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1、CaoxiMiddleSchoolJanetigerWhatanimalisit?giraffeWhatanimalsisit?pandaWhatanimalisit?The panda is one of symbols of ChinakoalaWhatanimalisit?The koala is one of symbols of Australia.Whatanimalisit? lionelephantWhatanimalisit?How do you know that?The elephant is one of symbols of Thailand.2aCheck()the

2、animalsyouthinkareingreatdanger. (处于极大危险处于极大危险之中之中)Ithink_areingreatdanger._giraffes _koalas _pandas elephants tigers lions Skimming(快速浏览(快速浏览,看谁找得快)看谁找得快)Which country/kntri/:_What animal:_Tip1:Skimthepassageandthepicture.(快速浏览,找信息。)(快速浏览,找信息。)ThailandElephantsScanning(快速阅读)(快速阅读)Readthewholepassag

3、eandcheckthebesttitleforit.(选择最佳题目)(选择最佳题目)_ What Is an Elephant?_ Come to Thailand_ Lets Save the Elephants_ Elephants Are Good PetsTip2:Pay attention to key words and sentences. 注意关键词句。注意关键词句。3Fast ReadingFast ReadingUnderline the topic sentence(关键句) in each paragraph(自然段).12 Hello. We are student

4、s from Thailand, and we want to save the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailands symbols. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets

5、”. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live. But elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today there are only ab

6、out 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.Fast ReadingFast ReadingUnderline the topic sentence(关键句) in each paragraph(自然段).123The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.Elephants are smart animals.B

7、ut elephants are in great danger.Fast ReadingFast ReadingUnderline the topic sentence(关键句) in each paragraph(自然段).12Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions.Thailands first flag hadits a symbol ofit is one of Thailandssymbols.good luck.1.Where are the students from?2.What do they want to do?3. Why

8、are elephants important in Thailand?BecauseThey are from Thailand.They want to save the elephants.on it.a white elephantTask 1Read para.2 and answer the question. can orcan also very well.can for a long time and never can also places with food and water. drawWhat can elephants do?Theyget lost.rememb

9、erplay soccermusic.walkTask 21)why areelephantsingreatdanger?Peoplemanytreessoelephantsarelosing2)Howcantheysaveelephants?DontcutdownsomanyDontthingsmadeofivoryRememberthatMarch13thisPeoplekillelephantsforTodaythereareonlyaboutelephants.(overbefore)Read para. 3 and answer the questionsBecausecut dow

10、ntheir homes.their ivory.3,000100,000trees.buyThai Elephant Day.Task 3Retell the article according to the mind-map. 根据图表复述课文根据图表复述课文Importance in Thailandfirst flag had _symbol of _Facts and figurespeople _ many treespeople kill them for _today there are _(over _ before)AbilitiesCan play _Can also _

11、 wellCan _ places with food and waterHow to save themdont cut down so many _dont _ things made of ivory_ is Thai Elephant DayGroupworkWhat animal is the symbol of China?pandaThepandaisoneofChinassymbols.Itisasymbolofpeace(和平和平). /pi:s/The panda is one of Chinas symbols.They are in great danger, too.

12、Our National Treasure (国宝国宝)Writing Discuss(讨论)(讨论)Whatcanpandasdo?climbtreesplayballsswim/klaim/Discuss(讨论)(讨论)Whyaretheyingreatdanger?cutdownmanybamboos(竹林)(竹林)killpandasfortheirfur(皮毛皮毛)Write根据表格所给的提示,写一篇关根据表格所给的提示,写一篇关于于pandas 的短文。的短文。Importance in China.is one of Chinas symbols.a symbol of peac

13、e(和平)Abilities(能力)can climb trees, play balls, swimFacts and figures(事实与数据)cut down many bamboos, kill them for their fur, only over 1,000 in the worldHow to savesave the bamboos, not buy things made of their furOur National TreasureMy favorite animals are _. They are from_. They are one of Chinas _

14、. _ .Pandas are smarts animals .They can_. Pandas are in great _._. We should do something to save them.WritingpandasChinasymbolsThis is a symbol of peaceclimb trees.And they can play balls with people.They are friendly and cute.They also can swim in the river.dangerbamboos so pandas dont have too m

15、uch food. People also kill pands for their fur. Today there are only over 1,000 pandas . We must save the bamboos and not buy things made of fur. People cut down manyAnimals are our friends, so we should protect them.保护Dont kill animals.Dontbuythingsmadeofwild/waild/野生的野生的animalsfurorskin/skin/.(毛皮)(毛皮)Donteatwildanimals.HomeworkDesign a poster ( (海报海报海报海报) ) to save animals.



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