高考英语总复习 Unit 2 Poems课件 新人教版选修6

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1、Unit 2Poems. 立体记单词立体记单词 快速识记快速识记1. _( vt. ) 传达传达; 运送运送2. _( adj. )具体的具体的3. _( adj. )灵活的灵活的; 可弯曲的可弯曲的; 柔顺的柔顺的4. _(n. )模式模式; 式样式样; 图案图案5. _(vi. & vt. )取笑取笑; 招惹招惹; 戏弄戏弄6. _( adj. )无穷的无穷的; 无止境的无止境的7. _(n. )枝条枝条; 支流支流; 部门部门conveyconcreteflexiblepatternteaseendlessbranch8. _(adv. )最后最后; 终于终于9._(n. )悲伤悲伤;

2、悲痛悲痛; 懊悔懊悔10. _(n. )交换交换; 交流交流; 互换互换 ( vt. & vi. )调换调换; 交换交换11. _(n. )赞助人赞助人; 主办者主办者; 倡议者倡议者 ( vt. )发起发起; 举办举办; 倡议倡议12. _(n. )负担负担; 负荷物负荷物(尤指沉重的尤指沉重的)eventually sorrowexchangesponsorload13. _(vi. & vt. )转化转化; 转换转换; 改造改造; 变换变换_(n. )转换转换14. _(n. )奖学金奖学金; 学问学问; 学术成就学术成就_(n. )学者学者15. _(n. )翻译翻译; 译文译文_(v

3、. )翻译翻译_(n. )译员译员; 翻译家翻译家16. _( adj. )适当的适当的; 正当的正当的_(反义词反义词)( adj. )不适当的不适当的17. _(n. )黑暗黑暗; 漆黑漆黑_( adj. )黑暗的黑暗的transformtransformationscholarshipscholartranslationtranslatetranslatorappropriateinappropriatedarknessdark【语境应用语境应用】用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空For the convenience of the customers, the superma

4、rket has recently opened several new_in town. (branch)Supporting such a large family is a heavy_for him. (load)The handicapped(残疾的残疾的)lady decided on a career as a_and has been_hundreds of books from English into Chinese. Her_of some great works is popular among young people. (translate)branchesload

5、translatortranslatingtranslationIs now a(n)_time to call on Professor Simpson? I think so. But jeans and T-shirt are quite_for such a visit and I suggest you put on something formal. (appropriate)This_method can_all kinds of graphic objects in ship design drawings including text and color informatio

6、n. (transform)appropriateinappropriatetransformationtransform. 多维练短语多维练短语 查缺补漏查缺补漏1. _轻松轻松; 不紧张不紧张; 从容从容2. _尤其尤其; 特别特别3. _偶然地偶然地4. _别挂断别挂断; 继续继续; 坚持坚持; 保持保持5. _熬夜熬夜take it easyin particularby chancehold onstay up6. run out of_7. be made up of_8. be transformed into_9. try out_10. let out_用完用完由由构成构成改

7、造成改造成测试测试; 试验试验发出发出; 放走放走【语境应用语境应用】选用以上短语填空选用以上短语填空The United Kingdom _four countries, which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Wed better find a gas station before we get on the highway, in case we may _oil. He_the old kitchen_a beautiful sitting-room. If we hadnt _, we would have w

8、on the game. When she saw the snake, she immediately _a scream. is made up ofrun out oftransformedintotaken it easylet out. 超级仿句式超级仿句式 模仿经典模仿经典1. There are various reasons why people write poetry. (why引导定语引导定语从句修饰先行词从句修饰先行词reasons)【仿写仿写】我不相信他的原因是他经常撒谎。我不相信他的原因是他经常撒谎。_The reason why I dont believe hi

9、m is that he often tells a lie.2. Should the traveller return, this stone would utter speech. (省略省略if的倒装句式的倒装句式)【仿写仿写】要是目前的失业情况继续下去要是目前的失业情况继续下去, 社会将面临更加麻烦的局面。社会将面临更加麻烦的局面。_, the society would face a more troublesome situation. Should the present unemployment continue3. With so many different forms

10、of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. (with复合结构复合结构)【仿写仿写】他有那么多文章要写他有那么多文章要写, 今天早上将没有时间去买东西了。今天早上将没有时间去买东西了。_, he wont have time to go shopping this morning. With a great many articles to write. 功能填语篇功能填语篇 开放填空开放填空Some poems tell a story or describe some

