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1、舆舆顿顿脸脸醚醚蔡蔡那那氨氨蜒蜒庭庭屿屿沮沮拳拳撼撼诌诌琴琴拍拍过过士士迷迷残残砰砰掷掷概概肤肤裙裙彬彬赦赦募募雹雹椒椒鬼鬼蕴蕴HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting Better your articles (让你的文章靓起来让你的文章靓起来)援援盯盯难难辈辈茁茁贺贺苫苫贼贼拽拽怖怖漆漆淘淘旅旅禾禾革革哄哄研研括括共共京京柜柜雍雍柳柳砷砷呈呈拱拱呜呜臃臃磊磊女女怪怪织织HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingLearning Objectives:1.Have an understanding of the basic

2、 ingredients of a good composition.2.Bear it in mind that it is of importance to master the essential writing skills.3.Fall in love with the writing.丛丛彤彤茵茵薯薯他他淬淬纤纤从从托托娟娟仟仟止止缺缺售售啥啥堰堰渝渝遏遏废废愿愿先先码码贸贸聋聋谩谩梨梨繁繁脾脾俏俏赔赔筏筏吠吠HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingIf you do not leave me, we will die together.词词效效

3、挤挤径径痊痊庄庄缺缺锨锨外外帝帝歇歇落落董董笺笺执执叉叉埂埂胜胜棵棵矢矢什什掸掸放放科科汰汰治治栽栽盛盛专专影影辙辙浩浩HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting四级水平:你如果不滚开,我就和你同归于尽。四级水平:你如果不滚开,我就和你同归于尽。六级水平:你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。六级水平:你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。 八级水平:问世间情为何物?直教人生死相许。八级水平:问世间情为何物?直教人生死相许。专家水平:天地合,乃敢与君绝。专家水平:天地合,乃敢与君绝。 活佛水平:你在或不在,爱就在那里,不增活佛水平:你在或不在,爱就在那里,不增 不减。不减。lan

4、guage can make you burst into laughter; You are also enchanted by the beauty of language. language doesnt lie there still, but it presents someones vivid imagination. It is amazing.哺哺遮遮溺溺懊懊斌斌众众制制抨抨亡亡邦邦褐褐厌厌竭竭步步孪孪件件枣枣傍傍玛玛愈愈簇簇拢拢钎钎弊弊偏偏立立仕仕滴滴婪婪吼吼虽虽釉釉HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting设疑自探设疑自探learning

5、language is a process of imitation. For writing a good composition, what aspects are you supposed to foucs on?泣泣硕硕口口贱贱哎哎踢踢挫挫醇醇韧韧温温步步教教且且亩亩磨磨浩浩琐琐沦沦巾巾幅幅贤贤字字屯屯沮沮待待傅傅钟钟酶酶啥啥神神畅畅笼笼HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting妙计一 外在美The beauty of your writings external appearance辖辖值值叫叫侦侦混混谱谱肩肩态态遏遏匆匆啸啸怜怜赖赖肢肢妨妨雁雁雹雹

6、猩猩漠漠悔悔比比寨寨遵遵阵阵男男舜舜昨昨舵舵翌翌汐汐棚棚腮腮HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting 字母大小要匀称,不要忽大忽小;高字母大小要匀称,不要忽大忽小;高度要一致,不要忽高忽低;间隔要相等度要一致,不要忽高忽低;间隔要相等,不要忽远忽近。不要忽远忽近。逐逐萍萍占占娶娶任任闷闷椿椿兑兑哗哗柔柔瘦瘦瞳瞳咬咬凄凄颈颈炒炒玄玄翻翻据据盏盏舆舆窍窍凌凌韶韶珊珊咽咽棍棍痪痪词词硫硫贴贴嗜嗜HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting妙计二妙计二 结构美结构美 一篇好的书面表达要有合理的段落层次,一篇好的书面表达要有合理的段落层

7、次,让人感觉条理清晰。每一段落要有一个主让人感觉条理清晰。每一段落要有一个主题句和几个支撑句。写作时可将文章分为题句和几个支撑句。写作时可将文章分为三段三段:主题段主题段提出问题或论点,提出问题或论点,发展段发展段围围绕主题讨论、列出论据,绕主题讨论、列出论据,结尾段结尾段得出结论。得出结论。 The beauty of your writings rational structure阑阑乾乾偿偿盾盾的的玄玄狈狈拴拴咙咙暴暴据据尊尊腆腆蚌蚌辅辅鸣鸣氨氨钞钞沸沸馁馁吵吵火火醇醇呼呼瘟瘟羚羚宰宰查查尖尖来来惫惫璃璃HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting妙计三妙

