors made in transcriptionPractice:Translate the following phrases into Chinese:1) the transcript of court testimony2) an academic transcript3) transcript card4) a transcript of the trial法庭证词的纪录

48、学生成绩报告单录制卡片审讯记录的文字本Paragraph 42021/8/2513.text3-W-proficiency1proficiency n.熟练,精通skill; abilitye.g. a high level of proficiency in grammare.g. a test of proficiency in EnglishExplanation:proficiency in Collocation:e.g. There are ten tests, each of which corresponds to the listening comprehension tes

49、t of the proficiency examination.Paragraph 42021/8/2523.text3-W-proficiency2proficient a.e.g. proficient in the use of radar equipmentDerivation:e.g. Marthas proficient in Swedish.Practice:Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) Jack shows his proficiency in operating a switchboard.2) 杰克操作

50、配电板十分熟练。Paragraph 42021/8/253byyourperformanceofratherconventionaltasksTaskstraditionallyrequiredofstudentsParagraph 42021/8/2543.text3-W-correspondto1correspond to相应于,相当于,符合于to match; to be similar or equal toe.g. This word in English version corresponds to that phrase in the French one.e.g. The wi

51、ng of a bird corresponds to the arm of a man.Explanation:corresponding a.e.g. All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities.Derivation:Paragraph 42021/8/2553.text3-W-fuzzy1 fuzzy a.毛绒绒的;模糊的1)not cleare.g. She gave a rather fuzzy account of what had happened.Explanation:e.g. I stroked the

52、 kittens fuzzy back.e.g. fuzzy hair2) having short hair, fur etc. that stands uprighte.g. a fuzzy teddy bearfuzzily adv.fuzz v. & n.Derivation:Paragraph 42021/8/256BecausetheyarealwaysinshortsupplyFarfromenoughParagraph 52021/8/257Usuallythepluralform(复数形式)“services”isusedtorefertothethreearmedforce

53、d, i.e. the army, thenavy,andtheairforce.Paragraph 62021/8/2583.text4-S_when. when I got out of the service . Paraphrase:. when I got out of the army .当我退伍时Explanation:Usually the plural form “services” is used to refer to the three armed forces, i.e. the army, the navy, and the air force.Paragraph

54、62021/8/2593.text4-W-ritual11) fixed ways of doing thingse.g. The children performed the bedtime ritual of washing and brushing their teeth.Explanation:e.g. the ritual of communion in the Christian Church2) a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, in order to mark an important religious

55、or social occasionritual n. 仪式,例行公事 e.g. the ritual of the Japanese tea ceremony Paragraph 62021/8/260GI (pl. GIs or GIs) is an American soldier , especiallyanenlistedone(现役军人).GI-BillortheGI-Bill of Rights is the popular name for the ServicemensReadjustmentActof1944,whichprovidedUSWorldWarIIveteran

56、swithspecialassistance.1944年 , 退 伍 军 人 权 利 法 案 (ServicemensReadjustmentAct,或GIBill“大兵法案”)出台。根据这一法案,政府资助二次大战的退伍军人接受大学教育,旨在帮助退伍军人更好地适应平民生活。此外,政府还为退伍军人提供医疗,卫生,住房等方面的优惠政策。这些军人学生就称为GI-Billstudents。Paragraph 72021/8/2613.text5-S_men . men who had but recently put away their uniforms and identities: former

57、 platoon sergeants, bomber pilots, corporals, captains, lieutenants, commanders, majors even a lieutenant colonel . Explanation:Here “men who had . and identities” refers to former GIs, who, like the author himself, had taken off their army uniforms and changed their identities from servicemen to ci

58、vilians. Many of these men had been officers of various ranks.那些学生只是在不久以前脱下军装,变成普通人。他们曾经是下士、中士、轰炸机驾驶员、中尉、上尉、指挥官、少校或者中校Paragraph 72021/8/2623.text5-W-flunk1) to fail an exam, a course or a studente.g. flunk biologyExplanation:e.g. Tony flunked chemistry last semester. flunk v.考试不及格flunk outCollocatio