11、thing in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. 1. _try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different forms of poetry to express 2. _(they). For example, the language of nursery rhymes is concrete but 3. _(imagine), and they delight small children 4. _they have strong rhythm and

12、 a lot of repetition. And list poems have 5. _flexible line length and a rhythm to the poem. OthersthemselvesimaginativebecauseaAnother simple form of poem is the cinquain, 6. _is made up of five lines and can convey strong 7. _(feel)in just a few words. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that 8. _(

13、make)up of 17 syllables. And of course there are Tang poems from China which you may enjoy in particular. With so many different forms of poetry 9. _(choose)from, students may 10. _(eventual)want to write poems of their own. whichfeelingsis madeto chooseeventually. 必考重点单词必考重点单词1. convey vt. 传达传达; 运送

14、运送; 传导传导, 传播传播【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】Pipes_hot water_the boiler_the radiators. 管道把热水从锅炉送到散热器里。管道把热水从锅炉送到散热器里。conveyfromto【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】convey sth. to sb. 向某人表达向某人表达/传递某物传递某物convey sb. /sth. from A to B把某人或某物从把某人或某物从A地运送到地运送到B地地convey ones feelings/meanings表达某人的感情表达某人的感情/意思意思In this letter, I would like t

15、o convey my sincere appreciation to you for your help. 对于您的帮助对于您的帮助, 我想在这封信中表达对您衷心的感谢。我想在这封信中表达对您衷心的感谢。The police asked the driver to convey the passengers to the destination safely. 警察要求司机把乘客安全地送到目的地。警察要求司机把乘客安全地送到目的地。 【巧学助记巧学助记看一看看一看】The Premier conveyed his sorrow for the dead and ordered the nec

16、essities should be conveyed immediately to the earthquake-hit areas. 总总理理表表达达了了对对死死者者的的哀哀悼悼, 并并命命令令立立即即把把必必需需品品运运送送到到地地震震灾灾区。区。2. transform vi. & vt. 转化转化; 转换转换; 改造改造; 变换变换【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】In only 20 years the country_ _ _ _an advanced industrial power. 这个国家只用了这个国家只用了20年时间就变成了一个先进的工业强国。年时间就变成了一个先进的工业

17、强国。has been transformed into【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】 (1) transform. . . into. . . change sth. intoturn sth. intotransform. . . from. . . 从从中转变中转变/转化转化(2)transformationn. 改观改观, 转变转变把把变成变成The failure transformed the young mans character. 那次失败改变了这位年轻人的性格。那次失败改变了这位年轻人的性格。Every moment of every day, energy is bei

18、ng transformed from one form into another. 每时每刻每时每刻, 能量都在由一种形式转换成另一种形式。能量都在由一种形式转换成另一种形式。 3. exchangen. 交换交换; 交流交流; 互换互换vt. &vi. 调换调换; 交换交换【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】Tom gave Helen an apple_ _ _a piece of cake. 汤姆用一个苹果与海伦交换一块蛋糕。汤姆用一个苹果与海伦交换一块蛋糕。in exchange for【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】(1)make an exchange交换交换in exchange

19、for作为交换作为交换an exchange student交换生交换生(2)exchange sth. for sth. 用用来交换来交换exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物与某人交换某物Because I want students to thoroughly study the materials and exchange their ideas with each other in the classroom. 因因为为我我想想让让学学生生们们在在课课堂堂上上透透彻彻地地学学习习这这些些 (历历史史) 材材料料, 并并彼彼此此交交换换意见。意见。You can

20、exchange your currency for dollars here. 你可以在这儿把你的钱兑换成美元。你可以在这儿把你的钱兑换成美元。 (2014福福建建高高考考) Having spent the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age. 琳琳达达作作为为一一名名交交换换生生已已经经在在香香港港度度过过了了一一年年, 现现在在看看起起来来比比那那些些同同龄龄人更成熟。人更成熟。【巧学助记巧学助记看一看看一看】After exchan

