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1、Training and DevelopmentChapter 8Define training and developmentExplain the relationship that exists between organization change and T&DDescribe the T&D processDescribe the various T&D methodsDefine orientation and identify its purposes.Define organization development (OD) and describe various OD te

2、chniques.CHAPTER OBJECTIVESdefinitionTraining Activities designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs.Employee TrainingIt is a response to an identified need for employee performance improvement.Targets performance improvement by changing employee KSAs.Spe

3、cific training goals should be based on:organizations needstype of work to be doneskills necessary to complete the workIndicators of need for more training:drops in productivityincreased rejectsinadequate job performancerise in the number of accidentsDetermining Training NeedsdefinitionDevelopmentLe

4、arning that goes beyond todays job and has a more long-term focus.Employee DevelopmentIt prepares employees to keep pace with the organization as it changes and grows.This future-oriented set of activities is predominantly an educational process. All employees, regardless of level, can benefit from

5、the methods previously used to develop managerial personnel. Distinguish between training and developmenttrainingdevelopmentUsually target specific KSAs.General learning opportunityObjective: improved job performanceObjective: employee flexibility and retentionJob focusedCareer & employee focusedSho

6、rt term focuscurrent job needs.Long term focusfuture organization needs.The relationship between organization change and T&DThe primary challenge of T&D is to anticipate change and to respond proactively to it.Change affects every human being. As change agents, managers and staff specialists involve

7、d with T&D must understand the difficulties associated with change and the ways to gain acceptance to change.The most prominent changes affecting T&D that were predicted and are actually occurring today include the following:Changes in organization structure caused by mergers, acquisitions, rapid gr

8、owth, downsizing, and outsourcing.Changes in technology and the need for more highly skilled workers.Changes in the educational level of employees; some more highly educated, others needing remedial training.Changes in human resources creating a diverse workforce consisting of many groups.Competitiv

9、e pressures necessitating flexible course and just-in-time and just-whats-needed training.Increased emphasis on learning organizations and human performance management.The relationship between organization change and T&DThe training and development processExternal environmentinternal environmentDete

10、rmine T&D needsEstablish specific objectivesSelect T&D methodsimplement T&D programsEvaluate T&D programsThe training and development processDetermining training and development needs:Training and development needs may be determined by conducting analyses on several levels:Organizational analysis: f

11、rom an overall organizational perspective, the firms strategic mission, goals, and corporate plans are studied, along with the results of human resource planning.Task analysis: the tasks required to achieve the firms purposes. Job descriptions are important data sources for this analysis level.Perso

12、n analysis: the relevant questions are: “who needs to be trained?” and “what kind of KSAs do employees need?” performance appraisals and interviews or surveys of supervisors and job incumbents are helpful at this level.Establishing training and development objectivesPurpose. ( to provide the supervi

13、sor with)Knowledge and value of consistent human resource practices.The intent of EEO legal requirementsThe skills to apply them.Objectives. ( to be able to)Cite the supervisory areas affected by employment laws on discriminationIdentify acceptable and unacceptable actionsState how to get help on eq

14、ual employment opportunity mattersDescribe why we have discipline and grievance proceduresDescribe our discipline and grievance procedures, including who is covered.The training and development processTraining and development methodsClassroom programsOne advantage of classroom programs is that the i

15、nstructor may convey a great deal of information in a relatively short time.The effectiveness of classroom programs improves when groups are small enough to permit discussion, and when the instructor is able to capture the imagination of the class and utilize multimedia in an appropriate manner.The

16、training and development processTraining and development methodsMentoring and coachingMentoringan approach to advising , coaching , and nurturing, for creating a practical relationship to enhance individual career, personal, and professional growth and development.Coachingoften considered a responsi

17、bility of the immediate boss and provides assistance much the same as a mentor.The training and development processThe training and development processTraining and development methodsCase study a training method in which trainees are expected to study the information provided in the case and make de

18、cisions based on it. videotapesBehavior modeling, long a successful training technique provides an illustration of the use of videotapes.Behavior modelinga training method that utilizes videotapes to illustrate effective interpersonal skills and the ways managers function in various situations.The t

19、raining and development processTraining and development methodsRole playing a training method in which participants are required to respond to specific problems they may actually encounter in their jobs.Role playing is often used to teach such skills as interviewing , grievance handling , conducting