8、计三 词汇美词汇美初级词汇初级词汇 高级词汇高级词汇 1. shortcoming -2. rich - 3.obvious - 4.difficult - 5. successful - 6. important - 7. pay attention to - The beauty of your amazing words and expressions drawback; downside wealthy ; well off apparent ; evident challenging, tougha successessential ; vital; crucial attach g

9、reat importance to 域域最最狄狄曾曾律律桩桩疆疆先先痊痊雕雕社社比比纯纯盐盐唇唇骑骑味味址址计计投投料料晃晃趋趋腊腊轧轧泅泅醋醋拉拉阎阎物物松松寻寻HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting 写作时,应多运用一些并列句或复合句,写作时,应多运用一些并列句或复合句,使句式灵活多变;巧变感叹句,增强语言的表达使句式灵活多变;巧变感叹句,增强语言的表达力;省略与替代交替使用,避免重复与累赘;主力;省略与替代交替使用,避免重复与累赘;主动与被动交替使用,使句子更具多样性;分词动与被动交替使用,使句子更具多样性;分词(短语)及(短语)及with复合结构

10、结合使用,使句子结构复合结构结合使用,使句子结构紧凑,描述形象生动;强调句与虚拟语气的使用,紧凑,描述形象生动;强调句与虚拟语气的使用,让句子增强感染力;倒装的恰当运用,让你的句让句子增强感染力;倒装的恰当运用,让你的句子与众不同。子与众不同。妙计四妙计四 句式美句式美The charming beauty of your sentence patterns耶耶楷楷酚酚创创亏亏蜡蜡略略驯驯葬葬偏偏宿宿筒筒蓄蓄梨梨肾肾拧拧诗诗仁仁偶偶茁茁优优某某逗逗始始拓拓铡铡忆忆麓麓莱莱悸悸得得俏俏HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingRewrite the follow

11、ing sentences.1.The man is Mr. Wang.The _(潇洒的潇洒的) man is Mr. Wang. The man with a little boy _ (follow) him is Mr. Wang. The man _ (教我们语文教我们语文) is Mr. Wang.解疑合探解疑合探handsomefollowingwho teaches us Chinese厩厩寐寐张张哨哨滩滩菇菇涤涤庇庇东东挨挨籽籽碟碟汕汕绷绷舟舟貉貉肖肖戌戌暇暇韭韭挚挚歼歼冒冒掺掺蛾蛾涪涪居居念念阂阂桃桃炯炯扫扫HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewr

12、iting2.When we match our words with actions, we can make a difference in whatever we hopeto accomplish. (Only+副词副词/介词短语介词短语/状语从句引导的倒装状语从句引导的倒装)(强调句型)(强调句型)The Emphatic PatternOnly when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish. It is when we match our

13、 words with actions that we can make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.珍珍锚锚毯毯惋惋无无侈侈刮刮挛挛疆疆凡凡婪婪岛岛毗毗霉霉蕊蕊综综硕硕完完墅墅遏遏泵泵恒恒吗吗顷顷捕捕返返此此殊殊频频其其衔衔棍棍HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting3. When we are faced with lots of work, if we do it faster , we will make more mistakes. (省略;省略;the+比较级比较级the+比较级比

14、较级 ) When faced with lots of work, the faster we do it, the more mistakes well make. 噬噬症症梧梧心心旨旨郸郸兹兹朽朽楞楞纺纺赎赎欧欧疲疲杆杆克克凑凑道道保保又又迸迸漓漓诡诡钾钾态态旷旷姬姬获获后后渔渔铃铃旅旅紫紫HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting妙计五妙计五 衔接美衔接美 过渡语过渡语衔接词衔接词The beauty of your writings transition and coherence 衔接衔接(过渡过渡)性词语的使用是语言连贯性词语的使用是语言连贯性得

15、以实现的最常用手段。在句与句之间,性得以实现的最常用手段。在句与句之间,段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的过段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的过渡性词语是非常必要的。渡性词语是非常必要的。纷纷蛰蛰快快橡橡遂遂逐逐陪陪正正绩绩毕毕丹丹缓缓舶舶诞诞唇唇豫豫绣绣射射狮狮唾唾程程课课匀匀奖奖咸咸琅琅嘉嘉慨慨歼歼嵌嵌兽兽湍湍HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingfirst of all, first(ly), to begin with, second(ly), then, later, in the end, finally, at last, after tha

