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1、 洛杉矶市长洛杉矶市长 安东尼奥安东尼奥 维拉莱戈萨先生贺维拉莱戈萨先生贺信信(代宣)(代宣)洛杉矶市长贺信洛杉矶市长贺信Stephen M. Perl 史帝文史帝文.普尔普尔- China Mart (USA) LLC.首席执行官首席执行官- 美国美国1st PMF 银行银行首席执行官首席执行官 /财务总监财务总监 - CEO of China Mart (USA)LLC.- CEO/CFO of 1st PMF Bancorp (U.S. Parent)- CEO of Baolida Commerce & Baoli Investments ( China)- 葆利达商业葆利达商业首席执

2、行官首席执行官保利投资咨询保利投资咨询China Mart(USA)LLC.公司公司史帝文史帝文普尔总裁普尔总裁 项目推项目推介介Presentation by Mr. Stephen M. Perl,Presentation by Mr. Stephen M. Perl,CEO of China MartCEO of China Mart(USAUSA)LLC.LLC.中国商贸城(洛杉矶)项目推介Presented by Stephen Perl, MBA, MSCEOofChinaMart(USA),LLCCEO/CFOof1stPMFBancorpCEOofBaolidaCommerce

3、&BaoliInvestments(China)Contact: Tel:(310) 858-6696 x204目录CONTENTS项目简介项目简介顺顺 天天 时时 中美贸易趋势应应 地地 利利 优质市场环境 地理位置 周边商圈 地图聚聚 人人 和和 强强联合 政府扶持走进商城走进商城 楼体介绍 店型选择 办公空间 商务空间 商城精品 配套设施 批发零售 售后服务一站式服务一站式服务 设立公司 营销支持 金融支持 移民顾问 物流仓储 财务税收 代理生意 Themefor ChinaMart 引子Based on a well known Chinese proverb:中国格言One can

4、 learn more traveling 10,000 miles than reading 10,000 books.行万里路胜读万卷书洛杉矶距中国万里之遥项目简介-运筹帷幄 “赢”销美国PROJECT PROFILECHINAMART LOS ANGELES: 洛杉矶中国商贸城For the first time in U.S. history, the ChinaMart Los Angeles creates a unique investment opportunity for Chinese Companies to gain Access: 美国历史上为中国公司独创投资机遇,涵

5、盖-Direct Sales to US Companies 直接销售-Financing / Capital Markets in the U.S 资本市场融资-Government support for Business Visas to the U.S. 美国政府协助办理商务签证ChinaMart becomes a “One-Stop-Shop” platform for Chinese Businesses looking to grow in the U.S. Market. 中国商贸城为中国企业在美发展提供“一站式”服务 ChinaMart Los Angeles Return

6、 on Investment (ROI) for Chinese Companies: 投资回报Incredible Market Potential in Los Angeles, US, and America 直面潜力巨大的洛杉矶,美国及美洲市场 Unprecedented Support by Government & Partners 政府及合作伙伴强力支持Unparalleled Marketing & Finance Support through China Mart and its experienced Management Team 坚强管理团队提供市场及财务融资支持 T

7、he Ultimate Chinese Investment中国企业独特投资机会The Right PeopleThe Right PlaceThe Right Time天时地利人和成功success成功之道THE WAY TO SUCCESS 顺天时-顺应中美贸易发展THE RIGHT TIMEECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT: 经济环境-US Economy $13 Trillion USD (largest in the world) 全球最大经济体-Los Angeles receives 50% of all Imports for U.S.全美超过50%进口 Benefit

8、s of a ChinaMart Los Angeles Office:优势MoreBenefits of ChinaMart Los Angeles Office 地理优势-Los Angeles City largest Industrial Base of Businesses in U.S.美国最大工业基地-Los Angeles has largest Wholesale Business in U.S.美国最大的批发中心 many Big Box Retailers and SMEs located in the local area许多大中型零售商总部 LOCATION OF C

9、HINAMART HAS GREAT EXPOSURE & CONVENIENCE:-Located 1 mile from one of busiest Airport in the world LAX离世界机场1哩-Located along the busiest Freeway in the U.S. (the 405 Fwy) 全美最忙高速公路旁-Located in the largest U.S. business district in the U.S.全美最大商业区-Located in an easy transportation area and 5 star Hotel

