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1、STEPHEN P. ROBBINSSTEPHEN P. ROBBINSMARY COULTERMARY COULTERUnderstanding Managements Context: Constraints & ChallengesChapterChapter2 Lecturer Zhang X13710600601Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-2 Contrast the

2、actions of managers according to the omnipotent and symbolic viewsDescribe the constraints and challenges facing managers in todays external environmentDiscuss the characteristics and importance of organizational cultureDescribe current issues in organizational cultureManagement, Eleventh Edition by

3、 Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-3 The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?Omnipotent View of Management 管理万能论管理万能论 the view that managers are directly responsible for an organizations success or failure.Symbolic view of Management 管理象征论管理象征论the

4、 view that much of an organizations success or failure is due to external forces outside managers control.Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-4 案例:案例:“十万负翁十万负翁”的嬗变的嬗变十万负翁:作为一家大型国有企业,广州无线电集团公司于1992年陷入困境,亏损和负债总额高达3亿

5、多元,人均十万元。中流砥柱:1992年底以李承志为首的新班子上台,开始破釜沉舟的改革。1993年即扭亏为盈,近年来发展迅猛。管理万能吗?管理象征否?Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-5 Exhibit 2-1: Constraints on Managerial DiscretionManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins &

6、 Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-6 The External Environment:Constraints and ChallengesExternal Environment 外部环境外部环境- those factors and forces outside the organization that affect its performance.Components of the External EnvironmentSpecific environment具体环境具体环境:

7、 External forces that have a direct and immediate impact on the organizationGeneral environment一般环境一般环境: Broad economic, socio-cultural, political/legal, demographic, technological, and global conditions that may affect the organizationManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulte

8、r2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-7 Exhibit 2-2: Components of External Environment你关注到了哪些你关注到了哪些(在近期发生的)(在近期发生的)事件会影响企业的事件会影响企业的经营?经营?Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-8 Environmental U

9、ncertainty and ComplexityEnvironmental Uncertainty 不确定性不确定性- the degree of change and complexity in an organizations environment.Environmental Complexity 复杂性复杂性- the number of components in an organizations environment and the extent of the organizations knowledge about those components.Management,

10、Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-9 Exhibit 2-3: Environmental Uncertainty MatrixManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-10 Who Are Stakehol

11、ders?Stakeholders利益相关者利益相关者 - any constituencies in the organizations environment that are affected by an organizations decisions and actions.Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-11 Exhibit 2-4: Organizational Stak

12、eholdersManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-12 富士康富士康 VS 第一财经第一财经2006年年6月,月,第一财经日报第一财经日报发表记者王佑发表记者王佑的文章:的文章:富士康员工,机器罚你站富士康员工,机器罚你站12小时小时,文章称,文章称“起得比鸡早、干得比驴累,吃起得比鸡早、干得比驴累,吃得比猪差得比猪差”。7月月3日,富士康起诉记者王佑和编辑翁宝,日,富士康起诉记者王佑

13、和编辑翁宝,索赔索赔3000万,并申请法院查封个人账户。万,并申请法院查封个人账户。8月月30日,富士康索赔降低为日,富士康索赔降低为1元。元。9月月3日,双方发表联合声明,和解。日,双方发表联合声明,和解。管理学教学课件管理学教学课件(张学志张学志)chaManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-14 Managing Stakeholder Relationships1.Identify

14、the organizations external stakeholders.2.Determine the particular interests and concerns of external stakeholders.3.Decide how critical each external stakeholder is to the organization.4.Determine how to manage each individual external stakeholder relationship.Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephe

15、n P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-15 What Is Organizational Culture?Organizational Culture 组织文化组织文化- The shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act.Strong Cultures 强文化强文化- Organi

16、zational cultures in which key values are intensely held and widely shared.Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-16 Exhibit 2-5: Dimensions of Organizational Culture组织文化的维度组织文化的维度西南航空的组织文化西南航空的组织文化员工导向员工导向美国西南航空公司,创


18、4545个大城市。个大城市。个大城市。个大城市。西南航空是全行业惟一一家一直赢得衡量航空公西南航空是全行业惟一一家一直赢得衡量航空公西南航空是全行业惟一一家一直赢得衡量航空公西南航空是全行业惟一一家一直赢得衡量航空公司经营质量的司经营质量的司经营质量的司经营质量的“ “三顶皇冠三顶皇冠三顶皇冠三顶皇冠” ”( (航班准时、行李丢失航班准时、行李丢失航班准时、行李丢失航班准时、行李丢失最少、顾客抱怨最少最少、顾客抱怨最少最少、顾客抱怨最少最少、顾客抱怨最少) )的航空公司。的航空公司。的航空公司。的航空公司。17管理学教学课件管理学教学课件(张学志张学志)cha员工导向的组织文化员工导向的组织文

19、化将员工的名字雕刻在特别设计的波音将员工的名字雕刻在特别设计的波音737 737 上上为顾客做任何你心里感到舒坦的事。为顾客做任何你心里感到舒坦的事。“ “解雇客户解雇客户” ” “ “行走一英里计划行走一英里计划” ”(Walk a Mile in My ShoesWalk a Mile in My Shoes)你给员工的,就是他给客户的你给员工的,就是他给客户的! !18管理学教学课件管理学教学课件(张学志张学志)chaManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Educatio