21、ging dollars for RMB at the bank, the two children exchanged presents with each other. 4. load n. 负担负担; 负荷物负荷物(尤指沉重的尤指沉重的) vt. &vi. 装载装载; 加重加重; 把弹药装入把弹药装入(枪炮枪炮)【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】The truck_ _ _bananas. 卡车上装满了香蕉。卡车上装满了香蕉。is loaded with【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】(1)take a load off ones mind打消某人的顾虑打消某人的顾虑loads of很多的

22、很多的load sth. /sb. with sth. 用用装载装载; 使使负担负担load sth. into/onto. . . 把把装入装入(到到); 使使负担负担(2)unload vt. &vi. (从车上从车上)卸货卸货overload vt. &n. 超载超载upload/download vt. 上传上传/下载下载If this is really true, itll take a load off my mind. 果真如此果真如此, 我就放心了。我就放心了。 (2012重重庆庆高高考考) When dolphins get too near to the boats lo

23、aded with tourists, they could get caught up in ropes and killed by propellers. 当海豚靠近载满游客的船时当海豚靠近载满游客的船时, 它们会被绳子缠住它们会被绳子缠住, 被螺旋桨打死。被螺旋桨打死。 (2014北北京京高高考考) Tickets will be emailed to you immediately after purchase or you can download and print your ticket once payment has been accepted. 票购买后就立即邮寄给你票购买

24、后就立即邮寄给你, 或者你也可以付款后下载打印。或者你也可以付款后下载打印。【巧学助记巧学助记看一看看一看】It is a heavy load for the single woman to support a family of three. So she has to do loads of things, loading and unloading trucks and so on. Luckily her two daughters have found jobs, which has taken a load off her mind. 对对于于一一个个单单身身女女人人, 养养活活

25、一一个个三三口口之之家家是是一一个个沉沉重重负负担担。因因此此她她不不得得不不做做很很多多事事, 装装卸卸货货车车等等。幸幸运运的的是是她她的的两两个个女女儿儿已已找找到到了了工工作作, 这这使使她如释重负。她如释重负。 【要点拾遗要点拾遗】1. flexible adj. 灵活的灵活的; 可弯曲的可弯曲的; 柔顺的柔顺的【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】They have solved the problem_ _ _ _ _. 他们用一个更灵活的方式解决了这个问题。他们用一个更灵活的方式解决了这个问题。【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】flexiblyadv. 灵活地灵活地flexibilit

26、yn. 灵活性灵活性; 柔韧性柔韧性; 适应性适应性in a more flexible wayShe has a flexible character, so she is easy to get along with. 她有着温顺的性格她有着温顺的性格, 所以很容易相处。所以很容易相处。You can deal with it flexibly as you can. 你可以尽可能灵活地处理这件事。你可以尽可能灵活地处理这件事。He shows great flexibility in handling complex problems. 在处理复杂问题时在处理复杂问题时, 他表现出了极大

27、的灵活性。他表现出了极大的灵活性。2. appropriate adj. 适当的适当的; 正当的正当的【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】Our boat would not have been_ _ocean voyaging. 我们的船只本不适合海上航行。我们的船只本不适合海上航行。【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】be appropriate for 对对合适合适It is appropriate for sb. to do sth. 适合某人做某事适合某人做某事It is/seems appropriate that. . . 是是/似乎是合适的似乎是合适的appropriate forIt

28、 would not be appropriate for me to discuss that now. 我现在不适合讨论那个问题。我现在不适合讨论那个问题。It seemed somehow appropriate that we (should) begin our journey here. 从某种程度上说从某种程度上说, 我们似乎适合从这里开始我们的旅途。我们似乎适合从这里开始我们的旅途。【误区点拨误区点拨悟一悟悟一悟】在在appropriate从从句句中中要要使使用用虚虚拟拟语语气气“should+动动词词原原形形”, 其其中中should可以省略。可以省略。3. blankn.