10、s literally next door 交通方便,紧邻数家5星级酒店-Direct Flights to all major cities in the world including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and more 直飞广州,上海,北京航班-Located near many logistics, warehouse, ports, and supportive facilities for international trade 靠近许多物流、仓储、港口及国际贸易配套设施THE RIGHT PLACE应地利-优质市场环境,万商云集地理位置-地

11、图通达八方MAPMoreBenefits of ChinaMart Los Angeles OfficeGOVERNMENT SUPPORT:-Los Angeles Mayors Office and US Support: 美国a. Tax Incentives 税收优惠b. Trade Zone Benefits 贸易特区优惠c. Support for appropriate Business Visas 商务签证办理 -Chinese Governments “Go Abroad” Policy 中国-And many other governmental agencies “走出去

12、”政策THE RIGHT PEOPLE / GOVERNMET SUPPORT政府扶持政府扶持GOVERNMENT SUPPORTSPEECH 领导致辞聚人和-精英团队强强联手THE RIGHT PEOPLE中国商贸城汇聚各行业精英,云集如中国轻工工艺品进出口商会,广州交易会进出口有限公司,中国进出口商品网,美国1st PMF Bancorp及其中国全资子公司葆利达商业等各路实力单位,强强联合,优势互补,有洛杉矶市和中国政府走出去战略的政策扶持,为商家提供买家见面,贸易撮合,物流仓储,移民顾问,法律咨询,宣传推广等专业化服务! CHINAMARTs POWERFUL PARTNERS:-Can

13、tonFairT-1st PMF Bancorp (USA) / Baolida (China)-China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Light Industrial Products & Art-Crafts 聚人和-1st PMF BancorpTHE RIGHT PEOPLE-PMF作为家族拥有的商业借贷者及大洛杉矶地区少数民族贷款商,第一PMF始建于1985年,专为成长型企业提供贸易融资及流动资金支持。如美国少数民族贷款。通过PMF及其在中国的全资子公司-葆利达商业的优秀团队为中美客客户量身定做贸易融资解决方案及提供定单,仓储物流,检验等一系列供应

14、链管理的一站式服务。 Since 1985,1st PMF Bancorp (PMF) has been a commercial lender providing specializedtrade financing and working capital for young and growing companies (i.e. Minority LoanProgram). PMF is uniquely positioned to have offices, staff and expertise in U.S. and Chinato support its U.S. and Chin

15、ese clients.PMF is committed to providing financing to the Chinese Companies in China Mart.Through PMFs subsidiary Baolida in China, PMFs well positioned to provide all trade financing needs. 聚人和-广州交易会进出口有限公司THE RIGHT PEOPLE CANTONFAIR I/E选择广州交易会进出口有限公司公司做为我们的合作伙伴,就是利用其遍布世界的网络系统和庞大的供应商信息库,集中中国最优质的产品

16、供应商。该司旗下的商品网,在全国拥有80家代理商,中国供应商网络覆盖全国范围 。在杭州招商的支持单位是今日科技杭州三六五网络有限公司企业上网服务中心China Import and Export Fair, is currently Chinas largest trade fair with highest quality, most complete variety of goods, and with largest attendance & business turnover.By choosing Canton Fair Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd. as our str

17、ategic partner, we will collect the best suppliers in China through its global business network and supplier database. The Website has 86 agencies and serves suppliers all over China. The supporting agent in Hangzhou is Jinri Internet Technology Co., Ltd.聚人和-中国轻工工艺品进出口商会THE RIGHT PEOPLE-CCCLA中国轻工工艺

18、品进出口商会成立于1988年,是经国务院主管部门批准,由从事轻工业品,工艺品进出口贸易企业依法成立的自律性,全国性行业组织。轻工商会一直积极通过咨询参考,研讨培训,考察交流等活动帮助会员企业发展,并代表行业向政府反映要求,意见和政策建议,努力促进中国进出口贸易健康发展,维护国家利益和会员的合法权益。 China Chamber of Commerce for Import of Light Industrial Products and Arts-Crafts (CCCLA) approved by relevant department of the State Council and fo

