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1、Lecture 9 Sense Relations between Words (III)Hyponymy, Taxonomy and PartonomyLecturer: Prof. Dr. CHEN YanEmail: 2021/6/71Major contents9.1 Hyponymy (下义关系下义关系)9.2 Taxonomy (分类关系分类关系) 9.3 Partonomy (部分整体关部分整体关系系)9.4 Semantic field (语义场语义场)2021/6/72hyponymytaxonymypartonymy下义关系下义关系部分整体关系部分整体关系分类关系分类关系R

2、elationship of inclusion2021/6/73Hyponymy: DefinitionHyponymy: Definition Hyponymy Hyponymy hapnm hypo- or hyp- “below, beneath, under” deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion, i.e. the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. 2021/6/74tigerwolfshee

3、panimal2021/6/75swallowcuckoodovebird2021/6/76In other wordsIn other words species 属属species 属属species 属属genus 种种2021/6/77 subordinate termsubordinate termsuper-ordinate term2021/6/78hyponymhyponymhyponymhyponym下义词下义词下义词下义词hyponymhyponymhyponymhyponym下义词下义词下义词下义词hyperonymhyperonym /hypernym /hyperny

4、m 上义词上义词上义词上义词co-hyponymsco-hyponyms并列下义词并列下义词2021/6/79flowerrosePlantvegetabletulip lilylotuscabbagecarrotsuperordinate/superordinate/hypernymhypernym 上义词subordinate /hyponym下义词下义词co-hyponyms并列下义词并列下义词tree2021/6/710Hierarchy层级结构2021/6/7112021/6/712MEATVEGETABLEFRUITBEEFPORKMUTTONCABBAGECELERYSPINAC

5、HAPPLEPEACHORANGEFOOD2021/6/713swimmingboxingrunning racewrestlingweight-liftinghurdle racerunningrelaysprintinglong-distance racegymnasticsathleticsball gamessports2021/6/714movewalkrunswimfly2021/6/715Quasi-hyponymyQuasi-hyponymy准下义关系 The superordinate and its subordinate(s) are of different parts

6、ofspeech.tastesweetbittersour2021/6/716Vivid, exact, concreteTrees surround the water near our summer place.I met a writer who is a relation of a politician.Old elms (榆树) surround the lake near our summer cabin.I met a newspaper reporter who is the brother of Senator Buckley.2021/6/717Practice: Rewr

7、itingHe got a piece of furniture recently.He got a piece of furniture recently.He bought a cupboard three days ago.He bought a cupboard three days ago.It is said that a magnificent building was destroyed It is said that a magnificent building was destroyed yesterday.yesterday.The news says that the

8、Royal Hotel was burnt down The news says that the Royal Hotel was burnt down last night.last night.2021/6/718CoherenceThere was a fine rocking-chair that his father used to sit in, a desk where he wrote letters, a nest of small tables and a dark imposing bookcase. Now all this furniture was to be so

9、ld, and with it his own past.2021/6/719Exercise: cohesion by lexical Exercise: cohesion by lexical relationshipsrelationships People today can travel to almost any place they wish. On their travels, they may choose many vehicles.vehicles. They can take a trip to the countryside by b_ or to a faraway

10、 city by t_. They can visit a foreign country by a_ or go around the world on a sh_. People have even traveled to the moon by s_.2021/6/720What about a polysemic hypernym?What about a polysemic hypernym?livingvegetableanimalbirdfishinsectanimalhumananimalmammalbeast2021/6/7219.2 Taxonomytaxonomy tks

11、nm Fr. taxonomie Gr. taxis, arrangement, division + nomos, law the science of classifications In lexicology, taxonomy refers to the relationship in which “X is a kind of Y”.2021/6/722X is a kind/sort/type/token X is a kind/sort/type/token of Y.of Y.literatureprosefictiondramapoetrynovelnoveletteshor

12、t story2021/6/723Pine is a kind of conifer, which is a kind of tree, which is a kind of plant. 2021/6/7242021/6/7252021/6/7262021/6/727Taxonymy distinctive featureIt appears that a taxonym must engage with the meaning of its superordinate in a particular way, by further specifying what is distinctiv

13、edistinctive about it. Not all hyponyms are good taxonyms.Hyponyms large spoon, deep spoon are not “a kind of spoon”Taxonyms teaspoon, soup spoon are “a kind of spoon”2021/6/728Akittenisacat.Astallionisahorse.Aqueenisawoman.?Akittenisasortofcat.?Astallionisatypeofhorse.?Aqueenisakindofwoman.2021/6/7