59、n:2) give a failing mark to sb.e.g. be flunked in chemistryParagraph 72021/8/2633.text6-W-resent1to feel bitter or indignant ate.g. He resents having to get my permission first. Explanation:e.g. She greatly resented her brothers refusal to help.resent v.恨, 生气Paragraph 82021/8/2643.text6-W-coercive1u

60、sing force to persuade people to do what they are unwilling to doe.g. coercive methodsExplanation:e.g. coercive measures to reduce absenteeismcoercive a.强制的, 强迫的coerce v.coercion n.Derivation:e.g. coerce sb. into submission e.g. The rebels coerced the villager into hiding them from the army.e.g. And

61、y said he had been under coercion when he confessed.Paragraph 82021/8/2653.text6-S_shifting. shifting suddenly from a friendly gear to a coercive one .他突然从友善的样子变成严酷的模样儿。Explanation:The word “gear” originally means a device in a vehicle which controls the rate at which the energy being used is conver

62、ted into motion (排挡). While driving, a driver sometimes shifts or changes gear (换挡). In our sentence, the shifting of gear refers to the change in the instructors manner of dealing with his students. When drinking with the students in the pub, he was easy-going and friendly; but in the classroom, he

63、 became stern and severe.Paragraph 82021/8/2663.text7-W-hewto shape or carve from some materiale.g. roughly hewn timber Explanation:hew v.砍,固守hew sth. across/throughhew sth. away/offhew sth. outCollocation:e.g. They hewed a path through the jungle. e.g. hew off dead branchese.g. hew out a career for

64、 oneselfParagraph 92021/8/2673.text7-W-coordinate1) (usu. pl.) one of a pair of numbers and/or letters that show the exact position of a point on a map or graph 2) (pl.) matched items of womens clothes e.g. the x and y coordinates on a graphExplanation:coordinate n.坐标,同等的人物,配套服装e.g. coordinates of l

65、atitude and longitudeParagraph 92021/8/2683.text7-S_It isIt is important to recognize that human beings, Warfare, sickness, disasters, public and private these are the larger coordinates of life.Paraphrase:It is important to see the fact that although they differ in their class status and educationa

66、l background, human beings are essentially the same. First of all, they are, biologically speaking, constructed in the same way, and then they all share the feelings of fear and joy, and also the common experience of suffering and achieving. This commonality has bound them together. All of them will

67、 regard wars, diseases, and disasters, both private and public, as unfortunate big events in their lifetime.尽管社会阶级和教育背景不同,但是人们都由相同的物质构成,被恐惧、快乐、痛苦、和成就这些人类共同的纽带联系在一起。承认这一点非常重要。Paragraph 92021/8/269SectionFour_GGrammar exercisesIDefinitionII. Relative pronoun and relative clauseIII. Compound relative p

68、ronounIV. . not the most . its the only thing. . enough . Nor . Rather2021/8/270Nouns are naming words. They give titles to people, places, things, and ideas. In English there are different types of nouns. First, nouns can either be common or proper.i) Common nouns are general nouns. They do not beg

69、in with ii) capital letters unless they start sentences.ii) Proper nouns are nouns that refer to specific people, places, or things. They always begin with capital letters. Nouns can also be concrete or abstract.i) Concrete nouns are used to refer to physical objects.ii) Abstract nouns are used to r

70、efer to a quality or idea.SectionFour_G_1_1Definition2021/8/271Define the following nouns after examples.SectionFour_G_1_2Practice:Explanation: a glass A glass is a utensil that/which you can drink out of. a surgeon A surgeon is a doctor who/that performs operations.1) a vacuum cleanerDefinition:A v

71、acuum cleaner is a machine that cleans floors by sucking up the dirt from them.2) a jockeyDefinition:A jockey is a person who rides horses in races.2021/8/272SectionFour_G_1_33) a chauffeurDefinition:A chauffeur is someone whose job is to drive a car for someone else.4) a thermometerDefinition:A the

72、rmometer is a piece of equipment that measures the temperature of the air or your body.5) a teetotallerDefinition:A teetotaller is someone who never drinks alcohol.2021/8/273Relative pronouns perform two functions at the same time. They take the places of nouns as normal pronouns would, but they als

73、o connect those replaced nouns to subordinate clauses. Briefly, a subordinate clause is a group of words that has a subject and a predicate, but that does not make sense on its own. When a subordinate clause begins with a relative pronoun, we call it a relative clause or a nominal relative clause. T