19、unded in 1988, is a self-ruling organization composed of enterprises engaged in import and export of light industrial productsand art-crafts. It is devoted to assisting members to develop business through consulting & training Services and has had many successful cases.In addition, it also reports r

20、equirements, complaints and suggestions to the government on behalf of its enterprises.走进商城MART TOUR楼体介绍BUILDING由3栋7层写字楼组成, 占地2.79英亩(16.94亩),可招租面积230551平方英尺,车位数量约920个 1-6层 300多个独立摊位 ,产品展示与销售/办公空间/商务洽谈空间7楼 22000平方英尺大型产品展示厅,专业团队/专业人员为您打理美国生意 With a rentable area of 230551 square feet and more than 920

21、 parking spaces;-F1-F6 Over 300 independent booths Product exhibition & sales / administrative spacesnegotiation rooms-F7 Large product exhibition area of 22000 square ft professional team/experts help youdo business in U.S F7 多功能厅(产品展示/会议/商务服务) Meeting / Exhibition Center / ConciergeF5-F6 消费品/电子产品/

22、工艺品/办公用品/礼品/服装 Consumer goods / Electronics /Hand Craft Office supplies / Gifts / Art / ApparelF4 工具/五金/机械/汽车零配件 Tools / Hardware /Machinery /Auto relatedF3 家具展区/建筑材料 / 化工产品 Furniture/Building Materials / Chemical productF2 商务 / 中国文化中心 Business / Chinese Cultural center F1 重点客户产品展示 / 买家代理常驻机构 Showro

23、oms for best and biggest clients / Rep.Office楼层介绍FLOORING CATEGORIES走进商城-店型选择Mart Tour- Space店型 面积 提供服务包括旗舰型-80/100平米 多人办公/产品展示/商务空间/LED视频广告/产品目录综合型-50平米 1-2人办公/产品展示/产品目录展示型-样品展位 不必派员/产品展示/产品目录 Mega Store +80/100 sq.m Administrative team of several persons / exhibition rooms Negotiation rooms/LED vi

24、deo commercial/product catalogEconomical 50 sq.m. Administrative team of 1-2 persons / exhibition rooms /product catalogExhibition No Admin. Team needed/ exhibition rooms/ product catalog 走进商城-空间Mart Tour - commerce spaceMart Tour走进商城-配套设施Mart Tour FacilityState of the Art Business Center24/7 Chines

25、e Concierge Service for Business and Personal(w/Housing assistance)Conference Centers. Negotiating Rooms on each floorConference Center to hold SeminarsPromotions, Sales and Press Conference Meeting每层每户都设有商务空间和会议室现场接待客户进行商务洽谈,新闻发布会等多功能的商务活动由熟悉中国事务的华人给客户贵宾式的服务全配套的办公硬件设施Mart Tour走进商城-设施 走进商城-会议室Mart T

26、our conference roomMart Tour走进商城-办公Mart Tour - office 走进商城-产品展示Mart Tour - ProductsAny products your can see in the market“Marketing + Money + Immigration”Setup, Develop, and Grow your U.S. and America Business:通过“营销+金融+移民”等支持提供中国公司到美国设立、发展、壮大的“一站式一站式”服务一站式服务一站式服务ONE STOP SHOP 一站式服务-设立公司 ONE STOP SH

27、OP: Company Setup-Professional Setup of your U.S. Subsidiary 子公司登记设立-Setup your Office and Showrooms 办事处、展厅-Setup and assistance with your Wholesale Business Platform 批发业务平台-Expert Marketing, Legal and Accounting for Management of your U.S. Subsidiary行销、法律、财务管理协助 CHINAMARTs DIRECT STRATEGIC SUPPORT

28、直接市场战略支持直接市场战略支持-Expert Management Team with over 100 yrs of combined selling experience 专业团队拥有超过百年销售经验 a. Our Team will create a Strategic Market Plan to enter U.S. Market for each ChinaMart Client商业计划 b. Our Team and 1st PMF Bancorp will help you gain Direct Access to Buyers to Big Retailers买家推介 c

29、. Our Team will also promote Monthly Seminars at ChinaMart Los Angeles for each Product Category 每月有针对性的会事推介 d. Our Team will give you successful Direct Sales Strategies used effectively for many years in U.S. 成功直接销售策略辅导ONE STOP SHOP一站式服务Marketing行销 一站式服务-批发One Stop Shop: WholesaleChina Mart provide

