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1、Reading板块板块(bn kui):教学设计:教学设计课件课件作者:唐敏芳作者:唐敏芳Unit1Advertisements第1页/共30页第一页,共31页。Unit 1 课件描述课件描述(mio sh): 本堂课是阅读课的第二课时。本堂课是阅读课的第二课时。 以操练以操练文章中的主要语言点为主,文章中的主要语言点为主, 重点重点(zhngdin)是习惯用语和固定搭配,在是习惯用语和固定搭配,在句子层面让学生当堂操练语言点,为综合句子层面让学生当堂操练语言点,为综合运用英语打下基础。运用英语打下基础。第2页/共30页第二页,共31页。Reading 2第3页/共30页第三页,共31页。La

2、nguage items第4页/共30页第四页,共31页。Revision(Fillintheblanks)Advertisements have become a part of our life. There are twomaint_ofadvertisements.Oneiscalledc_advertisements,whicharem_top_aproductors_.But they dont tell people the c _ truth. Another one iscalled PSAs, which are often placed for f_. They d_ w

3、ithmanys_problems,whichoftenaffectpublicw_.romoteompletereeealelfareerviceypesommercialeantocial第5页/共30页第五页,共31页。Language focusbe used to do research on play tricks on share with encourage sb. to do sth. believe in lie for free protect from be aware of fall for 第6页/共30页第六页,共31页。1.Wearesousedtothembe


5、ocontrolA第7页/共30页第七页,共31页。2.Ididsomeresearchontosharewithyou.research:1)我正在做关于广告的研究。2)V.tostudy商人(shngrn)研究市场很重要。I am conducting research on advertisements.Its important for a businessman to research the market.第8页/共30页第八页,共31页。sharewith:usesth.togetherwithe.g.Idliketosharemyb

6、ookwithyou.PracticeShe_mytroublesaswellasmyjoys.A.shareswithB.shares(in)B第9页/共30页第九页,共31页。3.ortobelieveinanideabelievein:tohavefirmfaithinManypeopledontbelieveinGod.Practice:believe/believeinIdont_ghosts.I_thatstoriesofghostsweremadeupbyhumanbeings.believe inbelieve 第10页/共30页第十页,共31页。4.PSAsarerunfor

7、freeforfree:freeofcharge/withoutpaymentYoucantaketheticketforfree.每个孩子都会得到(ddo)一本免费的书。Every child will get a book for free.第11页/共30页第十一页,共31页。5.TherearelawstoprotectpeoplefromProtectfromkeepsb./sth.safefromWeshouldprotecttheearthfrompollution.人们通常(tngchng)戴太阳镜以妨眼睛被太阳灼伤。Moresimilarphrases:People usua

8、lly wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from being burned by the sunlight.protect/prevent (from) stop/keep from 第12页/共30页第十二页,共31页。6.westillmustbeawareoftheskilfulmethodsbeawareof:realizingsth.thatexistsAreyouawareoftheimportanceoflearningaforeignlanguage?你知道是什么时候(shhou)了么?beawarethat:havingknowle

9、dgeofsth./sb.Shebecameawarethatsomethingwasburning.我很清楚吸烟有害健康。Are you aware of the time?Im well aware that smoking is bad for our health.第13页/共30页第十三页,共31页。7.Evenifanaddoesnotlielie:lied(pt,pp),lying(presp)vt.说谎(shuhung)tosb.aboutsth.Shewaslying!Sheliedtomeaboutherage!lie:lay(pt)lain(pp)lying(presp)

10、vi.平躺Hehaslaininbedsincethismorning.lay:laid(pt,pp)laying(presp)vt.放置Helaidhishandonmyshoulder.Practice He _ the book on the desk and told me that he had _in bed for the whole morning. But I knew that he was _ to me.laidlainlying第14页/共30页第十四页,共31页。8.Wemustnotfallforthiskindfallforsth.:tobetrickedYou

11、shouldbecleverenoughnottofailforhistricks.他说他是学生(xusheng),我信以为真。fallforsb.:beattractedtosb.Theymet,fellforeachotherandgotmarriedsixweekslater.He said that he was a student and I fell for it.第15页/共30页第十五页,共31页。Morephrasesaboutfallfalldown: The plan fell down because it proved to be too

12、fall into sth:You can not fall into the bad habitsmoking a lot.develop sth.fall off:The production has fallen off since last month.decreasefall to doing sth:They fell to thinking about what had happened to them.begin to do sth.第16页/共30页第十六页,共31页。9.Notalladsplaytricksonusthough.playtrickson:playajoke

13、onChildren,aswellasadults,usuallyplaytricksoneachotheronHalloween.老师要求我们不要(byo)再捉弄对方了。The teacher asked us not to play tricks on each other any more.trick: v. trick sb. into doing sth.She tricked him into giving her all his money.第17页/共30页第十七页,共31页。10.TherearealsoPSAsthatencouragepeopletosupportenco

14、uragesb.todosth.Dontencouragebadhabitsinachild.老师(losh)鼓励她看英文电影。The teacher encouraged her to watch English films.第18页/共30页第十八页,共31页。Consolidation:1. You should _ your books_ your desk-mate.2. I _ getting up early in the morning.3. I will never _ the words of door-to-door salesman.sharewitham used t

15、ofall forbe used to do research on play tricks onshare with encourage believe in liefor free protect from intend tobe aware of connect with fall for 第19页/共30页第十九页,共31页。4.Inever_God.5.She_thedangeraroundher.6.Youwillgetabook_.7.Theteacheraskedusto_environmentprotection.8.Thespecialclotheswill_you_bei

16、 used to do research on play tricks onshare with encourage believe in liefor free protect frombe aware of fall for believe in is aware offor freedo research onprotectfrom第20页/共30页第二十页,共31页。9. You are actually _ her laziness if you do everything for her.10. She _ to us about

17、 what she did just now.11. Dont _ me! I am angry!be used to do research on play tricks onshare with encourage believe in liefor free protect frombe aware of fall for encouragingliedplay tricks on第21页/共30页第二十一页,共31页。 Consolidation1.We _ them that we often do not even realize how frequently we come ac

18、ross ads in a day.2. After I _ on advertisements, I have some very important information to _ you.3. Ads use persuasive language and exciting images to _ buy a product or service.4. Commercial ads are charged while PSAs are _.5. However, we must _ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell u

19、s things.6. Not all ads _ on us though.7. Thank you for offering me such useful advice and I_ it.8. Many advertiser try to _ buying a product or a service.are so used to do some research share with encourage people to for freebe aware of play tricks on am quite satisfied with trick customers into 第2

20、2页/共30页第二十二页,共31页。Homework:1.FinishA1andA2onPage90.2.Writeashortpassagewiththephraseswelearntinthislesson.第23页/共30页第二十三页,共31页。谢谢(xi xie)大家观赏!第30页/共30页第三十页,共31页。内容(nirng)总结Reading。Practice: believe/believe in。Practice: believe/believe in。lie: lied(pt,pp),lying(pres p) vt.说谎。fall into sth:。fall into sth:。谢谢(xi xie)大家观赏第三十一页,共31页。



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