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1、WelcomeWelcometoourclasstoourclass单词拼写1.Im very hungry for _(错过)lunch.2._(一月)is the first month of the year.3.Iwant to thank everyone who has _(鼓励)and supported me.missedJanuaryencouraged4.You must be _(安静安静)as the baby is sleeping.5.Sorry to _(打断打断)you, Ive something important to tell you,John.6.Th

2、e_(政府政府)will build more houses for the people.quietinterruptgovernmentsilent calmstillquietinterruptbotherdisturbtroublecountrystategovernment7.What will the _(天气天气)be like tomorrow?8.Besides English,he can speak some other _(外国的外国的)language.9.Alice_(很少很少),if ever,reads a book.10.The island is _(连接连

3、接)with the mainland with a bridge.weatherclimatewhetherweatherforeignforeginforeignerforeignseldomconnected relatedin contactIn lineconnected一一 失分的原因1. 拼写基本功差eg. They dont have _(现代的) machines but they can still do it well .My teaching style is _(相像性)to that of most other teachers.modernsimilar2.全局观

4、念差eg.(1)There are few _(乘客)in the bus .passengers (2)Tom was a huge help,_(指导)me through the dangers of the city streets . guiding(3)Among those_(出席) the ceremony in Vientiane on Jan.28 was President Souphanouvong, making a rare public appearance.attending(4)This new instrument found the first direc

5、t evidence of solid matter _(围绕 ) stars other than our sun.(5)Dont get two things _(混淆). confusedsurrounding3分析判断差eg: I am pleased that he gladly _(接受) our invitation.accepted4熟练运用差二 应试建议1. 注意词性The students were listening to my teacher _(专心).attentivelyAll the boys were standing up _(笔直).straightThe

6、 air was so cold that we could hardly _(呼吸).breatheWe had great difficulty in _(呼吸).breathing2. 注意词形时态语态名词的单复数及所有格非谓语动词形式主谓一致等eg: The doctor_(表扬)our daughter for her courage this morning.praisedI want to thank everyone who has _(鼓励)and supported me.encouragedIn the darkness he _(划) a match to give l

7、ight.struckThey are to _(庆祝)their victory.celebrateThis football game was _(播出)live on TV.broadcastbroadcastedHe climbed up the tree and hid among the _(树枝).branches_(准备) are being made for the 2008 Olympic Games.PreparationsHow many _(德国人)are going to visit their town next month.GermansThey finishe

8、d_(测量)that piece of land last week.measuring_(判断)from his expression , he has passed the exami-nationJudging_(赢得) the support of the majority requires time , energy and devotion.WinningIf time _(允许) , we will look in on you another day.permits3. 注意辨析词义1)Getting up early and having a shower is my _(习

9、惯).habit2)Water _(通常) boils at 100 degrees centigradeusually3)Thought hes a person with disability , he managers to live _(正常)like us.normally4. 注意大小写5. 形容词副词的原级 , 比较级和最高级6. 数词The _(远)away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.farther1)Their office is on the _(九) floor .ninth2) It is his

10、 _(四十)birthday.fortieth三、三、CONSOLIDATION1.It is_(稍微)colder today than it was yesterday.slightly词法2. I cant tell one from the other because they are only _(稍微) different.slightly词法固定搭配;动名词4 Two hundred_(被盗的)bicycles were returned to their owners last month.stolen词法;分词5.Ive never seen a Shakepeares pl

11、ay_(表演)so wonderfully.performed句法;分词3 Theyre busy_(准备) to go holiday.preparing.Their living condition have been_(改善)_in the past few years.improved句法;分词7.Thank you for_(提供)tohelp,but I cant manage it myself.offering词法;动名词.The drowning swimmer required the lifeguards_ (即刻)attention.immediate9.Attenti

12、on,please,the game will begin_(立即).immediately词法;When _(提供)help , one often says Thank you.” or “It is kind of you.”offered10.Jack took a deep_(呼吸)and then dived into the water.breath11.Eric came running into the room,out of_(呼吸).breath12.We had great difficulty in_(呼吸)for the air was thin.breathing

13、13.Please give my _(祝贺)when you see her.congratulations词形14._(认出)Mike the moment I saw him.recognized/recognised时态15.The day after_(圣诞节)is called Boxing Day.Christmas专有名词;大写16.The boy spoke in a very low voice_(承认)he had broken the glass. admitting句法;词形17 _into /through his mind _into his mind.An id