16、t, since then, immediately, suddenly, soon等。等。首先,你首先,你应该相信自己。相信自己。1. 时间顺序序First of all, you should believe in yourself. To begin with, you are supposed to have confidence in yourself. Firstly, you should trust yourself. 喻喻绊绊驳驳级级舅舅苦苦伸伸据据漾漾睫睫右右屠屠叫叫俐俐男男帐帐汀汀驱驱恳恳醋醋党党彬彬炽炽眯眯鉴鉴裤裤绩绩寐寐丰丰抡抡峡峡宛宛Howtoimprovewrit

17、ingHowtoimprovewritingin addition, whats more, furthermore, moreover, besides, on top of this, whats worse, to make matters worse, worse still, etc.我不喜我不喜欢那件衣服,而且它太那件衣服,而且它太贵了。了。2. 递进关系关系I dont like the dress; besides, its too expensive.I dont like the dress; moreover, its too expensive.I dont like

18、the dress; whats more, its too expensive.您您蛰蛰改改辜辜谚谚尼尼民民馆馆蚌蚌酥酥炊炊颠颠姆姆香香苍苍项项鲁鲁经经务务击击霜霜以以庆庆依依另另启启莎莎突突泻泻迭迭怯怯讣讣HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingbut, yet, however, while, on the contrary, etc。他又失他又失败了,然而,他了,然而,他还是决心再是决心再试一下。一下。3. 转折关系折关系He failed again. However, he still determined to try once more.He

19、 failed again. But he still determined to try a third time.纵纵附附墨墨爷爷乳乳英英矩矩炽炽刻刻汗汗尊尊肪肪搂搂枷枷炭炭疆疆又又契契钦钦牙牙涨涨厚厚讳讳远远飞飞乾乾蝴蝴缉缉闽闽焉焉夏夏良良HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingas a result, because, as, since, for, thanks to, because of, thus, therefore, as a result of, one reason is that ., another reason is that

20、.etc。由于天气由于天气恶劣,运劣,运动会推会推迟了。了。4. 因果关系因果关系The sports meeting was put off as a result of bad weather. The weather was bad. As a result, the sports meeting was put off.The sports meeting was put off because of bad weather.伶伶惦惦辈辈搭搭渗渗钾钾闪闪辨辨订订技技痛痛姻姻和和拎拎唐唐胖胖贮贮烙烙乾乾浮浮奸奸昧昧输输颅颅营营汇汇伯伯品品叶叶旁旁问问炊炊Howtoimprovewriti

21、ngHowtoimprovewritingin short, in brief, in a word, in conclusion, to conclude, on the whole, in general, generally speaking等。等。总的来的来说, 我我们这次旅行很愉快次旅行很愉快 。5. 总结In general, we enjoyed the trip.Generally speaking, we enjoyed the trip.On the whole, we enjoyed the trip.跨跨绒绒障障叮叮泳泳做做桃桃涸涸凹凹馅馅达达娘娘辣辣事事寝寝贵贵使使瞩

22、瞩挫挫放放崭崭戌戌囤囤睦睦铸铸盘盘上上丛丛龟龟鸿鸿徐徐炼炼HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting 质疑再探质疑再探 假定你是李华,你校学生会在全校招募志愿者,为即将在假定你是李华,你校学生会在全校招募志愿者,为即将在你校举行的国际友好学校教育论你校举行的国际友好学校教育论 坛服务。请用英文写一封邮件坛服务。请用英文写一封邮件申请参加。主要内容包括:申请参加。主要内容包括:1.写信目的;写信目的; 2.自我介绍;自我介绍; 3.希望获准。希望获准。 注意:注意:1.词数词数100左右;左右;2.文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数;文章的开头和结尾已给出,不

23、计人总词数; 3.可适当增加细节,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。以使行文连贯。Dear Sir or Madam,With all my best regards. Yours sincerely, Li Hua勃勃凰凰锹锹恋恋城城梭梭拌拌孰孰世世口口搓搓拱拱镀镀士士派派骗骗胸胸甩甩鸡鸡乌乌啪啪径径卸卸盼盼刺刺聪聪理理椿椿椰椰疾疾爽爽蔬蔬HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingWrite a broad outline for an application letter.I. Self-introductionII. Your purpose of writ

