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1、2星际迷航(Star Trek)星际迷航(StarTrek)是由美国派拉蒙影视制作的科幻影视系列。由6部电视剧、12部电影组成。该系列最初由编剧吉恩罗登贝瑞(GeneRoddenberry)于1960年代提出,经过近40年的不断发展而逐步完善,成为全世界最著名的科幻影视系列之一。它描述了一个乐观的未来世界,人类同众多外星种族一道战胜疾病、种族差异、贫穷、偏执与战争,建立起一个强大的文明。随后一代又一代的探险家们又把目光投向深邃的宇宙,竞相探索银河系,寻找新的世界、发现新的文明,散播和平与理解。 因为片中包含的各类天马行空的想象、精密的世界观、以及无微不至的人文主义关怀,使星际迷航成为科幻娱乐界

2、史上最受欢迎的名字之一。The first American astronaut on the Moon Neil Alden Armstrong ThefirstAmericanastronautontheMoon-Armstrong(阿姆斯特朗).Armstrongwasbornon5August,1930.HewasaUnitedStatesNationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministrationastronaut,testpilot,andnavalaviator.HetookApollo11(阿波罗11号),thefirstmannedlunarlandin

3、gspacecraft,totheMoon.AndheisknownasthethefirstmantosetfootontheMoon.Pre-reading: What do you know about?Would you like to travel into space? Look at the picture and write the correct words in the boxes. the Earth space spacesuit the Moon spaceship starspacestarthe Earththe Moonspacesuitspaceship Be

4、fore you readBefore you readLook at the photos, the title and the first paragraph of the diary on page 59.Then circle the correct answers.1.Where is Jerry going? a. To the Moon. b. To a star.2.How will Jerry travel? a. By spaceship. b. By plane.3.How may Jerry feel about the trip?(There can be more

5、than one answer.) a. Happy. b. Excited. c. Nervous. d. Worried.aabac Important phrases the Moon the Earth (专有名词前专有名词前+the,如如 the Sun) more than one of the +最高级最高级 +名词复数名词复数(be)able to have totake photosasasthat is 月亮月亮多于多于能够能够不得不;必须不得不;必须像像一样;如同一样;如同拍照拍照也就是说;即也就是说;即地球地球Reading TasksA trip to spaceTi


7、erryHappyspaceshipdaysfloatexercisesspacesuitphotosWhile-reading VocabularyWhile-reading Vocabulary Part 1.The words and phrase in italics are from the diary on page 59. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences. 1.If you leave a place, you _ it. a. go to b. go away from 2.If you have t

8、o do something, you _ do it. a. can b. mustbb 3. If you tie something, you _. a. hold two or more things together with a rope b. make something into a rope 4. When you breathe, you _. a. keep yourself warm b. take air into and send it out of your bodyabPart 2.Complete the conversations with the word

9、s and phrase from the box.able to breathe camera leaves tie1.Andrew: I like your new (1)_, Jerry. Jerry: Thanks. I love taking photos.2.Amy: Its too hot and there are too many people here. I cant (2)_.Can I open the window? Kate: Of course, you can.camerabreathe3.David: The plane (3)_the airport at

10、3 p.m. We must hurry. Sally: Dont worry. We have enough time.4.Dora: Can you help me(4)_the rope to the chair? Bill: Certainly.5.Tony: Will you be(5)_ come to my party tomorrow? Paul: Sorry, Im busy.leavestieable toable to breathe camera leaves tie Keeping a vocabulary notebook You can keep a vocabu

11、lary notebook like this. Vocabulary You can do these things sleep Make a sentence with it. I never sleep late.spacesuit Write the meaning in Chinese. 宇航服宇航服; 航天服航天服Earth Draw or find a picture.be able to Write the meaning in English. canWhile-reading ComprehensionWhile-reading ComprehensionPart 1.Re

12、ad Jerrys diary on page 59 and answer the questions below in complete sentences.1.When is Jerry going to travel into space? _2.Why will Jerry be able to float around in space? _3.What will Jerry wear on the Moon? _He is going to travel into space on 11 October 2053.Because there is no gravity in spa

