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1、中国重点用能企业节能响应的中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域重点领域What should be the responses from enterprises?郁聪郁聪 Yu Cong国家发展改革委能源研究所国家发展改革委能源研究所Energy Research InstituteNational Development and Reform CommissionApril 11, 2007中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域内容提要 Outlinesn提高工业能源效率在实现节能目标中的地位What a role of Improving energy efficiency in industr

2、y is in realizing the EC target?n工业领域为实现节能目标已经采取的措施What EE measures have been taken in industry?n推动工业领域加大节能力度的政策导向The policy guidance for enhancing EE in industry中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域Industry accounts for 70% of end-use energy consumption in China 中国工业能耗占终端能源消费量的中国工业能耗占终端能源消费量的70Source: China Energy Sta

3、tistics Yearbook 2005中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域The disparities of energy consumption structure with other countries中国工业用能比例与国际差异中国工业用能比例与国际差异 Data of 2004,Handbook of Energy and Economic Statistics in Japan.The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域Rapid growth of industrial energy consumption

4、工业用能增长迅速工业用能增长迅速Source: China Energy Statistics Yearbook 2005中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域Growth of Key Product Outputs Was Unimaginable主要高耗能产品产量增长超出想象主要高耗能产品产量增长超出想象Source: 2005 China Statistics Yearbook, 2005 China Statistics ReportNote: Comparable Price of GDP value.中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域Dramatic Growth for Recen

5、t Years特别是近几年的增长特别是近几年的增长n钢产量 Output of Steel19902000年增长了6000万吨左右66 Mton by 1990,increased to 129 Mton by 2000,60 Mton for 10 years.20012006年增长了2.7亿吨Increase 270 Mton from 2001 to 2006n水泥产量 Output of Cement19801990年增加了1.3亿吨80 Mton by 1980, 210 Mton by 1990. It took 10 years increasing 130 Mton.Incre

6、ased 540 Mton from 2001 to 200620012006年增长了5.4亿吨中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域主要高耗能产品的单耗水平与国际先进水平的差距主要高耗能产品的单耗水平与国际先进水平的差距Gap of EE Compared with Advanced CaseGap,%Coal-fired power 供电煤耗供电煤耗22.5Steel 钢钢21.4Copper 铜铜65Cement 水泥水泥45.3Large scale of ammonia 大型合成氨大型合成氨31.2Paper 纸纸120中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域终端用能设备与国际水平的差异终端用

7、能设备与国际水平的差异End-Use Equipment Operation Efficiency in China and Gaps Compared with International LevelOperation Efficiency,运行效率运行效率%Gap,差距,差距%Boilers in industry 工业锅炉工业锅炉6515-20Middle and small size motors 中小电机中小电机87(Design)20(Operation)Fans and Pumps 风机和水泵风机和水泵75(Design)20(Operation)Vehicles 汽车汽车9.5

8、 L/100 km25(European)Trucks 载货汽车载货汽车7.6 L/100 ton km100Ship on rivers 内河船运内河船运10-20中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域中国政府提出了中国政府提出了“十一五十一五”节能节能20的目标的目标Chinas ambitious 20% reduction goal by 2010n2005年10月温总理提出了到2010年单位GDP能耗降低20的目标October 2005: Premier Wen Jiabao declares that energy intensity of GDP must decline by 2

9、0% between 2005 and 2010.n尽管目标艰巨但一定要完成China will do the best to realize the goal although It is really hard.n实际的挑战是能否有合适的政策、措施保证目标的实现The challenge is to find out what policies and measures to match the goal.中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域工业为完成工业为完成20目标需要降低目标需要降低2426,甚至更高,甚至更高Energy intensity of industrial sector

10、has to reduce by 24-26%, compared to the overall reduction of GDP by 20%.n根据部门情景分析Testified by several scenario analyses n工业增加值能耗必须降低:The energy intensity of industries sectors has to decline by: 24%, 如果GDP增长7.5if the annual GDP growth is 7.5%; 26%, 如果GDP增长9或更高if the annual GDP growth is 9%; n工业对节能目

11、标的贡献率在80左右Contributing 80% of 2010 target中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域工业节能的难点工业节能的难点The difficulties of EE in industryn结构调整难度大It is hard to regulate the industrial structure城市化进程加快,新农村建设,要求道路、桥梁、港口、水利等国家大型基础设施建设快速发展Faster urbanization居民消费升级Upgraded residential consumption地方追求GDP增长的压力大High pressure of GDP growth

12、 in regions中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域大部分省市仍然在推高增长速度大部分省市仍然在推高增长速度Still keep rapid GDP growth in provincesn在已发布2006年国民经济和社会发展统计公报的14个省市中,2006年GDP增速均在12以上。The GDP increase was over 12% in 14 provinces by 2006n31个省、自治区、直辖市2006年全社会固定资产投资增长,除上海、浙江、广东、西藏低于13外,其它各省均在16以上,吉林、安徽、河南高达40以上。The fixed assets investment i