29、空白空白 adj. 空白的空白的; 茫然的茫然的【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】She stared at me with_ _ _on her face. 她茫然地看着我。她茫然地看着我。【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】go blank(脑子脑子)突然一片空白突然一片空白blank out覆盖覆盖; 抹去抹去blanklyadv. 空白地空白地; 茫然地茫然地; 完全地完全地blanknessn. 空白空白a blank expressionSteve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about. Steve看起

30、来很茫然看起来很茫然, 说他不知道我在讲什么。说他不知道我在讲什么。I was watching TV when suddenly the screen went blank. 我正看着电视我正看着电视, 这时突然屏幕一片空白。这时突然屏幕一片空白。I tried to blank out everything he had said from my mind. 我尽量把他说的所有话从我的脑海中抹去。我尽量把他说的所有话从我的脑海中抹去。【即学即练即学即练】. 单词拼写单词拼写1. The women climbed down the hill with their firewood_(装载装

31、载). 2. Your luggage will be_(运送运送)by taxi to your hotel. 3. Young people should learn to behave_(恰当地恰当地), especially on formal occasions. 4. Our plans need to be_(灵活的灵活的)enough to care for the needs of everyone. 5. A steam engine_(转换转换; 转化转化)heat into power. loadedconveyedappropriatelyflexibletransf

32、orms. 题组练习题组练习1. 用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空(1)These efforts have transformed the bald hill_one covered with green trees all over. (2)That country is transforming_a backward agricultural country_an advanced industrial country. intofrominto2. 用用exchange的相关短语填空的相关短语填空(1)It is illegal for a public official to ask

33、 people for gifts or money_favors to them. (2)If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction to you, you can easily_it_any other course that we offer. (3)They have offered to release the reporters, but what do they want_? in exchange forexchange forin exchange. 完成句子完成句子1. 令他感到悲伤的是令他感到悲伤的是, 他心爱

34、的宠物狗死于一场事故。他心爱的宠物狗死于一场事故。_, his beloved pet dog died in a traffic accident. 2. 他关上了灯他关上了灯, 室内一片漆黑。室内一片漆黑。He turned off the light and the room was _. 3. 随着业务的发展随着业务的发展, 他们在全国建立了许多分部。他们在全国建立了许多分部。They _throughout the country with the development of their business. To his sorrowin complete darknessset

35、up many branches4. 那时那时, 我发现很难用言语表达我的感情。我发现很难用言语表达我的感情。At that time, I found it hard to _. 5. 政府需要采取更灵活的方式进行教育。政府需要采取更灵活的方式进行教育。The government needs _. 6. 他教她法语的目的是让她教他英语。他教她法语的目的是让她教他英语。He is giving her French lessons _her teaching him English. convey my feelings in wordsa more flexible approach to

36、 educationin exchange for7. 这家公司已由一个家庭作坊转换成了一个拥有这家公司已由一个家庭作坊转换成了一个拥有5 000人的大公司。人的大公司。The company has _a family business into one with 5, 000 workforce. 8. 他的便服不适合这么正式的场合。他的便服不适合这么正式的场合。His casual clothes _such a formal occasion. 9. 工人们正在往卡车上装水果。工人们正在往卡车上装水果。The workers are _fruits. been transformed

37、fromwere not appropriate forloading the truck with. 热考短语句式热考短语句式1. take it easy轻松轻松; 不紧张不紧张; 从容从容【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】The doctor told me to_ _ _for a few weeks. 医生叫我休息几周。医生叫我休息几周。take it easy【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】take ones time 别着急别着急; 慢慢来慢慢来take sth. seriously重视某事重视某事; 认真对待某事认真对待某事take. . . for granted认为认为理所当

38、然理所当然take. . . as. . . 把把当做当做I took it for granted that he had received the letter. 我想当然地认为他收到了信。我想当然地认为他收到了信。【对接高考对接高考做一做做一做】(2013四川高考四川高考)I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow. _. 我非常担心明天的全国英语演讲比赛。我非常担心明天的全国英语演讲比赛。别着急别着急, 放轻松。放轻松。Take it easy2. run out of用完用完, 用尽

39、用尽【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】(2013广东高考广东高考)Suddenly, he found that he had_ _ _salt. 突然突然, 他发现盐用完了。他发现盐用完了。【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】run after追赶追赶; 追求追求run away逃跑逃跑; 跑开跑开run into撞上撞上; 偶然遇见偶然遇见run over轧过轧过; 碾过碾过run out of【明晰异同明晰异同辨一辨辨一辨】run out of及物动词短语及物动词短语, 主语一般为人主语一般为人, 表示主动意义表示主动意义run out不及物动词短语不及物动词短语, 主语一般是物主语一般是物(

