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1、陈述句语序【语法讲解语法讲解】一、句子的结构一、句子的结构 句子的三大种类:句子的三大种类: :只有一套主谓结构:只有一套主谓结构 I love you.I love you. :并列连词连接相同的成分:并列连词连接相同的成分 I love you and I will marry you.I love you and I will marry you. 平行结构,句子地位同等(重点学习并列连词)平行结构,句子地位同等(重点学习并列连词) :有主有从:有主有从 I will marry you because I love you.I will marry you because I love

2、 you. 前半部分是主要部分,前半部分是主要部分,becausebecause引导一个原因状语引导一个原因状语从句。从句。 简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句n简单句是三种中最简单的句型,有五大基本结构。简单句是三种中最简单的句型,有五大基本结构。 1.1. 主语主语+ +谓语谓语 The sun rises.The sun rises.谓语为不及物动词。谓语为不及物动词。2.2. 主语主语+ +系动词系动词+ +表语表语 The roses are beautiful.The roses are beautiful.3.3. 主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +宾语宾语 I love you.I

3、 love you.谓语为及物动词。谓语为及物动词。4.4. 主谓主谓+ +间接宾语间接宾语+ +直接宾语直接宾语I sent you an e-mail.I sent you an e-mail.5.5. 主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +宾语宾语+ +宾补宾补 She made me crazy. She made me crazy. The policeman arrested the thief. 警察逮捕了小偷。主语主语动作的动作的发出者发出者谓语谓语动作动作宾语宾语动作的动作的接受者接受者The girls are happy.女孩们是高兴的。主语主语系动系动词词表语表语His fath

4、er is an English teacher. 1.English teacher his father is an主语主语系动词(系动词(be 动词)动词)表语表语(.)那么简单陈述句的成分一般包括:主语,谓语,宾语,方式状语,地点状语和时间状语。按照这样一个顺序,主谓宾,方式,地点,时间状语,而在很多情况下时间状语可以放句首,表强调。下课以后,我喜欢在教室里静静地看书。After class, I like reading books quietly in the classroom.6123456When?Who?Which?What?actionWho?Which?What?How

5、?Where?When?LastweekIwentto the theatreIhada very good seatThe playwasvery interestingIdid not enjoyitA young man and a young womanwere sittingbehind meTheywere talkingloudly主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语方式状语方式状语地点状语地点状语时间状语时间状语n通过刚刚的讲解,请同学们把下面的词排成一个正确的简单陈述句。n1. The film I enjoyed yesterday (.)n -n2. The news listene

6、d to I carefully (.)-n3. Well the man the piano played.n-More practiceI enjoyed the film yesterday.I listened to the news carefully.The man play the piano well.4. Games played yesterday in their room the children quietly (.)5. Quietly the door he open.6. Immediately left he.7. A tree in the corner o

7、f the garden he planted.8.Before lunch the letter in his office quickly he readThe children played games quietly in their room.He open the door quietly. He left immediately.He planted a tree in the corner of the garden.He read the letter quickly in his office before lunch.n9.this morning a book I fr

8、om the library borrowedn10. the soup spoilt the cookn11. we at home stay on Sundays.n12. there a lot of people are at the bus stop.n13. The little boy an apple this morning ate greedily in the kitchen.I borrowed a book from the library this morning.The cook spoilt the soup.We stay at home on Sundays

9、.There are a lot of people at the bus stop.The little boy ate greedily an apple in the kitchen this morning.n14. She beautifully draws.n15. Music I like very much.n16.A new school built they in our village last year.n17. The match at four oclock ended.n18. She a letter from her brother last week rec

10、eived.She draws beautifully.I like music very much.They built a new school in our village last year.The match ended at four oclock.She received a letter from her brother last week.Very good!Homework1.Words: 1 English, 5Chinese (听写,签字)2.Text: follow the text 5 times (签字)3.Pre-unit text 1: page3page84.Note phrase: review



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