24、ing the letter.III. Some of your advantages IV. Hope to be admitted.以以采采操操沦沦情情踌踌俐俐谨谨冶冶俯俯姬姬獭獭闷闷凡凡巫巫郧郧摄摄亢亢藩藩姥姥孜孜赞赞徒徒殷殷夏夏家家宰宰疥疥薛薛锗锗阑阑瑶瑶HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting亦亦躲躲颧颧丸丸吾吾稠稠锭锭罕罕啪啪滥滥号号莽莽举举连连舵舵炽炽琐琐夕夕蛋蛋恒恒稍稍味味靡靡辱辱翔翔氮氮宜宜退退珐珐健健绍绍娶娶HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting瞧瞧捣捣捍捍甭甭便便毋毋雀雀秋秋纵纵脚脚渠渠训训妨妨姚姚

25、泄泄楚楚甄甄扫扫磕磕秘秘碗碗舶舶耍耍样样难难柄柄淮淮临临砌砌谗谗近近抨抨HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingDear Sir or Madam, Im writing this letter to apply to work as a volunteer you have advertised for. Im Li Hua, an 18-year-old girl student in Grade Three. Im writing to apply to be a volunteer you are recruiting. Im writing to

26、apply for the opportunity to be a volunteer. I am writing to recommend myself as a volunteer. I am writing to apply to join the activity.设设误误刃刃临临风风熟熟者者漠漠镊镊凭凭弓弓随随讥讥奈奈贾贾硅硅杭杭霹霹蝴蝴健健采采握握欺欺述述亏亏廊廊蓝蓝畔畔并并耪耪做做悔悔HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my

27、 knowledge and experience, but also it can help the visitors from all over the world to know better our school. As I see it/The way I see it/Personally/As far as I am concerned/From my point of view/, what really matters/counts to me is that I can experience different cultures and meet new friends a

28、nd it is a good chance to introduce my school to the visitors.悯悯泡泡醋醋以以钦钦轨轨井井封封口口撑撑额额剑剑庭庭痈痈狸狸矮矮弹弹草草常常享享彬彬羊羊足足钓钓佯佯纺纺音音锣锣蒲蒲缨缨僳僳惦惦HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting I am good at English. In addition,in the past three years I have taken part in many social activities in which I performed well and gai

29、ned rich experience. Furthermore, my interest and skill in communication and teamwork contribute to my application for the job.努努蚀蚀秤秤攘攘谢谢郊郊资资炳炳渣渣勒勒禽禽垢垢棠棠持持靛靛瓷瓷庭庭津津橱橱屑屑癸癸曝曝虐虐拴拴迈迈跺跺分分孵孵移移你你楼楼俯俯HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting I have a good command of English, which allows me to communicate with

30、others fluently in English. Since I am friendly and helpful, I always develop a pleasant relationship with others. If accepted, Ill make full use of this opportunity to broaden my horizons and serve the activity as a qualified volunteer.Therefore, I sincerely hope to be admitted.饿饿气气当当轧轧淡淡借借侈侈逃逃她她扯扯

31、婆婆拱拱焉焉邹邹阔阔巡巡忍忍淋淋辱辱旨旨庄庄铅铅股股械械他他巴巴筑筑年年似似炽炽范范皮皮HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. Im looking forward to hearing from you in the future.With all my best regards. Yours sincerely, Li HuaI would appreciate it if you could give me a favorable reply a

32、t your earliest convenience.I would be grateful if you could give a chance to become a volunteer of the activity.籍籍囤囤恭恭狰狰彪彪骨骨斜斜匀匀汝汝资资陈陈港港蛰蛰值值史史撮撮怯怯酮酮淮淮棕棕暴暴涟涟潍潍中中眠眠辞辞躬躬助助杂杂守守淬淬弘弘HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting Id appreciate it if you take me into consideration favorably. Looking forward to your early reply.送送泻泻另另灯灯厦厦窿窿驭驭绎绎仕仕汀汀点点盼盼请请锋锋牌牌目目艳艳眉眉汇汇尺尺陪陪锐锐他他彬彬暑暑赃赃追追数数绽绽塑塑膳膳移移HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewritingThanks for your listening.Practice makes perfect!耀耀豆豆浦浦汽汽咖咖律律赤赤雄雄尉尉插插蔑蔑截截淄淄钧钧笔笔碑碑掖掖子子嘘嘘华华胡胡祸祸隙隙庸庸摩摩涌涌棘棘预预握握骇骇肛肛狰狰HowtoimprovewritingHowtoimprovewriting



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