74、he relative pronouns are: who, which, that, what, when, where, and why. They do not change form with gender, person, or number. Only who changes form with case: Each relative pronoun refers to a certain type of noun a person, a place, or a thing or some combination of the three.SectionFour_G_2.1Rela

75、tive pronoun and relative clausewhoWhomwhoseNominativeObjectivePossessive2021/8/274SectionFour_G_2.2Who and its accompanying forms only refer to people. e.g. The people who climbed that mountain are crazy.The people whom we saw earlier looked concerned.I saw the woman whose book won the literary awa

76、rd.Which refers to animals and things, never to people.e.g. The dog which tipped over my garbage needs a shorter leash.The crowd cheered as the plane which had flown around the world landed.That refers to people, animals, or things.e.g. The woman that witnessed the shooting will testify tomorrow.The

77、 camel that carried us through the desert has died.The explorers found the cave that hid the treasure for so many years.2021/8/275SectionFour_G_2.3What refers only to inanimate objects, never to people or animals.e.g. I saw what happened to your wallet.The expert mountaineer knew what he was talking

78、 about.What is interchangeable with the pronoun phrase that which.e.g. I saw that which happened to your wallet.The expert mountaineer knew that which he was talking about.When refers to time.e.g. Do you remember the time when we filled the pool with lime jello?The day when I will have my revenge is

79、 coming soon.Where refers to places or locations.e.g. We returned to the place where we fell in love.This is the spot where he was last seen.2021/8/276SectionFour_G_2.4Why refers to reasons.e.g. No one knows the reason why the boss blew his top.I cannot tell you the reason why they behaved as they d

80、id.2021/8/277Relative Pronouns in Relative ClausesMany of the subordinate clauses that relative pronouns introduce modify the antecedents of these same relative pronouns. Contemporary grammarians refer to subordinate clauses that modify nouns, pronouns, or other nominal as relative clauses. Relative

81、 pronouns used in relative clauses always have antecedents.The guy who took our tickets gave me the creeps.We saw the plane that broke the air speed record.In the first example, the relative pronoun who introduces the relative clause who took our tickets. The relative clause describes the subject of

82、 the sentence, the guy. That ticket-taker is creepy.In the second example, the relative pronoun that introduces the relative clause that broke the air speed record. The relative clause modifies the direct object plane in the main clause. The plane is a record-breaker.SectionFour_G_2.52021/8/278Secti

83、onFour_G_2.6PracticeFill in each blank with a proper relative word. Use “preposition + relative word” if necessary.1.The element writers may spend a majority of their time is development. on which_Explanation:Each relative pronoun refers to a certain type of noun a person, a place, or a thing or som

84、e combination of the three. Which refers to animals and things, never to people, while spend time on something is a phrase. The proposition on can be placed before the relative word which.2021/8/279Each relative pronoun refers to a certain type of noun a person, a place, or a thing or some combinati

85、on of the three. Who and its accompanying forms only refer to people. The relative pronoun who introduces the relative clause who will make all sorts or excuses for not wanting to work. The relative clause describes the subject of the sentence.SectionFour_G_2.72. Mr. Ford still talks like the man he

86、 was ten years ago. that_Explanation:Each relative pronoun refers to a certain type of noun a person, a place, or a thing or some combination of the three. That refers to people, animals, or things. The relative pronoun that introduces the relative clause that he was then years ago.3. A “goldbrick”

87、is a person will make all sorts of excuses for not wanting to work.who_Explanation:2021/8/280 Each relative pronoun refers to a certain type of noun a person, a place, or a thing or some combination of the three. The relative pronoun whom introduces the relative clause whom I have the greatest respe

88、ct for. The clause modifies the noun man, the antecedent of whom while have respect for somebody is a phrase. The proposition for can be placed before the relative word whom.SectionFour_G_2.84. If I write a scene somebody is hungry, I feel hungry. Or angry, I feel angry. where_Explanation:Each relat

89、ive pronoun refers to a certain type of noun a person, a place, or a thing or some combination of the three. Where refers to places or locations.5. James Russell is a man I have the greatest respect.for whom_Explanation:2021/8/281The expanded form of the relative pronouns whoever, whomever, whatever

