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1、1Have用法小结一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进行时回顾contents2复习课文讲解课堂练习步骤步骤3我我们这周需要周需要许多多东西西.We need a lot of things this week. 我我们有有许多茶叶多茶叶.Weve got much tea.我我们一点肉都没有了一点肉都没有了.We havent got any meat at all. 4我我们还有面包有面包吗?Have we got any bread?你你们还有啤酒有啤酒吗?Have you got any beer?我希望你我希望你还有有钱.I hope that youve got some m

2、oney.5Listen to the tape and answer the question: why is Carol disappointed? 081&082Roast Beef and Potatoes.mp36BathShowerNearlyReadyDinnerRestaurant7RoastBarbecueBreakfastHaircutPartyholiday81. Upstairs adj. adv.1. Upstairs adj. adv. 楼上楼上楼上楼上DownstairsDownstairsCome upstairs Come upstairs 上楼上楼上楼上楼G

3、o downstairsGo downstairs 下楼下楼下楼下楼He is upstairs.He is upstairs.He is downstairs. He is downstairs. 9 2. havehave a bath 洗澡洗澡 have a hot bath take a cold bath10 2. haveTake a shower 洗澡洗澡 11 2. havebreakfast lunchdinnerhavea meal(吃吃,喝喝)a cakea cup of coffeetea a cigarette12a bath a swima haircuthavea

4、 lesson(从事从事)a partya holidaya good timean appointment13some moneysome lambhavesome beef(拥有拥有)envelopesa lot of clothesa lot of shoesmany friends 14a headache a fevera coldhaveflu(生病生病)a stomachachea earachea temperature153.3.Nearly adv. Nearly adv. 几乎几乎几乎几乎, ,将近将近将近将近 Its nearly one oclock.She is n

5、early fifty now. Nearly every one likes playing games. 164. ready adj. 4. ready adj. 准备好的准备好的准备好的准备好的 be/get ready for 做好准备做好准备We are ready for dinner.He is ready for the car race.I am nearly ready.Is dinner ready?Its nearly ready.175. Dinner n. 5. Dinner n. 晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐 Its time for dinner. 是吃晚餐的时候了是吃晚

6、餐的时候了.Enjoy your dinner. 慢慢享用晚餐慢慢享用晚餐.Dinner party 社交晚宴社交晚宴186. roast adj. 6. roast adj. 烤的烤的烤的烤的 Roast beefRoast porkRoast duck197. whats the matter? 7. whats the matter? 怎么了怎么了怎么了怎么了? ? (1) 出了故障;出了故障;(2)看起来身体欠佳;看起来身体欠佳; Whats the matter, Carol?Whats the matter with you?Whats the matter with Tom? 2

7、0Hes _. Hes _. 他在楼上。他在楼上。Hes_.Hes_.他正在洗澡。他正在洗澡。Im _.Im _.我马上就好。我马上就好。upstairshaving a bathnearly ready21_ a cigarette._ a cigarette.请抽烟请抽烟_a cup of tea._a cup of tea.来杯茶吧。来杯茶吧。We can _ at seven oclock.We can _ at seven oclock. 7 7点钟我们可以吃饭。点钟我们可以吃饭。HaveHaveHave dinner22We_ together today.We_ together

8、 today.我们今天一起吃的午饭。我们今天一起吃的午饭。We _.We _.我们去了一家饭店。我们去了一家饭店。You are going to _again tonight.You are going to _again tonight. 今晚你们又要吃烤牛肉和土豆了。今晚你们又要吃烤牛肉和土豆了。had lunchwent to a restauranthave roast beef and potatoes23一般一般现在在时I usually have lunch at home. 一般将来一般将来时I am going to have lunch at the restaurant

9、 today.24一般一般过去去时I had lunch at home yesterday.现在在进行行时I am having lunch now. 25 We usually have breakfast at 6:30 in the morning. 我们一般早上我们一般早上6 6点半吃早饭。点半吃早饭。26We had lunch at the restaurant today.27我们今天是在饭店吃的午饭。我们今天是在饭店吃的午饭。27We are going to have roast steak this evening. 28我们晚上打算吃烤我们晚上打算吃烤牛排。牛排。28W

10、e are having tea in the living room.29我们正在客厅喝茶。我们正在客厅喝茶。29 I had a haircut yesterday afternoon. 30我昨天下午理的发。我昨天下午理的发。30He is going to have a swim in the river tomorrow. 31他计划明天去小河里游泳。他计划明天去小河里游泳。31He had a bath this afternoon.32 他他 今天下午洗的澡。今天下午洗的澡。32We usually have an appointment on Monday.33 我们一般周日有

11、约会。我们一般周日有约会。 33We are going to have a holiday in July.34 我们打算我们打算7月份去渡假。月份去渡假。34They are having a good time. They are enjoying themselves. 35 他们正玩得开心。他们正玩得开心。35They had a party last week.36 他们上周参加了一个派对。他们上周参加了一个派对。36We have apples every day. 37 我们每天都吃苹果。我们每天都吃苹果。37 daily expression there be they areHave 的用法小结的用法小结回顾四种时态回顾四种时态38Thank you!39



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