40、时间、金钱、食物等时间、金钱、食物等)give out不及物动词短语不及物动词短语, 可以表示人的力气用完或者人可以表示人的力气用完或者人“筋疲力尽筋疲力尽”use up及物动词短语及物动词短语, 相当于相当于run out ofWith his food running out, the man had to come out of his hiding-place. 由于食物吃完了由于食物吃完了, 那人不得不从藏身处出来。那人不得不从藏身处出来。3. Some rhyme(like B) while others do not(like C). 有些诗押韵有些诗押韵(像像B), 但也有些不

41、押韵但也有些不押韵(像像C)。【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】He was reading _(而我在看电视而我在看电视)last night. 【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】(1)while在此用作并列连词在此用作并列连词, 表示转折、对比表示转折、对比, 意为意为“而而”, 一般位于句一般位于句中。中。(2)while还可作从属连词还可作从属连词, 意为意为“当当的时候的时候”“虽然虽然”“只要只要”等。等。while I was watching TVPlease dont talk so loudly while others are working. 别人工作时别人工作时, 不要大

42、声说话。不要大声说话。While I admit that the task is difficult, I dont think that it is impossible. 虽然我承认任务很艰难虽然我承认任务很艰难, 但我不认为它是不可能的。但我不认为它是不可能的。You dont worry while we are here. 只要我们在这里只要我们在这里, 你不用着急。你不用着急。4. With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems o

43、f their own. 因为有如此多不因为有如此多不同类型的诗可以选择同类型的诗可以选择, 学生们可能最后都想写他们自己的诗歌了。学生们可能最后都想写他们自己的诗歌了。【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】仿写句子仿写句子_, their spoken English will be greatly improved. 下学期由史密斯先生教他们英语下学期由史密斯先生教他们英语, 他们的口语会有很大提高。他们的口语会有很大提高。With Mr. Smith to teach them English next term【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】句句中中的的With so many differ

44、ent forms of poetry to choose from为为with的的复合结构作状语。复合结构作状语。(1)with+宾语宾语+doing(doing表主动或正在进行的动作表主动或正在进行的动作)(2)with+宾语宾语+done(done表被动或已完成的动作表被动或已完成的动作)(3)with+宾语宾语+to do(to do表示将来的动作表示将来的动作)(4)with+宾语宾语+介词短语介词短语/ adj. /adv. With more and more trees cut down, some animals are facing the danger of dying

45、out. 由于越来越多的树木被砍伐由于越来越多的树木被砍伐, 一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。 (2013湖湖南南高高考考) Suddenly I realized that I was outside, with nothing on. 突然我意识到我在外面突然我意识到我在外面, 什么都没有穿。什么都没有穿。 He stood there, with his face red. 他满脸通红地站在那儿。他满脸通红地站在那儿。【对接高考对接高考做一做做一做】(2013辽宁高考辽宁高考)美丽的月亮高挂天空美丽的月亮高挂天空, 我们坐在一起我们坐在一起, 吃月饼、吃月饼、水果

46、水果, 分享着我们的故事。分享着我们的故事。_, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories. With the beautiful moon up in the sky【要点拾遗要点拾遗】1. in particular尤其尤其; 特别特别【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】I like all the four seasons, spring_ _. 四个季节我都喜欢四个季节我都喜欢, 尤其是春天。尤其是春天。【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】be particular about/over sth. 对某事

47、挑剔对某事挑剔; 对某物讲究对某物讲究be particular to为为所特有所特有in particularShe is particular about what she wears. 她对穿戴很讲究。她对穿戴很讲究。As is known to all, pandas are particular to China. 众所周知众所周知, 熊猫是中国特有的。熊猫是中国特有的。【拓展延伸拓展延伸】(1)辨析辨析particular(ly)/especial(ly)/special(ly)particular(ly)尤其尤其; 特别特别; 格外格外; 通常指以不同寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性

48、或独特之通常指以不同寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独特之处处, 它常与它常与especial(ly)通用。但它更强调与众不同通用。但它更强调与众不同especial(ly)指的是非普通、非寻常指的是非普通、非寻常, 主要解释为主要解释为“尤其尤其”, 一般不能与一般不能与special(ly)混用混用special(ly)指非一般、非正常、非广泛指非一般、非正常、非广泛, 主要含义为主要含义为“特殊特殊”(2)介词介词in构成的短语构成的短语in general一般说来一般说来in public公开地公开地in use使用使用in relief松了一口气松了一口气in time及时及时in d

