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1、 Unit 2 Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person?Section C新河中学 欧海艳1.Written workWhat good habits protect the environment? List as many as you can. The more you list, the greener you are.Good Habits1. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.2. Walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a t

2、axi. 3.Take a cloth bag when you go shopping. 4.Dont use plastic bags. Read the passage and underline the following words in passage. power acid rain nuclear renewable electric efficient电力;电力;动力;力动力;力酸雨酸雨原子核的,原子核的,原子能的;原子能的;核动力的核动力的可更新的可更新的电动的,电动的,用电的用电的效率高的;效率高的;有能力的有能力的Choose the right picture for

3、 each paragraph of 1a.abcChina is one of the first countries in the world to use biogas technology. Farmers recycle straw, grass and animal waste to make biogas. This renewable energy is used in peoples everyday life.Electric vehicles were developed in the 1990s. Now there are electric vehicles in m

4、any countries. They are very efficient and cost very little to run. Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used. In China, the best-known maglev train is the German-built one in Shanghai. It takes people just 7 minutes to go

5、 to the airport 30 km away and reaches a top speed of 431 km per hour. It is quiet and quick. There is no wheel noise, because there are no wheels. Maglev trains are very energy efficient and do not pollute the air. However, maglev guide paths are much more expensive than traditional steel railways.

6、Read 1a and answer the following questions.Why isnt coal a good material?What is the disadvantage of using nuclear power?What do you think of electric cars?What do you think of the maglev train?It is very dirty and causes acid rain. Nuclear power can be very dangerous. It is quiet and quick.They are

7、 very efficient and cost very little to run. Key points1.Some countries use nuclear energy to produce power. 2.Wind is used for producing electricity in many places. . Nuclear energy is used to produce power in some countries.Many places use wind for producing electricity .总结: use to do sth. 用来做某事 u

8、se for doing sth. 被用来做某事 be used to sth. be used for doing sth 花费:spend cost pay take人 spend / spent 时间/金钱on sth物 cost sb 金钱 in dong sth人 pay 金钱for sth / pay for sthIt takes/took sb 时间 to do sth1bWork aloneRead 1a again and fill out the following table.Way to produce powerAdvantageDisadvantagebiogas

9、electric vehiclemaglev trainrenewable efficient,cheap, no pollution quiet, quick,energry efficient, no pollution It will cause an increase in electricity needs. much more expensive than traditional trains. a. There are more than 3 000 power stations in the world that produce electricity by burning g

10、arbage to heat water.b. People use the movement of water to produce electricity.c. Wind is used for producing electricity in many places.d. People produce electricity from the sun.( )( )( )( )abdcExcercise1.He used to _ next to me in school.(sit)2.He get used to _ at six in the moring. (get up)3.wind is used for _ electricity.(produce)4.People use wind _ electricity.(produce)5.It _ her three hours to finish her homework yersterday.6.Yesterday she bought a bike, it _ her300yuansit getting up producingto producetookcostGoodbye !



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