20、n, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-19 Where Does Culture Come From?来源来源Organization founderVision and missionPast practicesTop management behavior Socialization社会化社会化 - The process that helps employees adapt to the organizations culture.Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Cou

21、lter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-20 了解以下企业家及其对企业文化了解以下企业家及其对企业文化的影响的影响松下幸之助本田宗一郎盛田昭夫稻盛和夫比尔.盖茨乔布斯杰克.韦尔奇李健熙马云任正非张瑞敏柳传志许家印李嘉诚郭台铭Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-21 How Do Employees Lea

22、rn Culture?Stories 故事故事- Narratives of significant events or people, e.g. organization founders, rule breaking, reaction to past mistakes etc.Rituals 仪式仪式- Sequences of activities that express and reinforce the important values and goals of the organization仪式视频Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen

23、 P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-22 How Employees Learn Culture (cont.)Material Artifacts and Symbols 有形信条- Convey the kinds of behavior that are expected, e.g. risk taking, participation, authority, etc.Language 语言- Acts as a common denominator tha

24、t bonds membersManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-23 Exhibit 2-6: Contrasting Organizational CulturesManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Pre

25、ntice Hall2-24 Exhibit 2-7: Strong vs. Weak CulturesManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-25 Benefits of a Strong CultureCreates a stronger employee commitment to the organizationAids in the recruitment and socializ

26、ation of new employeesFosters higher organizational performance by instilling and promoting employee initiative强文化:执行文化强文化:执行文化企业精神:艰苦创业、无私奉献、努力拼搏、开企业精神:艰苦创业、无私奉献、努力拼搏、开企业精神:艰苦创业、无私奉献、努力拼搏、开企业精神:艰苦创业、无私奉献、努力拼搏、开拓进取拓进取拓进取拓进取企业作风:精心策划、狠抓落实、办事高效企业作风:精心策划、狠抓落实、办事高效企业作风:精心策划、狠抓落实、办事高效企业作风:精心策划、狠抓落实、办事高效“

27、 “当年征地、当年报建、当年动工、当年竣工、当年征地、当年报建、当年动工、当年竣工、当年征地、当年报建、当年动工、当年竣工、当年征地、当年报建、当年动工、当年竣工、当年售磬、当年轰动、当年入住、当年受益当年售磬、当年轰动、当年入住、当年受益当年售磬、当年轰动、当年入住、当年受益当年售磬、当年轰动、当年入住、当年受益” ”董事局的决定能在半小时内传达到全集团董事局的决定能在半小时内传达到全集团董事局的决定能在半小时内传达到全集团董事局的决定能在半小时内传达到全集团4 4万多员万多员万多员万多员工;工;工;工;2424小时手机开机,第一次不接电话警告、第二次小时手机开机,第一次不接电话警告、第二次

28、小时手机开机,第一次不接电话警告、第二次小时手机开机,第一次不接电话警告、第二次罚款、第三次开除。罚款、第三次开除。罚款、第三次开除。罚款、第三次开除。26管理学教学课件管理学教学课件(张学志张学志)chaManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-27 Exhibit 2-8: Establishing and Maintaining CultureManagement, Eleventh E

29、dition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-28 How Does Culture Affect Managers?Cultural Constraints on ManagersWhatever managerial actions the organization recognizes as proper or improper on its behalfWhatever organizational activities the o

30、rganization values and encouragesThe overall strength or weakness of the organizational cultureManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-29 Exhibit 2-9: Managerial Decisions Affected by CultureManagement, Eleventh Editi

31、on by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-30 How Do You Create a Customer Responsive Culture?Hire the right type of employees (those with a strong interest in serving customers)Have few rigid rules, procedures, and regulationsUse widespread empo

32、werment of employeesHave good listening skills in relating to customers messagesManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-31 How Do You Create a Customer Responsive Culture?Provide role clarity to employees in order to

33、reduce ambiguity and conflict and to increase job satisfactionHave conscientious, caring employees willing to take initiativeManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-32 Exhibit 2-10: Creating a Customer Responsive Cult

34、ureManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-33 Spirituality and CultureWorkplace Spirituality 工作场所的精神境界工作场所的精神境界- a culture where organizational values promote a sense of purpose through meaningful work that takes plac

35、e in the context of communityCharacteristics of a Spiritual OrganizationStrong sense of purposeFocus on individual developmentTrust and opennessEmployee empowermentToleration of employees expressionManagement, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishi

36、ng as Prentice Hall2-34 The HP Way企业价值观:信任并尊重个人、追求卓越的成效与贡献、谨守诚信原则、强调团队精神、鼓励变通与创新。企业目标:利润、顾客、专业领域、成长、员工、管理、企业公民。策略与执行:走动式管理、目标管理、开放管理、全面品质。Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall2-35 Terms to Knowomnipotent view of managementsymbolic view of managementorganizational culturestrong culturessocializationworkplace spiritualityexternal environmentspecific environmentgeneral environmentenvironmental uncertaintyenvironmental complexitystakeholders



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