49、anger处于危险中处于危险中in brief简言之简言之in debt欠债欠债in detail详细地详细地in sight被看到被看到, 看得见看得见in order秩序井然秩序井然, 整齐整齐in return作为报答作为报答, 作为回报作为回报in turn反过来反过来, 按顺序按顺序in place在适当的位置在适当的位置, 得体得体, 合适合适2. let out泄露泄露; 发出发出(声音声音); 释放释放【思维激活思维激活试一试试一试】观察句子写出黑体部分的含义观察句子写出黑体部分的含义Mary accidentally let out that she had let the

50、dog out. On hearing that Lucy let out a sigh of relief. ( ) 泄露泄露; 释放释放; 发出发出【知识构建知识构建记一记记一记】let alone更不用说更不用说let sb. /sth. alone不管不管; 不干涉不干涉; 置之不理置之不理let sb. be不干涉不干涉; 不打扰不打扰let down放下放下; 放低放低; (使人使人)失望失望let go of sb. /sth. 放开放开; 松手松手I hardly had time to think these days, let alone relax. 我这些天几乎都没时间

51、思考我这些天几乎都没时间思考, 更不用说休息了。更不用说休息了。【即学即练即学即练】. 题组练习题组练习1. run out; run out of; use upWed better buy some salt before we_it_. If we keep using water like this, well soon_ _ _it. I have to withdraw some money from the bank before our money_ _. useuprun out ofruns out2. take it easy; take ones timeBefore

52、the examination, our teacher told us to_ _ _and have a good rest. Since you have a lot of time left, you neednt hurry. _ _ _. 3. let down; let alone; let outAs a student, we should work hard and not_our parents_. He cant speak his own native language well, _ _English. I promise to keep it secret and

53、 never_it_. take it easyTake your timeletdownlet aloneletout. 选词填空选词填空run out of; be made up of; in particular; let out; make sense1. It was a good concertI enjoyed the last song _. 2. She has been with the kids for hours and is beginning to _patience. 3. I think of life as a good book. The further

54、you get into it, the more it begins to _. 4. Society _people of widely different abilities. 5. I can tell you the truth, but you must promise not to _the secret. in particularrun out ofmake senseis made up oflet out. 完成句子完成句子1. I wont speak to him, _and lend him some money. 我不愿意和他讲话我不愿意和他讲话, 更不用说相信他

55、并借给他钱了。更不用说相信他并借给他钱了。2. The girl, _slightly forward, sat silently near the piano. 这个女孩微微向前低着头这个女孩微微向前低着头, 静静地坐在钢琴旁边。静静地坐在钢琴旁边。let alone trust himwith her head bent3. On seeing the wonderful sculpture, everyone present _a cry of surprise. 一看到那尊精美的雕塑一看到那尊精美的雕塑, 在场的每个人都发出了惊叹声。在场的每个人都发出了惊叹声。4. The photo

56、grapher needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _quickly. 这个摄影师每天都需要给数码相机充电这个摄影师每天都需要给数码相机充电, 因为电池很快就用完了。因为电池很快就用完了。let outruns out根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。并背诵成文。1. 诗诗歌歌传传达达某某种种情情感感, 能能形形象象地地把把现现实实转转换换成成文文学学。通通过过诗诗歌歌, 我我们们可可以以和和朋朋友友们们交交流流感感情情, 卸卸下下心心中中的的

57、包包袱袱。(convey; transform; exchange; load)2. 如果我们热爱生活如果我们热爱生活, 灵感就不会灵感就不会枯竭枯竭。(run out of)3. 无无论论我我们们的的职职业业是是什什么么, 无无论论发发生生了了什什么么, 欣欣赏赏自自然然, 品品味味生生活活是是十十分分必要的必要的也是十分也是十分合适的合适的。(necessary; appropriate; whatever)【参考范文参考范文】Poems, conveying certain emotions, can vividly transform reality into literature, through which we can exchange our feelings with friends, and take a load off our mind. Only if we love life will we never run out of our inspirations. So it is necessary and appropriate for us to enjoy nature and taste life whatever we are and whatever happens.



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