20、 performance appraisal reviews, team problem solving, effective communication, and leadership style analysis.Training and development methods apprenticeship trainingA combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.Such training is common with craft jobs, such as those of plumber, barbe

21、r, carpenter, machinist, and printer.While in training, the employee earns less than the master craftsperson who is the instructor.Apprenticeship programs last from two to five years , with four years being the average length.The training and development processThe training and development processTr

22、aining and development methods vestibule trainingTraining that takes place away from the production area on equipment that closely resembles the actual equipment used on the job.The advantage of vestibule training is that it removes the employee from the pressure of having to produce while learning.

23、The emphasis is focused on learning the skills required by the job.The training and development processTraining and development methods simulationsA training approach that utilizes devices or programs replicating tasks away from the job site.Simulations also serve to train managers.Training and deve

24、lopment specialists may use simulated sales counters, automobiles, and airplanes.The training and development processTraining and development methods business gamesSimulations, computer-based or non-computer-based, that attempt to duplicate selected factors in particular business situation, which th

25、e participants manipulate.Participants make decisions affecting price level, production volumes and inventory levels.The best thing about this type of learning is that if a poor decision costs the company $1 million, no one gets the axe, yet the business lesson is learned.The training and developmen

26、t processTraining and development methods E-learningAn umbrella term describing online instruction.An overwhelming advantage of using Web-based training is that is available anytime, anywhere in the world, and in different languages.The training and development processTraining and development method

27、s on-the-job training (OJT)An informal approach to training in which an employee learns job tasks by actually performing them.It is the most commonly used approach to T&D and in todays fast-paced environment.The key to this training is to transfer knowledge from a highly skilled and experienced work

28、er to a new employee.The training and development processTraining and development methods on-the-job training (OJT)Job rotationa form of OJT where employees move from one job to another to broaden their experience.Rotational training programs help new employees understand a variety of jobs and their

29、 interrelationships.Evaluating training and developmentParticipants opinionsprovides a response and suggestions for improvements.Extent of learningsome organizations administer tests to determine what the participants in a T&D program have learned.Behavioral changeAccomplishment of T&D objectivesdet

30、ermining the extent to which programs have achieved stated objectives and have actually impacted performance.The training and development processdefinitionOrientationThe initial T&D effort for new employees that strives to inform them about the company, the job, and the workgroup.The Purpose of New-

31、Employee OrientationThe employment situationCompany policies and rulesCompensation and benefitsCorporate cultureTeam membershipEmployee developmentDealing with changesocializationTo be continued in the next slidedefinitioncareerA general course that a person chooses to pursue throughout his or her w

32、orking life.Career planningAn ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them.definitionCareer planningAn ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them.Organizational career planningThe planned succes

33、sion of jobs worked out by a firm to develop its employees.Traditionally, career development referred to programs offered by organizations to help employees advance within the organization.Today, each individual must take responsibility for his or her career. Organizations now focus on matching the

34、career needs of employees with the requirements of the organization. While many organizations still invest in their employees, they dont offer career security and they cant meet the needs of everyone in a diverse workforce.definitionOrganization development (OD)The planned process of improving an or

35、ganization by developing its structures, systems, and processes to improve effectiveness and achieve desired goals.Survey feedbackA process of collecting data from an organizational unit through the use of questionnaires, interviews, and objective data from other sources such as records of productiv

36、ity, turnover, and absenteeism.Survey feedback generally involves the following steps:Members of the organization, including top management, are involved in planning the survey.All members of the organizational unit participate in the survey.The OD consultant usually analyzes the data, tabulates res

37、ults, suggests approaches to diagnosis, and trains participants in the feedback process.Data feedback usually begins at the top level of the organization and flows downward to groups reporting at successively lower levels.Feedback meetings provide an opportunity to discuss and interpret data, diagno

38、se problem areas, and develop action plans.OD techniquesOD techniquesTeam buildingA conscious effort to develop effective workgroups and cooperative skills throughout the organization.Quality circlesGroups of employees who voluntarily meet regularly with their supervisors to discuss problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions, and take corrective action when authorized to do so.OD techniquesSensitivity trainingAn organization development technique that is designed to help individuals learn how others perceive their behavior (also know as t-group training).



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