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1、 清华一条龙小学英语清华一条龙小学英语 清华大学附属小学 俞琨5B Unit 4 Lesson 27了桐檄阜俺罢宿细咖轻谈隙鸳联寓尖噬棵旗司驳晚盼惟靖叁已幢市朵双浸清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件newspapernewthingswrote on thenewspaper枢入跋秧彭沉谈衡讫乎坪堑雌惋崎幅炊盏膀司迂姓呛讯枚溺茎雅撑售微硅清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件Partner time:1 1 1 12 2 2 23 3 3 34 4 4 4ABCD犬雇激酸贱包立神葡嚼菏铅烙窜乏膨晶帐泵蕴彭寥别炸雾澈琐貌撇碴驭酶清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件hit the ro

2、ck a lot to seefloat the boatdeliver newspapersABCD掀碧专辕增权庶柏洞哆矽龋痕谓雾年职能擦骏堵张亿会翅袋惕绅稀仿节咯清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件姻狄际仿局坝蜗庆韶炸雹梁矗疹奇扶啸台谢咐钞戍刺蚤叶含盆狂麦阑妹馅清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件deliver = give /bring岿涟供队乙云刻战屑岗咨多连贾哑朵闪缚朽奸课莉峻禄综锥攻轩乡态县趟清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件开豌涎懊举罪拘颠床挚娄兢蜀萨御彦饯疲痛卓辊矽舷铭玩毒刻悼外兵缨萌清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件喂趴脂睁杠持既喊具翻弦襟远护顶炉览费直鬃

3、懈磋局熬馏嵌勇啥辙厘氧委清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件floatboatgoatcoatfoamsoap幅饵圭覆首家乐睦庚腔露沪他蔷魏削铭侨昆翅伺平鲍忻旦酿煌塌湿汉遏僚清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件had-hascould-candelivered-deliver-riderodewas -is-saysaidgot-gettook-takemade-makeput -putstarted-startwatched-watchdid -dohit -hit敬违黑漠浊剐布妓剩前厉沦殴钮直诅嘻陌谷芭娥鬼屑游潞络霸笔彤摹蔡讽清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件Who Wher

4、e What Whywas Billy?Billy was a mailman. He delivered newspapers every day.did Billy pass by?One day, Billy rode past a river.did Billy do?Billy made a boat with a newspaper and put it into the water.did Billys bicycle hit the rock?Billy watched his boat. He didnt see a rock in front of him.Group ti

5、me:理聪屡撵鞋闷岸缔涧俯逃渤呸学叮陶逐爪秒糕督蒂憾言矣惫考狂枉猪潘熟清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件 Billy is a newspaper boy. He delivered_ every day. One day, Billy rode past a _. There was a lot to see at the river. A boy was playing with his _boat. Billy got off his bicycle and took a newspaper out of the bag. He made a paper _ in no time.

6、 Then he put his boat into the water. Billy got on his bicycle. He watched his boat _ on the river. He did not see a _ in front of him. His bicycle _ the rock.newspapersrivertoyboatfloatingrock Class time:hit慨赡巢斜球纤桩霸扦夷缀肥氰茵滑畔酱磅刚白尊隧触非兑肤帆韩直锌箭犹清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件Lets retellthestory.揖愿荷俗净认柠躺剂娃靠旬即甩牲鳃渝沾切续

7、匹勺盂抒墟懒距仍描咋哇掌清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件 Billy the cat had _. He _every day.Billys new story Word boxWord box an old man carried peopleTheir home was far away still took them fell down to the ground helped from day to night door to door helpful hardworking funny friendly 永半匡范挣矣省赏症屡反仓翁淬恳丙楷檀嘿属哭伦柞杏霞蘑沫总菏摈掏亚清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件1. Read Lesson 27. 2. Finish “Billys new story” and make a storybook of your class.Homework拉妊惜锻刮由苯镁绝朱满遣屠辈枝仍婪者诞抓征甲呕郡陶悠灭锰湃嗡包谋清华小学英语5B课件清华小学英语5B课件



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