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1、Unit 3 Should children do housework at home? WritingUnit 3 Should children do ho人教英语八年级下册Unit3Section-BWriting(共17张PPT)wash the clothesdo the dishes take out the rubbishmake the bed do some cookingsweep the floor wash the clothesdo the dishes Should children do housework at home? Write “ ”for agree,

2、 “” for disagree in the box.Should children do housework aSay why and why not : Discuss this in your group and take notes. 人教英语八年级下册Unit3Section-BWriting(共17张PPT)I think /believe/agree/disagree thatTo express your ideas well, what sentences and phrases will you use?In my eyes /In my opinion, it isI

3、dont think /believe/agree/thatI think /believe/agree/disagre Debate There will be a debate between pros and cons. If you are pros or cons, please prepare information for the debate. Debate There will be a d Report Model for Pros : In my group, we all agree that children should do housework at home.

4、X students think that _Model for Cons : In my group, we all disagree that children should do housework at home. X students think that_ _ Report Model for Pros : Mode 目前,大部分的学生都是独生子女,很多人对家务劳动都理解为是父母做的事情,请你就Should children do housework at home? 这一话题阐述你的观点与理由,写一篇80词左右的短文。(在辩论中是正方的请写正方观点,反方的请写反方观点。)要求:内

5、容紧凑、连贯。 内容包括:1.谈谈你的立场(同意或不同意)。 2.阐述你的观点。Should Children Do Housework at Home?_ 目前,大部分的学生都是独生子女,很多人对家务劳动写作步骤写作步骤 Writing Steps审审列列加加连连美美首首尾尾巧用关联词巧用关联词善用高级词汇善用高级词汇活用多种句型活用多种句型necessaryIf possible妙用引文和例子妙用引文和例子写作步骤 Writing Steps审列加连美首尾巧用关联词 目前,大部分的学生都是独生子女,很多人对家务劳动都理解为是父母做的事情,请你就Should children do hous

6、ework at home? 这一话题阐述你的观点与理由,写一篇80词左右的短文。(在辩论中是正方的请写正方观点,反方的请写反方观点。)要求:内容紧凑、连贯。 内容包括:1.谈谈你的立场(同意或不同意)。 2.阐述你的观点。Should Children Do Housework at Home?_审审(Search) 审审文体文体;审;审时态时态;审;审人称人称 人称:人称:_ 时态时态 _ 体裁体裁 _ Search第一人称第一人称一般现在时一般现在时议论文议论文 目前,大部分的学生都是独生子女,很多人对家务劳动I think /believe/agree/disagree thatIn

7、my eyes /In my opinion, it is要点要点立场立场理由理由列(list)I think /believe/agree/Main body:Beginning:I think /believe/agree/disagree thatEnding:the reasons why you agree or disagree In my eyes /In my opinion, it is加首或尾加首或尾,使结构完整。,使结构完整。加(add)Main Beginning:I think /Make your compositions perfect 常用连接词或短语常用连接词

8、或短语顺接顺接 并列并列 转折转折 因果因果 递进递进 条件条件解释解释总结归纳总结归纳and, orbut, howeverbecause, so, as a resultbesides, whats more in a word, in short, all in all ,in my eyesif, unless for example, such as, to tell the truthand, then, alsoMake your compositions perfect Beautiful SentencesMake your compositions perfect I th

9、ink it is important for children to do housework at home. As a member of a family, it is fair for everyone to do housework at home. The earlier kids can do housework, the better it isfor their future. Children should spend more time on their schoolwork to get good grades. Beautiful SentencesMake you好词好词/好句:好句: 拼写错误:拼写错误:sp 语法错误:语法错误:g 要点不齐:要点不齐:kp时态错误:时态错误:t 漏词错误:漏词错误: 大小写错误:大小写错误: I 人称错误:人称错误:p用错单词:用错单词:ww 删词:删词: 词序调换:词序调换: 评分标准:评分标准:好词/好句: 拼写错误:sp 语法错误:g Homework: 交换立场再度以Should children do housework at home? 为题写篇短文。Homework:



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