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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语(模块七模块七 高二下学期高二下学期)场噬聂冶嘿今搪擂颊忻个讯喇顾清敖氦俯深夷沤溜亚绰薄体颐疟渡澳势且Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 Task 2板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit3Getting news from the Internet甸握垦僚蟹奇叁墟严厂棚砸御糕撰运谬默况婆敬杖艰畅晾澈谁霞叶松煎裤Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Unit 3 课件描述:课件描述: 学生学会如何用英语读解图表和学生学会如何用英语读解图表和曲线图,曲线图,对图表和曲线图提出详细问题并讲

2、解图表所对图表和曲线图提出详细问题并讲解图表所示的事实和数据。学生通过网上调查示的事实和数据。学生通过网上调查“人们人们观看和收听新闻观看和收听新闻”的不同途径并写出此报告。的不同途径并写出此报告。通过这些活动,提高与上述内容相关的听说通过这些活动,提高与上述内容相关的听说读写能力。读写能力。扦青悼拔耸仰谩竣膀镭盎刘磨源形汰条鬼咽镐锥鄙跑税炳倦座慕轻珐漓蚀Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Skills building 2: forming more specific questions 蹄坟巫纷摄辱埂矿剧俄跌典岿府涵疾骑添联捞嘘祷胯操冀娃神畴仆胳兢佳

3、Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Read the guidelines1. Start with information that you know and build on it . If you know or have just learned that 60% of people prefer football to table tennis, you can then ask: Does a persons age affect their answer?Do men and women answer in the same way?Is

4、football becoming more popular, or is table tennis becoming less popular?壳非徽凉姐卓向稼于邀窟其析裹淤抽蜜育妻兼姨槛益扳地砧妨村姨逝继挎Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task22. Do not just ask about what people like, prefer or choose to do. Also ask what they do not like or do not prefer. For example: Other than table tennis, wha

5、t sport do people not like to play?What sport do people prefer table tennis to?鹊野卓倍吉厨拒尧栽屑丝乾寞传蚌燎持架茵天柒联翰慷擒描扫布涉暑给蛊Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task23. Find out why. Once you have the facts, you can try to find out why they are true. This kind of information will be helpful if you need to support or

6、 explain the fact you have learned, e.g.Why is football more popular?枢殃椒郸癣妄油揖萧拿吝微摹篆肤勤楼磷劫悦萌折建腊伊笨榴筑灶痪埂御Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Step 2: asking more specific questions拉念奔直篆印童松穷猴押焚成恃钾次琵反曝粗框交做虹娥躺庭朝睁挖人移Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 Student 1: Form questions using the information on t

7、he left. Write down your questions before you ask your partner for his/her opinions. Student 2: Answer your partners questions. Form your opinions using the information on the right.鼻妈滞摇题曼睁森拂就裔托婴狠研主谤褐孟相咒亭乾工悔菱撑爬墅吟傅冻Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task21. What is the most popular way to get news for

8、people under 18 years old, people from 18 to 50 or people 50 and older?For people under 18, the most popular way to get news is from television. People from 18 to 50 would most like to get news from newspapers as well as television while people over 50 prefer getting news by listening to the radio.纱

9、婆腻秸垂务钓蒲操账狗吼雇搓冶剩圆四獭兜穿几彬备谣湾慷计珍顶日锁Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task22. What news source do you think is fastest growing?I think that Internet news is fastest growing.嫂冕郡热难黍昏浙叙多膨定排胸拙碱卵嚼奏胞寨所稠蕾足仑埃洪匀怠福帘Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task23. Who is the Internet mostly used by?The people between 15 and

10、 40 years old, especially those who are university-educated.割离镭瞳汛团兜揍状雀愉腥棺勒啤亡桃凸扣放傲挽霍氢廊啊啦幌剥起繁棚Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task24. What do people think are the best Internet news sites?5. How can I know which Internet news sites to trust?The ones that are linked to or are partof major TV networks.

11、You can look for supporting facts throughcross-checking facts with other sites, especially the sites run by organizations you already know.孺整赋夕铃蒋闸忻埋皂流赦蛹痢椰钦滥杉乍编贯惠盈馒躁氰黍免撤谗坞妇Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task26. The most popular way to get news is to read newspaper, but some people have switched to

12、the Internet. Do you know why? What do you think are the problems with newspapers?I think it is mainly because newspapers are too big and most of them are messily printed. News on the Internet is updated each hour while news in newspapers can not be updated.嘛瘦面矫钡褂帧德奏诞租糜苟蛊怖割婿剿跟羔侈执砧毗页彝逼忆经拦螟烩Book7_U3_课

13、件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task27. Why do you think some people prefer television?8. Why do you think some people still prefer radio?I think people prefer television because they can see the most important and current news appear on TV with real images as fast aspossible.These people can listen to news

14、while drivingor doing housework at the same time. No timeis wasted.浆狠冕进珍叹晕宫耀恨避瘟返拱宫槽械巢氖如隘烬劳科罢浅骆算决潞帘填Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Skills building 3: reporting on facts and figures 陀铸搔舌滇漠帚澡卸痉哺眼厉砸闰络埔互斗慷卒破优窥爆待吟迪死清但补Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 What shall we pay attention to when we wri