14、ea _to him. _him. _upon him. (想到想到/闪现闪现) flashedrushedoccurredstruckcame短文改错重点知识总结短文改错重点知识总结1。 冠词的多用、少用和误用冠词的多用、少用和误用 1)I gained so much confidence that I went back to school as new person. 2) When coming of spring, grass and trees turn green. 3) After a hour or so we begin to feel very frightened短文

15、改错的错误类型短文改错的错误类型应试建议: 1)牢固掌握定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词的使用规律 2)平时注意知识的总结和积累 3)阅读文章时留意冠词的使用,努力培养语感athean2.名词单复数的名词单复数的 误用及近义词的混用误用及近义词的混用1) He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. 2) On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful .3) They did not want me to do any work at fa

16、mily .应试建议:应试建议:1)理清可数名词与不可数名词之间的区别与联系理清可数名词与不可数名词之间的区别与联系2)记清一用于固定词组中名词的特殊用法)记清一用于固定词组中名词的特殊用法3)结合语境认真分辨同义名词或近义名词)结合语境认真分辨同义名词或近义名词ideapictureshome3代词指代不一致的错误或代词使用不当代词指代不一致的错误或代词使用不当1)I just smiled to me and thought , “What can I do ?”2)Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes tosave themsel

17、ves.3) I read your e-mail to my parents and showed them the photo you sent it to me .应试建议:应试建议:1)顺藤摸瓜,理清短文中代词的指代关系,注意联系上下文)顺藤摸瓜,理清短文中代词的指代关系,注意联系上下文2)系统掌握)系统掌握it的各种用法的各种用法3)准确把握不定代词在文中的正确使用)准确把握不定代词在文中的正确使用myselftheirit4. 主谓不一致的错误主谓不一致的错误1)But then there is always more mysteries to look into.2) As i

18、s known to us all, remembering English words are not easy .3) Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library .应试建议:应试建议:1)做题时要有全局观念,前后联系做题时要有全局观念,前后联系2)搞清句子结构,分析句子成分)搞清句子结构,分析句子成分3)全面掌握有关主谓一致方面的规则)全面掌握有关主谓一致方面的规则areisare5 动词的时态和语态的误用动词的时态和语态的误用1) With the coming of spring,grass and trees tur

19、n, and flowers grew in many colours.2)Growing up is not easy . Sometimes all that is need is someone to rely on .3)The bike outside my house is belonged to Tom .应试建议应试建议1)通读全文,搞清文中动词时态的主旋律。通读全文,搞清文中动词时态的主旋律。2)结合语境,灵活运用时态形式。)结合语境,灵活运用时态形式。3)认真推敲,准确把握主动与被动)认真推敲,准确把握主动与被动growneededis6.非谓语动词的误用非谓语动词的误用1

20、) The air keeps the ballon up was escaping quicking and the balloon was coming down.2) I just want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person .3)Im looking forward to hear from you soon .4)How about join us ?5) They wanted one child or another to come out and played.应试建议应试建议1纵观全文或全局,明确句

21、中动词所作的句子成分纵观全文或全局,明确句中动词所作的句子成分2系统掌握非谓语动词之间的句法功能系统掌握非谓语动词之间的句法功能3前后联系,整体把握前后联系,整体把握keeping(to) becomehearingjoiningplay7。形容词和副词的混用及其比较等级的误用。形容词和副词的混用及其比较等级的误用1)They came back lately and had some tea.2)The two men threw all their equipment into the water to make the balloon light .3)After that, you a

22、lways gave me specially attention and inspired me to join in activities .4) Last year, my English teacher was the more popular in our school.5)The new person on the job feels fairly better after he or she has played tennis with other people in the office.应试建议应试建议1)熟悉形容词和副词的句法功能)熟悉形容词和副词的句法功能2)理清短文中形

23、容词和副词的比较等级的关系)理清短文中形容词和副词的比较等级的关系3)结合短文内容准确使用形容词和副词)结合短文内容准确使用形容词和副词latelighterspecialmostrather8.关连词和平行结构的误用关连词和平行结构的误用1)I came into the living room and saw one of them just go throught the kitchen door but turn on the light.2)It started to rise higher again. So it was still too close to the water.

