高中英语第五册Health care课件3

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1、WHOWord Health OrganizationHeadquarters(Headquarters(总部总部) )in Genevain GenevaFlorence Florence NightingaleNightingale(1820-1910) She is remembered as a pioneer of She is remembered as a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods. For most of

2、her sanitation methods. For most of her ninety years, Nightingale pushed for ninety years, Nightingale pushed for the reform of the British military the reform of the British military health-care system.health-care system.Chen zhen (陈征陈征)Nightingale Medal在传染病护理一线工作在传染病护理一线工作40年年的北京地坛医院社会服务部的北京地坛医院社会

3、服务部主任主任 nurse kind diligent beautiful patient/ endurant epidemic adj.流行的流行的, 传染的传染的, 流行性流行性n.时疫时疫, 疫疾流行疫疾流行, (风尚等的风尚等的)流行流行, 流行病流行病dedication n.贡献贡献, 奉献奉献discipline n.纪律纪律, 学科学科 v.训练训练journal n. =diaryNew words:New words:Reading1.How many of the SARS victims in China were health care workers?2.Accor

4、ding to Wu Yis words, whats the contribution of nations nurses?3.How long did SARS last? Fast reading:Fast reading:MAIN IDEA Part. 1 (Para 1):Part. 1 (Para 1): Fear had gripped the nation when Fear had gripped the nation when SARS broke out.SARS broke out.PartPart 2 (Para 2-7): 2 (Para 2-7): Thanks

5、to the quick and forceful action Thanks to the quick and forceful action the country took and the sacrifices thethe country took and the sacrifices thehealth care staff made, SARS ended in health care staff made, SARS ended in the summer of 2003. the summer of 2003. Part 3 (Para 8):Part 3 (Para 8):

6、We will never forget the “Angels in White”.We will never forget the “Angels in White”.Careful reading:Careful reading:1.What does “mask” mean?2.What steps were taken by the government to prevent the spread of SARS?3.What difficulties and dangers did the health care workers have to face when they wer

7、e treating SARS patients?4.What lessons were learnt from the SARS epidemic?1.What does mask mean?2.What steps were taken by the government to prevent the spread of SARS?Symbols of the epidemicImportant safety rules, A new hospitalFunds, Doctors and scientists3.What difficulties and dangers did the h

8、ealth care workers have to face when they were treating SARS patients?Risked their lives to take care of the infected patientsIn the beginning ,little was known Worked under the great pressure4.What lessons were learnt from the SARS epidemic?Shortcomings of the countrys medical and health care syste

9、mPoor administrationA lack of resourcesEX.6 ON P215EX.6 ON P215 Policemen, firefighters, miners, pilots, Policemen, firefighters, miners, pilots, soldiers, sailors, .soldiers, sailors, .A:A: I think policemen have the most I think policemen have the most dangerous job because there are dangerous job

10、 because there are many people who break laws in many people who break laws in modern times, and most of modern times, and most of them are cruel. The duty of the them are cruel. The duty of the police is to arrest them. So they police is to arrest them. So they must face great challenges and must f

11、ace great challenges and danger. Many policemen were hurt danger. Many policemen were hurt and even died. So I think policeman and even died. So I think policeman is the most dangerous. is the most dangerous.B:B: I think working in the mine is the I think working in the mine is the most dangerous jo

12、b. We can see most dangerous job. We can see nowadays many accidents happened nowadays many accidents happened in the mine. And each time, many in the mine. And each time, many people die. So I think miners have people die. So I think miners have the the most dangerous job. most dangerous job.Suppos

13、e you are Zhang Suppose you are Zhang JihuiJihui, what would you say , what would you say to your daughter when she to your daughter when she calls you ?calls you ?If you were a SARS patient who was treated and saved by the “Angles in White “,while your partner is a “Angles in White “.Make a dialogue to show your feeling to him or her.Suppose you are Wu Yi, Health Minister of China, what measures will you take?Thanks



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