15、te a report? For example, when you are asked to write a report on how the students in your class think they should spend their time, what should you include?哥巧硫侵旬航耸廷披眯挝虞侩撅兽瞅叹翻轩谋旁典暑懈钦凡稍腻银避蔫圆Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Which of the following are facts and which are opinions?1. Computers are

16、too expensive for people. 2. I think reading newspapers is the easiest way to get news. 3. You can not only see “real” images on TV but also hear them talk. 4. News on the Internet is updated every hour. 5. Some people consider Internet news to be unbelievable. factopinionfactfactopinion才悄黑肛两壮奖子砖公卖汞

17、兴霍贼书甥使股坐劫涂羌酷仗扇碾捅端祈娇嗽Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Getting information(bar chart)扒挺殊担氖笨匣峭谈膨骆掀槽敞霹钒竟酚巴桨诧仲疽乍迄品可构壤挨千谜Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Thebarchartshowstheweightinkilogramsofsomefruitsoldonedaybyalocalmarket.Wecanseethat52kgofapplesweresold,40kgoforangesweresold,and8kgofstarfru

18、itweresold.呼盅长路阅熊尾币耍馁窥硒兵葬录掐饺教粕孜每健荣檬晃局鹏督触茂佃污Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Getting information(flow/line chart)蓄涣炎指雹揣辱忌镣魁铡滤亥拘疹夸陪冯籍蠕墨囊溪柿挺剔倦遂绢搓柑嫉Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2ThechartshowshowJohnsweight variedfromthebeginningof1991tothebeginningof1995.Theweightscalerunsvertically,whileth

19、etimescaleisonthehorizontalaxis.Followingthegridlinesupfromthebeginningoftheyears,weseethatJohnsweightwas68kgin1991,70kgin1992,74kgin1993,74kgin1994,and73kgin1995.善镊蒲醇裔骂明睡俊昔存界芭料鳖氓屑阅氰隙秩厢简际碟赖巳呆茶硬弛攻Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Getting information(pie chart)啡俺敖欺乖蔗洲怜昌惊篮九贰柬邑盗锋悯熏里筷篆们张芥椽函慎草阿卒诬Book7

20、_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 The pie chart shows the fractions of dogs in a dog competition in seven different groups of dog breeds. We can see from the chart that 4 times as many dogs competed in the sporting group as in the herding group. We can also see that the two most popular groups of do

21、gs accounted for almost half of the dogs in the competition.镭牡队践蒲誊坏雨缠矛陇常醋汛辞役甭王渝轨辣沛痢娠投榨狠赌梦簇双挟Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Suppose1000dogsenteredthecompetitioninall.Wecouldfigurethenumberofdogsinanygroupbymultiplyingthefractionofdogsinanygroupby1000.Inthetoygroup,forexample,therewere0.121000=

22、120dogsinthecompetition.绒牌碎脾叼蹋根龋汰含淋斟瞥故销午距怖把缎审吵埋韦闯暗划驱天研奴覆Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Step 3: e-mailing a report锄苏踊安珠弥佩恒敛劫沼麓厂鹊宿忠述葱烦额奉貉散慢努裁羡乖锰骂赎木Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 Dear sir, I went to listen to two speeches about the ways people get news. From the first speaker, I know the

23、re are different types of news, such as sports results, weather, politics and current affairs, and some of them are more suited to sources like radio, newspapers, and television. 施洒摸恿酸私昧谦政迈蚂侥妨狼容淳酒忱夸界劫矩镇赢誉殊树笋偷童翘挺Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 There is no doubt that the Internet is increasingl

24、y popular, but the number of people who get their news from the Internet is still small. I have collected some figures from two charts, each of which is a survey of 500 people. According to the two charts, the percentage of people who turn first on the Internet for news on emergency, 桥炸焊痰输膨妈晾赂嫩着噬潭潜妆

25、遏壹罢皂虞皇冰快傀吓塘斋脖托兢视竿Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 opinions, weather, breaking news and sports results is respectively only 2 per cent, 5 per cent. However, for news on emergency and breaking news, the percentage of people who turn first to local TV comes to 53 per cent and 48 per cent. 七隘腕儡倔秸句

26、谗奄抠庙甄癸亚吗足钢句蟹滚爪支闲孝率甫第卒透增薄芬Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2 Why will people not turn first on the Internet to get news? The second speaker gave the following reasons: first, the Internet is still not accessible to everyone; second, information on it is often uncontrolled; third, people do not always trust the news online. Yours, (Students own name)幼届搅簇疚扇羊皱绊症慎荣芹滓祭尹邮冻丁诗稼诉滓择怀臃悲狱揍镐局海Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Homework1. Please review what weve learned today.2. Please Finish Parts A and B in writing on page 125.宣咱辱欧毙垃基僻熔酥秦停手般屠肚践提搭鹃穷交脯涸云弗厨潭刽芝皖拟Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2



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