13、ce.He will wear a spacesuit on the Moon.Part 2.Read Jerrys diary and the sentences below. Circle T or F. Find facts in the diary to support your answers. Then write down the facts.1. Jerry is the only student to travel into space. _2. Jerry is very excited about the trip. _3.Jerry will not be able t

14、o breathe on the Moon without a spacesuit. _Tomorrow Ill be one of the first students to travel into space.I cant wait!Ill have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe because theres no air on the Moon.FTTPart 3. Discuss and answer the questions below with your classmates.1.What do you think Jerry wi

15、ll do on the Moon?_2.What do you think Jerry will bring back from the Moon?_I think Jerry will draw pictures on the MoonJerry will bring back some soil of the Moon Language points1.soitlltakeusaboutfourdaystogetthere.因此我们要花四天时间才能到达那里。(P59)Ittakessb.(time)todosth意为“花费(时 间)做某事”,可与sbspend.(time)indoing

16、sth互换使用。例如: 我每天花两个小时读英语。 IttakesmetwohourstoreadEnglisheveryday.=Ispendtwohours(in)readingEnglisheveryday.2.sowellallbeabletofloataroundinthespaceship.所以在飞船里我们可以四处漂浮。(P59)beableto意为“能够”,表示能力。当情态动词can表示能力时,可与beableto互换使用例如:玛丽能说中文。MarycanspeakEnglish.=MaryisabletospeakEnglish.3.Wellhavetotieourselvest

17、oourbedssothatwewontfloatawayinoursleep!我们必须把自己绑在床上以便不会在睡梦中飘 走。(P59)(1)haveto是情态动词,其后接动词原形,表示客观上的需要,强调被迫性,有“不得不”的含义。haveto可用于多种时态,形式随时态的变化而变化。例如: 昨晚我不得不把这件事告诉他。 Ihadtotellhimaboutthislastnight.(2)sothat意为“以便;为了”,其后接从句,表示目的,从句的谓语常含有will,can或may。例如: 1)他坐在我的旁边以便我能帮助他学英语 HesitsbesidemesothatIcanhelphimw

18、ithhisEnglish.2)我努力学习是为了取得好成绩。 IstudyhardsothatIcangetgoodgrades.5.ImgoingtotakeasmanyphotosasIcan.我打算尽可能多地拍些照片(P59)as后面接sbcan构成句型 :as.assbcan,意为“尽某人所能地;尽可能地”。例如: 我会尽我所能做好工作。 IwilldotheworkaswellasIcan.ExercisesExercises:根据中文意思完成句子。根据中文意思完成句子。1.凯特花了一个月的时间来画这幅画。 It_Kateonemonth_thispicture.2.汤姆生病了,他不

19、得不去看医生。 Tomisill.He_seethedoctor.3.周末我尽可能多地做家务。 Ido_Icanattheweekend.takes to draw has toas much housework as4.露西能唱歌和跳舞。 Lucy_singanddance.5.我哥哥和我爸爸一样高。 Mybrotheris_myfather.6.我会告诉你所有的事实以便你可以自己判 断。 Iwilltellyouallthefacts_youcanjudgeforyourself.is able toas tall asso that根据所给首字母补全单词。根据所给首字母补全单词。1.To

20、mhasahabitofkeepingad_everyday.2.Iamveryn_whenIspeakbeforethewholeclass.3.Youshouldeatmoreandexercisemore.Youlooksothinandw_.4.Pleaseremembertotakeyouc_beforegoingsightseeing.iaryervouseakamera根据中文意思完成句子。根据中文意思完成句子。1.没有空气我们就不能呼吸 Wearenot_air.2.为了赶上早班车,我每天必须早起。 Ihavetogetupearlyeveryday_Icancatchthee

21、arlybus.3.他喜欢给所有东西拍照,例如花鸟等。 Helikes_ofeverything,suchasflowers,birdsandsoon.able to breathe without so that taking photos4.南希跟她妈妈一样漂亮。 Nancyis_hermother.5.这顽皮的小男孩不诚实,也就是说从来不说实话。 Thenaughtyboyisnothonest,_,henevertellsthetruth.6.我的相机坏了。 My_doesnt_.as beautiful as that iscamera work选择最佳答案填空。选择最佳答案填空。1





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