24、3)He and she should make the class very active by joking with the students.4)30 percent of girls would like to become teachers when only 5 percent of boys want to do this job.5)Clever as she is, but she works very hard.andButorwhilebut3)排除汉语影响,识别)排除汉语影响,识别although.but或或because.so等错误等错误应试建议应试建议1)依据短文

25、中的逻辑关系,准确把握词)依据短文中的逻辑关系,准确把握词与词,句与句或段与段之间的关系与词,句与句或段与段之间的关系2)分析句子结构,确定句子的类型(简)分析句子结构,确定句子的类型(简单句、并列句、复合句)单句、并列句、复合句)9 固定搭配、习惯用法与介词的误用固定搭配、习惯用法与介词的误用1)On the front door stood a five-year-old boy from across the street.2)I have been told one more worker will be needed this year and I think you are fit

26、 it .3)Because the help you gave me that summer , my life changed .应试建议应试建议1)在平时的学习中注意积累语言知识,特别是一固定搭配的记忆)在平时的学习中注意积累语言知识,特别是一固定搭配的记忆2)强化语法训练,分清连词、副词和介词之间的区别和句法功能)强化语法训练,分清连词、副词和介词之间的区别和句法功能动性)动性)3)语法知识的记忆和语感的培养结合起来)语法知识的记忆和语感的培养结合起来Atforof10 冗词的多用冗词的多用1)Last summer, I went to Beijing , my first time

27、 trip to the city .2)Two years later, he returned back home .3)It is about 200 miles far away from London.4)Many students feel it that a popular teacher must be kind and easy-going.应试建议应试建议1)培养用英语思维的良好习惯,避免汉语影响培养用英语思维的良好习惯,避免汉语影响2)分析句子成分,把握句子结构)分析句子成分,把握句子结构3)结合上下文,完整领会短文内容)结合上下文,完整领会短文内容短文改错短文改错 Do

28、 you think animals can tell how the weather will _be like? Some people believe the groundhog can, that is a_small funny animal. There is a special day in America calling_The Groundhogs Day that falls in February 2. On that day _If the groundhog comes out his home in the ground _And sees his shadow h

29、e will be frightening and _Goes hurriedly back into his hole. People say this means _There will be six more of weeks of winter to expect . _ _However, if he cant see his shadow that day and stay out _Of his hole, it means that spring is come soon. whatwhichcalledonoffrightenedofstayscoming规律方法总结规律方法

30、总结 解题步骤解题步骤1 浏览全文,了解全文大意,留心短文中关键的词语,为下一浏览全文,了解全文大意,留心短文中关键的词语,为下一步的判断和改错奠定基础。步的判断和改错奠定基础。2.对照上下文分析句意,弄清上下文之间的内在联系及其逻辑关对照上下文分析句意,弄清上下文之间的内在联系及其逻辑关系,逐行逐句检查句子的结构是否完整,语气是否连贯,是否有系,逐行逐句检查句子的结构是否完整,语气是否连贯,是否有与短文的意思不符的现象。与短文的意思不符的现象。3.根据词法、句法知识,检查和判断句子错误所在。这是最关键根据词法、句法知识,检查和判断句子错误所在。这是最关键的一步,可逐句检查主谓是否一致,代词、

31、关联词的使用是否的一步,可逐句检查主谓是否一致,代词、关联词的使用是否正确。动词形式是否恰当,词语之间的搭配是否正确,表达是正确。动词形式是否恰当,词语之间的搭配是否正确,表达是否符合习惯用法,大小写是否正确。否符合习惯用法,大小写是否正确。4.根据不同错误分别进行解题。即分别进行改词、加词、减词等。根据不同错误分别进行解题。即分别进行改词、加词、减词等。5.复读全文,验证答案,将初步改错后的短文再次细读,检查并复读全文,验证答案,将初步改错后的短文再次细读,检查并验证所作的答案是否能使全文语言连贯流畅,行文逻辑发展是验证所作的答案是否能使全文语言连贯流畅,行文逻辑发展是否合乎情理,全片结构是否严密完整等,遇到不通之处,需进否合乎情理,全片结构是否严密完整等,遇到不通之处,需进一步分析、推敲,以确保答案的正确。一步分析、推敲,以确保答案的正确。四看:一看每行或每句有无“一致性”错误二看每行或每句有无“搭配”错误三看每行或每句有无“语法、词法”错误四看每行或每句有无“逻辑意义”错误易混易错总结易混易错总结一、只在右边的横线上答题,而忽视了在左一、只在右边的横线上答题,而忽视了在左 边的短文上住上标记边的短文上住上标记二、左右边的符号不规范,甚至用文字来说明二、左右边的符号不规范,甚至用文字来说明 三三.左边短文中改动的标记过多左边短文中改动的标记过多,难以辨认正误难以辨认正误



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