14、29HyponymyTaxonymy分类关系具有严格的层次性,一般不超过五层,每个层次的词项必须严格地遵守同一分类标准;而上下义关系中的词项虽然也能够划分层次,但没有严密的定义标准,对层次的数目也没有规定。Taxonymy vs Hyponymy2021/6/7309.3Partonomy/Meronymy9.3Partonomy/MeronymyMeronymy Gr. meros, part + -nym, nameMeronymy is part-whole relationship between lexical items.Finger is a meronym of hand. H

15、and is a meronym of arm.Arm is a meronym of body.2021/6/731Inverse term: holonymHolonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part. Grk holo “whole” + onuma “name”2021/6/7322021/6/7332021/6/734part of2021/6/735Types of partonomy/meronymy1. component object (e.g. branch tree, page boo

16、k) 2. member collection (e.g. tree forest, fish shoal) 3. portion mass (e.g. slice cake, strand hair)4. stuff object (e.g. aluminum airplane, gold ring) 5. feature activity (e.g. paying shopping ) 6. place area (e.g. Cambridge Massachusetts) 7. phase process (e.g. adolescence growing up)2021/6/736ho

17、lonymmeronymtypebirdwingobject-componentfacemouthobject-componenttreebranchobject-componentforesttreecollection-memberairoxygenobject-substancegrowingupadolescenceprocess-phaseshoppingpayingactivity-feature2021/6/7372021/6/7382021/6/7392021/6/7402021/6/741What about a polysemic holonym?What about a

18、polysemic holonym?daydaynightdawnmorningafternoontwilighteveningnight2021/6/7422021/6/7439.4 The semantic field theory (语义场理论)The vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items, but is organized into areas or fields, the members of which are joined together by some common sema

19、ntic component. The whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields. Words in each field are semantically related and define one another. Vocabulary is seen as an integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense. -Jost Trier (German linguist)2021/6/744Semantic fieldA semantic field semantic field c

20、ontains words that belong to a defined area of meaning. We might talk about a semantic field of FOOD or CLOTHING or EMOTIONS. Within CLOTHING we find words for all the different kinds of garments, plus those for making and wearing them.2021/6/745The semantic field theoryMost languages share same sem

21、antic fields.TimeSpaceAgeKinshipFoodColorEmotion 2021/6/746The semantic field theoryemotionjoylovehatefeargrief2021/6/747character/ virtueeasy-going, aggressive, arrogant, self-conceited, modest, considerate, sympathetic, extrovert, introvert, amicable, Ambitious, honest, loyal, obedient, strong-wil

22、led, Iron-willed, trustworthy, obstinate, stubborn, unyielding, confident2021/6/7482021/6/749Lexical gap (词汇空缺)A lexical gap refers to a possible word form that just doesnt exist in the language.2021/6/750Lexical gaps2021/6/751lexical gapsThe semantic field of the same concept may not have the same

23、members in different languages, thus lexical gaps occur.2021/6/752unclefathers younger brotherfathers elder brotherfathers sisters husbandmothers brothermothers sisters husbandauntfathers sisterfathers elder brothers wifefathers younger brothers wifemothers sistermothers brothers wife2021/6/7532021/

24、6/7542021/6/755A Life and Living Things 生命与生物B The Body:its Functions and Welfare 身体及其机能与健康C People and the Family 人与家庭D Buildings,Houses,the Home,Clothes,Belongings,and Personal Care建筑物、房屋、家庭、服装、财物与个人护理E Food,Drink,and Farming 食物、饮料与农业F Feelings,Emotions,Attitudes,and Sensations 感觉、情感、态度与知觉G Though

25、t and Communication,Language and Grammar 思想与交际、语言与语法H Substances,Materials,Objects,and Epuiqment 物质、材料、物件与设备I Arts and Crafts,Science and Technology,Industry and Education 工艺美术、科学技、工业与教育J Numbers,Measurement,Money,and Commerce 数字、计量、货币与商业K Entertainment,Sports,and Games 娱乐、运动与游戏L Space and time空间与时间

26、M Movement location travel and transport 运动、位置、旅行与运输N General and abstract terms 泛指词与抽象词2021/6/7562021/6/7572021/6/7582021/6/759 One word of each of these pairs is more general in meaning and the other is more specific. Circle the general word. 1)automobile, vehicle 7)father, parent2)book, dictionary 8)fish, shark3)captain, officer 9)hurricane, storm4)ceremony, wedding 10)liquid, water5)emotion, love 11)metal, iron6)occupation, teaching 12)palm, tree2021/6/7602021/6/761部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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