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1、PK 中考英语湖南 专题十五 情景交际中考名题体验1. 2021年衡阳Thanks a million for your help. _. A. Never mind B. My pleasure C. Good idea.2.2021年郴州I havent been back to my hometown for years._! Your parents must miss you very much.Of course B. No problem C. What a shameBC中考名题体验3.2021年宜宾I will you a happy National Day. . A. T

2、he same as you B. Thank you C. The same to you4.(2021年巴中)I will have an important interview tomorrow. I hope I will succeed. . A. Good luck B. Its all right C. Have fun CA中考名题体验5.(2021年黑龙江龙东)The box is heavy.Could you please help me carry it? !A. My pleasure B. You are kidding C. Good idea6. (2021年厦

3、门) Would you like to go to Shanghai Disneyland? It opened this June. .Im sure Ill have a great time there.A. Im afraid not B. Its doesnt matter C. Thats sounds funAC 情景交际是一种综合性测试题,它以日常话题为主要内容,调查学生在详细的言语环境中实践运用所学言语知识交流思想、表达观念的才干。命题将突出真实交际情景下言语的实践运用,力求贴近学生,贴近生活,贴近社会,贴近时代。 语法探求一、赞赏和应对 1赞赏某人 Thank you./

4、Thanks a lot./Thank you very much. Thank you for your help. Its very kindnice of you. Thank you anywayall the same.2.回答赞赏时的答语Its my pleasure.Thats OK./Thats all right.Youre welcome. 二、负疚和应对 1.当要费事他人时 Excuse me I beg your pardon. 2.当做错某事时 Sorry. Im sorry for Im sorry thatl Thats all right.lThats OKlN

5、ever mind.lIts nothing.lIt doesnt matter.3回答负疚时的答语 三、约请和应对1.表示约请的用语 Will you come to?Would you like to?May I invite you to?How/What about?2接受约请时的答语 Yes,ld like /love to. Yes. Its very kind of you. That would be nice. 3回绝约请时的答语 No,thank you. Id love /like to,but四、恳求和应对 1.表恳求用语 May I? Can/Could I? Wou

6、ld you mind if? 2.表一定的答语 Sure. /Certainly. Yes,do please. Thats all right. Of course,you can.l3.表否认的答语lIm afraid not.lIm sorry, but you mustnt/cant.l Youd better not. 五、祝愿、祝贺和应对 1祝贺用语 Have a good day/time! Have a good journey/trip! Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you! Happy New Year! Merry

7、 Christmas! Happy birthday! Congratulations! Well done! 2.应对用语 Thank you. You , too. The same to you.六、提供协助和应对1.提供协助 Can I help you?Would you like me to help you? What can I do for you? Let me help you.2.一定答语 Yes,please./Yes,thanks. Thank you for your help. Thank you.That would be nice.3.否认答语 No,tha

8、nks/thank you.Thats very kind/nice of you,but I can manage it myself.七、劝告和建议 Youd better Why not? How/What about? Shall we? You shouldnt八、打 1.拨方的交际用语 Could/May/Can I speak to.please? Whos that(speaking)? This is(speaking)Could you ask him/her to call me back? Im calling to tell/ask you to 2接方的交际用语 H

9、old on(for a moment),please. Im sorry/afraid hes/shes out at the moment/right now. Can I take a message(for you)? 九、购物1营业员常用的交际用语 CanI help you?/What can I do for you? How many/much do you want?What about this one? What colour/size/kind do you like/want? Im afraid we havent got anyin that size at th

10、e moment.Here you are.2.顾客常用的交际用语 I want /would like to buy some. . . (for. . . )Im looking for. . .I would like/want two kilos of. . .I like the colour,but its/theyre too. . . Its great,but its not. . . enough.Have you got any other kind/coloursize? That looks nice/great. Have you got anything chea

11、per? How much does it cost? Can/May I try them/it on,please?1.医生常用交际用语Whats wrong with you? /Whats tihe matter?/Whats up?How long have you been like this?Have you taken your temperature?Have you had anything to eat this morning?Theres nothing serious.Take this medicine and stay in bed for a few days

12、.You will get better soon.You will be all rightwell soon. 十、看病 2.病人常用的交际用语I have got a headachecough. Im not feeling well./l dont feel very well./I feel terribleTheres something wrong with. . .1.高兴How wonderfulnice!Thats lovely/great/wonderful!Im pleased to know that.十一、情感2.惊奇Really?Oh dear!Is that

13、so?What a surprise! How nice to see you!How surprising! Im surprised.3.称心lGood!lWell done!lPerfect!lThats fine.lThats better.lThats good enough.4.忧虑Whats wrong?Whats the matter?Anything wrong?What should we do?5.遗憾与同情 Im so sorry!Its a great pity!What a shame/pity!Thats too bad!Im sorry to hear that

14、.1仔细了解和掌握教材中出现的口语交际工程,如问时间及日期、打、过生日、购物、问路、看病、借书、恳求和提供协助、转告传送信息、劝告等。2按礼貌的原那么选择答案,普通不需求思索语法上的正误。 3留意英语国家文化习惯的不同。 4留意了解题干确实切含义。 5留意仔细揣摩上下文,搞清情景的功能意念即问句所指的是什么。温馨提示1.Would you mind if I turn on the radio? .The baby is sleeping in the next room.A.No,I dont mind B.Not at all C.Better not2.May I use your di

15、ctionary for a while? .Its on the desk.A.Yes,sure B.Sorry,you cant C.Youve got itCA3.Im too tired to walk,Jack. ,Daniel.You can do it.A.No hurry Be on C.Thats all4.Youd better not too much salt.Its bad for your health. .A.Not at all B.Youre welcome C.Thaks for your advice BC5.Help yourself to some f

16、ish,David. .I have had enough.A.Yes,please B.Thats all right C.Thank you6.Im very sorry.I broke your tea cup. .A.It doesnt matter B.Youd better not C.Youre welcomeCA7.I want to put up the picture on the wall.Would you mind helping me with it? .With pleasure.A.Of course B.Of course not C.Youd better not8.Thank you for your help. .A.All right B.Thats right C.Thats all rightBC



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