30、s the Most Visible location in Los Angeles to sell to:-Big buyers -SME in U.S., especially Los Angeles-Other North American Countries like Canada, Mexico, and South American countries. 产品可销往美国及南北美洲其他国家与地区 ONE STOP SHOP: Logistics / Warehousing为您服务-仓储物流We have ability to support transport , managemen

31、t ,and warehousing of goods thought strategicPartners and use of free trade zones to prevent unnecessary payment of taxes while goods arebeing transported within the US.我们在当地合作的有实力的物流公司提供报关,仓储,国际物流等全方位的配套服务, 并充分利用自由贸易区的优势。 One Stop Shop for Financing:金融支持 ONE STOP SHOP: Financing SupportL/C 信用证Facto

32、ring 保理Supply Chain Finance 供应链融资Minority Loan 美国少数民族贷款走进美国-简单步聚MOVING TO U.S.支付代理服务费人民币20,000元Prelease RMB20,000(Ticket Fee)在国内指定银行存入等值US$50,000保证金Lease USD50,000(Deposit in Chinese Bank)在美国设子公司Set Up U.S. Subsidiary入驻中国商贸城申请L1签证Start L1+Move intoChina MartMOVING TO U.S.ONE STOP SHOP一站式服务STANDARD S

33、ETUP-申请流程签署招商协议支付人民币20000代理服务费签署租赁合同存入USD50000在美国银行托管帐户申请B1签证投资设立公司申请L1签证签署招商协议支付20000RMB代理服务费签署正式合同存入等值$50000在国内银行托管帐户申请B1签证资金由国内银行托管帐户汇至美国子公司AFast TrackBRegular Process投资设立公司申请L1签证当地房租 Housing US$500-1200/月Month仓租 Warehouseing Rental US$0.75/平方英尺每月Sq. Ft. Mon.雇员工资 Salary US$400-600/星期WeekOnly for

34、reference以上数据仅供参考中国商贸城租金(含水电管理费及服务费)中国商贸城租金(含水电管理费及服务费)Rent :USD5/sq.f/mon:每月每平方英尺:每月每平方英尺5美金美金 (每月每平方米(每月每平方米50美金)美金)即 50平方米,USD30000/年 80平方米,USD48000/年 100平方米,USD60000/年ONE STOP SHOP一站式服务LIVING AND COST 物价水平第102届秋交会来临之际,一连三场以“运筹帷幄,赢销美国”为主题的洛杉矶中国商贸城项目推介会议,分别于10月16日、18日和28日在广州中国大酒店和广交会馆举行,同月也将在全国的多个

35、主要城市相应举行系列的项目推介会,在全国掀起聚焦美国本土贸易平台、进驻美国核心市场、直面美国买家群体的风潮。中国商贸城项目得到了中美各界机构组织的关注和支持,引起强烈反响,各地企业主纷纷表现出浓厚兴趣。推广活动PROMOTION EVENTS中国商贸城在全国开展的招商系列活动吸引了全国各大媒体的关注。媒体聚焦MEDIA FOCUS 申请入场中国商贸城(洛杉矶).经营 产品或服务,租期为 36 48 60 个月,店型为旗舰型 综合型 展示型,面积为50 80 100 其它 平米,预计入场时间为: 其它要求: .招商总代理:广州交易会进出口有限公司Fax:020-26082005 Email: T

36、el:020-26082020 项目详细信息:1st PMFBancorp/葆利达商业 / www. / Fax:(310)2736936 / 020-37584103 / 0755-82940770Email: Tel:(310)8586696 / 020-37584102 / 0755-83734304印章及法人签名:Signature &Stamp: .申请日期:Date: . 申请APPLICATION招商优惠计划:在11月15日前与广交会进出口公司签订招商合同并交付20000元服务费的客户,免一个月租金租赁合同3年起签,租金1年1缴1 month free rent sign before Nov 15thLeasing contract signed above 3 years,rent is 1 year 1 payThank you!谢谢观赏!The China Mart will create Win-win strategy for Business in U.S. and China中美共赢问答时间问答时间 Q & A



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