90、 are known as indefinite relative pronouns.whatever or what ever: You can use either whatever or what ever in sentences such as Whatever (or What ever) made her say that? Critics have occasionally objected to the one-word form, but many respected writers have used it. The same is true of the forms w

91、hoever, whenever, wherever, and however. However, you must use the one-word form when whatever is used as an adjective: Take whatever (not what ever) books you need. SectionFour_G_3.1Compound relative pronoun2021/8/282SectionFour_G_3.21. whatever and commas: When a clause beginning with whatever is

92、the subject of a sentence, do not use a comma: Whatever you do is right. Otherwise, a comma is fine: Whatever you do, dont burn the toast.2.never with that:3. When the phrase preceding a restrictive clause is introduced by whichever or whatever, that should not be used in formal writing. It is regar

93、ded as incorrect to write whatever book that you want to look at; instead you should write: Whatever book you want to look at will be sent to your office or Whichever book costs less (not that costs less) is fine with us. 2021/8/283SectionFour_G_3.2 Who or whoever is the nominative form. Use it when

94、ever he (or she, they, I, we) could be substituted in the who- clause. (If in no doubt, mentally rearrange the clause as is done in parentheses after each of the following examples.) 1 Whom or whomever is the objective form. Use it whenever him (or her, them, me, us) could be substituted as the obje

95、ct of the verb or as the object of a preposition in the whom- clause.22021/8/284SectionFour_G_3.2.1e.g. Whoever wins the primary will win the election. (He wins the primary.)I will hire whoever meets our minimum qualifications. (He meets our minimum qualifications.)I will speak to whoever answers th

96、e phone. (He answers the phone.)Please write at once to whoever you think can supply the information desired. (You think he can supply the information desired.)2021/8/285SectionFour_G_3.2.2e.g. Whomever you designate will get the promotion. (You designate him.)Ill give the job whomever you think can

97、 safely recommend. (You think you can safely recommend him.)2021/8/286SectionFour_G_3.2.3PracticeComplete the following sentences with the appropriate words in the box.1. problems you may have, we will help. Whatever_Explanation:Whatever in this sentence refers to regardless of what.whoever wherever

98、 whatever however whenever whichever2. you go, I will follow you. Wherever_Explanation:Wherever in this sentence refers to in any place, regardless of where.2021/8/2875. I may go I please. You may come you please.SectionFour_G_3.2.43. Take book you like best.whichever_Explanation:Whichever in this s

99、entence refers to regardless of which.4. He offered a reward to should restore the lost ring.whoever_Explanation:Whoever in this sentence refers to regardless of who.Explanation:Whenever in this sentence refers to at any time, regardless of when.wheneverwhenever_2021/8/288This is a special type of n

100、egation. It is not negating the importance of something; rather, with the sentence that follows the negative one, it gives the utmost emphasis to the importance of that thing. This special sentence pattern is to introduce a sharp transition. The emphasis is placed on the part which is preceded by “R

101、ather”.SectionFour_G_4.1. not the most . its the only thing. enough . Nor . Rather2021/8/2891.为了提高你的英语口语,练习不是最重要的事情,而是唯2. 一重要的事。3.2. 我们的时代是信息爆炸的时代,为了跟上时代的步伐,不断更新我们的知识不是最重要的事,而是唯一重要的事。SectionFour_G_4.2PracticeTranslate the following sentences, keeping the sentence pattern above-mentioned.To improve y

102、our oral English, practicing is not the most important thing its the only thing. Ours is a time of information explosion; to keep up with the times, updating our knowledge is not the most important thing its the only thing. 2021/8/290SectionFour_G_4.3For some teachers, sending their students to the

103、best universities is not the most important thing its the only thing.Surprisingly enough, he has never been abroad. Nor has he ever had a teacher who is a native speaker. Rather, he has obtained the native-like accent by imitating.3. 对一些教师来说,把他们的学生送进最好的大学不是最重 要的事情,而是唯一重要的事情。4. 令人吃惊的是,他从未出过国,也没有当地人指导过他, 但是他却通过模仿练就了一口当地口音。2021/8/291部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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