13、ncreased 16% in most provinces. 中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域工业节能的难点工业节能的难点DifficultiesnGDP作为主要政绩考核的量化指标,使包括节能在内的资源节约工作不可能得到重视EC has not been paid more attention to in regions as the indicator of GDP is the key performance assessment.n市场经济信号系统扭曲Anamorphic market signals资源类产品价格过低Too low prices of resources缺乏适应市场

14、经济体制的激励政策和手段Lack of incentivesn节能信息缺失Lack of EC information 能源计量、统计体系和指标 Metering and indicators节能技术、设备、产品 Technologies, facilities and products可靠性 Reliability中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域已经采取的政策措施已经采取的政策措施 EE measures have been taken in industryn出台了一系列产业结构、工业结构调整政策Put forward a series of structure adjustment p

15、olicies of industrial sectors. n调整了部分高耗能产品的出口退税率Reduce or cancel tax rebates on exports of high energy intensity products.n启动“千家企业节能行动” Initiated “Top-1000 Enterprises Energy Efficiency Action”.n通过多种机制(如ESCos)推广成熟的节能技术Promote the dissemination and application of mature energy efficiency technologies

16、 through various of mechanisms such as ESCos.n淘汰落后产能和设备Eliminate inefficient capacities, facilities and equipment.中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域产业结构调整政策明确产业结构调整政策明确The Orientating Policy of Structure Regulation is Clearn2006年国务院发出了国务院关于加快推进产能过剩行业结构调整的通知、关于加快振兴装备制造业的若干意见等文件The State Council issued documents to be

17、 focus on adjusting overheated sectors.n国家发发展改革委发出关于部署推进产业结构调整工作有关问题的通知、关于防止高耗能行业重新盲目扩张的通知、关于加强固定资产投资调控从严控制新开工项目的意见等文件NDRC issued several documents to limit investment of energy intensive sectors.n国家发展改革委针对钢铁、炼油、乙烯、水泥、铝、煤炭、焦化、电石、电力、纺织等十个高耗能行业加紧制定了一系列指导意见、产业政策、准入条件文件。 NDRC is working on to develop gu

18、idance and permission policies to conduct the increase of iron & steel, petroleum refinery, ethene, cement, aluminum, coal mine, coke, power, etc. 中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域千家企业节能行动的主要活动千家企业节能行动的主要活动Major activities of TTn当地政府与998千家企业签订了目标责任书Local governments signed commitments with TT enterprises.n承诺的总节能量为9

19、153万吨标准煤The energy saving of 91.53 Mtce was committed.n开展了千家企业的培训Implemented trainings for the TT enterprises在沈阳、济南、长沙、昆明和石家庄五个片区召开千家企业节能工作会议千家企业几近全部参加1997人接受了培训中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域需要对千家企业节能行动的效果进行评价需要对千家企业节能行动的效果进行评价Effect assessment of the Action is neededn建立企业能源统计指标体系综合能源消耗指标Develop an integrated en

20、ergy consumption index system for enterprises.以现有能源消费统计指标为基础On the basis of current energy consumption indicators 进一步完善现有统计指标体系Perfect current index systemn开发和推广企业能源管理信息软件Developed and will disseminate a information software for enterprise energy management中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域水泥行业水泥行业“十一五十一五”结构调整目标结构调整

21、目标The plan of restructuring cement industryfor next 5 yearsn新型干法水泥生产比例由40增长到70Increase the share of new dry process cement kiln production from 40% to 70%n关闭2.5亿吨落后水泥生产能力Closure of 250 Mt of inefficient production capacityn前10家水泥企业规模不能低于3500万吨Annual production capacity of the top 10 cement enterpris

22、es should be at or above 35 Mtn水泥熟料单耗由130 kgce/t 降低到110 kgce/t Energy consumption reduced from 130 kgce/t clinker to 110 kgce/t clinkern综合能源消耗降低25,大气污染减排50Integrated energy consumption should decrease by 25% and emissions of air pollution should decrease by 50%.中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域Vertical shaft kilnsN

23、ew dry process cement kilns (4000t/d)Output structureEnergy consumption per ton (kgce/t)水泥行业技术结构和产品单耗水泥行业技术结构和产品单耗Structure and energy intensity中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域将采取更多的推动企业节能的政策、措施将采取更多的推动企业节能的政策、措施More EE measures will be taken soon in industryn节能行为和效果评价将纳入企业经营业绩考核中An assessment of EE actions and ef

24、fects will be brought into the performance assessment system. n对新增固定资产能力开展节能评审Implement energy efficiency evaluation assessment of newly-built capacities.n启动企业国际对标活动Initiate on international energy efficiency benchmarking.n建立推动企业达标生产的机制Set up a mechanism to promote enterprise to meet the minimum ene

25、rgy efficiency standards and encourage to match advanced standards .中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域建立企业完成节能目标的考核体系建立企业完成节能目标的考核体系Assessment system for enterprises will be established soonn 考核指标体系An indicator system to assess the energy conservation progress enterprises综合能耗指标 Integrated energy consumption indicato

26、rs能源管理指标 Energy management indicators节能体系建设指标 System construction indicators of energy efficiency 节能技术经济指标 Technical and economical indicators of energy efficiencyn建立企业节能行动效果评估指标体系An index system to evaluate the effects of enterprises energy efficiency action中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域Integrated energy consum

27、ption indicators中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域Energy management indicators考核指标类型考核指标类型分值分值考核内容考核内容评分标准评分标准能源管理(能源管理(4040分)分)2建立能耗公布制度建立能耗公布制度有有/ /无得分或不得分。无得分或不得分。2分解和落实节能目标分解和落实节能目标有有/ /无得分或不得分。无得分或不得分。3建立逐级评价考核制度建立逐级评价考核制度有有/ /无得分或不得分。无得分或不得分。3执执行行固固定定资资产产投投资资项项目目节节能评估和审查制度能评估和审查制度有有/ /无得分或不得分。无得分或不得分。3建立节能奖励制度

28、建立节能奖励制度有有/ /无得分或不得分。无得分或不得分。4重点用能企业能源审计率重点用能企业能源审计率完成年度计划目标得完成年度计划目标得5 5分,完成分,完成9090得得4 4分,分,8080得得3 3分,分,7070得得2 2分,分,6060得得1 1分。分。4节能资金占地方财政预算节能资金占地方财政预算的比重的比重变化率为正值得分,为零得变化率为正值得分,为零得5050分,负值不得分。分,负值不得分。4开展执法监督检查开展执法监督检查(1 1)开展日常节能执法监察)开展日常节能执法监察2 2分;(分;(2 2)定期开展)定期开展专项能源监督检查、计量监督检查专项能源监督检查、计量监督检

29、查2 2分。分。4节能教育和宣传节能教育和宣传(1 1)开展经常性得节能宣传、教育活动)开展经常性得节能宣传、教育活动2 2分;分;(2 2)定期组织开展节能培训)定期组织开展节能培训2 2分。分。5新建建筑节能设计标准执新建建筑节能设计标准执行率行率完成年度计划目标得完成年度计划目标得5 5分,完成分,完成9090得得4 4分,分,8080得得3 3分,分,7070得得2 2分,分,6060得得1 1分。分。6节能技术进步节能技术进步(1 1)按规定淘汰落后生产能力)按规定淘汰落后生产能力2 2分;(分;(2 2)组织实)组织实施施“十大重点节能工程十大重点节能工程”2”2分;(分;(3 3

30、)把节能技术)把节能技术研发列入年度科技计划研发列入年度科技计划1 1分;(分;(4 4)组织实施节能)组织实施节能标准标准1 1分。分。中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域System construction, technical and economic evaluation indicators中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域启动中央企业能效水平国际对标试点启动中央企业能效水平国际对标试点Initiate a pilot project of international bench-marking in state-owned enterprisesn国家发改委环资司组织开展部分中央企

31、业能效国际对标NDRC organized the pilot project.n选择四个行业:钢铁、水泥、电力、乙烯Selecting four sectors: steel, cement, power and ethene.n分析、确定与国外同类企业在能效水平上的差距及影响因素Analyze and identify the gaps and elements compared with international level.n提出针对性的解决方案Recommendations for solution中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域建立执行能效标准的机制建立执行能效标准的机制Est

32、ablish a mechanism to enforce the implementation of EE standards in enterprises n拟针对强化能效标准的执行,支持建立激励机制A mechanism will be set up to implement EE standards bettern在部分行业开展示范项目Demonstrations will be carried out in several sectors.n支持能效标准的制定和修订Support the development or upgrading of EE standards.工艺过程设计标

33、准Process design codes主要产品能效限定标准、评价标准、超前标准Minimum, evaluated and advanced standards for products中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域仅仅做好技术节能是远远不够的仅仅做好技术节能是远远不够的Technologies is not enough for energy savingn技术节能只能完成节能目标的304030-40% energy saving from technologiesn结构节能更具节能潜力Structure regulation has more potentialn工业结构的调整将依赖于终端需求的调整Adjusting the industry structure will rely on the demandn市场需求源于消费者Demand is from end-users国内需求 Domestic出口需求 Export 中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域谢谢!Thank you !中国重点用能企业节能响应的重点领域



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